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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5157026 No.5157026 [Reply] [Original]

Okey bois,
I'm going to load about 10% of my portfolio in a moonshot altcoin and need to be shilled.

Currently I'm considering picking one of the following:


Which one do I choose or should I take a coin outside of this list?
Also moonshot lowmarketcap discussion.

>> No.5157079


>> No.5157085


>> No.5157111


they have a super computer. releases and news all month long.

qsp will take longer.
wish is just a cool idea, but i dont see it being a game changer.

not familiar enough with hst, but it is already way up.

>> No.5157113

Which heavenly blessed beautiful might this be

>> No.5157124

nexus. biggest moon mission ever

>> No.5157138

been holding that one since etherdelta times

>> No.5157205

only know DNA. participated to a pump and dump and tripled my bet in one day so i won't shit on the coin. but if your looking for fundamentals, a sound project and software, then DNA looks definitely phoney as fuck, like 99% of the coins today

>> No.5157317

DNA already has 4 paying biotech customers and they're just starting.

Having some companies actually paying for DNA's product puts them as less phoney than 99% of shitcoins. Proof is in the actual people paying actual money for encrypgen.

>> No.5157359

wish by a longshot.

MyWish is like a will... if you die or you loose your crypto keys, what happens to your crypto? Gone forever? Mywish is a smart contract that can send your crypto after the amount of time that you choose to the addresses you selected. Like a dead man switch.

Crypto needs this.

That being said I own wish, dna and hst and wish is my favorite pick by far.

>> No.5157378

WISH is more interesting short-term wise. There is no resistance on ED and Cryptopia listing is coming this month plus other announcements.

>> No.5157391

COSS obviously

>> No.5157458

Thoughts on XBY?

>> No.5157581
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Shitcoins are rising because BTC is consolidation from recent gains
Yeah sure there are some shitcoins making some real gain. Good luck picking them.
point being you already missed this round of Shitcoin gains.
We at the top anon.
Now is the time to unload Shitcoins
Not time to buy them.

>> No.5157657

Sell them for what? BTC?
Also I'd rather move recent gains from my shittier shitcoins to less shitty shitcoins

>> No.5157701

RDN. Big news coming.

>> No.5157787


>> No.5157814

how do I buy DNA

>> No.5157872


>> No.5157937

>less shitty
and Namecoin if you are feeling a little crazy.
Another crazy idea:
Wait until after Jan 1
a few days
Watch Bcash crash after everyone on Coinbase moves thier Bcash to other exchanges and sells their Fork dividend
Buy up at low
sell on rise.

>> No.5157973

Master race trifecta

IF you go $25k into this your'e a millionaire within a year.

>> No.5157977

was out getting food when qsp crashed....
thought i was done for, then this insane bullrun happened.

>> No.5157978

These shill threads are so fucking obvious. Go back to discord, faggots.

>> No.5157987

Dump like 100$ on ITNS, voting will happen tonight for it to be put on bit-z. Similar project like mystereum, but better.

>> No.5158015


why qsp? i cant even find what this coin does

>> No.5158072

They stand alone as an auditor. First of all, it is backed by Y combinator. Y Combinator also backed Coinbase and REQ. Smart Contracts are going to be big business and need an auditing framework, enter QSP. QSP has low market cap, with big backers.

Not sure how big it will be super long run but QSP will double within a week

>> No.5158108

Most of what /biz shills is shit in the top 100, usually in the top 20. Fucking tired


Check it.

> beating golem to market
> better infrastructure than golem or rlc
> huge rumors about christmas
> this is going planetary between now and Jan

>> No.5158306

this one seems interesting

>> No.5158356


>> No.5158404


>> No.5158426

>click to view team

>> No.5158786

Look into electroneum. Feels like I'm the only one who gives a shit but it's a solid choice.

Recently hit a price floor, tech is normie bait. Can't lose with this one

>> No.5158808

They have two women. Sold 100k.

>> No.5158916

So? You would not have crypto to begin with if not for white males!

>> No.5158962
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Boy. Coin shilling has gotten elaborate these days.

Its now just people asking which is the best and then providing a multiple choice list hoping people will pick the right one so its so obvious.

>> No.5159041

DNA and WISH are diarrhea-tier shitcoins
HST is a higher quality shit
QSP may or may not be shit but still not buying it

>> No.5159084


>> No.5159562
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At least go to the trouble of finding an image larger than the thumbnail

>> No.5160202


Care to provide any real analysis or just saying everything is shit?

>> No.5160290
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Incoming news this week and its not only pic related.

>> No.5160293


>> No.5160644

I have, DNA has more behind it than most of the shitcoin vapor mooning lately.

>> No.5160672

why do they have no white paper?
why is the most extensive writeup on their business model in a research report from a company that discloses that they accept payments from the companies they "research"?

>> No.5160697

HST will take a month or two before it'll moon desu.
The volume and exchanges are way too shitty for it to moon.

>> No.5160767

The Spero report covers everything a whitepaper would. The PhD who runs the project refers people to the Spero report as its independent.

You can find plenty about their model on the website besides Spero and you can go on discord and talk to the entire team for more nitty gritty details.

Four actual biotech companies have already bought nodes. Two unannounced, two already announced. An app is coming shortly and there's a new timeline up. Real life companies are paying real money to buy access to this blockchain. Most shitcoins barely have a working product let alone actual customers.

>> No.5161423


>> No.5161473

definitely expanse. whale accumulation, low supply, very undervalued cap. heating up.

>> No.5161701

Get VEN.... Posted mysterious tweets about china gov cooperation and will add further information this week. Im 100% on VEN right now and made already 30% gain..

>> No.5161818



1. They now have two named paying laboratory customers (Codgio46 & Cir Tek Bio), validating the business model and demonstrating demand in the market for their product. Two more have just been announced as to be revealed

2. Encrypgen will have a live product for everyday users to access early functionality next week, with full use next month. How many cryptos have that to say? It's not a project with a whitepaper and a promise of something in the future, it's a project with real application and proven use case.

3. The mainstream press is criticising 23andMe and other providers for commercialising your genomic data through hidden terms and conditions. To date there's been no alternative. Codigo46 and Encrypgen are offering the same service but where you control who accesses your data through smart contracts. That's an amazing USP, which could only exist through blockchain.

4. Encrypgen will present this to industry leaders next month (Fesitval of Genomics, London). Getting more labs only increases the network effect of the GeneChain. The roadmap shows they're moving to 10 labs by mid next year. It won't be long before they'll be competing in size for datasets with some of the larger labs, and there's clearly demand for these bigger datasets (look at the 100k genome project). And what's better, because they're connecting labs around the world, the data on the GeneChain will contain a more diverse dataset than most of the others will have.

5. The fact Encrypgen have validated the business model, and are with a valuable product, makes the VC funding they're in negotiations for exponentially more likely. Once this happens, the rate of business growth will see a dramatic increase.

>> No.5162133
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Buy this XBY dip, loading up for node registration run the next weeks