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51608629 No.51608629 [Reply] [Original]

you’re not ready

>> No.51608676

>you’re not ready

I hope y'all ready, you know I'm ready, I reign all day, you know, confetti
I gotta go get it, I gotta go get it, I gotta go get it, I gotta go get it, skrrt

>> No.51608708

>voter fraud data will be dumped...
This is schizo-boomer fanfic.

>> No.51608716

go back to pol faggot

>> No.51608721

Oh look another thread with this screencap!

>> No.51608748

Literally worthless effort posting fuck you retard

>> No.51608863
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Plan status: TRUSTED

>> No.51608870

i guess we will know in the next 12-14 hours

>> No.51609201

all eyes on china

>> No.51609474
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nothing will happen, just like in sports betting the biggest frauds are always bets that seem impossible to lose, when you think you can predict an upset you are always wrong.

>> No.51609505

>pull their money out of banks

Do doomer tards not understand how modern banking works? Its not fucking 1930, lol, there is zero reason to try to bank run and pull your money out of banks. It'd be fucking worthless either way.

>> No.51610006

in the modern world a bank run is warranted when there's max spend limits per day and account freezes.
the vendor doesn't care where the cash came from, it's verifiable.
if you can only spend $200 a day or something, you'd wished you just pulled it all out.

>> No.51610018

>believing anonymous coward larps from GLP

>> No.51610020
File: 38 KB, 600x396, 2weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really needed more threads OP.

>> No.51610134

Why are /pol/ fags so incredibly gullible and retarded?

>> No.51611059

It has been postponed. Just two more weeks though.

>> No.51611108
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I've been working on it since May. Moved 60K into silver, and now I'm moving the rest into gold. I also have about 20K in cash.

>> No.51611135

Well nothing happened today so I guess we just need two more weeks

>> No.51611155

There's like 3 threads going with this image as the topic what are we even doing

>> No.51611170

>this is it
>the end is here
>my life will finally start
>I will be vindicated
>I will no longer be a loser who bought these shiny rocks that keep being outperformed by cash
>I will no longer be a loser
>I will finally win and be right for once in my life

>> No.51611212

>not a single source
lol lmao
>muh election fraud daddy trump will finally be reinstated
Classic copium. Remember when everyone was supposed to drop dead a year ago due to muh deadly vaccine. We grow tired of you /pol/aschizos.

>> No.51611250


>> No.51611279

>you’re not ready
to read this crooked toothed schizo's wall of text? Yeah, I'm not

>> No.51611287

GLP thread fail. Nothing happen.

>> No.51611291
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Lol larper from godlikeproductions, wont come true probably.
Also funny there are other here who go there as well

>> No.51611340

>going to a bank on Sunday... yeah sure

>> No.51611351

>read end of post
>"and then the manipulation of my shiny rocks and GME stonks will be revealed and I'll be vindicated!"

kek all this is just the daydreaming of some GME baggie. you really think anyone who bought into GME has any fucking clue whats going on?

>> No.51611379

What boomer forum was this posted on?
Also lol at the the last paragraph revealing this is Qtard erotic fiction

>> No.51611389


>> No.51611396

This is fanfic writen by someone with no idea about stock market or banking

>> No.51611456

Qanon is real though, Trump mentioned him recently.

>> No.51612091

which forum is that?

>> No.51612125

Forex anon is having a schizoid meltdown qrd forex anon is a serial beggar/scammer here who made like 40k off stealing from people now he's losing his shit mentally and begging again and trying to sucker people into giving him money to "trade" for them, he's also a known GLP faggot and /x/ schizo so I can only assume it's him.

Mods refuse to range him because they leave the biggest faggots on here to post eternally.

>> No.51612226

haha this fucking faggot actually believes that you are allowed to vote and direct public policy of the USA or european nations. LOL...
And the police are here to protect us right?
We pay taxes for the greater good and we go to forreign countries to protect them and their democracy right?

Hahahahaha. You naive, fucking, dumb, cunt...

>> No.51612258

>there is zero reason to try to bank run and pull your money out of banks. It'd be fucking worthless either way.

Tell that to the chinese, you dumbass nigger.
Also what are people supposed to transact in then, in a credit freeze? You fucking moron ..

Cash is all you will have at that point unless you want a barter economy. And the average retard on the street, or in the halal-shop isnt going to know conversion rates of currencies.

Id much rather have a little bit of cash on hand in a safe (not over 3000 dollars though) , just in case of such an emergency, tthan to stand empty handed with nothing if something would happen. You do you, who cares really.

>> No.51612266
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You’re not a gang member you’re a tourist

>> No.51612274
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>> No.51612393
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it is almost done, do the shimy with me anon. shemitah shemitah olauh

>> No.51612475

anecdotal but last night my 3 cards from 2 different banks got rejected at a pos

>> No.51612501

another BS doom and gloom prediction.

>> No.51612688

card payment systems are not working in my area. they are only accepting cash at this time

>> No.51612836

>still no payment network issues

>> No.51612897

The Onion used to be one of the most reliably funny outlets there was up until around ten years ago. Sad.

>> No.51612907

>This is schizo-boomer fanfic.

Pretty much this.

>> No.51612931

Godlikeproductions, it used to be fun many years ago when it was full of tinfoil schizos who came up with the most unbelievable conspiracies, now it turned into /pol/ + The_Donald 2.0.

>> No.51612955

Eggtards, WE RIDE!

>> No.51613010

>Just two more weeks bros

>> No.51613025

But then things went bezerk in the gulf of Mexico and everything went to shit.
I mean the site did.

>> No.51613047

Lol is that from the Qanon forum?

>> No.51613053
File: 23 KB, 623x578, 7CB99481-2F33-4010-8F26-08FE961AC9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck bros why does this thread have this many replies

>> No.51613134

the instant something is predicted on glp it is 100% guaranteed to not happen

>> No.51613279

>trumpfags even managed to ruin classic tinfoil hat wearing schizos who'd make outrageous and sometimes funny theories
Is there anything they touch that doesn't turn to cancer?

>> No.51613334

how much are you down?

>> No.51613396

He's not saying we don't have rigged elections, he's saying that there isn't going to be an info dump on the rigging, nor will anything else happen this week like the OP hinted at. Which is fair to say. It's already 3:30pm in the US and nothing happened yet.

>> No.51613427

A bank run on sunday?
Which kike wrote that? Banks are closed on sunday here in europe.

>> No.51613476

dead board

>> No.51614086

>Thursday USA government will collapse
You lost me there. Shit it bad right now but not collapse in 5 days level bad.

>> No.51614120

B...Bros...is dis da happenin? Is we finally gonna get to form the Nazi party version 2, get laid, and beat up da bad guys like Aragon and the hobbits?

>> No.51614250

holy shit niggers stfu there wont be any happening

>> No.51614280

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.51614289

thanks just sold 100K cryptocurrencies

>> No.51614312

You would have to be retarded to belive that

>> No.51614374

Look at 2008 chart for silver and consider why that question doesn't matter. Even if the timeline in OP is wrong it doesn't mean it won't happen.

>> No.51614468

Yep. Wwg1wga etc

>> No.51614590
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My average silver cost so far is 23.77/oz, which is kinda high but that includes VAT.
My gold actually went up by 32 euros/oz though, heh.

>> No.51614632

Am I the only one who doesn't want a happening? I used to be a doomer wanting to see a global catastrophe, but non longer. Just keep the status quo. Let me keep my savings and my house and let me pay it off in peace.

>> No.51614671

I couldn't even make a more cringe post if I tried

>> No.51615040

huh... I posted this on /pol/ got banned instantly

>> No.51615154

The funny thing is that this is literally the only scenario where goldbugs actually win lol.

>> No.51615208

Cause GLP is schizo garbage I got my thread removed calling it out janitor is a fucking schizo faggot.

>> No.51615271

It may have been a bread about the sha256 being reverable using maths solvers in under 1 minute. not good enough for cyber, but enough to crumple the BTC as it is based on the NIST 'standard' of SHA256, which appears to be backdoored allegedly

>> No.51615329

go tested it, and post that screenshot
this seems legit, getting some mons out

>> No.51615415

What is the odds that some insider would spill the beans anonymously about a liquidity crisis being underway.
What is the odds that that same insider would have knowledge about critical voter fraud proof and the release date of said proof.

A good larp though (the first part at least).

>> No.51615432

Saturday is over and nothing happened

>> No.51615477

This is all fake.
Anon, where did you get this screenshot, do you mind posting the website forum? Thanks, very funny read, all wrong of course

>> No.51615536


>> No.51615571

I already said this multiple times during these last two days it's a DHS owned and ran website used to lure in drug addicts and keep them in a mental state of anguish always larping and hoping the world ends, they've been wrong for 17 solid years running and exit scammed their userbase monthly.

>> No.51616235

Two more weeks obviously, but there actually is (((system maintenance))) in my Euro bank Friday to Sunday, in night hours only
Still though

>> No.51616964


>> No.51617151

Lol i was enjoying this LARP till the voter fraud thing. That was too unbelievable

>> No.51617175

Because of the Jews. Seriously. They gatekeep them off into delusional land so as to completely make what valid points they have completely moot to the average person because its buried under a mountain of insane shit. They need to learn to temper it a bit, that is how you win people over. Slowly, and tiny bit by bit

>> No.51617255

well? where's the outage?
it's almost sunday worldwide and there's no outage

>> No.51617266

Trumptards can't help revealing themselves

>> No.51617284

I know some schizos in real life who have bought into this prediction and withdrawn thousands from the bank in preparation. kinda sad desu.

>> No.51617327
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>> No.51617344


>> No.51617361

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.51617386
File: 429 KB, 2000x1333, A9F2175E-D0E0-42F4-9E4F-9C850B8BC54B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been ready my entire life

>> No.51617463

cant believe the amount of times i tried to explain this simple concept to poltards, they're simply too dumb. The smart ones moved here years ago

>> No.51619173

Qanon predicted this

>> No.51619246


>he measures precious metals in fiat, and not weight

You are doing it wrong. They really programmed you well as a useful idiot, didn't they?