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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51630574 No.51630574 [Reply] [Original]

Ummm... Britbros?

>> No.51630609


Nothing ever happens anon. wake me up when the housing market crashes super hard and the they say great depression in the media.

>> No.51630636

Deva rugged?
Poomp eet

>> No.51630752
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Make it stop. Please I beg you god please make it stop. Inflation is bad enough. Please I need more time to convert my fiat in to goods.

>> No.51630841
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>> No.51630851

What should i do? I have £5000 in the bank, what should i do?

>> No.51630886



>> No.51630901

Can someone explain the implications of this?

>> No.51630909

Just raise interest rates like Jerome is doing in the US, ffs

>> No.51630923

The implication is that we all perish because we have no food

>> No.51630925

Brits becoming poorer by the minute

>> No.51630932
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i'd say gold but it's too late.

>> No.51630959

18% on mortgage irefi ncoming

>> No.51630961

dollar milkshake.
banks dumping bonds, no confidence in UK gilts, buying up dollars, probably a shit load of shorting as well.

>> No.51630964

Who cares about some shitcoin rugging.

>> No.51630973


>> No.51630984
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>> No.51630989
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as if i didn't fucking feel poor enough already, shitty run down houses with 50sq meters cost 400k, rent is up 200% since last year, energy is like 300 quid a month for a single person, a fucking drying rack is 40 quid
and now this shit

>> No.51631008

So usd cash gang isn't so retarded after all...

>> No.51631032

bros we fucked up we didn’t rest on shemitah

>> No.51631045

the dollar milkshake isn't good for the USD in the long term

>> No.51631062

I don’t fucking get it. The USD is appreciating against everything except my country’s currency (CRC). I get paid in USD, I actually need it up.

>> No.51631113


The bank of england needs to hike rates but they can just tell the market they wont sell any gilts and the gbp will pump back to 1.15 fast.

A weak gbp only adds to inflation which is why i think they will do that

>> No.51631142
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The great reset

>> No.51631152
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You should have listened

>> No.51631158


Every other country will start putting up large export tariffs to the US to cope with it, “friendly” nations included. Thats what happens every time and its why the US devalued the dollar in the 80s

>> No.51631160

Not chainlink?

>> No.51631183

true, plus the currency will rebound a bit when those shorts expire

>> No.51631195

>The colón has had an unusual relationship with the U.S. dollar that may best be described as a "crawling peg"; instead of being defined by a constant value to the dollar, the colón instead would grow progressively weaker at a fixed rate of about 3.294 colones per dollar per month.

>> No.51631234

Hasn’t been like that for a long time now

>> No.51631257

Sell £ notes on ebay to people who collect hyperinflated currencies. It’s a surprisingly common hobby

>> No.51631297

What precisely do you think is happening? This is the Great Reset.

Sure, Dollar Milkshake winds up with the dollar dying, but every other country will die first. This is what they've planned on happening.

>> No.51631309
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Believe it or not, the Mexican peso has actually gained against the USD. Everyone else, except maybe CAD and the Swiss Franc, have been getting their ass kicked.

>> No.51631313
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>Rugpulls GBP
Why did she do it bros?

>> No.51631327

one last shit on the british people, after a lifetime of shitting on us

>> No.51631344 [DELETED] 

>prices of imported goods skyrocket
>people can not afford basic necessities which leads to social unrest
>government decides that the best way to deal with it is to pull a zimbabwe by printing more money and handing it to people so they can buy basic necessities
>this causes a spiral into hyperinflation
You’d think politicians would learn but they never do

>> No.51631372

> latino reading comprehension

>> No.51631380

how come nazis are always black haired brown eyed mutts?

>> No.51631413

I think Truss is a tryhard, because (surprise surprise) she is a woman, and unlike May, desperate to be seen as thatcher 2.0.
So she is being incredibly reckless and found a chancellor who is willing to do what she wanted.

Can it work? Maybe. It was the plan pre-covid to lower tax and attract business, or at least retain it.
However now the GBP is sinking in no confidence.

If they achieve the lofty 2.5% growth rate over the next years it will allow the debt to shrink even after all these expansions of borrowing. However i dont see how they can be confident in that.
Maybe they are intentionally murdering the GBP? Hard to say. Maybe they think it will attract foreign investment and business to set up shop. Suddenly its not only low tax in the UK but its a bargain to come set up business due to a weak GBP. However i doubt that was their plan. More likely just fools with policy error

>> No.51631415

The GReat BRitain POund has

>> No.51631438

>It's likely too late for most currency regimes — developed or otherwise — to avoid serious additional pain. At the same time, there are two of the currencies that have strengthened against the dollar in 2022: the Mexican peso (MXN=X) and the Brazilian real (BRL=X). Notably, the central banks of these two emerging market countries began raising their rates in the first half of 2021 — long before their peers.

>> No.51631449

Nazism would honestly be better received if it werent for the Aryan thing cringe

>> No.51631474
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I hope standing with Ukraine and pushing ESG was worth it, you sanctimonious eurofaggots.

>> No.51631485

Yep chainlink is the one it seems. Think also they just happen to be having huge event this week with speakers from swift and other big players plus eric schmidt. They are in bed with wef and from what I see chainlink is all about unending the whole system so yeah timing seems big coincidence. Big rabbit hole with them ...and even Klaus Schwab name drops them (smartcontracts.com) in his 4th industrial revolution book in 2016. All sounds very great reset

>> No.51631490


>> No.51631601

Everyone with half a brain is holding USD since early 2022

>> No.51631625
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Do a Google search of chainlink + wef or chainlink + swift and see just how this crypto is not your average shitcoin

>> No.51631632

brexit means brexit

>> No.51631638

Have you ever considered that if the WEF wins your crypto gains won't mean anything? Definitionally any timeline in which LINK does a 100X from here is one in which we are all slaves in an Amazon Warehouse and live in pods.

>> No.51631658

So yeah dudes maybe check out this chainlink thing as I've heard its real under the radar shit. Only catch is the top dude is some obese russian dude who never changes his clothes

>> No.51631662

The fact that you can realistically compare the British Pound, the 5th largest currency in the world, to a shitcoin is frightening

>> No.51631696

Dude look around we are literally living in hell already..its long over just enjoy the ride down

>> No.51632783

She looks so lovely. Like a cute dog.

>> No.51632831

that's because celtic/nordic populations are made to be enslaved. all the empires are made by meds

>> No.51632893

zoom out

>> No.51632904

>the lowest ever recorded
technically it is the lowest in 37 years

>> No.51633336

The Japanese tried to smother the flames a few days ago and the USD is already touching 144. Euro is 96 US, and GBP is 1.05. Even CAD is at all time highs against the Euro GBP.

>> No.51633402

Nazi = Ashkenazi
Nazi =/= NSDAP. This lie was a post-war coverup for the zionist control of the turd reich.
>Why do jews typically look jewish? Well you have your answer right there m8

>> No.51633572

That explains why the UN military is in London

>> No.51633774

If you like fish wrapped in old newspaper soaked in vinegar, then you can have a cheap vacation while you get drunk at a soccer game.

>> No.51633778

Everything is now half off in England.
Hookers, fish and chips, hookers, hotels, the beatles.
It’s a good time to vacation there now that they have a 3rd world economy.

>> No.51633805

the same way mutts always talk about their european heritage but are actually nigger infested halfbreeds

>> No.51633839

> Look I’m just like thatcher!!!
> *cuts tax for massively wealthy, prevents increasing of corporation tax and offers to pay everyone’s energy bills all by accruing even more debt than your predecessor who printed 600bn to shut the country down to combat the flu*
> pound plummets

Honestly, women shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near positions of power

>> No.51633867

The fed was saying it would wait until something breaks. Well the currency market is completely fucked and the US is exporting massive amounts of inflation to the world.

>> No.51633889

"something breaking" is 10% inflation
enjoy the ride to 5%+ ffr nigger

>> No.51633917

The strong dollar has actually saved America from higher inflation, but at what price? We will soon see. JPow should be thrown in jail for fucking up this bad.

>> No.51633921

The CAD is still stupid strong what the fuck. I thought the leafs were going down faster than the turks

>> No.51633923

cope bulloid/euronigger
the US economy will slurp your entire countries up
get into USD assets while ur currencies are still worth more than toilet paper

>> No.51633943

Calm down, Sanchez, I'm financially fine.
However, throwing the entire world off the cliff is how wars start.

>> No.51633951

u still have a chance to buy usd while you can
ur euronigger currencies are going to be worthless because of your central bank policies pretty soon

>> No.51633955
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It was inevitable.

>> No.51633957

Ngl I can see euros sperging out and pulling an operation Iraqi freedom 2.0 on Russian soil in order to get more resources.

They're absolutely fucked. There isn't a way out of this one for them unless they start seizing land and resources. They sat on their dicks too long and didn't jack up rates

>> No.51633987
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>> No.51634004

Interesting serial numbers on these bucks
Thank you

>> No.51634128

uk housing is absolutely getting crushed if you denominate in usd

>> No.51634174

>that image

>> No.51635588

it means king charles is going to mass deport all non whites to save the pound

>> No.51635600
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Well we don't and people are still buying.

>> No.51635606

My mortgage goes from a 2% fixed rate to variable in 2025. How fucked am I in 2.5 years bros

>> No.51635621

If you have a Coinbase account, transfer the money to it and buy a dollar stable coin, like USDC or (possibly) DAI. But you should've done this at least 2-3 years ago mate.

>> No.51635776

>EU sanctions russia
>euro crashes from to USD parity
>bongs sanction russia
>pound crashes to USD parity
>meanwhile russia announces record state budget surplus and highest ever recorded energy profits


>> No.51635819

>based comment
>based digits

>> No.51635829

CIA shill calling you vatnigger in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.51635849

We're about to find out what "stopping Russia at any cost" actually costs.

>> No.51635869

Russian economy is in the gutter you retard, while China and India enjoy their 40% discounts on coal and gas imports. Enjoy the empty food shelves

>> No.51635923

imagine being an average Russian lad being send to die in the Ukraine for absolutely nothing. At least the budget surplus is up!

>> No.51635934

>we don't need the EU
>hello EU please send cheap gas haha thxxxx

>> No.51635950
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Russia isn't the EU

If things get bad enough we'll just rug ukraine and leave you to deal with your own mess

>> No.51636013
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>job pays shit and is shit
The free market means you should just find a better one
>shit job can't find people
We need the government to step in and fix this

Why don't young people support """capitalism"""?

>> No.51636118

UK Bros.... Is it insane to buy a house right now?

>> No.51636207

>thinks the russian economy is doing good
Jesus christ. Not even russian trolls say that shit

>> No.51636245
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Britbros, what the fuck do I do?
All in on a USD stablecoin?

I only earn an average wage.
I DCA a small amount into crpyto and save what I can.
I cannot afford a house.

>> No.51636458
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>> No.51636596

£50 greggs soig rowl

>> No.51636908

This would all literally solve itself if UK legalised cannabis and coffee shops like Amsterdam

They are way too stubborn and stupid to do that though. Lmao

>> No.51636928

Tbh that's a one time purchase. Hence why it's expensive

>> No.51636983

They should legalize coke and get cocaine tourism.

>> No.51637020

Meds. Take them.

>> No.51637049

If you didn't spend your life on the internet looking at doomer fuel you wouldn't even notice any difference in the world lmao

>> No.51637101

9 out of 10 people on the street have no idea what a Chainlink is, and you believe those holding now will be in the same situation? nope the holders win and are the new class in the great reset

>> No.51637140

Conservative voters thinking their hand me down weak leadership party won’t fuck over the UK economy for their own personal and individual interests. These dumb trickle-down semen-slurping fuckwits are about to feel the cost of a greed-meets-incompetence crisis. Mortgage defaults incoming. Banks needing bailed out, again. UK is done.

>> No.51637208

>leftoids sell out the whole world to globohomo for 20 years
>"why did conservatards do this to us"
i will never understand how can anyone interested in money fall for political theater
both "sides" ultimately screw you over. your only interest as a rational person should be to vote towards a balance of power
this is literally capitalism 101. competition is only productive for society if you can reach a state of rough equilibrium where no overwhelming monopoly exist

>> No.51637344


Is pic related even gonna work? To hear tell of it the UK can't even reach their current quotas let alone an increased quota.

>> No.51637355

1.03 in what? Australian dollars?

>> No.51637363

wrecked (and checked)

>> No.51637364

New Labour may have been incompetent, but they were never outright malevolent like this.

>> No.51637382

isn't poland broke and always getting checks from germany?
where do they find the money to send to ukraine?

>> No.51637425

He literally wanted a mega fashy EU.

>> No.51637442

Thanks for the info FSB.

>> No.51637489

Germoney makes more money off Poland than it gives Poland. Also all of Europe sells its weapons via Poland as intermediaery, so they can safe face in front of their pacifist cuck voters.

>> No.51637856

so basically poland is europe's bitch that will take the blame when things turn sour

>> No.51638203

WEF is ted talk for billionaires and politicans. Every single one showed up at some point to hawk their agenda. Stop overstating the relevance of it.

>> No.51638307

>except maybe CAD and the Swiss Franc
and the ruble

>> No.51638748

>whiteoid cuck failed correction

>> No.51638790

If Atkinson's are sold out that leaves the normies to buy high premium from cash4gold sites lol

>> No.51640550

I think you should start killing police and politicians at this point

>> No.51640674

ummm sweetey that's russian/chinese propaganda, democracies will have to show solidarity with each other ;)

>> No.51641630

"military aid" seems like the value of military equipment given to ukraine, not cash

>> No.51641738

I have £20k in a HSBC savings account, how the fuck do change this for USD? Is this something I do with my bank, or do I have to open an account elsewhere?? Yes I’m totally new to this.

>> No.51641927


Talk to your bank. What they'll probably do is ask you to open a dollar checking account and you will then have to pay some fee to convert GBP to USD, which will then be deposited in that dollar account. As for the fees involved, that depends on the bank.

>> No.51643934

Start a Coinmetro account. It's the safest, most reliable gateway into crypto with GBP. Don't put all your money into crypto. You can DYOR and look at listings on Coinmetro (THT, KDA, XCM are worth looking into). There's also a stable coin, USDC, which is backed and pegged to the dollar. Really the time to do this was three months ago though, but it's still a safe option. Finally, you can just buy BTC with GBP then immediately sell for USD.

>> No.51644105

It's a lobbying organization for the 1000 largest corporations in the world, and they are open about it. They invite state leaders because they want to influence them

>> No.51644147

>Nothing ever happens
I'd call this a level 2 happenening out of 5.

>> No.51644280

>British hookers
yikes hopefully they're all Polish

>> No.51644395

hello? where are the slurpers??

>> No.51644631
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>bought a 1oz gold brit last week before all this currency fuckery started
feels good man