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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 720x755, 142904.8890288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51623023 No.51623023 [Reply] [Original]

I know you guys here are (mostly) the exception, but how fucked are regular normies, poorfags, and Zoomers/Gen Alpha over the next several decades?

>> No.51623198

HOA might actually be the savings grace. There are a few that are limiting rentals and short term rentals (AirBnBs).

>> No.51623285

time is the most valuable resource, those who are 30-50 are the ones who are fucked

>> No.51623314

Dirty thirty here. Why would I be fucked?

>> No.51623481

>your parents in their 20s
>owned gold

>> No.51623502

I'm 28, but I already feel I'm in that new Lost Generation cohort for most Millennials.

>> No.51623515

cup ramen is 30 cents
you zoomers are retarded thinking you have to eat out every night

>> No.51624004

oh trust me they buy brand clothes and eat out every night and wonder why they are broke, don't forget all the subscriptions they have.

>> No.51624253
File: 277 KB, 1200x800, Ozzy-Osbourne-Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, late 20s autistic neet
>spent all my neetbux on beer
>empty fridge
>really hungry
>go to take out loan for a couple hundred bucks
>sorry sir we can only loan you fifteen bucks
>literally can't make this shit up
>say fine and take the loan
>spend all of it on little caesars
>literally no money now

>> No.51624269

if you think of ramen as actual food you are never, EVER going to make it.

>> No.51624352
File: 154 KB, 1200x630, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend pays $10-15 for absolute garbage fastfood or $40-60 to eat in a restaurant and saying I am eating absolute garbage when i decide to have some Japanese noodles at home for $0.60. she's always fucking broke working 60 hours per week and i am doing fine without a job

>> No.51624374

You will live in the pod.
You will eat the bugs.
You will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.51624399

>30's are fucked
not thirty but this is highly inaccurate

>> No.51624403

how much money do you have if you dont mind me asking

>> No.51624440

God I haven't have a burger like that in forever, makes me hungry.

>> No.51624441

Cup ramen is 79¢ at my grocery now, and I'm in a pretty cheap place in the mid-west.

>> No.51624478
File: 298 KB, 540x543, fire2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about ~$900K

>> No.51624509

how would someone lean fire on 250k? unless you are already 60 it seems unsustainable. isnt the point of fire to stop working before you are old?

>> No.51624516
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I'm off of red meat but that burger looks mighty tasty, ngl. But yeah homemade food is cheaper and better for you.

>> No.51624604

You're better off buying flour, rice, or pasta.

>> No.51624667

You're only fucked at thirty if you're a manchild who spent his 20s "figuring out what I want to do" and "waiting for my life to begin" . If you put in effort in your 20s you should be comfy at 30.

>> No.51624683


they're exactly as fucked as they deserve to be for taking COVID seriously, endorsing vaccine mandates, and generally taking away the rights of their fellow citizens who saw through the scam

now they get to deal with the repercussions of printing trillions of dollars to fight the common cold, and now the rapid increases in interest rates needed to bring that TOTALLY UNEXPECTED inflation under control

fuck those goy cattle slaves, I hope things get exponentially worse for them.

>> No.51624764
File: 61 KB, 780x780, wagiecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these FIRE calculators were done a few years ago when everything was much cheaper and stocks kept going up. $250K is going to be ver hard unless you have a paid off house/townhouse in a low cost of living area and you are cooking cheap meals, don't need a car, etc. an emergency can fuck up that plan. but there are people that spend less than a thousand a month still. you just have to be disciplined, cut costs, be creative, maybe roomates and/or do seasonal work. also you can now get treasuries at 4% and may reach up to 6%. you just have to hate working enough to do this.

>> No.51624792

Learning to cook is the biggest money saver and average person can do. Hell, even buying a whole rotisserie chicken is cheap, and it’s ready to eat. Pair it with some greens and bread and you have yourself a good meal that’s far better than spending hundreds of dollars on fast food every month.

>> No.51624810


A million is about the minimum not to work. You will live close to poverty though. $1,200,000 is a literal safer because it let's you buy a trailer in the woods, so you eliminate rent.

>> No.51624915

double double animal style?

>> No.51625231

>I'm off of red meat


>> No.51625290
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Funny Sam video but the truth is my cholesterol went from 260 to 130 in about 8 weeks after cutting red meat and dairy from my diet. I still eat a lot of chicken and fish. Older people like me need to take precautionary measures to stay alive for longer.

>> No.51625552

They can't afford rent that's more expensive than a mortgage.
They can't get approved for a mortgage because their credit is shit so they're stuck in rent that keeps going up.
They have no real skills because they got meme degrees
Mountains of debt.

>> No.51625741
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How can Americans be this bad with money? I really don't get it, you get food stamps, rent controls, cheap gasoline and electricity, a warehouse job gives like 40k+ a year from moving boxes. Engineers in Europe make 40k a year.

How can you even be poor in the US?

>> No.51625756

entitlement, consumerism, and very poor decision making skills.

>> No.51626159
File: 111 KB, 770x539, fire5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> spend more than you earn
> listen, there is no point being cheap, you can't take it with you
> i work hard, i deserve nice things
> i am not eating at home, we ate at home last night
> i can't wait until the new iphone comes out
> i can't wait to get a new car, my car is so basic
> oh, i need those shoes
> it's been almost two weeks, girl i need to get my nails done
> i don't know where my money goes (category=other)

>> No.51626213
File: 77 KB, 675x601, F6E9A82E-2442-4AB5-A8FD-8FA0748CF98D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STOP eating avocado toast!
>QUIT drinking double frappucinos!
>SAVE your money!
>PULL yourselves up by your bootstraps the way we did!
I swear to God kids these days

>> No.51626334

I find it funny there's one group of people that say savings grew strong since covid and need to be bled dry to get inflation down, and another that says you need to save more.

>> No.51626335

If you have your residence paid for and you are on solar, well water, and septic, you don't think you could live for $27 per day?

>> No.51626340

i think you definitely could i guess i just wasn't thinking of that its exceedingly rare to have those things

>> No.51626407

What is this mysterious other expense that the millennials and zoomers are spending money on.

>> No.51626476

You realize that both groups are just lying right? Neither group is "well-meaning but wrong". Anyone that is on financial television is trying to manipulate, without exception.

>> No.51626543

Rent is insane in any kind of area that isn't a shitty rural buttfuck nowhere place

>> No.51626563

My property taxes alone cost more than $27/day.

>> No.51626610

For someone doing FIRE those things are basically prerequisites.

>> No.51626771

this, esp w/ inflation
earning 4% / year while inflation is running above is guaranteed financial failure. The only solution is complete self reliance

>> No.51626796

Remember folks, saving money as "the" way is the Jewish brainwash of the century.

> Good goy, save every nickel, become extremely conservative fiscally and continue waging until you're 70 by the time compound interest and real estate increases to make you wealthy! This is of course after decades of waging fees you've paid out to the government......

The "only" way to make it is to out earn your competition. Simple as. Saving is pointless in 202x. This isn't 1955. Exponential growth is all around you. Whether investing/producing/etc. Naval has a 3 hour podcast called how to get rich without getting lucky. Every INTJ/ENTJ needs to listen to this every 2 months.


Instead just don't earn as much but keep expenses close to nothing as a result while struggling and maneuvering through this capitalistic society.

No other time in the history of man could anyone of any class make millions of dollars this quickly (5-10 years). You would be a fucking fool to still be playing the boomer game of wage until 70 while saving every penny and buy some property at 36 and just cruise to retirement at 64 when you could just spend your entire 20s-30s living dirt poor building your own business and retire by 42.

>> No.51626880

Young people today who aren't obese out of shape fucks will live to 80, 90 +. Even if you fucked up your 20, maybe even your 30s, you still have time

>> No.51626908

The next Adolf Hitler will be an American zoomer radicalized by his generation's complete inability to afford a stake in society. He is probably five to ten years old right now.

>> No.51627025

>cup ramen is 30 cents
Its also packed with sodium & is terrible for you.

>> No.51627130

Browsing biz usually makes me feel like a failure but this makes me feel better about myself. I have a meme degree but no debt, good credit, some investments, and enough savings to last me a couple yrs.
I knew a guy at my old job who would gamble his entire meagre paycheck.

>> No.51627139

I live in a co-op in Tribeca and pay ~$22 per day in RETax so you must live in an expensive house in NJ or Westchester to pay more than $27 per day in RETax.

>> No.51627169
File: 118 KB, 462x265, 132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your (you)

>> No.51627173

Most businesses fail within the first 3 years. I gotta admit, as business owner, most people can't cut it. Like you said you gotta live dirt poor. I didn't take a paycheck for the first 4 years I started my company so I could put everything back in it. Hell I even lived with my parents from 29 to 33. Its paying off now but I wouldn't suggest anyone close to 40 doing it because if they fail then they will sure as fuck be waging until 65 just to recover.

>> No.51627213

Umm, hello, based department?

>> No.51627290

Insanity I can't imagine spending $100 a day.
Reverse calculating from my total yrly expenses, in the past I spent $33/day. 90% of which was rent, utilities, & groceries.

>> No.51627336

You can get food stamps in the US

>> No.51627430

those fries don't look in'n'out, def sus breh, fr fr no cap

>> No.51627433

No study has ever proven that elevated serum cholesterol causes heart attacks. The Minnesota and Melbourne studies proved that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats actually increased all-cause mortality. For this reason they were ignored. You should look into those studies. Stay healthy!

>> No.51627551

What do you do when every single customer wants to haggle or some of them straight up can't pay?

>> No.51627576

Based, fuck PUFAs, avocados are literal poison

>> No.51627631

Chrystia Freeland looking good these days.

>> No.51627764

Depends really. If they come to me and say I'm sorry I can't pay you in full but I can pay this amount until I'm caught up, I'll go that route. I'll always work with people if they ask for help. If they just don't pay I stop my deliveries. If I have to stop my deliveries I will only restart once they're caught up and from then on they have to pay everytime i make a delivery. I've never had a customer not pay once I've done that. I sell propane so they need it for heat, hot water, cooking, ect.

>> No.51627857

you have to be a bottom tier wagie or have kids, single male?

>> No.51629937

Have you tried just working a job? Anyone can make $18 at any random retail store, warehouse, or factory.

>> No.51629963

I hand make wands (think Harry Potter) that I sell on etsy. That's my job.
That's ozzy troll.

>> No.51631654

most are probably in a much better position than the failure NEETs on 4chan

>> No.51631727

True I went to Art school trying to be an illustrator working in fast food. Had zero dollars saved at 29. Switched to IT and got an info sec job have 75k saved at 32 but missed out on buying a house. It's over

>> No.51631835

Yep, that's me. Not from "figuring shit out", but from severe ADHD that I only got diagnosed with at 28. Now that my brain has enough artificially induced dopamine to work/study from amphetamines, my hamster wheel is in overdrive playing catchup and panicking about securing wealth.

I might make it by 34-36 now, which isn't the best, but could be worse.

>> No.51631858

You don't need money to exist but you faggots aren't ready for that lesson.

>> No.51631869

Why are they poison? Don't many foods have PUFAs?

>> No.51631884

Decades sounding a bit extreme.

>> No.51631940

>I sell propane
And propane accessories? Taste the meat not the heat! Put me down for a Vogner Char King

>> No.51632005
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Normies know it is already bad, but they dont know how much worse it is going to get.

>> No.51632011
File: 2.56 MB, 960x960, 1641982673370.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dollar has the lowest buying power in history whilst your supposed to be in your prime earning years to be able to afford xyz whose values have also skyrocketed inversely proportional to said devaluation of your dollar...

By the time things get "better" itll be over lol. Hence why most of us are throwing darts in a hurricane hoping that maybe one of these autistic gambles will pay off and expediate our savings, giving us a slight semblance of "success" that our parents achieved by simply; showing up to work on time and having a firm handshake.

Globalism has reached its apex and we are at our apex "ages" and yet we are nowhere near being close to living at such levels.

>> No.51632214

what do u mean? to live like an animal in forest?
go for it then :)

>> No.51632356

You chose hedonism over hard work.

>> No.51632434

>unless you are already 60
you may not think so but 60 still constitutes and early retirement, that isn't even minimum social security age
50-60 is the typical age of an early retiree

>> No.51632948

A lightning bolt of pure basedness

>> No.51632984

lol, no

>> No.51632995

>next hitler
lol, lmao even

>> No.51633218

$97,300 is the low income threshold for a family of 4 in California. Shit is expensive here. My electric bill alone is over $1000/month in the summer.

>> No.51633227

Airbnb is a money losing company, and it cannot survive a harsh recession.

>> No.51633383

$1000 for a month? Is this coastal california? Holy shit

>> No.51633465


you'd need housing that's already paid off and sustainable land and energy (i.e., solar, compost, garden, etc.). could be possible if you set it up very carefully. however, you can also move to a very cheap area in a cheaper country. that comes with a lot of its own issues. as someone else said 'retiring early' in the US is basically unattainable for normal people <$1mm. i'd say $3k a month is pretty lean but still livable pretty much anywhere in the US that's not a major city.

>> No.51633549

that is definitely in-n-out. the food in that pic is probably closer to $8 though

>> No.51633821

fuck you. you can can get 2 burgers at in-n-out for under $7 even in SoCal. I don't even eat all that extra bread. I just order for the patty and veggies.
Your fault for having a lardball gf.

>she's always fucking broke working 60 hours per week and i am doing fine without a job
Fresh way to tell us she's fucking another man on the side for cash

Not in the US.

Problem with the picture is you don't get the 2 week vaycay and you still can't make ends meet. Most Ys and Zs realize they can't even afford a mortgage.

>> No.51634159

AirBNB survived 2008 just fine.

>> No.51634230
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How many people here have even $100K invested?

>> No.51634236

He probably hates eurofarts as much as he does jews

>> No.51634515

I made ramen after seeing this post.

>> No.51634544
File: 41 KB, 800x479, Fatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you zoomers are retarded thinking you have to eat out every night

Just one Pizza for two people

>> No.51634565
File: 61 KB, 718x960, 1655656405721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250k here, I was brushing up against 7 figures until the market shit itself

I'm 30 so its pretty much over for me, I'll be working until 70 at this point

>> No.51634626
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$250k at 30 is not bad.

>> No.51634770
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A lot of the higher paying jobs are in larger cities which have a ridiculous rent price if you're not looking to live in a shitty neighborhood/40+ minutes away. Beyond that, I think a lot of Americans overspend a LOT on food. How much do you spend daily on food if you had to guess? I have seen my fellow American co-workers pick up a small $12 portion of pre-packaged food to eat on their lunch break. That's about what I would spend in 4-5 days worth of food. Americans also tend to INSIST on eating the most expensive foods even when they're dead broke. Not to mention many eat out for dinner more than on a special occasion. Food is probably the biggest unnecessary expense for a lot of Americans.

>> No.51634796
File: 662 KB, 677x670, Chinese_Food_Chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a small $12 portion of pre-packaged food to eat on their lunch break. That's about what I would spend in 4-5 days worth of food.

How fucking poor are you?!
$12 for 4 days worth of food means you spend $1 per meal... WTF are you eating!

>> No.51634824

I studied a foreign language in University. graduated when i was mid twenties and promptly went into an IT apprenticeship where i got exploited for two years. fast forward and I'm making 6 figs wfh with my own house, set to be paid off within the decade. funny how things go for us 4chan memers aye?

>> No.51634845

>cup ramen is 30 cents
$0.70cents in Aus,
But also you cant live on that shit. You need protein and vegetables.
Our parents ate meat and 3 veg for dinner every night, roasts on sundays etc.

>don't forget all the subscriptions they have.
yeh this is jew tier shit.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is maximum kikery.
You used to buy the program once, and have it for life.

>> No.51634868

>I'm 30 so its pretty much over for me, I'll be working until 70 at this point
you dont belong on biz with this mindset


>> No.51634880

Story of my work life, always have 1 or 2 guys senior to me, making at least twice as much and constantly stressed the fuck out about their next paycheque.

>>Be me, sitting on 6 figures in savings
>>Be me, modestly stressed that it's all going vanish via hyperinflation

>> No.51634907

>>>Be me, modestly stressed that it's all going vanish via hyperinflation
when the hyper inflation starts, and banker bail-ins happen again like in greece in 2008. EVERYONE is going to run to Crypto. Buy cheap now.
Stake HEX earn upto 40% interest. Too easy.

>> No.51634973

>when i decide to have some Japanese noodles at home for $0.60.
Nice, but you should live it up and get some canned ravioli at walmart for $0.98 a can. Its breddy gud. Grocery stores charge like $1.58 for a can but walmart charges a lot less for everything.

>> No.51634980

Oh I doubt he's that far off.

>> No.51634985
File: 62 KB, 956x960, Crypto_McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WHEN???... when will you cryto-coin morons LEARN??!
It is a fucking ponzi scheme... there is ZERO need for ANY cryto-coin... NO REASON for it to exist.. it serves NO PURPOSE

INVEST your meager savings in well run long-term growth stocks!

>> No.51635069

>It is a fucking ponzi scheme
you dont understand the definition of the world.
Its no more a ponzi than the stock market.

>ZERO need for ANY cryto-coin
kek must be a trolll :)
>Global instant transactions 24/7
>secure from gov seizure
>coins like XMR off anonymity
>Earn interest and loan money without any need for a bank with De-Fi coins.
(((banks))) are obsolete.
There is ZERO need for bankers

>> No.51635095

Crypto is well on its way to mass adoption chad. I also stake MATIC and DOT on Binance for about 12% APY and ETH/SYLO LP on Uniswap for 52% APY.

>> No.51635096
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 100_Trillion_Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its no more a ponzi than the stock market.
>>Global instant transactions 24/7


>> No.51635114

Wasted a lot of my 20s there, too. But I didn't accumulate debt, so I wasn't that far behind the 8 ball when I got my head straight.

>> No.51635310

thats low income apartment levels in cali. for a decent apartment it'll be around 3k a month and requires proof of income around 9k a month to even qualify.

>> No.51635338

>time is the most valuable resource, those who are 30-50 are the ones who are fucked

im 53, managed to buy a house outright in 2019. since then i have just been saving most of my pay.

feels good.

>> No.51635364

80k in the market
40k cash
70k “home equity”
7k boomer rocks
still feel fucked every day

>> No.51635375

Not poor, I just don't eat expensive shit for no reason. You can buy a box of pasta that has 2000 calories in it for $0.69, that's a pretty big staple for me. Chicken on sale is always good, rice, beans, bananas, frozen vegetables/berries etc.

>> No.51635525

he will be generation Alpha you low iQ Zoomer scum now go watch ticktoks and converse like some jigaboo in the hood

>> No.51635538

What are you going to do with the final/remaining 7 years of your life?

>> No.51635562

Put some respeck on that man for still grinding you edgy fag

>> No.51635570

Its liabilities were sharply lower in 2008 because it just started as a company. When these leech startups begin, they tend to live on no strings attached diamondium debt from VCs who are looking for a 5+ year return. They get out after that, and are replaced by more critical investors who demand growth. Once a single quarter of stagnation prints, everyone runs for the exit. Literally a legal ponzi. Without continuous cash injections the whole operation just folds because it never actually made money. Consider what happened to Netflix when they posted a loss in subscribers, or Facebook. Those companies are actually profitable and they still shit hard and are having to live on scraps now. Airbnb is just going to die next year.

>> No.51635737
File: 74 KB, 720x889, 1663608077457170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah same here. got diagnosed at 26, finished school in 2 years and got a job finally.
but I feel bad for wasting most of the past 10 years. the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.
now I barely have the drive to push forward.

>> No.51636051

lunas algorithmic printing put it in a death spiral.
anything that can inflate like that is dumb.

>> No.51636273

Similar here, got a nasty AI disorder at 23, got normal at 30.

The trick is to pretend that your life was on pause.

>> No.51636312

>cup ramen is 30 cents
Rice is healthier and cheaper and no, cup Raman is like a dollar.

>> No.51636347

>Hell I even lived with my parents from 29 to 33.
Lucky cunt actually has family.

>> No.51636424

>Problem with the picture is you don't get the 2 week vaycay and you still can't make ends meet. Most Ys and Zs realize they can't even afford a mortgage.
also no homeless dude covered in shit on the bus

>> No.51636489

I'm the complete opposite.. started in IT now switched over to English degree. I don't care though, I love it. IT is nice but I'm just not interested enough to learn what's needed to really make money there.

>> No.51636583

>Young people today who aren't obese out of shape fucks will live to 80, 90 +

lol no they won't. you need to have food to eat, clean water to drink and heating for your home for that to happen.

>> No.51636599

wow so original. stupid globonigger

>> No.51636608

>What are you going to do with the final/remaining 7 years of your life?

masturbate to giantess porn videos

>> No.51636724

>has it figured out but offer no real advice

you are as usueles as those dave ramsey boomers. fucking die

>> No.51636796

Most companies are going to die within a decade. Zombie companies have been a thing since 2008 and then you had SJW shit being shoved down everyone's throats or get ass raped by globohomo. Most companies have way too much bloat and useless shit that costs them big time if it wasn't for infinite funny money injections to keep them alive. Even then they went down hill massively. Definitely not enough to survive the second great depression.

>> No.51637008

I agree, and moreover hope it happens. The economic forest is packed full of dead tinder clogging shit up. It needs to burn down for new, healthy growth.

>> No.51637178

>It is a fucking ponzi scheme

>> No.51637960

couldn't be more wrong. In mid thirties, myself and all my friends bought houses a decade ago with low rates and low prices. Paid mine off a few years ago. Will be the last age cohort where this was attainable for pretty much everyone.

>> No.51638034

I could retire on half a mil in the US heartland. Midwest, plains, rural south. But anything less than that is going to be a lot tougher.

>> No.51638120

just crack an egg into the ramen... baby you got a stew goin

>> No.51638280

>be 30
>$40k in etfs down to $30k rn
>$250k in cash
>$200k home equity (whatever the hell that means in this housing market)

I get paid $200k once annually for work so I live year to year, each one like it’s my last year earning, but I’ve gotta say after getting into the market in February, I’ve only wished that I never had in the first place. I got in at the worst time it seems.

>> No.51638770
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I spend 100 a day just on eating out.


>> No.51641300

>I get paid $200k once annually for work so I live year to year,
what job pays you once a year 200k

>> No.51641508
File: 18 KB, 400x194, 76D8A40D-D27F-4E3A-A290-CCCB964A4049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pray for war so you can get 3 hots and a cot in the military.

>> No.51641610

Yes, most processed/restaurant/fast foods are full of PUFAs, especially in the US, with increase in usage of seed and vegetable oils correlating with increases in obesity, heart disease, etc

>> No.51641645

>im 53
>feels good.
Not fooling anyone, boomer

This is correct though early 30s are honestly pretty indistinguishable from late 20s. Late 30s are when your body really starts to show your age
>no longer waking up with that "pep-in-your-step"
>if you sit/stand up too fast you get so lightheaded you can fall down
>takes your brain a while to "get going" on logical problems
>lower back can get thrown out lifting anything off the ground
>hemorrhoids, prostate hyperplasia, headaches are a common reoccurrence

>> No.51641859
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>pic & FIRE
what people don't get is that this is what keeps our economy working. FIRE is almost as bad to our economy as people living on welfare does

>> No.51641925 [DELETED] 

A side note which I thought was kinda funny, there was this younger zoomer kid with his mom getting something from a vending machine. The kid was so inept he didn't know how to enter a dollar the right way into the bill slot. He kept staring at the machine like he was expecting it to do something, and then kept entering the bill incorrectly until his mom had to go and help him, pointing out that there was a sticker on the machine telling him how to do it. Idk but I thought that pretty much summed up the mental capacity of your average kid nowadays.

>> No.51641932

>$250K is going to be very hard
It doable, just got to be creative.
If someone has their house paid off, low cost of living. Maybe collecting a pension already, or they have a side hustle that brings in a few thousand bucks a year.
Or living in 3rd world country.

>> No.51641979

Muh economy. How dare those people live a minimalist lifestyle? How dare they quit their job so that someone else who needs money can have that job?

>> No.51642037
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They are super fucked lol. You realize the proportion of women that are willing to whore out their bodies is like 50 percent these days. Most of them arent attractive enough but they all are willing to be onlyfans whores for money kek

Soon you will be able to approach a random girl that catches your eye and offer her money for sex and have a reasonablely high expectation that she agrees.

>> No.51642039

well I don't want to live like that why shouldn't I FIRE? why do I care what others do

>> No.51642083
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>> No.51642102

live with your mom and 10k a year is plenty. Also its not like you cant make money other ways. Uber driving and shit like this is perfect for someone in this situation. Working is not bad at all when you are just making some money to buy a thing. You actually enjoy it because it is instant gratification and working toward a goal.

>> No.51642164

32 here
I'll be retired by 55 at the latest and yes I did completely fuck up my 20s
This isn't the first financial crisis, and it won't be the last
The upcoming war should help reset a lot of the issues

>> No.51642240
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Happiness-joy yes yes

>> No.51642253


>> No.51642334

It already happens though. Pay per meeting on Tinder/Seeking.

>> No.51642454
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>> No.51642486

If you do TRT in your late 30s and 40s you will feel like early 20s

>> No.51642531

How long do you see that relationship lasting?

>> No.51642533

Wrong. With anavar and hgh, yes but you will get that neanderthal look going on.
Test alone doesn't make your joints or brain feel younger even though, yes, you will have more energy.

>> No.51642640
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>32 here
>I'll be retired by 55 at the latest

So what is your financial portfolio like?
What are you invested in?

>> No.51642716

>you will get that neanderthal look going on.

>> No.51642758
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Not that there’s anything wrong with that

>> No.51642762

when everyone's FIRE, the economy stops

>> No.51642828

well it won't happen and i don't care

>> No.51642859

Never going to happen because there will always be men who are motivated to work hard for pussy and status. Their wive's ain't gonna let them just quit working and live minimally.

>> No.51642863

yeah I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it, but you're a burden to society, same as welfare queens

>> No.51642893

Fucked up enough for me to not want to bring any sort of offspring into this demented piece of filth dying world.

>> No.51642920

So people living a minimalist lifestyle, doing things they enjoy, is a bad thing?
You want more people to work 60 hours/week in a job they hate, just so they can buy a second vacation property?
If you're this materialistic, surely you will recognize that a few people dropping out means there just less overall competition?

>> No.51642956

See: Joe Rogan gorilla look.
Plus you will age faster and probably take some years off your lifespan. Extreme roiders take decades off their life expectancy.

>> No.51642985

Anyone holding hard assets will be just fine if they are able to hold and not sell through the choppy waters. If you think this is peak clown world you're mistaken. They can do a lot more money printing from here given how massive the demand for the dollar is and they can now rip wealth from the entire world doing so as there has never been so much value in dollars as there is today.

>> No.51643050

In the bigger picture yeah, you have a nation that don't want to work anymore and that's not great.

>> No.51643094

how does it make you a burden. and why I should care? society is awful nowadays

>> No.51643104

Extreme materialism is just as bad as extreme poverty. You're a psychopath if you get upset at people who don't want to work, because they retired with a minimalist lifestyle.

>> No.51643133

It doesn't make you a burden.
Materialistic wagies just get upset when people don't respect their wagie status and their new flashy car.

>> No.51643186

Some people deliberately choose to live in poverty.


>> No.51643303
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Someone makes a lot of money and decides to spread its spending out
>That’s destructive just like welfare queens!

>> No.51643361

>Rent controls

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha you can’t be fucking serious

>> No.51643527

You don't want to contribute to society, that is your choice.

>> No.51643864

why do you want to? and why do you care if rich people aren't?

>> No.51644345

>and why do you care if rich people aren't?
I don't particularly, I think that a lot of people recently have woken up to the FIRE movement, and I don't think it's particularly sustainable as an ecosystem. Same as how welfare nations don't work when not enough people work.

>> No.51645171
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>FIRE movement
>not sustainable
lmfao... literally the opposite. with ai and automation the vast majority of people won't need to work in the coming decades. the economy will be transitioned to a UBI model. our leaders have concluded that the rate humans are depleting resources and wrecking the environment is unsustainable. quite frankly they're probably right. so people need to be conditioned to be content with living on next to nothing and not being able to afford fulfilling and life enriching lifestyles and experiences that every human needs to live a meaningful and purposeful life. that's what FIRE is. it's a rebranding of "you will own nothing and be happy" for people who need to feel like it was their own choice. why else do you think FIRE is being shilled so hard? lmao....

>> No.51645641


>> No.51645788
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>> No.51645795

>75k saved
>can't buy a house
I thought the rule of thumb was to try for like 20% down payment on your house. You should be able to get a home loan for nearly 375K. Can you not do that? Where the fuck do you live?

Some people buy their first home with like only 10k down on 200k... Why do you think you're fucked?

>> No.51646009

sounds good, doesn't work

>> No.51646023
File: 1.07 MB, 170x180, WTF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$615 out of $2,775 doe DONATIONS!

WTF... is he an onlyfans porn addict!

>> No.51646542

Regular folks? Extremely. The next few decades are looking like one economic catastrophe after another for the average person.

>> No.51647927

Thing will get worse before they get better if they get better.

>> No.51650209

I’m born in 94 and I’d say that I’d be substantially better off if I had been born in 91 and substantially worse off if I had been born in 97. Millennials had it okish in Australia and gen X are the real boomers of the land.

The reality is that without parental assistance, the average zoomer is priced out of ever getting a home. The country decided that homes were now firstly investments since 1999 and it’s just gradually fucked up the median income to median house ratio.

>> No.51650248

Feelsbad man. 26 isn't the worst age to start, I'm only now being treated as a 28yr old boomer. God bless and god speed anon
>The trick is to pretend that your life was on pause.
I can live with that. Good idea!

>> No.51650268


>> No.51650693

>Every INTJ/ENTJ needs to listen to this every 2 months.
Im an INFJ, would I still benefit from tKAYWKhis

>> No.51650778
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>when you could just spend your entire 20s-30s living dirt poor building your own business and retire by 42.

Heard a bankruptcy Judge talking about all the good, hard working people that sacrificed everything for their company, but still lost it all.
His advise was to work for someone else and invest your extra income for retirement.

MOST businesses FAIL!!!
These people are not lazy or stupid... things out side of your control happen.
Ex: building contractors get paid AFTER the work is done... but if a lot of their contracts CANT pay (Sudden BAD economy) then those honest hard working contractors go bankrupt.

>> No.51650949

That 69 cent pasta is usually goyslop, at least where I live but yeah they say "meat and potatoes" for a reason

>> No.51651144

1.) It's 1.19 in CA, .60 for the square bag
2.) I'm allergic to it and break out in a rash to anything cheaply produced (usually with sunflower oil)
3.) NO ONE should be forced to eat inflammatory byproducts just to save enough not to be homeless in one of the richest nations on earth. Greed is so bad basic needs aren't being met, homelessness is rampant, cancer patients are shooting up heroin from the pain, but we're bulding a mickyshits and starcucks on every virgin street corner

>> No.51651201

Health insurance is $400 lowest here, internet is $80 MINIMUM, lowest rent in my city is $2.2k and you nee 3 months down, house cleaners are $35 an hour

who the fuck wrote this

>615 donations

So, savings, porn, or someone is a cryptofag and is covering their ass with a writeoff

>> No.51651904

>managed to buy a houses
so you outlived your parents? I sold drugs to seed my crypto portfolio in 2017 then bought 2 houses and 3 cars outright in 2020

>> No.51652262
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You're better off than I am
>+$30k 401(k)
>+$1200 Roth IRA
>+$12k in crypto
>+$4k in shiny rocks
>-$38k student loans (refinanced privately too, so probably no Bidenbucks)
>-$28k auto loan (about 400 a month)
>-$31k credit card debt
I got way too spending happy during COVID because I thought a collapse was imminent. I'm probably going be moving back in with my parents just to lower my spending needs for a few years before I attempt to maybe buy a house. I'm holding out on my ISO20022 coins mooning within the next few years as well as a class action suit against a former employer for my refusal to take the jab. We'll see. I swore I would never let myself get into this much debt but it does add up if you aren't careful and get reckless.

>> No.51652298

Half of my $30k credit card debt is probably almost exclusively DoorDash.

>> No.51652429

I’m also someone who bought a house at 50.
In my case, pretty sure it’s 50-50 whether I outlive my parents. There’s a pretty clear difference in how smooth life has been.

>> No.51652430
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Overheard two boomer women complain talking about vacation homes and they were complaining about how expensive it's gotten in places like California and how they couldnt find one they could afford within walking distance to the beach. One of them also complained about possibly having to go back to work because her husband wasn't earning as much commission as t he used to. I had to resist the urge to strangle them. I really hope a reckoning is coming soon

>> No.51652475

They'll be fine as long as the Fed raises rates to a reasonable number (at least 10%)

>> No.51652611
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So what are cougars and milfs doing? I’ve seen some women age 45+ that look better than 20yrs? Look at jared leto, he’s 50
is it all diet?

>> No.51652783

Don’t let anyone try to take your rifle, anon. We saw attempts during the Great Depression, and I would be very surprised if our politicians didn’t try it again.

>> No.51652800

Why are loans bad? If you don't pay them, what happens? You are put in prison, given stable employment, with like minded people. In the case of social collapse, you have a heavily protected defensible position, with facilities for production, amongst like minded self-preservation oriented people. If they are able to obey guards it means they are capable of following a leader with a sufficient display/evidence of power. Seems like the redpill is everyone becoming incarcerated for not paying loans, and if you aren't able to take out a loan, stealing what you need: it's a win-win.

>> No.51652828

Which also means that the massive incarceration in the US is essentially the construction of a new army. Whoever controls the prisoners, controls the state.

>> No.51652986

Yep true just chose something and went for it, decent job now at 29, own my own home and made 200k in equity doing nothing so far

>> No.51653648

I stopped caring about nocoiners and other tards in 2017. don't feel bad for them at all

>> No.51653742

Get the Vax, chud.

>> No.51653785

>spend all of it on little caesars
Yoy could have bought flour, yeast, cheese, and sauce and made 8 pizzas

>> No.51653900

I hate Mexicans so much it's almost unreal, /biz/.

>> No.51653903

It's over for you, fatboy.

>> No.51654319

can i just say that everything that everyone is posting in this thread only applies to men. if you are a woman you can literally do nothing until you are thirty then find some poor slob medical doctor and betabux him.

>> No.51654445

40k a year in weekly - biweekly checks is dogshit for the fact that those warehouse jobs with cause your spine and knee joints to atrophy after years of unnatural pressure.

>> No.51654528

Where do you live, pakistan? In the states any average looking woman is a celebrity on social media, people will shovel money to them simply for existing. Uggos have to get jobs or marry betabux though.

>> No.51654567

Disregard this i suck cocks. I read that post wrong. Cant delete this because i am phone posting

>> No.51655188

Dey all sleepin? Time to buy more Lunc

>> No.51655291 [DELETED] 


>> No.51655336

>starts pointless war with Europe just to pwn the Euroaches
>loses everything in a 4 front war
truly the next Adolf Hitler

>> No.51655458

Literally any time I get close to any sort of life milestone the bottom drops out of societey and it gets even farther away. Its been an unrelenting bitch ass mother fucker of a life and shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. I contemplated suicide for a while after I realized that I can work like a dog every day of my life and get nowhere. Then I decided to just keep going out of morbid curiosity. Just how bad CAN things get? Now I kinda just coast along hoping I'll get to witness another 9/11 or a nuclear war or something.

>> No.51655523

what a retarded video
i want my 2 minutes back

>> No.51655597

2 euros here, I wish I was joking

>> No.51655921

This guy still doesn't know that cholesterol isn't bad for you

>> No.51655958

My understanding is that it's one of those 'in moderation' deals, but mainstream media demonizes it to the point that people avoid it altogether. Does that sound right?

>> No.51655959

what are the legalities of being a feral human in usa?

>> No.51655967

>when everyone's FIRE, the economy stops *being wasteful
Fixed that for you.

>> No.51656732

gothic king cobra?

>> No.51656942
File: 39 KB, 530x597, It&#039;s gonna get way worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe nobody has posted this yet. Dollar will explode in the short term while inflation paradoxically continues to rise. Either we get a pretty steep recession or something way worse happens after that. If you're not holding USD it's even uglier

>> No.51657152

>I ate bland slop over a hotplate for 20 years and saved almost $20 a week
>Now in the year 2042 I can use that to pay one month's rent on my 50 sq feet micro-apartment
At least you enjoyed your life while you could.

Hey maybe you could stop wearing shoes and paint your feet black. Barbers? Cut your own hair. Who needs toilet paper when your hand is right there?
You'll save literally tens of dollars per week. You've gamed the system, bro.

>> No.51659605

>you guys here are (mostly) the exception

>Implying "investing" in not real meme money is s sound financial decision

>> No.51659901

> be white trash retard
> Rest of the family are into finance and shit
> Couple months ago at a family gathering they're all talking about rate hikes fixing inflation, getting all excited
> "but isn't current inflation a product of production and distribution issues? Won't rate hikes just kill jobs, cause a recession, then bailouts which increase inflation?"
> room goes quiet, I am verfiably financially retarded so if I make any sort of sense people should be worried
> "so.... we'll all be unemployed AND have worse inflation"
> nobody can prove me wrong beyond "the fed is smarter than you, they know what they are doing"
> basically nobody has any sort of retort beyond "yeah, well, you only make 40k a year and live in a trailer, stfu"

It may be the only time in my entire life where I wasn't the dumbest person in the room.

>> No.51659979


Lost me w/ the barber one, I pay 45 dollars for a fresh fade or 0 dollars to just buzz it.

>> No.51660531

>~$60k across credit card and car finance

>> No.51660605

No one is talking about you you dumb fuck. Elder Millenials and gen x were in prime slurping position for homes in the 2010s while young Millenials and gen z are in college. Congrats, you bought a house when literally anyone could have with absurdly low prices. Literally no one cares about you in this thread, no one is talking about you dumbass.

>> No.51660626

This, tell me you’re fat without admitting you’re fat and haven’t kept yourself up

>> No.51660730

I know. It's really bad. Probably why I'll move back in with the parents if I get this new job, which I'll stay at because it's a slight pay cut from what I'm doing now but I'll be making six figures within a few years with their pay scale. Either my crypto moons and/or I get a nice settlement from a previous employer for refusing to get the jab that will help cut through the debt and hopefully have enough leftover to maybe buy a house when the market finally crashes.

>> No.51660786

The huge dump on LUNC just made it clearer that its better to go for assets with utility and relevance in the crypto space. My research led me to the likes of DOT, FIL, SYLO, MATIC and FLUX which would come out stronger in the next cycle.

>> No.51660883

dilation tools and legal fees due to being convicted pedophiles

>> No.51661365

>Be me retard as well
>only hobby is /cmmg/ and stacking/prepping
>have been talking about a hyperinflationary depression leading to racial tensions/conflict since 2015
>have ruined my entire relationship with normie family
>now basically homeless my family is finally seeing the light

unfortunately I am still pretty upset with them calling me mentally ill and me being their shame...whatever I have no debt and live like a homeless man with a young boys body weight in silver as well as ammo..

I am excited because the ride has just started and the only mistake I made was being to early and too transient to have purchased land.

God has a plan anon