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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51622778 No.51622778 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feel like they hit the ceiling on their current career? im 33 and make 135k as a graphic designer but i feel like there's nowhere to go from here and i should have chosen a career with more room to grow

>> No.51622785


Same. Time to go back to school again.

>> No.51622794

$135k is the cap for most careers unless you have good social skills to climb the ladder (director/VP/executive) or are in high stress, highly competitive careers (medicine, law, high finance.)

codeniggerdom is an aberration.

>> No.51622817

For an individual contributor, that's probably true outside of some edge cases. You can still stay within the Design field, but it likely means getting into management, being less focused on the day-to-day design, and more focused on branding across the organization/company as a whole.

>> No.51622827

You should be growing your wealth and portfolio. Not your career. Go to a wagie board if you want to spend your time making someone else rich.

>> No.51622832

With that gross income you should have no problem putting enough money to work for you that you can create complete independence within a few years, especially with the impending property price collapse
Stop thinking about working for money, think about working to acquire assets to enable your financial freedom

>> No.51622905

yeah i guess thats true, it seems like the only place to go from here is to "live the job" and have zero boundaries in order to get to the next level

ask me how i know you guys are like 17 and just read "rich dad poor dad"

>> No.51623320

>graphic designer

>> No.51623406

If I had a $135k salary $75k of it would go into a taxable brokerage account for me to either invest in long shares or add to my day trade margin and then I would use the remaining salary to live as frugally as possible. I'm guessing OP rents an expensive apartment, pays hundreds a month for subscription services, consooms goyslop and pays extra for food delivery, will say that life is all about having fun experiences, and then complain about muh capitalism when they own nothing and are balding and 100 lbs overweight. But they have all the entertainment!

>> No.51623433

Just get a second $135k job and voila you earn 270k per year. If you've been doing this for a long time you should be able to balance between two jobs

>> No.51623465

>""""If I had a $135k salary""""
>inane /pol/ tier rant about apartments, goyslop, undying defense of jewish capitalism, obesity, etc.

please leave this thread, non college educated mixed race 21 year old poorfag raised by a single mother.

>> No.51623500

>single mother
That is the only correct part of your statement. See you in the pit tomorrow... Unless you are taking the day off for shemitah festivities.

>> No.51623510

i work from home. i don't ever interact with people like you in public.

>> No.51623527

>Doesn't realize the trading pit is a digital space now
I work from home too anon. Just not for a wagie salary.

>> No.51623539

>i don't ever interact with people like you in public.
Since I'm a pol schizo do you really think I'm out and about in public to be seen?

>> No.51623553

The $135k is gross retard

>> No.51623560

yes, wageslaving at walmart so as to rebuild your portfolio after you (yet again) blew it up on margin day trading. this thread is for adults, please leave.

>> No.51623572

Graphic design. So I take you for an artist? Maybe your solution is to express yourself more and go into your own craft ?

>> No.51623579

Which is why I said $75k into the taxable brokerage then the rest in living expenses. I know this may be shocking but some people own their homes outright and don't have to pay the Jew monthly for it. Let's say you pay 25% tax rate. That is still $100k net which is $75k into the market, $25k to live which is doable if you aren't a consooming subhuman

>> No.51623580
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I'm a 28 year old engineer and only get 90k a year

>> No.51623600

I work at a college and get classes for very cheap. Also my job is far from dead-end

>> No.51623607

>this thread is for adults, please leave.

>> No.51623620

>Also my job is far from dead-end
No cap? Fr fr?

>> No.51623640


I have two ways up -> FAANG or executive positions. FAANG is selling soul in more ways than one. Executive, from what I have seen, is a lot of luck and circumstances.

Maybe it's time to drop out. I made a thread about executives yesterday, but no one had any advice.

>> No.51623653

dont bother anon those people in this thread are the definition of ngmi
they simply cant even abstractly imagine living without all modern luxuries
you gotta keep up with the neighbors or you will be ostracized you know, now quick to buy the latest igadget before i lose my cool

>> No.51623672

>I made a thread about executives yesterday
do you really think you will find any here
going exec requires so much time and effort its not the target age group of this place yet and we strife to easier gains
also if you are exec level you are content in your place and dont put your cash into risky new tech so you dont show up here in the first place

>> No.51623693

Then once you have all the igadgets and you realize how much money you spent for a bunch of buggy, glitchy pieces of crap, you realize that if this is "the future" that we are all fantasizing about so much, then we are all ngmi if we are forced to rely on this buggy/glitchy tech that barely works as intended but costs a pretty penny in R&D, marketing, etc etc. I saw a commercial for new hands free kitchen sink faucets. Imagine the smell of some consooming overweight house mom standing there trying to get hot water to come out of her faucet by waving her hands all over the place for the glitchy sensors to work. That is the future and yes it sucks and is a step backwards.

>> No.51623733

the definition of ngmi is pretending you can be frugal enough to get ahead

>> No.51623746

>Get ahead
Comparing yourself to others is the definition of ngmi. Either what you have is enough for you or it isn't. Simple as

>> No.51623751

> i feel like there's nowhere to go from here
That's a good thing because you get to focus on other aspects of your life. I'm a 40 yo teacher and these days i go without any prep because i taught the material a hundred times before. I thought of switching jobs to spice things up but everyone knows me here and i get to leave whenever I want, which is great because I can take the kids to school and back, spend time with them and my wife.

>> No.51623878

it's difficult to come to terms with having 1/3 of your time being dedicated to zombie/drone tasks to fund the other 2/3 of your time. I'm only 33 and I've about had it with the corporate life. for now the work is still interesting and has a lot of variety, but as soon as it gets boring I'm just gonna try to do real estate and get a cash flow from rentals

>> No.51623953

i live in europe, i had a salary of 22k€ net on my last wagie station, i could frugal it out of the cage with that
on your burger salaries i would be yacht rich by now
and still exactly like i mentioned before you cannot even abstractly imagine the concept, have fun with your consuming life anon i am sure it will leave you feeling satisfied

>> No.51623965

You have to start your own design firm.

>> No.51624112
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I think i have room to go up a bit more. But fuck that, once i found out what Crypto can do that is all I am aiming for. Get free from the wage cuckery.

>> No.51624577


>> No.51624660

135k! Holy shit I need to change jobs ASAP. 60k poorfag here.

>> No.51624740

This is a gay larp and all you faggots replying are low IQ ngmi incels

>> No.51624875

Currently earning £51k and worried that I'll never have the social skills to be promoted to manager

>> No.51624892

there is nothing appealing to me about FIRE, losers mentality

its true, but i feel like my career has beaten any desire to do this shit out of me

not a larp in fact i dont think im that out of the ordinary

>> No.51624917

he probably works in project management overseeing graphic design. i work in accounting at a very, very large company. my boss's wife started as a graphic designer working in UI/UX for one of their phone apps and transitioned into a PM role overseeing UI/IX wagies. she makes $130-150k a year but her job sounds incredibly stressful, basically on calls 8-10 hours a day with senior leadership and pajeet contractors.

>> No.51624962

lol no im not a project manager, but i wish i was so i could do zero actual work and just sit in meetings all day and still get paid the same

>> No.51625028

Accounting anon, do you need university to be an accountant or can you do college but then do uni later to get that CPA?

>> No.51625052

You could also learn some code and pivot to front end design for some FAGMAN type companies.

>> No.51625058

I am 34, last year I made director in a major financial institution I worked in machine learning - quit within a year. Just bs corporate strategy and glorified ritual kool-aid drinking. It's not for everyone.

Now I spend my time sitting at home and working on programming a video game engine and some small IT consulting on the side.

Sometimes it's really just a signal you weren't meant to xyz for the rest of your life.

And yea, the rest of the peeps in this thread are right, you should be working to independent not to be further up totem pole of the wage slave cage.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the appeal of having regular and stable cashflow and a dental plan. But I rather be free.

Down the line there is marriage, kids, dealing with the in-laws who aren't going understand why I don't have regular income, but rather take the uncertainty now and try and build something for myself then be a corporate wagie without ever having struggled to make it.

>> No.51625095

you can probably find an "accounting" job (realistically AP/AR clerk or bookkeeper) that doesn't require a degree but the growth potential will be pretty low without a degree. i don't know about all states because it does vary from state to state, but my guess is that almost all states require a minimum of 20-30 credit hours in accounting to be a CPA, regardless of whether or not you pass the exams. i actually did my undergrad in math but later did a masters in accounting. i meet all of the educational requirements to take the CPA exams but so far i've been too lazy to study and take the exams.

>> No.51625119

>if you have the financial means to avoid toilberg's wagetasks, then not working is the superior choice

groundbreaking revelation desu

>> No.51625358

I definitely feel this, i do think i would be happier starting something of my own even if it meant making less money for a while and being less stable

>> No.51625411

>guy spends a decade and a half working his ass off to become financially independent to spend his time doing what he wants
I know you're retarded but at least make an effort next time

>> No.51625469

I passed 2 of the 4 exams and then I inherited money from my dead boomer CPA dad and decided to learn how to trade puts and calls. I was studying for the third exam in my new home office that is nicer than my old boss's and had to ask myself why i wanted to subject myself to memorizing multiple choice answers for 3 hours a night for 2 months (x2 for the last exam). The CPA exam is peak wagie compliance. It provided our family a decent life but I can promise you none of you want my dad's life.

>> No.51625532

desu the only people in my company that have an active CPA license are on the SEC reporting team, technical accounting, or are at the controller level. i'm only thinking about it from a job security perspective.

overall accounting isn't a bad a career if you find the right place. it's boring and jewish but i (barely) make six figures as a senior and do 25-30 hours a week on average, moderate amounts of stress, and im permanently remote. long term plan is to find a low stress manager job and coast at $130-140k/year until i stack enough investments do the early retirement or part time contractor meme.

>> No.51625580

That's well and good anon of you are like my dad (grew up poor and wasn't going to get help from family if he wanted to make it). But as a 2nd generation guy like myself, I now understand why he was pushing me to "do what I love" because his sacrifice afforded me the opportunity to do that. So me being a fat, happy hour drinking, goyslop eating public accountant in my 20s when my dad already sacrificed all that is not where I was supposed to be. I just wish my old man was here so I could show him my realized gains and have him tell me how risky I am being. Miss ya dad

>> No.51625586

How do I get a bookkeeping job without XP?
Do I study / pirate courses and lie about working in it?

Is it worth getting the licenses or is that job security

>> No.51625590

>he's earning 135K and isn't minmaxing in order to abandon the job race
These guys are all right

>> No.51625619

tale as old as time. if you have the means and the connections to pursue anything other than wageslavery, go for it. for the rest of us, it's the rat race.

bookkeeping for dummies textbook + quickbooks training (you can do it online for free through quickbooks' website) + ideally a college level "introduction to accounting" textbook. then beg bookkeeping firm boomers for a job.

>> No.51625632

>just live like a NEET so later you can live like a NEET

>> No.51625644

>make six figures as a senior
>do 25-30 hours a week on average
>moderate amounts of stress
My dad would say you arent a real CPA then. If you only are doing 30 hours a week of work then really that just means you have the time for 30 more hours of tax return/financial statement prep. And if you aren't stressing about it then that means you aren't working hard enough and NGMI

>> No.51625658

you're supposed to job hop every 1-3 years

>> No.51625675

>means and the connections
That's the thing with puts and calls, $25k buys you a seat at the table, what you do with that seat is then up to you. You eat what you catch. No connections required. The boys down at the derivates desk at Schwab only care if your money is green

>> No.51625686

In bookkeeping is it possible to move up or it's a dead end wagie job without the certs like (((CPA)))

>> No.51625699

>tax return/financial statement prep
you're thinking about public accounting. strange that you "studied for the CPA" but don't seem to understand this. anyways, i worked at EY for a year in their audit practice. it's a meme unless you're a partner, which comes at the cost of 15 years of your life (and many years thereafter, until you reach mandatory retirement age.) but anyways, thanks for your concern, i think i'll be fine.

>> No.51625709

If you are entrepreneurial and can link up with the local CPAs who don't have time for bookkeeping work and can refer biz to you, then yea I have seen bookkeepers that make six figures without their CPA doing the books for a bunch of CPA clients b4 the CPA does the tax/financial statement work.

>> No.51625720


bookkeeping is a $20-25/hour job for life unless you're a real accountant with an accounting education, a CPA designation, and several years of experience at a public accounting firm learning the ins and outs of small business bookkeeping and tax preparation, at which point you'll be qualified to sell your own services for $100/hour (or more) and hire bookkeepers that you pay $20-25/hour while you bill their services to clients at $50/hour.

>> No.51625728

Yea CPA's in public practice, especially guys like my dad who had their own CPA firm, will always look down on the corporate accountants. We see at year end how incompetent you are. Which makes sense of you only work 25 hours a week. Forget about salary discrepancies between corporate and public accountants that is irrelevant.

>> No.51625740

that's great. clean it up, jannie.

>> No.51625752

Is NEETdom all you can think about when you're told about financial freedom?

>> No.51625755

Also if you are in corporate, then you should be aware of this hidden intangible asset account called "human capital". It's an amortizable asset and if you are out here bragging about your corporate salary and how little you work, then I would argue that you are fully amortized human capital that needs to be disposed of on the balance sheet. You would know this if you ever handed a fixed asset list to a client at year end to review for dispositions.

>> No.51625765

After I'm done running the nature trails behind my neighborhood while you are logging in to your daily teams meeting with your regional manager.

>> No.51625768

>bizarre, condescending LARP
i oversee about $10 billion in intangibles at a company you've definitely given money to. i can assure you that "human capital" isn't on there. get professional help. it's not too late.

>> No.51625777

Yea it's marked inactive on the quickbooks COA

>> No.51625795

You don't understand that I'm calling you used up do you? I oversee a 5 figure day trading account and couldn't care less about your wagie life.

>> No.51625817

fully amortized intangibles aren't netted down for as long as the company derives economic benefit from the intangible, retard.
>more inane LARPing
post lifetime P&L or shut your dumb nigger lips.

>> No.51625824

Is it true that the schooling's harder then the job?
Also do I fake my resume after learning the skills to get my foot in the door?

Is it like working in a kitchen always coordinating / talking or left alone?

Is it quicker to be a bookkeeper or a coooder?

>> No.51625833

crypto. you could have made it by now.

>> No.51625846

This. this is why americans make so much money but are so poor.
keep consooming

>> No.51625847
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Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it

>> No.51625871

NEETdom is exactly what these guys are talking about when they say FIRE, live like a bug so you can die like one too

>> No.51625878

>Is it true that the schooling's harder then the job?
in many ways, yes. real life can be hard because the accounting guidance is vague and you need to make decisions in light of business factors, what you think external audit will hammer you on, etc.
>Also do I fake my resume after learning the skills to get my foot in the door?
you can try but it'll be very obvious. real world is different than textbooks.
>Is it like working in a kitchen always coordinating / talking or left alone?
depends on what services you're performing. processing transactions, applying cash, reconciling credit cards and bank statements, etc. and you're generally left alone. if you're handling AR/AR you will likely be calling and emailing customers and vendors.
>Is it quicker to be a bookkeeper or a coooder?
i learned to code for fun. unless you have an autism brain it's going to take you a while to understand it and you may never be good enough to get a job. accounting/bookkeeping are much easier to find a job.

>> No.51625902

>fully amortized intangibles aren't netted down for as long as the company derives economic benefit
See what I mean that CPA exam is peak wagie mentality. I am the investor that those financials are intended for. Wagies like you can worry yourself with that useless knowledge because I hate to break it to ya, fundamental analysis on companies financials doesn't really mean too much when people are willing to buy at 100x reported earnings because of what's in the black box.
>Economic benefit
The corporation is sure as shit getting an economic benefit from you, and will continue to until you realize your true worth or die

>> No.51625917

>post lifetime P&L
Would you be mad if I showed you a red P&L but told you that it doesn't matter

>> No.51625944

Or I can get an MBA, leave my comfy rural home and move to the big city and "be successful" certainly NOT living like a bug at that point. Right anon?

>> No.51625960

>negative lifetime P&L
>talks about margin trading and options trading (not as a hedge)

hello racially mixed failure to launch zoomer who is actively blowing his inheritance on wallstreetbets-tier trades. i look forward to you loading my groceries into the trunk of my car at the curbside pickup on saturday morning.

>> No.51625972

Got me

>> No.51625989

>racially mixed
It's hard to be a failure in the accounting/finance world if you are not white or a male.

>> No.51625990

come on, post your lifetime P&L. it shouldn't be hard since i'm sure you trade on robinhood.

>> No.51625997

Got me again. Ouch wagie.

>> No.51626003

Typical wage slave, more worried about a P&L. The real important number is my liabilities which are $0. P&L is for niggers who need to get approved for Jewish loans

>> No.51626622

>my dad died and left me money and a house
why are you pretending that you've actually done anything on your own? let me guess, living off divvies from your dead dads life insurance money?

>> No.51628003

About 50 to 100 /biz/ owners in my local city would have to disagree with you. I was MR. PPP and EIDL accountant. I'm so proud of my old man for leaving me that stuff. Am I supposed to be embarrassed or something? I'll be at work tomorrow just like you. Just without the corporate larp.

>> No.51628204

>works customer service for $45k per year
please help

>> No.51628362

>customer service for $45k

>> No.51629020

Can you lie about education?
I just have a cert in bookkeeping but no college

>> No.51629070

>im 33 and make 135k as a graphic designer
saw what? hahaha no fucking way. Where do you live? NY or LA? Gotta be.

>> No.51629105

I was 42 when I finally hit the corporate dead end.
Now I just do odd jobs and I'm much happier. There's no point in a career anymore. Make money at what you must do for now, put it aside, and then live your life by working only what you feel you need to and only doing what you want to do.

>> No.51629139
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is he wrong?

>> No.51629168

>it's difficult to come to terms with having 1/3 of your time being dedicated to zombie/drone tasks to fund the other 2/3 of your time
Yeah, but it's reality. 99.999% of humans have had to do it to survive. At least it's not dangerous work

>> No.51629169
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Holy shit op. I'm also a graphic designer, but languishing at 60K. You have to be more of an Art Director or in the least, a team lead. Are you working for a client on the coast?

>> No.51629191

nigga just buy 100k of crypto in bear market and never work again

>> No.51629256

Boohoo you make 135k and probably save like 7k a month so sad. Fuckin stupid faggot I’d kill you for half that salary you ungrateful kike.

>> No.51629322


I think you should use this opportunity you've earned and do something else entirely. You should out of respect for all the people who will never make it where you are now. You can do something great with all that money,. I would respect you less if you didn't grow on.

>> No.51629535

my company is based in NY
technically a senior ad but dont expect anyone to know what that means and its all the same shit
you people really overestimate how far this amount of money goes in the US

>> No.51629579

Another TC larper. Might want to check that share price again champ.

>> No.51631560

I'm almost 30 and make $50k.

>> No.51631604

I'm 37 and currently back to school. I wished I had followed my little brothers advice and learn some programming

>> No.51632915

Been there, done that. Don't worry bro, you'll get there. Might also want to look into changing employer, that usually accelerates the increase

>> No.51632987

That's how it is everywhere you dumb cunt. The elite have poised themselves at the top using nepotism and corruption. Half the CEOs in the world can barely read or write. Wait for the collapse and prepare just like the rest of us have

>> No.51633072

Kys OP you larping faggot. If no larp eat shit and enjoy your slave mentality

>> No.51633081


the reason poorfag codemonkeys never rise above their stations and they spend their entire adult life thinking 'sitting in meetings' and actually having to communicate the value of their work, why they're doing it, why someone would invest money in it, etc. is all 'fake work' despite it literally being the reason why they're even being paid to sit there and code like monkeys. you want a better job maybe spend some time thinking about the skills you're making fun of lest you remember the entire capitalist system rewards these types of skills over yours