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51631519 No.51631519 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 530am
>I go to work
>I come home
>i waste time on computer
>get nothing done despite planning too
>go to bed around 1am
i am a broken man.

>> No.51631944


no, you're just low IQ

>> No.51631964

Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps kiddo

>> No.51631969

im waiting to die

>> No.51631974

Nigger you need to get some sleep

That would help alot

>> No.51631989 [DELETED] 

just new urself :-)

>> No.51632002

You might have ADHD dude

Planning and never going through with it is like a tell tale sign of ADHD

>> No.51632009

just bee urself :-)

>> No.51632013
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>wake up at 630am
>go to gym
>work from home at 9am
>finish work at 5pm
>eat dinner
>watch jewtube for 1 hour
>begin drinking and browsing 4channel
>pass out by 10pm

>> No.51632017
File: 15 KB, 236x266, e47f3e34b990e1aebc1260a955b2ce4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally my life
Except I talk to e girls on the internet and watch anime and play Vidya with them, I feel like I'm wasting my life ,but at least I'm chilling

>> No.51632029

Kek literally just this. Get some sleep idiot gee maybe you won’t feel so “broken.”

>> No.51632114
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>> No.51632116


At least your not stress from work anon.

>> No.51632192

I would be if I cared, I just arrive late and do w.e I want, don't care if I get fired my mental health is worth more than a paycheck I sound niggerish but dude, they have a point, stressing a job and having such a short life isn't the way to go my man. In the end we all have different priorities though

>> No.51632257

What jobs you all work?

>> No.51632282
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WFH soft dev.i m WFO and do nothing. put camera for stand up and they asume you work since you are in office. I spend days on 4chan and trading on my phone

>> No.51632323

Work in the tech field aswell, except I go to the office

>> No.51632352

sounds comfy

>> No.51632371

not sleeping well is a side-effect of being medicated for adhd

>> No.51632376
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>> No.51632637

Look 'em straight in the eye and a firm handshake is all you need. That's how I started my career at Ford back in '73, yessir. They don't make pensions like they used to, hehehe, but I'm sure you kids will manage if you work hard.

Sent from my iphone.

>> No.51632693

stop browsing when u first get home, go exercise like running at the park for a 0.5-1 hour. Maybe on your way home from work depending on the commute

>> No.51632868
File: 38 KB, 650x480, 9a9dc8c0fd7908dc91acffb3c0718bfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 28
>wake up at 7am, alone in bed at my parents house
>shower, grab something quick for breakfast
>drive to work for half an hour
>arrive at 8am
>wagecuck for 4 hours
>sit around for a 1 hour lunch in which I have nothing to do
>wagecuck for 4 hours
>drive to home for half an hour
>cook supper
>eat at 7pm
>pack lunch for tomorrow and clean up
>drive to the gym at 9pm
>go to the gym for an hour completely alone
>drive home
>sit on 4chan or watch stupid tv shows on my laptop for 2 hours
>on weekends just sleep 14 hours, spend 6 hours on my laptop and a little bit of gym and clean up
>have no friends, no girlfriend, only contact with people is work and my parents, no hobbies other than gym and autistically collecting 90s toys
>having a hard time now functioning because I have random disassociative moments in which I make mistakes at work and have trouble concentrating

>> No.51632881

All this because you're too pussy to sleep outside and loiter at planet fitness and the library.


>> No.51632916


wakeup at 9am
log in and send some messages, read e-mails
take a nap in between meetings at 11:30-12:30pm
wake up make some slides, prepare for afternoon meetings
work and meetings 12:30-4:30pm
log off at 4:30pm
take another nap 4:30-6:30
go for a run, maybe go to the gym
play video games or go to dinner
collect 225k a year as a consultant working from home

life is suffering

>> No.51633019

I'm living the same exact life except I'm 21 and my shift is 5pm to 3am. When do are real lives begin?

>> No.51633095
File: 34 KB, 584x512, 6d1ae07bd3d507c9f0f343473cab4b40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One night, a wild young cowboy came in
Wild as the West Texas wind
Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing
With wicked Feleena, the girl that I love

So in anger, I challenged his right for the love of this maiden
Down went his hand for the gun that he wore
My challenge was answered in less than a heartbeat
The handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor