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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51614268 No.51614268 [Reply] [Original]

>makes financially irresponsible zoomers baristas and gender studies majors seethe

>> No.51614327

Ye that's all he can do. His advices are completely disconnected from realty

>> No.51614387

>buy my program that will tell you to buy gold, praise jesus

Fuck you boomer.

>> No.51614916

On an episode he stated that there's a clause
in the family will that if a member of his family
goes full retard and becomes a degenerate, pagan they get removed from the will.

ever since hearing that episode I put these words in my will :
"TURBO FK'N CHAD RAMSDOG THE EMPEROR" , they are to be immediately
removed from said will by a simple stoke of a
golf pencil.

>> No.51614958


>> No.51615025
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He's good for people that are fucking retards
He's like financial training wheels for room temperature IQ wage slaves

>> No.51615149

>Josh Fluke and Dave Ramsey threads up at the same time.
I really don't give a fuck about your e-celeb drama bullshit.
Unless you guys arrange for them to fight each other in a live MMA fight.

>> No.51617563

>I'm a conservative but not raycis
the worst type of american

>> No.51617596

didn't he go bankrupt?

>> No.51617613

2 times. Mommy and Daddy were investment bankers, thats how he was able to get all his loans for his real estate empire. Like the land maggot he is, hes completely full of shit. He tells everyone to eat rice and beans and work 5 jobs and hes never had a real wage-faggin job in his entire life. Fuck him and his cult

>> No.51617874

this. we are not buying your garbage stones

>> No.51617900

We livebin a society (kek) where the expectation for the average person to be a functional member of society they are equipped with all that information by public schooling

99% of deadbeat retards who don't have something wrong with them genetic were raised by parents who are just as retarded, the remaining 1% are the children of the 1% used as sacrifices tobl yahwe (think hunter biden)

>> No.51617904

well at least he's out there giving some kind of direction to idiots that fuck their credit up. the advice he gives on his radio show seems like common sense, but people forget how retarded the average 20-something is.

>> No.51617906

>land maggot

Fuck that's a good one I'm stealing that

>> No.51617944
File: 317 KB, 761x629, 1657846261387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I leveraged real estate using Fed easy money policies, went bankrupt, and did it all over again.

>> No.51618010


>> No.51618028

I want to skin every boomer alive and forcefeed them salt until they dehydrate and die

>> No.51618032

I'm gonna laugh when he goes broke, he is all in on real estate.

>> No.51618044

Wow, didn't know he was so transphobic.