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File: 65 KB, 768x1024, Ledger-Nano-S-vs-TREZOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5161793 No.5161793 [Reply] [Original]

Ledger vs Trezor.

Redpill me on the superior product.

>> No.5161817


>> No.5161846

I have a Trezor and can vouch for it, but don't own a Ledger so can't compare the two. I'm interested to hear this.

>> No.5161885


why don't you just keep your memecoins on the blockchain

>> No.5161916


2 risky anon

>> No.5161933

Ledger just for the love of god when you write down your words make like ten copies and hide them. That goes for both

>> No.5162003

not paper for an active wallet, you can get keylogged entering, hardware gives you some level of protection

>> No.5162060


how is it risky at all

this is the whole point of blockchain

>> No.5162124
File: 2.85 MB, 528x308, 1401326466779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AES-256 7z file hidden in a USB flash drive

>> No.5162138

I just use exchanges, electrum, or my phone for hot wallets.

>> No.5162195


>> No.5162362

I own both. I like the Trezor's GUI better but the Ledger is compatible with more currencies. Ledger also has a more active dev team.

>> No.5162539

I once had 21 bitcoins in a brain wallet until I FOMOed into ETH.

Comfy as fuck.

>> No.5162641

Plus paper wallets have to be completely emptied if withdrawaling. I was thinking of buying a trezor sometime soon, but I heard you cant see your LINK balance directly on it, that's kind of scary

>> No.5162689

>paper wallets have to be completely emptied if withdrawaling

Or just make it your new hot address...

>> No.5162699

Can you see ERC-20's on Myetherwallet?

>> No.5162757

Yeah but I'm a noob with this stuff still even though it's been over a year. Transfers give me the sweats and I still dont know if my paper wallet with my hoarded BTC will work since I only have the public and private key and never made a blockchain account or whatever. So pretty spooked in general. I just want comfy wallets like ARK and DIONS

>> No.5162848

I have both. Ledger is more stealthy (can easily pass as a USB flash drive) and slightly easier to use. Trezor may be slightly more secure because the code is fully open source. Both are great so I don't think there really is a superior product.

>> No.5162859

Oh and I meant the leger nano, though I refuse to buy one from a third party

>> No.5162901

>phone wallet
wew lad your days are numbered.

>> No.5162936

But couldn't somebody buy a fresh device and get to your coins just by obtaining your recovery seed?

>> No.5162958

Its a hot wallet... Just how much are you guys moving your coins around?

>> No.5162980

If you want to move that BTC, Bread is a good option. It lets you sweep the funds, but it is a costly transaction. Importing the private keys is not yet implemented in Jaxx, (it was, but then de-implemented). But anyhow, that private key IS the money.

I have no trouble using MyEtherWallet to send ETH and ERC-20 tokens from a Ledger, I am confident that the experience there would be no different with a Trezor. Just remember what it is for: you must have the dev ice to send the funds. To see what coins that address has, Etherscan tells all.

>> No.5162995

just don't use a mobile wallet and you are fine

>> No.5163074

I have a ledger. It does the job. I got it because it was much cheaper on Amazon. I sort of feel like I was tricked into a hardware wallet though. I don't think such extreme security measures are necessary unless you have made yourself a target like this jackass https://medium.com/@CodyBrown/how-to-lose-8k-worth-of-bitcoin-in-15-minutes-with-verizon-and-coinbase-com-ba75fb8d0bac

>> No.5163209

I thought the ledger was open source too? Or was just part of it?

>> No.5163246

Hmm, I might go ahead and do the leger then after all. And that's comforting. I made a paper etherwallet back in the day and did some test transactions but never used it beyond that etherscan to see the pennies.

In the future do you think it'd be possible to use blockchain.info without an "account"? Cheers

>> No.5163252
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>> No.5163254
File: 405 KB, 1024x794, 5A987C63-923A-4554-B509-B057F8F6CCB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano. Worth the money. Thank me later.

>> No.5163296

It's true...best OpSec involves STFU. Thats fine that people know you know about crypto, but just STFU about how much you have, seriously.

We used to joke years ago, the day will come when people would say "Wow you have more than one Bitcoin?" That day has now arrived... but I never say how much to ANYONE and I dont display my wealth like a faggot retard who thinks that's how rich people behave.