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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51611415 No.51611415 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51611430

Everytime BTC drags the market down, afterwards LINK runs up to $8.

>> No.51611461

Aldo 0.0004 broken

>> No.51611467
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>> No.51611625

Why does this upset you?

>> No.51611668

Why does it upset u?

>> No.51611919

Nonlinkers are constantly seething for missing out
Just ignore them

We are finally going to make it

>> No.51611952

LINK was the first to pump last bull run. Round 2 is beginning

>> No.51611970

man I hope so.
My life is so fucking miserable right now, I need some sort of relief.

>> No.51611976

I'm just wondering why the existence of a token would drive someone to make crude memes like that in paint. Must be some sort of mental illness, no?

>> No.51611999

I'm selling my LINK to buy a C8 corvette.

Later bros.

>> No.51612017


>> No.51612023

if you're not selling this scam pump you're retarded.
t. OG Link Marine

>> No.51612057

>scam pump
Only people with overleveraged short positions call it that.
>It has been going down, so it should go down forever!
Or, alternatively:
>This rally will fail like all others

>> No.51612116

>past performance is useless
>"instead you should listen to me!" Said the man married to his bags.
dude, stop.

>> No.51612177

>Listen to me
I am not telling anyone to do anything. I'm pointing out that past performance is not a solid indicator for the future. Shouting "scam pump!" is just cope.

>> No.51612193

Dude, just wait.
You have no idea what’s going to happen next.
We do, we’re making it happen ;)

>> No.51612331

>two more weeks
>it's happening tonight
I'm so tired, at least let me swing trade this to growy stack.

>> No.51612372
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Mark of the Angel confirmed.

>> No.51614125
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>> No.51615849

Why didn't he answer you? Did he smash his keyboard in a blind rage over some token he has no financial stake in?

>> No.51617865

It's because he's an online troll. It's that simple. They exist. He probably won't even admit it to himself.

>> No.51618102

This dude still isn’t happy with the size of his LINK stack kek

>> No.51618858
File: 196 KB, 729x638, 0F7BB08E-F6C4-44C4-88C0-3F38FDCA9813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these mysticism faggots think numbers like 666 and 777 are so neat? Is it really just numerology faggotry or do they really think we exist in a simulation and repeating digits are evidence of that fact?