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51620462 No.51620462 [Reply] [Original]

If you look at BTC halvening cycles, the supply shock always happened months after the halvening itself. This basically proves we’re going straight to $10K somewhere around Q1 23

>> No.51620496

>basically proves
kek eth baggie

>> No.51620506

eth mints daily and has no supply cap. you will never be a bitcoin

>> No.51620576

How much does it cost to produce 1 ETH now?

>> No.51620625
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enjoy your last moments of eth in red thanks to remaining miner bags selloff and macro cycle. 5 digits price in 6 months from now, remember this thread

>> No.51620682
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>no unstaking button

>> No.51620757

you can't compare ethereum's money supply fiddling with bitcoin halvings.
especially when ethereum removed all costs of mining eth at the same time as the supply drop. that's most of the reason why they needed to drop issuance in the first place.

>> No.51620775

Eth is going to zero

>> No.51620779

um sweaty... bitcoin mints at a greater rate and has no supply cap either

>> No.51620795

>has no supply cap

>> No.51620809

you didn't seriously fall for the 21m meme, did you? lol
it's one fork away from being changed, and this will happen in less than 10 years

>> No.51620817

delete this.

>> No.51620820

you have to sell to cover mining costs

>> No.51620825

>you're right it has a supply cap but in theory all the miners can band together and remove it!
Is this the best ETH maxis can do? lmao.

>> No.51620828
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I understand the logic here. One BTC costs X dollars to produce so miners aren't willing to sell below that unless they absolutely are forced to, thus holding up the price. That price thesis has existed since before BTC was worth even a penny. It fails to account for the network effect that BTC has accrued over its lifespan and that is the thing which is driving this exponential rise in price the past ten years. ETH has lost the miner hold thesis but has aquired the network effect. So while ETH stakers only pay pennies to produce an asset worth a thousand dollars, they are only rewarded with one cent worth of ETH every block (currently). The network effect is bolstered by the apps built on top of it. So while BTCers want to believe that ETH will dump to the price it takes to produce, it's not going to happen, not even in a bear market.

>> No.51620830

>it's one fork away
sounds like typical late adopter cope to me.
you're so used to your favorite little alts that dont even know what they're going to be in 5 years to understand why bitcoin is entirely unique, and doesn't even operate in the same market.

>> No.51620837

eth under proof of stake costs exactly $0.00 to print

it makes no sense to talk about issuance changes before and after. the dynamic has completely changed.

>> No.51620856

go ahead and print some free eth then, I’ll wait

>> No.51621029
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ETH will be declared a security which means miners will be forced to sell ETH for exactly the cost it takes to produce which is exactly 0 dollars

>> No.51621037

reminder ETH has a 50% premine lmao

>> No.51621041


>> No.51621052

psyop, price will go down to $0 and fuck all of you niggers I hope you burn in hell with your weak hands you bunch of pussies

>> No.51621132

why aren’t you mining eth for $0? it’s free money
reminder satoshi holds over 1 million btc

>> No.51621313

Btc security and miner income are the same thing. If tx fees will stay the same negligible amount compared to the block reward, these won't incentivize miners enough. That leaves us with block rewards which keep halving as coded. It's either a secured chain with a different kind of issuance/security model or eventually an unsecure chain. See you in 2,3,4 halvings when Bitcoin faces this inevitable problem. You can't just swipe it under a rug and forget it.
PoS cost is locked capital, PoW is electricity and hardware. PoW maxis fail to understand that PoW hashing itself doesn't create any value, but it creates sybil resistance which is the valuable end result. PoS achieves this sybil resistance by requiring a stake. It all ends in the same result of securing a blockchain, but with different mechanisms. These two mechanisms have their own good and bad sides which can be argued.

>> No.51621384

creator presumed dead
safe network protected by hashrate and miners
network never suffered an attack
changes are made my miner voting

Created by an autistic sperg that can barely keep himself alive
ETH foundation full of cringelords and boomers
had to fork to bail out some retarded smartcontract
no usecases just like bitcoin other than all the defi scams and dog tokens nobody cares about
no validation of the network from miners
founders decide what happens and they change stuff at will

gee i wonder why nobody cares about ETH

>> No.51623546

Too early to short ETH? Seems to have gone crabby.

>> No.51623594


This lol, who the fuck's going to pay for hardware and electricity to mine when block rewards are no longer being distributed. Transaction fees alone certainly can't cover the costs of mining.

This is assuming governments don't ban PoW and Bitcoin in its current form either, which is bound to happen in the next 5 years. Especially now that Eth is PoS and there are "green" alternatives.

>> No.51623767

>the supply shock always happened months after the halvening itself
the supply shock happens instantly between 2 blocks, yes instantly
what you are refering too is the price action and yes that usually lags a couple of months, try not to be too much of a tourist when you post

the cost of eth isnt zero as it requires you to have eth in the first place
its the price of 32 eth divided by the stacking gains over a year and then you got apy
its the same as miners dont only take power costs but also asic costs in consideration

>> No.51623798

Wait, can you seriously not unstake your coins?
But I put all my money in their..

>> No.51623874

Stakers don't have to sell ETH to cover operating expenses for mining, so the value is never sold off, it stays in the network. They are also incentivised to hold whst they earn because this is how you make compound gains/interest.

This is 5x better for ETH price than a bitcoin halving.

>> No.51624777

You think ethereum supply shock is something, wait until you see 98% of link locked up on dons.

>> No.51624827

>no refunds

>> No.51624881
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>comparing mining to MINTING
every. fucking. time.

>> No.51625744
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imagine the fees on eth at 10k eth lmao, the fantom virtual machine will destroy eth

>> No.51625766

They premined 72 million tokens and the Jewish investors hid who received them.

Look up Joseph Lubin hiding who early Eth whales are.
There's leaked audio of he saying how he hid big addresses

>> No.51625914

>comparing satoshi to jews and jeets
>the rest of your cope posts
permanently NGMI

>> No.51625937

kek indeed