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51617334 No.51617334 [Reply] [Original]

And Icp is clearly showing the way forward, financially speaking.

>> No.51617454

ICP will kill ethereum and resurrect it

>> No.51617458

>bridge attacked
>bad for eth
Are you retarded?

>> No.51617468

check out echelon anon. You can thank me later.

>> No.51617482

>Internet Computer

>> No.51617532

can Dom be normal for one tweet
etc? threshold ecdsa solves this because all nodes require consensus to talk to a single node?

>> No.51617568

Shut the fuck up brainlet I got what he was saying off the bat

>> No.51617583

explain it then cocksucker

>> No.51617996

Zoom out bitch. ETH is literally going to 10k within the next 9 months.

>> No.51618019

why do you guys even bother?
every single platform could collapse and icp would still fail, it's dead on arrival.

>> No.51618073

this. the beauty of icp is that even if devs want to build on eth, they can just migrate the front end to icp and keep the backend on eth. icp gets the network effects of the eth shitchain.

>> No.51618082
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so you’re telling me ICPEE with its 100 something shitty dApps will be responsible for Ethereum’s downfall? LMAAAOO
Even Polygon has the upper hand. Tens of thousands of dApps, 8 multipurpose scaling solutions, and major partnerships
let them beat that first before even thinking about making claims about them beating Ethereum

>> No.51618138

>they can just migrate
the battle cry of the failed platform. every time an altcoin expects to gain users from people migrating, it's over.

ethereum won because it brought in new people that didn't want to build a blockchain just to create something specialized that ran on one.
there's no outsider getting excited about building anything on icp.

>> No.51618306

>ethereum won
tell me one mainstream web3 app built on ethereum
you cant
its just shitcoin trading and nft degeneracy
the first mainstream blockchain dapp will be social media
eth cant do that

>> No.51618421

where do you think anyone looking to build is going? it's definitely not failed now old-cycle platforms like icp, they're building for ethereum or new, hyped ethereum-compatible chains to take advantage of them.

>> No.51618437

no one really gives a fuck about icp keep dreaming lol

>> No.51618445

Holy shit the cope. Yeah $100 million for gb of storage. Real reasonable

>> No.51618493

shouldve used ren

>> No.51618524

>Icp is clearly showing the way forward, financially speaking
By dumping 99%?
ICP is shit and will remain shit.

>> No.51618546

>decentralized front ends...
>being hosted on our nodes...
>hosted on AWS !

>> No.51618570


>> No.51618749

internet computer

>> No.51619069

if you're trying to store and replicate 1gb of data on a blockchain, then you don't understand what you're doing.
if you're building a blockchain for storing data, you don't know what you're doing.

i'm not the one holding onto last years' failed alt

>> No.51619073

>Still shilling shitcoins on the verge of a global recession and possible world war

>> No.51619180
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>> No.51620507

MoonMan's recommended read

>if you're trying to store and replicate 1gb of data on a blockchain, then you don't understand what you're doing.
>if you're building a blockchain for storing data, you don't know what you're doing.
You are a midwit aren't you.
If you're building a public permissioned ledger just for provenance, company recordkeeping and lightweight finance and call it the world computer like the ETH foundation did in 2016, then it's not a world computer but a commodore 64.

The purpose of a smart contract =
Any type of data not just simple token balances. Software, movies, games, every type of data directly powered by smart contracts using vending machine logic.

>> No.51620514


>> No.51620705

there are better distributed storage mechanisms that don't use blockchains and aren't as expensive.
state is what you care about, and if you need to store 1gb of state, then you've made a huge mistake somewhere.

>> No.51620748


>> No.51620797

gonna need to store your 300gb smart contract on chain which Icp will allow

>> No.51620851

i guess when you have no product you keep making up imaginary scenarios that would create one for you.

>> No.51620891

>no one really gives a fuck about icp keep dreaming lol

of course not. nobody understands any of this crap apart from a few nerds. it's all useless anyway, we aren't going to fix our actual problems with fake currencies.

>> No.51620970

they’re already 8gb in size and every canister website is a smart contract
it’s there now clown

>> No.51621376 [DELETED] 

>there are better distributed storage mechanisms that don't use blockchains and aren't as expensive.

You as a ETH-maxi, you are telling me you care about 'state', that is laughable. When it comes to state. Ethereum State-bloat is the main cause why ETH gas fees will never go down, unless Dom solves the issue by running ETH2 inside an ICP canister. When a project occupy state on ETH, it's stored forever for free. ETH-state will continuously grow, as a result eth-state will slow down the nodes, raising the cost of operating a node (not sure if ETH2 has fixed this) At some point only the extreme wealthy few can afford to operating a node. (It's already happening, 32 ETH = $44K to run a node) Most people can't afford to run a ETH node, so they rely on third party staking pools like Lido (which ultimately leads to more centralization)
ETH 2 is the prime example of a centralized project. The ultra wealthy can afford the majority of the nodes and the rich also determine which transactions are valid, and the rich also fucking reap most of the rewards.
Before you bring up DFS - they have zero monetary value, only blockchains can provide the monetary security needed to secure value.

Before you bring up IPFS.

38:30 min mark
juan benet:
>we have to get completely off of web2 cloud in order to be fully decentralized.


There are anons on this board with visionary qualities, they saw the vurnabilities building on old legacy web2 infrastructures, it will slowly be exposed, have patience.

>> No.51621426


>> No.51621588
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hey the comment was deleted want to see what he wrote
>>check archived moe
wtf did a tranny janny really delete a multi paragraph explanation on why icp will beat eth? kill yourself you eth holding janny ape. or more likely, you will never be a woman. and finally, nigger.

>> No.51623080

thank you anon for saving this, otherwise i would have never seen his comment
i made the thread regarding the wanxiang summit and juan/ilia getting completely btfo'd by dominic
shoutout to the anon who made that comment, appreciate it

icp won the race to the first fully on-chain computing platform - no cloud
now they must win the adoption race. so far, so good. network effects are exponential, and can come out of nowhere. i've been keeping a tab weekly on different dapps.

>> No.51623428

Ive a feeling dscvr is going to explode in use in the next year or so… users that have no clue what blockchain is and dont need to either (icp is gasless for the uninitiated) all these people are “cyclists” the more they use the platform the more cycles they burn …. The more icp demanded (price go up)

>> No.51623860
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>> No.51623898
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Let's put all of our decentralized projects on AWS!

>> No.51625435

tECDSA is the protocol engineered by DFINITY that allows ICP smart contracts to sign transactions directly on other chains, avoiding the need for funds to go through centralized third party infrastructure such as a bridge in order to achieve interoperability.

>> No.51625543

They got 9mm in funding by VCs recently. And they've optimized their speed a lot, it loads ad fast as any web2 site now, impressive.

>> No.51626360

Very nice anon

>> No.51627570

Right but this was about BN's and how they'll protect against BGP routing attacks. Was looking for specific info on what exactly prevents this in threshold ecdsa and my guess is it's because of consensus of nodes to verify you're actually communicating with a legit server

>> No.51629666

Dominic was merely listing the features that make the ICP secure, hence his use of "etc"

>> No.51629884

Keep huffing the copium retard nigger. Matic is the real chad coin

>> No.51629991

These matic pajeets really are something

>> No.51631938

Everyone is literally used to web2. It's really hard to imagine the future of crypto without solutions that are bridging the gap between web2 and web3

>> No.51631953
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Only possible after decentralized identities becomes a standard

>> No.51632321

Things like this proves without a shadow of doubt the 4chaim is gone and the only alternatives are places like s3ach4n sick of these utterly pathetic tranny loser faggots, the reason this board is filled by untermensch homosexual cockchopper freaks, jeets, normalfag reddit trash. The low is rabble that almost have destroyed the internet. Utterly sick of complaining about it because most pathetic cucks seem to enjoy virtual bondage. Anyone being smart and using this shithole contributes to this trannyjew cointelpro tier horse shit. I suggest bringing our business elsewhere. I already mentioned one, you can go next.

>> No.51632433

If you enjoy virtual bondage knowingly and don’t try other places you should commit sodoku right now. Besides some rare gems this board has not been good for years, even in this bear it did not cleanse these fucking low iq vaccinated faggots out. You will eat shit untermensch.

>> No.51632493

Who are you raging at

>> No.51633880

OP is fucking delusional. ethereum is in a completely different realm where not even the biggest of blockchains can compete, let alone a shitchain like ICP

kek seethe harder
polygon might be the only chain in the top 20s actually putting in work
compare them to any other chain and you’ll know exactly what i mean.
just a reminder that they have the only open source zkEVM right now

>> No.51635407

>some retards are using centralized websites to interact with the chain
>this means eth is a failure
lmao. Keys and wallets goes with rule #2: Not your node, not your transaction. This has always been true