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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 695x695, Njk1eDQyMC5qcGco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51612293 No.51612293 [Reply] [Original]

it's inevitable. all other coins have no product.

>> No.51612382


things are about to get very bad for no batties and no bravies

>> No.51612569
File: 2.81 MB, 2880x3883, 7b547cd9a1fbe29a82e0fb71eaceef02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave is finally being mentioned on normie sites like r*ddit. Snowball effect is inevitable.

>> No.51613167
File: 36 KB, 659x659, 1657044680865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so I'm feeling euphoric again
*tips BAT*

>> No.51613309

100$ bat would unironically be adverse to its use case. You are a retarded moonboy and you will never be rich off the pittance in your uphold account.

>> No.51613350

22k whale here I'm dumping this at $3 and it will be a personal market sell

>> No.51613394
File: 45 KB, 501x194, batstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.8 BAT giga-whale here, my ROI is already infinity % but I'm never selling.

>> No.51614263
File: 360 KB, 449x563, hands you BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gives you free cryptocurrency*

>> No.51614299

Your attention isn't free amigo. Or rather you should not regard it as such.

>> No.51614359

We need to start making the list of all the supplies were gonna need on the BAT yacht besides cocaine and skrippers.

>> No.51614382
File: 33 KB, 353x317, therapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*diagnoses your Asperger syndrome*

>> No.51614994

Psychiatry is a Jewish triiiiick

>> No.51615135
File: 1.91 MB, 576x1024, 297081251_327016819555999_650253101116157860_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're still holding it in Miami, I can secure the following anytime 100% guaranteed
>dude weed LMAO
>Booze(Top shelf spirits like Ace of Spades, Aged Japanese Whiskey, etc)
>The best catering in Miami
>Rental car reservations

The coca is on you lads, but I might can point you in the right direction. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

>> No.51615503

Yea I think we need dry ice seafood towers filled with jumbo skrimp cocktail, oysters, king crab legs, lobster tails etc. Were gonna need big champagne bottles to bathe in, a couple live bands, a deejay, massage girls, skrippers with skripper pole, a plethora of fresh fruits and veggies with dip (I’ll be watching to make sure none of you furry fucks double dip) pretzels, plastic cups, bags of ice, a big bottle of henny for our black batbros etc.

>> No.51616772
File: 254 KB, 600x300, EICHisJABBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG bat yacht supporter. What is the number of bat to get to the yacht. And what is the price point, $40?
And yes Miami for sure

>> No.51617274

I’d say a minimum of 50k if we’re going all out on supplies. What do you think thøts?

>> No.51617795

Where is this optimism coming from?

>> No.51617883 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 1242x1537, 5F7ACEFB-D0DD-463E-97E8-D752799CBD1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need cute guys to look at, por favor

>> No.51617981

people will be looking for chrome alternatives once manifest v3 fucks up the adblockers

>> No.51617991

May this be a boon then.
Or at least reinforce a nice new floor.

>> No.51618008

It's the way of these threads. Find a new topic to drum up some hopium, turns out to be a nothing burger, cope about it for a while, repeat. BAT holders have terminal Stockholm syndrome, they can't help it.

>> No.51618015

It's kind of comfy.

>> No.51618023

That's just because the whores, it's got nothing to do with BAT.

>> No.51618033

Not a fan of the thot posting to be frank.

>> No.51618059
File: 1.14 MB, 540x304, Violet Evergarden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also don't care for them, preferring feminine waifus over the blob monsters that pass as whores lately.

>> No.51618081

Well the former is the idealized version.
It's unlikely you'd find someone tending to that ideal on Instagram.

>> No.51618104

The whores and the community call Tuesday to see if any news has been posted is the only reason I bother to check these threads. BAT threads haven’t had anything going for them relevant for years it feels like.

>> No.51618200

Is there wheelchair access for me

>> No.51618222

I have 32.5 BAT so far for "watching" "ads" so that means I'm going to get 3250 usd dollars at some points literally for free? That's impossible. If anything the value will keep dropping until it gets to zero

>> No.51618259

Batbros are coming to terms with the fact that the bull market won’t pump this token. There’s only one browser token in the top 1000 coins. We need a full on flushing of the system to take out all the sussy garbage tokens with no use cases sitting above it in market cap. And now that we know for sure the bull market isn’t returning any time soon, we’re getting exactly what we need.

>> No.51618287

Fair enough.
BAT does have solid fundamentals.

>> No.51618293

We’ll make sure of it fgooglenbigbro. I’ll be making sure one of the strippers sucks your cock. How’s your weekend going?

>> No.51618332

You know you can send fractions of a BAT right?

>> No.51618400

You’ll start receiving .0001 BAT every month when it reaches $100. Right now you’re being rewarded for early adoption. You have about 2-3 more years of prime bear market BAT browser collection if you’re lucky. After that you’ll wish you’d either bought some or had a way to collect them thru content creation.

>> No.51618537

I'm high right now, ama

>> No.51618658

What are you high on?

>> No.51618700

Just edibles

>> No.51619802

link will hit 100 that i know, but why would BAT?

>> No.51620796

Who’s LINK’s competition? Isn’t there other data feed oracle projects or whatever? I think closest competitor to BAT right now is DEC. Maybe you can even count PRE. BAT has both of their use cases and is much farther ahead with users of both. They have a first mover advantage.

>> No.51621017 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 1242x1655, E8DD247D-8675-4CE7-8DEC-71C4D23C0775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it just is…okay?!

>> No.51622759
File: 2.36 MB, 2048x2048, american_badass_brendan_eich_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on Twitter are complaining about YouTube ads that can't be skipped. It's the latest YT feature! So exciting.

Sort by latest and start shilling Brave.

>> No.51622934

batniggers deserve to be brutally beaten to death with a spiked bat

>> No.51623647

Sorry to ask but does anyone have the data on historical ad buys per month by Brave in USD? Trying to get a sense of where different months stack up. The very rough estimate for this month would be about $1.05M.

>> No.51623809

hey brave niggers i'm finally ready to switch. trannyfox/librewolf suck now.
only problem is the new 4chan captchas won't load on brave desktop, cookies enabled shields disabled.

>> No.51623810

I have a script that calculates it. Not 100% accurate as it uses Binance for the price.

2019: $269,351.45
2020: $3,121,503.62
2021: $13,743,777.06
2022: $11,445,906.66

2019-08: $21,993.73
2019-09: $62,786.92
2019-10: $54,884.09
2019-11: $38,289.16
2019-12: $91,397.56
2020-01: $70,629.14
2020-02: $58,126.72
2020-03: $169,255.03
2020-04: $63,348.16
2020-05: $101,161.72
2020-06: $88,783.99
2020-07: $442,763.56
2020-08: $413,783.43
2020-09: $340,307.20
2020-10: $377,063.91
2020-11: $254,749.58
2020-12: $741,531.19
2021-01: $362,232.77
2021-02: $376,012.48
2021-03: $388,794.23
2021-04: $604,297.26
2021-05: $1,276,702.16
2021-06: $589,450.00
2021-07: $1,418,432.10
2021-08: $1,047,284.40
2021-09: $2,340,367.07
2021-10: $1,452,716.00
2021-11: $894,526.40
2021-12: $2,992,962.20
2022-01: $2,206,501.55
2022-02: $2,015,996.80
2022-03: $225,454.00
2022-04: $2,219,623.96
2022-05: $997,789.07
2022-06: $997,197.98
2022-07: $733,260.46
2022-08: $961,776.00
2022-09: $1,088,306.83

>> No.51623910

its looking good for brave these days
- manifest v3 is going to fuck up chrome/firefox adblockers like ublock origin, brave should see a surge of users.
- google's been going after apps that let you play youtube in the background without paying like vanced. you'll eventually see most android users either paying for youtube premium or using brave over time. normies can't install revanced and its shit anyways. and nobody without severe autism is using newpipe/skytube.

>> No.51623931

brave mobile never saw its userbase bump from vanced getting nuked because vanced still works for a lot of people & adblockers on other mobile browsers still work.
but soon both won't be the case, so there's going to be a moderate influx of mobile users once vanced stops working & brave's the only browser with a working adblock.

>> No.51624025

Thanks bruv

>> No.51624046

I only use Reddit for Brave/BAT discussion and one of my niche hobbies, but by god the amount of Firefox shilling happening right now is incredible. The narrative is positioning everything Chrome and Chromium based as doomed to fail, so the only alternative is FF+uBlock. People sometimes go into negative downboats simply for mentioning Brave.

>> No.51624099

Is it just as easy to switch out of chrome to trannyfox with bookmarks, passwords, etc. as it is Brave? I would think most people want the easiest solution, but Redditfags are a different breed.

>> No.51624910

yet no one mentions Opera has been making the same plays and has 6 times the userbase what now

>> No.51625144

Link it up when you see it. Happy to upvote/downvote.

>> No.51625603

Redditfags fucking love firefox. Those fags took the "browser engine monopoly" bait. Impressionable retarded faggots

>> No.51625645

nigga im not paying anything. Im going to show up, crash your party and steal all of your shit. nerd.

>> No.51625729

You try that shit while I’m there and you won’t make it back to shore

>> No.51625970

FF came out as explicitly anti-crypto, and lately has been doing actual development for once, so there's no way Brave can compete among redditors. The fact Brave is tied to chromium can only be a negative.

>> No.51626363

>thotposter hanging out with HasanPiker
We need Brave/BAT shilled to him. Imagine the publicity since that toolbag has an insane amount of reach

>> No.51626499

Honestly that bat brigade should focus on upvoting brave comments on reddit to get it to the top of the pile on threads. Couldn’t be that hard

>> No.51626655
File: 227 KB, 1200x1200, B358629B-B163-4383-836D-ED1B51AF93CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thotposter hanging out with HasanPiker
His fucking days are numbered

>> No.51626783
File: 11 KB, 323x570, soy face 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine wanting Hasan faggot Piker to shill Brave

this is why BAT fags aren't going to make it

>> No.51626815

What the fuck is with that graphic

>> No.51627137

i had never heard of this guy. youtube has too many "stars"

>> No.51627151

btw, there is no chance that Hasan Piker shills Brave once he sees gay hater and retard virologist Brendan Eich.

Too bad Eich had religious parents. He could have been normal.

>> No.51627313

>no chance that Hasan Piker shills Brave

objectively a good thing

>> No.51628038

>Too bad Eich had religious parents. He could have been normal.
Yea bcuz the J’s trauma based mind control and debt denominated slavery is normal. People that devote themselves to their family, their business and a higher power are total weirdos.

>> No.51628227

Yeah lets just not have any huge names promote the browser, even though we have someone on the inside with access to celebrities. My bad we can just keep crabbbing at 30 cents with 0 marketing for another 5 years.

>> No.51628269

We don’t have the numbers to make a difference. Those sheep would just downvote bury everything

>> No.51628681
File: 93 KB, 385x390, laugh frog cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT holders are such fucking weak minded losers. Probably from all the coomers getting baited into buying this stable coin from the tranny's posts. Sad to see. There's a reason this browser token never goes anywhere

>> No.51628743

There's a reason thotposter doesn't give out her name here. Being associated with biz, Brave, or BAT in any form would be a complete fuck to her rep. Imagine her celebrity friends knowing she actually paid money on some retard pol browser coin people get for free. You'll never get shit from her except thot posts, she's not going to tank her career over you retards.

>> No.51628968

I'm still holding.
If this trundles under a quarter I may double my stack.

>> No.51628977

You can devote yourself to family. Just don't be a religious faggot that believes in fairy tales.

>> No.51628993

I got her IG from a thread last year and DM her time to time. I dont think her identity is the biggest secret with the /soc/ history on top of it but I can see why you wouldn’t want to try to shill BAT to her circle. Would be worth a shot to ask still.

>> No.51629232

What did I just read? You don't think high flyers take risks? She's in the entertainment biz not a lawyer.

>> No.51629255

>erc-20 token

>> No.51630130

What’s thots IG?

>> No.51630333 [DELETED] 

Sounds like something a fairy tale would say.

>> No.51630930

I'd be a lot more bullish on BAT if it wasn't an eth token that cost a billion dollars in gas fee to send.

>> No.51631115

I'm bullish on bat but can anyone explain why they think this coin will ever moon to ridiculous levels like $100?

It will literally never even go above $10, there's too many BAT laying around for free on browsers it's not going to even be possible for it to climb that high making millions of jeets and random people thousands of dollars from them using the browser. I literally have 22 bat just from browsing, no way that would ever turn into $2,200.

I can see bat hitting like 2 or 3 dollars.

>> No.51631575
File: 648 KB, 1731x1220, 1660010685102008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just will. simple as.

>> No.51632432

Doge has 88x the supply has BAT. Doge hit $0.73. If I were to imagine a world where BAT could be worth as much as Doge I could imagine BAT having the potential to hit $64.

Brave has a browser, and a search engine. Hopefully they somehow achieve more growth and somehow pump our BAT bags through one of those things. Is $100 BAT a long shot? Probably, but to say it's impossible is ridiculous. A couple years ago I thought Doge going over $0.10 was impossible.

>> No.51632479

I have earned 1,428 BAT just from browsing. In your own words it's impossible to earn $2,200 from browsing, but 10 months ago I literally had close to $2,500 from browsing.

Theres 60m users. Most people will only ever have 10-20 BAT if they are lucky. What you are saying is impossible now has already happened and people said it would never be possible back then. The goalposts keep moving.

>> No.51632521

What a normie assertion. This does not in anyway have all in one solution on the blockchain. Does this solve identity management,security, privacy, scalability, gas issues all at once?

>> No.51633811

There's risks that pay off, but this cesspool of retards isn't one of them. Imagine her telling Dua Lipa about 4chan, the website thought to spawn domestic terrorists, and Brendan Eich, the gay-hating Covid expert, and his amazing cryptocurrency that crabs for years so pajeets can look at ads. There is no situation in which anyone could avoid looking like a moron, talking about BAT.

>> No.51635556

What does 4chan have to do with Brave?

>> No.51635599

Solves this problem: people can actually understand Brave and BAT.

>> No.51635679
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>> No.51637822
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1654278743234s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all other coins have no product.
Can you for once stop joking nonsense?
Nahmii is built to handle the hassles of high gas fees, Ride, the ticker of holoride is designed to bring entertainment to passengers on transit, while Fun token can be used to book for flights and hotels on travala
>just curious how many biz flags you've successfully deceived so far.

>> No.51639151

Do you mean the infamous FUN token created by FunFair?

>> No.51640469

BAT is a /pol/ coin, same with Monero or ICP

>> No.51640767
File: 23 KB, 311x196, batn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTies OFICIALLY got scammed. Brave downloads and usage have no bearing on the token. Glorified Ad Blocker. Token used for money grab gimmick. A small fraction of the users actually turn on ads - people will pay NOT to view ads.

BRAVE users != BAT shitcoin holders

Brave fans:
Love privacy
Hate big tech
Hate ad industry
Hate government
Probably use Linux, free software

BAT fans:
Don't care much about privacy (use public ledger crypto, rationalize KYC)
Love nu-big tech (web3)
Love ad industry (it'll cause BAT to moon)
Love government (regulation and institutional adoption will make BAT moon)
Probably less tendency to use Linux and free software

>> No.51640782
File: 91 KB, 1076x654, bate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> Yep, here, at least in the way that I don't care about the BAT rewards. I just think Brave is a good browser and I like to use it.

> do care about crypto, but not the Brave rewards. I have turned off ads. I don't want to make $30 a year by having to see 6 ads an hour.

> Time is my most precious commodity, attention is a close second. As I get older I'm more aware of this, and don't care to pollute my consciousness with ads if I can avoid it.

> I have been using Brave for around three years, never turned on BAT. Not interested in cryptocurrency of any kind.

> I don't give a shit about earning bat.. I give a lot of shit about crypto

> I'll raise TWO hands. Life is too short to spend it closing ads popups for pennies.

> If I could I would disable/strip off any crypto feature from Brave, desu.

> I do care about crypto, just not BAT.

> Yeah, I really wish this sub had forced flairs so I could filter out all the "were my bat??1" posts. Mods, please?

> Don't give a shit about crypto baked into a browser.

>> No.51640824
File: 60 KB, 430x456, eich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How about 10 BAT in one year from today, you pay me if BAT:BTC >= 0.00015 (max to date is 0.000145), else I pay you. Safe if BAT is worthless as you contend. How can you lose? ;-) - Brendan Eich @BrendanEich · Jan 24, 2018
> https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/956237347649069057
BAT is 0.00001715 BTC. BATTies got scammed by a lazy fat boomer who despite being early in the web, didn't have the work ethic, ambition or ingenuity to make money/ BAT is Eich's money grab project. Scamming low IQ crypto fags was his ticket.

>> No.51640906
File: 10 KB, 316x160, bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTies still getting scammed. Microsoft spent billions a year for a decade and still lost most of their marketshare to Google in the search engine space. But BATTies think that a crypto token with no money and inept lazy developers who haven't been able to deliver any product besides a fork of Chrome will become a search engine player.
> Google: 65.5%
> Yahoo: 16.8%
> Bing: 11.5%
> Ask Network: 3.5%
> AOL: 2.5%
> https://www.businessinsider.com/henry-blodget-bing-revisited-still-toast-but-slightly-less-burnt-2010-3
TODAY Bing low single digit market share and Google is
> Bing: ~6%
> Google: ~88%
> https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/united-states-of-america
And all this was costing Microsoft was spending Billions upon Billions at a loss
> Bing is spending $5.5 billion a year to generate $3 billion of revenue.
> https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-bing-losing-billions-2011-4

>> No.51641563

Impressive FUD, but I fail to see the relevance ?

>> No.51641581

Pretty late to the party this time bud, everything alright at home? Your wife staying out late with her "work friends"?

>> No.51641616

That's the magic of BAT, you bagholders pay the bills, not Brave. Keep buying and maybe they'll write a blog post about BAT utility.

>> No.51642780

I browsed pol for years before and never heard BAT mentioned. Stop trying to poison the well.

>> No.51642915

>inept lazy developers who haven't been able to deliver any product
Retard take. Brave releases more products regularly. As regulations get clearer and antitrust laws begin to take effect, BAT will begin its historical run. Why do you keep posting the same FUD in the threads if you don’t care for the token? How big is your bag?

>> No.51643046
File: 104 KB, 800x622, 1663257817907597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf wtf wtf BAT bros are back? Fuck yes time to accumulate moar bat moar shinja moar xrp and moar doge!! WAGMI!

>> No.51643061

bat's finest graphic designer made that op pic