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File: 1.81 MB, 1200x849, 85822817_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51600985 No.51600985 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>51597004

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.51600993
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $0.9089 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.3 (17.825) million shares DRS'd by Jul. 30th 2022
>Previously 50.8 (12.7) mill shares by Apr. 30th, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 2022
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,359.227B (ATH), 102P = 23.130B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,319.361B, 102P = 22.739B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet up for download on Chrome
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>FY22 Q2 Earnings 8-K/10-Q
>FTX partnership

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.51601026
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Ken Griffin, you have 1 yil

>> No.51601032
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We did it GME. We saved the markets.
>markets on fire

>> No.51601069

I, stole real estate from the weather man

>> No.51601075

I hope MOASS starts on Thursday while I’m comfy in my beach hotel during the hurricane

>> No.51601083
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This has to be the endgame, right? There's no way the clown market can continue to be propped up.

>> No.51601088

We are all going to find true love

>> No.51601117


>> No.51601124

No fucking way. There’s way too much going on. In March when the Ukraine story was hot news Silver and GME were on fire. If a war breaks out, we are golden. It has and the bear has left it’s cave forever

>> No.51601164

Once the stock market crashes and GameStop is still crabbing, and Ryan Cohen still hasn't tweeted anything, I'm giving it three more years and then I'm selling.

>> No.51601191

>Dead queen
>Pope hiding his jew gold
>Silver actually running out
>Chine real estate collapse
>climate change killing young people
>Africans starving and invading western Europe
>eastern Europe freezing
>crypto crashing

We are entering a new age and a new paradigm. The great filter is here. Most of the world won’t make it, but we will probably make it

>> No.51601196
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>> No.51601218

WTF happened to Pakistan and why does nobody care? Like at all. We are going to get nukes and natural disasters in 2023 for sure

>> No.51601300
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Isn't there supposed to be catastrophe tomorrow or something?

>> No.51601313 [DELETED] 

After the MOASS I will pay for any girlfriend to induce lactation so I can suck on those mommy milkers all day hommenahommenahommenahommenahommena owwwWOOOOOGAH YEEEEEYEYEYEYEYEYEYAAAHYEEE WOOOOOOP WOOOOOOP WOOOOOP
Checked so it’s true!

This is the final weekend lads. I can’t really say it’s been an honor, but I can say I will never forget all this shit, for better or for worse. I’ll be sure to spend a little GME money on a gold-leafed four of clubs playing card to keep in my wallet should we see one another at the new GameStop VIP lounge

>> No.51601327

>muh Keith
>muh 45
>muh boyildee
>muh Chris is king
>muh Cohen pump n dumps
>muh it’s only a beta
>muh it’s not a real split
>muh nooo it’s international crime
>muh Reddit mods are compromised
>muh Chinese companies acting weird
>muh vote count
>muh evergrande default
>muh ftds
>muh T+9854
>muh SEC report
>muh mentioned on the news
>muh new warehouse
>muh funko pops
>muh July 4th
>muh BBBY acquisition
>muh debt free
>muh grifters selling NFTs
>muh youtoobers
>muh avatarfag shill discord
>muh pajeets shilling to 10 schizos
>muh great reset
>muh Jew is on my side
>muh pixel
>muh rensole
>muh picklespic
>muh shareholders meeting cringe fest
>muh mods r CIA guys trust me
>muh Ken’s private pilot
>muh where’s DFV?
>muh bastille day
>muh forward guidance
>muh RICO
>muh criminals
>muh help me Gary
>muh pump and dump investigation
>muh every crypto sale is GME related
>muh loopies
>muh Elon will save us
>muh filter
>muh hugbox
>muh same 6 reaction images everyday for 18 months
>muh baker is a 300 lb troon
>muh Reddit sub splits
>muh noooo you have call me the shill btfo chad
>muh Jeff Bezos bankrupts the competition unfairly
>muh 741
>muh wu Tang divvie
>muh pokemon nfts
>muh you can take a CoD gun into animal crossing
>muh drs
>muh he lied under oath
>muh old lady grifter book
>muh fractals
>muh we’re a movement
>muh I need this so badly I have to believe it
>muh dilution is bullish actually
>muh fundamentals
>muh long term play
>muh new amazon
>muh house of cards
>muh distractions
>muh we just need more FOMO
>muh screaming at everyone at Chillis that it’s all crime
>muh erp frens
>muh market crash
>muh buy/sell ratio not understanding how a trade works
>muh new online distribution model
>muh no wait NFT model
>muh no wait it’s actually online
>muh exponential floor

>> No.51601334 [DELETED] 

A false flag that’s blamed on Russia. I think it’s all fake anyway. They create ideologies, “cultures” and countries just to have a pretext for conflicts to sell to the masses decades later. Even if moass happens, I’ll always suspect the elites

>> No.51601337

Tomorrow they activate the coronavirus vaccine molecules already administered to trigger death in all of the patients that are prone to sickle cell anemia.

>> No.51601343

You know that war isnt happening because every retard normie thinks it is. Just inverse what the public thinks and youre set

>> No.51601349

> muh guy getting the shareholder list
>muh shareholder meeting rnd 2
>muh avatarfags are all troons who need the money for hormones
>muh no it’s the stores it was always the stores
>muh fractionalised crypto stock market
>muh NFT games for third worlders
>muh record date will start the squeeze
>muh gift card partnership
>muh yils went down to one
>muh rimuru hates avatarfags
>muh dear porn
>muh ETH merge
>muh why you so mad I’m just holding a stock
>muh no one is laughing at me they’re jealous that I turned $409 to $25
>muh +4000% wasn’t a squeeze I didn’t miss out
>muh out of business Melvin
>muh cringe fucker harassed a streamer
>muh qanon
>muh larpies
>muh swingers get the rope
>muh glitch showed the real price
>muh dilbert
>muh SI
>muh copium
>my bags

>> No.51601365

I’m impressed. Is there any way we can help you expand the list?

>> No.51601375
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>> No.51601379

You guys just keep on doing your copium thing, I’ll keep the list updated.

>> No.51601405

For me it was always shmitta and ww3 that would start the cascade that ignites moass

>> No.51601411


>> No.51601416

can I sign up for your newsletter?

>> No.51601426

You haven’t read the Dilbert DD?
Just keep hitting the read more Dilbert button, it’s unFUDable

>> No.51601434 [DELETED] 

Its happening so they can kill off the slavs in Jewkraine so jews can get their heavenly jewrusalem

>> No.51601440
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The market crash is nicely teed-up so if Gamestop makes any sort of announcement, they can't be blamed for the fallout.

>> No.51601483

Repeat after me: Nothing. Will. Happen. Nothing. Ever. Happens.

>> No.51601491

Summer has come and passed
The poompa can never last
Wake me up when Shmita ends

Like my fathers come to pass
Two years has gone so fast
Wake me up when Shmita ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming baghodlers

As my memory rests
But never forgets how much I lost
Wake me up when Shmita ends

>> No.51601508

can somebody clarify if shemitah ends tomorrow or sunday?

>> No.51601512
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Guys, we're all bald here right?

>> No.51601533

This line definitely worked better before the entire world shat itself over a flu and tested experimental treatments on the general public by threatening their livelihood and social life if they don’t participate

>> No.51601540

no, why?

>> No.51601543

Monday, but the happening can get can be T+2 or something based on historical records

>> No.51601553

>volume consistently low as fuck now
>price doomping
these two things combined is actually insanely bullish

>> No.51601556

no not at all

>> No.51601578

I hope and pray this is how it turns out, but that it goes beyond this and we see fruits in all sectors it's needed. I hope we turn back ((their plans)) and ruin their progress for 10,000 years and more. Fuck the cult of saturn. I WILL play my video games, I WILL have my beautiful 18 year old white blue eyed virgin girlfriend/wife, I WILL have a mid-large sized family, I WILL properly raise my children instead of spending 8 hours a day slaving away while my kids fall into jewish traps, I WILL teach them to be very wary of the Jews and to take matters into their own hands and most importantly WE WILL WORSHIP JESUS CHRIST, GOD ALMIGHTY! ZOG's days are over and I hope and pray the transition is as seemless as possible, that Q stuff is real and that there are people in positions of power who see eye to eye with the real will of the people to create the best country on earth and the best earth so far in all of human history.

>> No.51601580

God no, but first thing I'm doing post squeeze is shaving my head.

>> No.51601582

Sundown on Monday. Then we enter super shemita so we’re in for fun still

>> No.51601596
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>> No.51601615

yeah man, i have long hair. i just turned 31 today

>> No.51601623
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They have always derided me as a gamer. Today countless numbers of those who laughed at that time, laugh no longer.

>> No.51601642
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They are all lying friend, seeing as its Injun day I have taken the liberty to scalp everyone in this thread as is my duty.

>> No.51601678
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Growing from your head or from your back?

>> No.51601690
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Thank you fren.

>> No.51601723

What is the 741 theory again?

>> No.51601730

There's gonna be so many gme. holders flying to turkey soon

>> No.51601741

why Turkey anon?

>> No.51601753

Hair transplants.

>> No.51601765

For every 7 dollars you put in GME, you get 1 back.

>> No.51601822

That's actually pretty good considering I'm never selling. How often am I getting that 1 dollar?

>> No.51601831

hyperblu schizo nigger said its something to do with algo cycles of fuckery that are "obvious" using 741. also on the numpad 7, 4, and 1 go straight down the left row, that means we MOASS on Monday

>> No.51601842

You get it once, an hour later you die. That’s the deal. Should have read the CS tos they’re very specific

>> No.51601848


Read this.

>> No.51601856
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monday -90%

>> No.51601864

for spy

>> No.51601887


>> No.51601893

Gov CIA ID...get a rope

>> No.51601894


>> No.51601903 [DELETED] 


>> No.51601963


>> No.51601973

It's happening. Every headline--even Yahoo freaking news--is shouting about how today was the worst day on Wall Street since 2020.

>> No.51601975

Hey how's it going buddy

>> No.51602021

Bro the hair on my head is so thick that barbers complain about cutting it.
How can I profit off this?

>> No.51602029

Sterling Archer?

>> No.51602079

>since 2020

Oh no, so it's actually a nothing burger

>> No.51602147
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>muh disabled buy button
>muh mario day
>muh march 19th pixelfaggot DD
>muh april 16th DFV double down
>muh ‘biggest cup and handle ever’
>muh Thomas Peterffy CNBC interview
>muh compromised subreddits
>muh gme_meltdown
>muh Vlad Tenev
>muh meme stock congress hearing
>muh payment for order flow
>muh Kennoid lied under oath
>muh ‘DFV didn’t sell he just can’t tweet anymore’
>muh SEC meme stock report
>muh self reported short interest
>muh ‘idiosyncratic risk’
>muh buildings with their lights on at night
>muh epic redditnigger drone flier
>muh ‘we are here’ VW squeeze chart
>muh ‘percolating liquidity’
>muh zombie stocks
>muh dark pools
>muh short ladder attacks
>muh cellar boxing
>muh gamma hedging
>muh max pain
>muh Susanne Trimbath book
>muh over voted share count
>muh no debt after being diluted
>muh negative beta
>muh reverse repo
>muh NSCC rule changes
>muh quad witching day
>muh bastille day
>muh Wes Christian interview
>muh Lucy Komisar interview
>muh 741
>muh indian shills
>muh ‘what’s behind $180’
>muh Brazilian puts
>muh Glacier Capital
>muh Archegos Capital
>muh Kennoid mayonnaise larp
>muh Robinhood IPO
>muh 10:1 buy/sell ratio
>muh XRT 6 gorillion percent SI
>muh Melissa Lee said naked shorts on TV
>muh runic glory
>muh epic redditnigger attobitch house of cards DD
>muh epic redditnigger criand everything bubble DD
>muh faggot deer anon poster
>muh Kennoid bought the constitution
>muh Bill Hwang arrested
>muh evergrande collapse
>muh nickel squeeze
>muh new distribution warehouse
>muh amazon takeover
>muh stock split pump
>muh dividend pump
>muh wu-tang album
>muh Anthony Chukumba
>muh shareholder’s meeting pump
>muh forward guidance
>muh DOJ investigation
>muh RICO investigation
>muh (((Trischia Rothschild)))
>muh Bartlett warehouse fire
>muh loopring pump
>muh immutable x pump
>muh jpeg marketplace pump
>muh 9/11 NFTs
>muh danny dorito faggot TA
>muh Boston Consulting Group
>muh BCG planted executives
>muh Pulte pump

>> No.51602158
File: 783 KB, 1138x952, sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make some sweaters from it and sell them on pinterest.

>> No.51602173 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 640x322, 234513456123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Pulte pump
>muh mayo force one
>muh ZeroHedge tweets
>muh (((Dave Lauer packet loss)))
>muh fractal chart pattern
>muh gameonanon faggoty mystery
>muh Jon Stewart special
>muh NFT dividend
>muh DRS owned float
>muh Richard Newton survey
>muh ‘RC bought BBBY to squeeze le hedgies’
>muh ‘RC sold BBBY to squeeze le hedgies’
>muh Citadel moving to Miami
>muh picklenigger
>muh opex cycle
>muh deep OTM puts
>muh computershare meme stocks email
>muh SEC investomania meme stocks video
>muh post-crypto crash pump
>muh post-market crash pump
>muh plunge protection team
>muh basket stocks swap
>muh IEX order routing
>muh 214k AH ask price
>muh Michael Burry tweets
>muh july 4th
>muh 101 days of 100% utilization
>muh critical margin
>muh shill discord
>muh rensole, half_dane, opinion_is_unpopular etc
>muh 45, keith, boyardee etc
>muh GMErica
>muh DTTC international fraud
>muh Kennoid bought the most expensive house in Miami
>muh Citadel borrowing $600 million
>muh single stock inverse leveraged ETF
>muh t+nigger for the splividend
>muh golden cross
>muh ‘Gary Gensler is on our side’
>muh ‘Gary Gensler is not on our side’
>muh buy buy baggot announcement
>muh t+nigger for BBBY regSHO
>muh BBBY CFO ‘murder’
>muh HKD being used for liquidity
>muh inverse Jim Cramer
>muh Citadel Europe liquidation
>muh FTX gift card partnership
>muh ethereum merger
>muh blockchain stock market
>muh 50 cent raises
>muh netflix documentary
>muh Taylor Lorenz
>muh september 19th meme magic get
>muh shemitah
>muh WEF + FTX
>muh native american day
>muh low volume
>muh Kennoid US treasurer
>muh FOMC meetings
>muh interest rate
>muh XRT RegSHO
>muh US treasury bond yields
>muh RC masterplan
>muh bullish no single profitable quarter since RC
>muh bullish decreasing revenue
>muh bullish no new ATH
>muh hedgie ledging
>muh ‘we’re not redditniggers we just believe everything they say’
>muh tripcodefaggot baker
>muh 4am pants-shitting spammer
>muh 1 yil spammer

>> No.51602181

Tell those hairlets to cope.

>> No.51602190
File: 108 KB, 324x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh publix anon larp
>muh ‘sneed shillies this will never take 20 months’
>muh ‘just stay comfy for 2 more years bros’
>muh ‘it’s tomorrow’
>muh MOASS

Daily reminder that i get paid for (You)’s, double for broken (You)’s and triple for non-(You)’d references to this post

>> No.51602247

based copium crusher

>> No.51602417

He knows more about the stock than I do, so obviously he's getting paid to know it - which is bullish for me

>> No.51602422

guys, if the jews know that we know about shitma, will there still be shitma?
Like, do they force their laws on themselfs even if goym could profit of it, or is there a rule like: if goym finds out, change plan?

>> No.51602486

only if the entire world knew would they be in trouble
but we know
they are still in trouble


>> No.51602513
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>the paid to shill chad vs the pays to hodl incel
but s-swingies get the r-rope... right guys?


>> No.51602514

Kek crypto baggies

>> No.51602547
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Uhh...based and get-the-fuck-in-faggot pilled

>> No.51602561
File: 184 KB, 720x960, 1663974115533280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanna crosspost some fuckin gold over at pol
GME most comfy thread of all time; we are the basedest lads around arr

>> No.51602577

Stop kekking the crypto baggies. It always makes me check and it's always in the 18.3-19.3k range. You can only kek them when it's sub 18k

>> No.51602709

Based DRS-piller

>> No.51602715

Their whole belief system is basically this: find ways to not live by their own belief system
So they'll probably do something like this
>find chicken
>chicken you hold my debts now
>kill chicken

>> No.51602746

idk what the solution is other than like mass conversion and having a spiritual police to detect future worship of Saturn? Vaxx is already killing everyone, no need to lift a finger.

>> No.51602777
File: 16 KB, 474x408, 412de802e0716e93fe4cac32ec2d7e0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to walk to job interview on monday because public transportation is dogshit
>literally no food/water in the house except from the faucet
>no glimmer of hope of money in my account or food in my belly till at least 2 weeks from now
life fucking sucks

>> No.51602793

Boo hoo nigga

>> No.51602802
File: 2.04 MB, 498x398, hehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your average GME baggie
Couldn't make it up

>> No.51602806
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Lucky 7's!

>> No.51602853
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checked you got this fren!
moona soona

>probably wouldnt have been a bad idea to sell some stuff or a share for some supplies in case of a payment system blackout tomorrow as predicted in picrel

>> No.51602887

checked and how many shares you hodling fren?

>> No.51602897

If you think Im doing cuckstianity you're dead wrong - sooner join the jews.
Anyways, everyone who would stop us from doing 88 took the jab so

>> No.51602956
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Close, but it started on September 19th, check em

>> No.51602967
File: 1.71 MB, 1800x2300, well would ya look at that anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you weren't prejudiced and just were genuinely seeking, you'd navigate the seas and find a method/practice/prayer that brought you results over anything else; something that helps you evolve as a piece of life, overcome limitations, and feel the divine bliss everyone yearns to attain


>> No.51602988
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I have realized my calling gentleman. I am now going to always treat women in a way that breaks their expectation of what they can get away with. Had a flock of them try and ambush me on the train. Just some wild zoomer woman. One looked at me like a piece of delicious candy. Flat out said DUMB... DUMB and YOUNG. Deadpan change in attitude like I had poured cold water on them. Absolutely love it. I dont care about sex, we need these whores to change.

>> No.51603002
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>> No.51603029

I am my own God.
I do sacrifice to the old ones, but dunno if its helping or not.

>> No.51603035

Between Computershare and Fidelity, not many. I'll buy more every paycheck from this new job though, just as I've done for the past year and a half. This is really just the worst weekend I've had since I was homeless years and years ago. The worst part is that this is because of someone else who "forgot a step" on processing a payment I was supposed to get for some work I had done

>> No.51603036


>> No.51603118 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 971x998, thats us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked lakshmi
It's all this TV and social media; they feel FOMO to the max in mixed-gender schools during their hormonal teenage years and have all the incentive to fuck around forever after.

Guys need to be untouchable and detached in a spiritual way so that the girls are chasing after them, not the other way around. They should be like black holes just constantly sucking in female attention. Or just devote yourself to anything, life isn't only about the friction your dick feels inside of some sugar walls. Million bucks she can't hold the sort of conversation we crave on this vietnamese basket weaving forum.

they've got your best interests at heart. Jesus was a dope nigga dude he was right when he said your faith shall save you. In the material world, they are winning, but spiritually they cannot possibly hope to attain the strength that we can because of how limited their own identities are. They are the antithesis of life, at least their thought process, dogma, and actions are. Your body is the manure which shall grow a wonderful flower; pleasant fragrance, appearance. Gods don't have likes and dislikes, they can resist evil and help devotees or just be a part of existence doing what's necessary. What sort of God will you be? Hercules became a God too and he was a younger one, what's stopping you? Idk if mass will get you there, or Musk's neuralink lmao


>> No.51603127
File: 70 KB, 1284x1396, 1645608317892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I have so much thick long hair.

>> No.51603156

Maybe the answer lies in your digits.
Anyways, I just tell women they're too old when they hit on me. Nothing makes them seethe more.

>> No.51603160

not much Frendo playing hoi4 and conquering subhuman slavs

>> No.51603168
File: 101 KB, 421x442, 84455905_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.51603193
File: 410 KB, 1016x934, (You)_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.51603198
File: 158 KB, 450x405, 1657141299332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though we got beat down all week, that rally into closing green when the rest of the market was blood red was glorious. I'm actually comfy going into the weekend, and I'm sorry for all the fudding I did this week.

>> No.51603227

That's literally me, but I'm going to Turkey to fix my hair and I'm hiring a personal trainer to whip my fat ass into shape :^)

>> No.51603250
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all literally better at trading and investing than even the most grizzled Wallstreet trader. Capitalism is the best because we are all going to become millionaires and live our best lives.

>> No.51603311
File: 700 KB, 250x250, 1663956342522562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the difference between midwit rats who can't find anything better to do with their lives (career traders) versus smart anons who decided to pay attention to a chance to flip the table.

>> No.51603313

Why do you need personal trainee? Just stop eat bread and go to the gym

>> No.51603368
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and galaxy-brain detected. Unbelievably based.

>> No.51603380


>> No.51603441
File: 277 KB, 500x376, 1642367743594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im more particular with their bullshit. Like there was this one that looked at me like I was a piece of meat. Next time im calling out that type of bitch and remind her we are not toys to be played with. My sister is a professional model, I am blessed with a face that can do this regularly. Like this one girl who got up the gumption to talk to me but couldent even figure out good conversation. Pass. Now she knows just a little bit about what its like to not know what to say. I hate women so much bros I dont even want to fuck them anymore.

>> No.51603467

based narcissistic homosexual

>> No.51603468
File: 3.30 MB, 640x480, 1662869382521631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fucking break this hell of a simulation one female at a time. And with MOASS money I can do it 24/7. They cant stop me.

>> No.51603469

Job creation, motivation and learning a routine and proper technique. I'm hiring a nutritionist too and I'm learning how to cook and grill. I'm definitely not going to stop eating bread. In fact I look forward to making my own breads.

>> No.51603479

Fastest way to lose weight/remove belly fat is to stop eating bread and pasta and shit like that.

>> No.51603484


>> No.51603493

It’s not just that. We are the best investors on /biz/ every /smg/ faggot and crypto baggie is mad that they aren’t as green as us

>> No.51603496
File: 549 KB, 444x720, ze4fpwa9wue81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because I should just be shared at their discretion. Fuck'em. I've been played with one to many times around.

>> No.51603502

I know all about keto. But I also want to eat delicious food. I might do keto again if I'm not seeing results with the trainer or go back to OMAD.

>> No.51603516

that's gay, the original picture with the Arabic was so much funnier.

>> No.51603524

some of us will turn into the jews we are helping in bringing down. Others, into the jews who are bringing down the other jews. You can tell which side a poster will fall on just by looking at their posts.

>> No.51603526
File: 538 KB, 1920x3240, gorillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51603537

Get a sugar baby and just be extremely cold to them but they'll have to continuously come back to your shitty attitude because you're a GMEllionaire lol

>> No.51603542

I worked out for 2 years hardcore. Could never get full sixpack. Stopped eating bread for a month and voila.
My body was pretty fine without full sixpack, so unless thats your goal you can eat bread. But if you're fat or have gut and want to lose it, no bread is the way - until you're down to where you want, then you can have a sandwich a day.
I workout 6 times a week now and have great results with only eating turkey, eggs, salat and beef everyday

>> No.51603556

I will sit atop of the jew throne

>> No.51603592

women have fickle minds bro don't blame them they don't train themselves to overcome adversity and solve problems on the daily
they can afford to be creative, artsy, and ditzy; just let em or don't tolerate it, find some wise virgin from god knows where


>> No.51603661
File: 521 KB, 500x329, 1663542669821351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I'm fuckin scrambling to get employment overseas before this shitshow explodes. Terrified of being stuck in Australia for the looming depression.

>> No.51603674
File: 1.65 MB, 220x190, 1634312936493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot, thats the one I wanted too.
Then they shouldent have rights.
A cumdump would just get me off my game. If I did i would have to use her sparingly, and in pitch black.

>> No.51603687

I'm going to have a lot of loose skin so until I get a few loose skin removal surgeries the 6 pack will never happen. My goals aren't so much about looking good. I'll look amazing, I'm sure, but I want to get into calisthenics, HIIT, martial arts and rock climbing.

>> No.51603722

Damn it's comfy in here.

>> No.51603737


>> No.51603746

Anyone wanna go chill at bohemian grove when this is all through or what?

>> No.51603752
File: 708 KB, 656x1168, spike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen mun?

>> No.51603821

Anyone else slurping up some cheapies? Don't forget to average down while we're close to $100 per share.
I think I will dump my wagie check into GME and earmark those shares to be sold around $45 so I can start swing trading GME until liftoff. I feel like I watch this stock enough that I have a good sense for when it is high and when it is low that I may as well start scalping out some cash. If MOASS happens imminently and I am long then great, if not, who cares MOASS is kicking off anyway. Is this idea based or do swingies get the rope?

>> No.51603869
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, FbMPYx_UEAIIBnU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slurred part 2 but not part 1

>> No.51603892

Yeah we can sacrifice hedgies, shills and paper hands

>> No.51603918

While I might agree, seeing this also makes me want to DRS more

>> No.51603920

i'm not DRSing any of my shares

>> No.51603923

I can’t wait to fuck off to a newly built bungalow on Little Cayman (population 160) I’m gonna scuba dive my day and own noobs by night with my starlink dish and my top of the line gaming PC with a 48 inch 4K 240hz monitor. And I’m gonna eat all the shrimp pasta in the world.

>> No.51603929
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>> No.51604080
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, 1663101735279452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold.
It's over, it's over, yeah I'm leaving, I'm gone
I can't stay here no more and I can't sleep on the floor
Man, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, you know I got my reasons
Yeah, I'm leaving, yeah, I'm leaving, yeah, I'm leaving, I'm gone
I'm leaving, I'm gone, had to knock down the wall
Yeah, I swear that I'm gone
I'm leaving, I'm leaving
No looking back when I'm gone
No looking back when I'm gone
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
No more, no more, no more
No more, no more, no more
No more, no more, no more
No more, no more
It's over, it's over, yeah, I'm leaving, I'm gone
I've been doing this wrong, I've been here for too long
I'm leaving, I'm leaving, you know I got my reasons
Yeah, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm gone
I'm leaving, I'm gone

>> No.51604104


>> No.51604131

Hedgies burning cash, multiple record low volume days...WAGMI

>> No.51604147

Gamestop dumping hard on low volume
Completely tied to spy


>> No.51604174
File: 95 KB, 1125x1155, D8C5A1A6-57CB-4519-A07A-E64AC18643CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am up 20 bucks on today kek nigger kennies

>> No.51604237

>”my shares”
Do you know who owns “your shares”?

>> No.51604243

50/50 or 2/3rd is a good idea. I'm 50/50 but I'm thinking about going 2/3rd so I can use my Fidelity to gamble for funny chink phone numbers per share, but if I get jew'd I still get to have a third to sell and the rest is for divvies. I SERIOUSLY hope something makes GME goes down to 15 bucks a share so I can buy 60 more shares so I can have exactly 300 shares

>> No.51604303

These peruvian_bull posts are really good, anons.

>> No.51604329

Just stop. People here have made up their mind and even 99% of those you oppose have still DRS'd half their shit. We believe plain and simple that MOASS can't happen without broker shares being able to be sold at whatever price we want. That's some of the original DD and that's the meat and potatoes for the entire MOASS. If brokerages claim our shares as their own and sell all phantom shares at a lower price than we intend to, then whatever price that last phantom share is sold for is the highest price any DRS'd share can go. Nothing can properly refute that if this happens, phone numbers aren't possible and DRS'd shares are only going to be good for a dividend... The thing is that if this is all that brokers had to do, then they would have done this in January of 2021 and took the L. So that's reason enough for me to believe that they wouldn't dare do this. But who knows? All I know is that if DRS maxxies are right about rug pulling or "brokerages selling their own shares that I own an IOU of" then MOASS isn't a thing.

>> No.51604382

he's a stacklet, let him be.

>> No.51604403

Now when you are done shitting on the open road, refute the part where hedgies are losing money.

>> No.51604444

Did you guys see that SEC ad telling people not to buy meme stocks that apparently cost $100,000 of our tax dollars to make? Made the white guy look stupid and the brown girl look smart. I was content with my stack but I went and bought ten more shares when I saw the ad. Fuck those guys.

>> No.51604471

checked and old news pilled

>> No.51604507

True. I have no reason to be mad anyway. I just beat the racing mission on mafia definitive edition on classic mode and I feel good.

>> No.51604522

I thought it was closer to half a million.
They turned comments off on that video and youtube removed dislikes entirely. Such a brave new world.

>> No.51604535

maximum cringe

>> No.51604552
File: 58 KB, 848x691, peepoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's two more months between frens?

>> No.51604565

I have 0 DRs, but DRs would be way more safe for phonenumber selling and not getting jewd.
CS sell from multiple exchanges, so getting your shares sold at the price ypu want will definately be more possible there

>> No.51604581

That's nothing compared to the video posted yesterday or the day before during the senate hearing for all the banks when one of the representatives was rooting for his coworker who was supposedly getting a high position job at Bank of America and all of them laughing and making light about how obviously corrupt that is. These people will be behind bars when we run this country. No title will keep them safe from justice.


>> No.51604613

CS shares can definitely sell for phone numbers during the MOASS, but the MOASS is over once phantom shares held in brokerages are all sold. These institutions don't need to close real shares, but they have to treat real and phantom shares the same during the MOASS.

>> No.51604688

What's this mean?

>> No.51604731
File: 1.38 MB, 480x322, 1604677782102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bribe the justice departments and 3 letter agencies to actually uphold justice and cage every one of these fucks. Then I'll bribe politicians to dissolve every agency that took my bribe for being corrupt. Then I'll bribe them to impose term limits for politicians along with a salary that is equivlant to the national average salary so they have a vested interest in the success and prosperity of the everyday american to eliminate the concept of career politicians. Then I'll fund the opposition candidates to get all of said corrupt bribable politicians out of office.

>> No.51604782
File: 308 KB, 1200x1200, 1663965071993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys I'm drunk as fuck

>> No.51604835

God bless, anon. I love how all of us, even the predditors want to end corruption, career politicians, lobbying and all sorts of fucked up practices in government and the private sectors. We're finally going to break these cock suckers and take back our country. The fucking zog animals will know fear before Thanksgiving.

>> No.51604863

very based

>> No.51604864

>What's this mean?

Checked, fren.
It's either a Cohencidence or stock price is fully controlled. An elaborate algorithmic can kicking exercise 2 years post sneeze. That top line on Monday is ~$39.13 and decreases towards 1/1/2023. No clue if a further market crash is factored into their algo.

Who knows, maybe it plays out before the end of the year. Maybe they can keep kicking the can towards the ever tightening wedge. I really don't care to be honest. I'm more of a collector than an investor. I plan on keeping my stack and having them framed in various rooms split between my main house and 4 vacation homes.

>> No.51604976

ive noticed all the optionsniggers and picklefaggots have been suspiciously quiet lately, not sure what that means but im thinking its good

>> No.51604999
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>> No.51605015


>> No.51605017

This is one I dont get. How do you plan on making it big off of your stack without selling any? How do they become a source of income?

>> No.51605297

stopped reading there
if you have any idea what you're doing you're in the wrong place bitch

>> No.51605324

Imagine selling instead of borrowing off your shares for eternity.

>> No.51605331

dividend, and the more people don't sell the more that dividend is worth

>> No.51605338

if you kill them, they die
in real life

>> No.51605376

The previous anon was right, your body will have a reaction to anything its uncomfortable with - normally sequestering anything it can't discuss via fat. The important bit is how you feel. If you don't feel great there's normally a reason for it, and a lot of the time the only news you'll get is you're becoming fat as shit, and also feel awful.

>> No.51605449


>funding your lifestyle with debt
No lol.

What dividend could they possibly pay? Even if the company is 'worth' 1 quintillion dollars, that doesnt actually mean the company is worth 1 quintillion dollars. How will it pay more than a 0.000000000001% dividend?

>> No.51605509

All the DD is honestly fantastic, beats the hell out of the moronic shit posted here on the daily (on /biz/ I mean, not the general). Wish there was more of it on SS.

>> No.51605568

The idea is to issue an NFT dividend that the hedgies can't fake and then we can resell them for ludicrous markup. Minting an NFT with 300,000,000 or so copies costs like $2 total on GameStop's marketplace, but it still comes as a windfall payday for holders at hedgie expense if we refuse to sell for less than, say, $50 per copy.
>GameStop corporate cost: $2/quarter
>hedgie cost: $50/share/quarter plus gas fees
>average 400 share predditor income: $20,000/quarter

>> No.51605576

>How will it pay more than a 0.000000000001% dividend?
credit it. allow those doing the crediting to back it up with assets/securities/ and liquidated collateral, and when that's gone an insurance company can step in, and start to liquidate pensions, and their own savings.

>> No.51605592
File: 348 KB, 700x935, Meme cat bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditto. Luv ya all. WAGMI.

>> No.51605656

I'm also drunk, good luck anon.

>> No.51605723
File: 36 KB, 569x428, E1DD47EB-3ED9-4F4F-A6F4-17421E8DA374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricky what the fuck are ya talkin about

>> No.51605741

Why does that cat have wings, antennae, wings and pollinating that flower?

>> No.51605761

Is it finally time we start seeding fascist overtones unto the superstonkers. They’re already halfway to believing violence is the only suitable response. What’s one more push towards national socialism

>> No.51605767 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck are ya talkin about
Look, I know you're stretched out but don't worry about it

>> No.51605769
File: 77 KB, 720x871, 770B7F49-CA53-4634-8F78-439B5DDC7B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it finally time to start sowing seeds of fascism over on SS (kek). They’re already halfway to believing violence is the only suitable response. What’s one more wee push towards national socialism?

>> No.51605779 [DELETED] 

Hey look at me I'm NF i'm showin off on friggin TV again in front of the fuckin cameras. I'm NF the big smart guy.

>> No.51605817
File: 353 KB, 254x240, hm2309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme a b
gimme an a
gimme a g

>> No.51605841
File: 727 KB, 700x700, 67c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme a g
gimme a i
gimme an e

>> No.51605939

Whats obligating hedgies to buy the NFT's? Is it for their synthetic shares?

Would that be for a dividend or the share price itself?

>> No.51605989

both as they both cascade violently into ken's asshole, the market maker's, the insurance companies, and the pension holders. you will know it's happening, because DMX's Gon Give It To Ya will start slowly building up until it starts LOUDLY playing.

>> No.51606024

Yes, this is under the assumption that the Fed will backstop hedgies for a generation rather than let the market collapse all at once. If they let it collapse, we just sell.

>> No.51606073

Why did we close green during normal and after-hours?

>> No.51606094

because GME holders have the fattest cocks

>> No.51606158

Hedgies ran out of dump.

>> No.51606173

cloudfare is either shitting n farding itself or the site is being DDOS'd. it's monday.

>> No.51606179

kek baggies

>> No.51606316

Happy end of Schmita everyone.
Enjoy what may be your last weekend of a normal life.
GN and God bless.

>> No.51606333

gn fren. may He watch over us all in these uncertain times


>> No.51606347
File: 57 KB, 611x370, SPX74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me toois it schizo posting hours yet?
>water tiger wood rabbit
will history rhyme. im too fat and dumb to understand i just see atterns
>'75 rabbit
>9.2% unemloyment recession said Ford
>Sony intros VHS (nfts?)
>Britain inflation 25%

>> No.51606360

okay goodnite frens

>> No.51606425


>> No.51606644
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, polaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, I too have a policy of doing the opposite of what the government says is good for me.
Good night, and WAMI

>> No.51606817

wen more "pump"?

>> No.51606816 [DELETED] 
File: 626 KB, 738x1013, E63CD443-7448-478D-AED1-BD3A798BD412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek chinkies

>> No.51606828
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>> No.51606839 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 757x1024, C6B99044-772F-4D73-B154-40D24E1F176B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder chang

>> No.51606861

If you got a second source on that then that's possibly the biggest ITS HAPPENING things in a long while.

>> No.51606886

I have 1 share
When do I collect my lambo

>> No.51606919 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, FF1D687B-60D6-43C9-BF53-BC87D2F23E64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51607191

Enjoy another weekend of not making it bitch baggies.
I eagerly await to sell at a massive loss on Monday morning

>> No.51607212

Enjoying my last weekend of being poor. I will complete my post-op trans-wealthy process next week after Shmita

God speed gentlemen

>> No.51607720
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>> No.51607774

Cohen is running out of time frens

>> No.51607897

What if hedgies can kick the can longer than gamestop can stay solvent?

>> No.51608058

Running out of time before we wagmi

>> No.51608063

Pretty sure gamestore can stay solvent until friday

>> No.51608112

ryan cohens last tweet before moass "BUY HOLD DRS"

>> No.51608141
File: 1.33 MB, 1400x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want RC to post

>Who likes free money?

With a picture of Mr Crabs

>> No.51608165
File: 131 KB, 415x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New survey presents data showing retail ownership is between 242m - 356m

Remember the remaining free float shows that there is only 70,388,414 shares "remaining" so while the 54% of the float is locked, we own this company several times over

>> No.51608280

no..he doesn't

>> No.51608523

that's it. i'm selling all my gme on monday.
that's because the asian markets are gonna explode and moass is going to happen pm

>> No.51608594

It's next week

>> No.51608681
File: 1.22 MB, 956x804, Screenshot 2022-09-24 at 13.10.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I drove 3 1/2 hours to meet the Silverback @CEOAdam and what an honor it was!"

>> No.51608785

Is Winnie the Pooh getting kicked out of the hundred acres wood?

>> No.51608799
File: 2.38 MB, 3774x2162, 1646656284970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay satiated frens


>> No.51608836
File: 406 KB, 633x632, 36gy6869jsq81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick. Tock.

>> No.51609076
File: 400 KB, 1500x1100, Rocket Fren Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning frens. I've been watching the anime Space Brothers since July hoping to manifest some moon energy. I actually like it a lot. Moona soona.

>> No.51609099

Yeah, we crash on Monday/Tuesday.

>> No.51609254

No. TA is pointless, how can you use the peak of the run up when it was artificially stopped?

>> No.51609261

TA works because the algorithms which control the price of everything all form patterns.

>> No.51609283

TA is about market psychology and self-enforcing rules because it’s a widespread way to trade, not algorithms

>> No.51609324
File: 1.55 MB, 1576x948, Screen_Shot_2022-09-22_at_3.25.31_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh what does this mean for gme?

>> No.51609372

So is deflation going to be a positive thing for us? Our dollars should go WAY further and we can buy commodities cheaply. it'll be hell for everyone else, but am I to understand that we'd benefit better from this than in any other scenario because we'd be the richest men alive?

>> No.51609378
File: 352 KB, 1773x1773, 8AFF084B-4761-478C-A460-F016EB5BC91F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be rich and hailed as heroes.

>> No.51609400
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, azu-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan selling bonds. Might be able to afford a Japanese waifu if their currency collapses.

>> No.51609437

so is this xi jinping in house arrest shit real? Another story says there was a coup attempt so that kind of contradicts the first story. What the fuck is going on over there

Also, tropical storm Ian gathering energy in the caribbean and winding up for a fucking uppercut to florida.

>> No.51609465

I'm not believing anything until I see it reported on by news source I trust. Right now it's just tweets from literal pajeets.

>> No.51609526

No idea what this means period. Why is this bad

>> No.51609527

It means Nintendo and Sony will be FORCED to listen to us if they want to survive. No more forced gay agenda in gaming, the 3DS and WiiU eShop won't be closing down (I won't let them) and they WILL release all of their backlogs of classic games onto the GameStop NFT marketplace, along with making physical remakes, remasters and they WILL make backwards compatibility available while making OEM hardware of older consoles and handhelds and they will make OEM devices for ripping games onto other disks and cartridges for the sake of preservation.
God willing. I've never really been a fetishizer of zipper head women, but I will admit that when a Japanese woman doesn't look like a beaten dog (75% of them do) the cute ones look extraordinary. I'd happily accept a Jap wife if she became Catholic.

>> No.51609793

>It means Nintendo and Sony will be FORCED to listen to us if they want to survive
Nvidia too.

>> No.51609802

Or we make our own company and take their best talent? Why give them our business

>> No.51609812

What happened with Nvidia? I've been out of the loop.

>> No.51609825

Because of IP's and brand recognition. Besides, the old dinosaurs at these companies will be leaving in the next 10-15 years so the Japs our age will be more willing to go along with gamers mindset who want gaming preservation in everyway possible at all costs.

>> No.51609828

stupid high price hikes, misleading naming, absolute trash quality connectors. 2022 is the year of the AMD GPU.

>> No.51609877

Shame. I'm breezing through it now. I'm sure they'll have to scrap their plans and revisit the R&D to fix the issues. No one will buy these and everyone looking up reviews for this will be warned to stay far away if the concerns are legit. Tech companies, companies in general, mainstream media, hedgies and governments can't pull fast ones on us anymore. We've grown wary of their horse shit lies and everyone is either knowledgeable or knows who to look to for the truth about these issues. We're in control of our destiny now.

>> No.51609885

They're fucked until we're out of the tech recession, which is about to get a whole lot worse.

>> No.51609909

Which series? I bought a 3070 and it seems great so far. Upgraded from a 970 though kek.

>> No.51609914
File: 39 KB, 882x624, LOOK MOM I REPLIED TO EVERYONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another 1pbtid mass reply faggot
Every fucking thread, it's just spamming at this point.

>> No.51609940

Eh, good time for the majority of us to work on our console gaming backlogs, then. But my PC is so old that even a 2200 would be a night-day upgrade difference. Whatever. Post MOASS if I have to spend $20,000+ on each PC I build due to part scarcity, I'll still do it without batting an eye. I gotta play all the VR games, new age boomer shooters and other shit I've missed out on too.

>> No.51609960

Yeah 3070 should be fine. there aren't a lot of new games that are good anyway.


>> No.51609976

My integrated graphics shitbox is good enough to run Dolphin and 99% of stuff released more than five years ago. Why would I need more?

>> No.51610039

Kek baggies

>> No.51610065

today goes the payment systems
countdown to armageddon!


>> No.51610074
File: 203 KB, 509x422, Eames lounge chair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it because I can have it. I'm going to have a lot of stuff I won't "need" and so will all of us. You're a GME holder, fren. We run this world and we deserve the best. I won't need to be wrapped in a 100% Spanish cotton blanket while sitting in a $7,000 Eames lounge chair to specifically play through the first Metal Gear Solid for the first time on a PS1 and eternal darkness on the GameCube, but I'm getting one.

>> No.51610097

Someone on GodLikeProductions is just trying to scare people because it's the end of Shemitah.

>> No.51610112

I want that chair, but when it really comes down to it, I don't see how theres $7000 worth of parts in there. Maybe labor? It doesn't look like its too hard to make yourself in a fab shop. So long as you get the angles and mechanisms the same, I doubt it would come out to much more than 500

>> No.51610124

i'm just surprised they mentioned the meme stocks; sounds like it could be a LARPer from here but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt
au contraire mon ami, I am quite excited
no one cares about how the indians felt when they were ravaged over the millenia
happens to every major civilization; greatest time to be alive and all that


>> No.51610155

Money is no object anymore.

>> No.51610170

nah bro, on my head. are you trying to make me feel bad for having hair on my head?

get fucked, marble head

>> No.51610335
File: 214 KB, 1031x321, ALL_N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we tracking spy.

also, my memory is shit. What went down wednesday?

>> No.51610349

I'm not known for being right all the time, but I don't think anything will happen with banking today. Could be wrong, but meh. I still have money in my bank account, so I should get it out monday jic

>> No.51610369 [DELETED] 

I’m engaged and live with my fiancé. I found out, of all things, she was letting some guy on discord tell her his fantasies with her and she told him it turned her on or something. Would you call it quits on that? It’s not sex but it is still cheating. Not to mention she lied about it, and did it on my birthday.

>> No.51610375

>we tracking spy.
Which in itself it the dumbest thing, we know that 54% of the free float and by extension the "remaining" is owned several times over. So how can "them" dumping shares make the price go down as it has, when the float has been bought. Oh right every single broker is a lying scoom bag. Thats why.

>> No.51610398
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>What went down wednesday?
JPowell speaking

>> No.51610426 [DELETED] 

Yes thats cheating and you're a cuck if you stay with her
If she starts crying etc tell her to fuckoff or let you bang her best friend while she watches

>> No.51610431 [DELETED] 

Did she end up telling you out of remorse or or did you catch her doing it? Also is her name Kayla? lmao

>> No.51610521 [DELETED] 

Ngmi if you stay with sluts like that. The problem isnt even the action its the principle. Your relationship is already broken because if you cuck out and dont leave her then she has already learned she can get away with breaking monogamy boundaries and you will do absolutely nothing. You lose all power and she sees you as the cuck you are and probably leaves you for a stronger man anyway
The best thing for your relationship is to leave

>> No.51610540 [DELETED] 

Also if her name is Kayla, I'm not the guy, but you need to fuck her more often and she only likes the guy because he reminds her of you. So get your shit together and tap that ass more often. She still loves you, just be more intimate.

>> No.51610564
File: 1023 KB, 1080x1766, Screenshot_20220924_161614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the endgame now baggies

>> No.51610590
File: 48 KB, 999x300, shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like shopify is our closest companion this week. Even had that bump at the end of friday.

>> No.51610591

desu im kinda with you there
for all we know it could be that E faggot again; fuckin fakes but makes for comfy hype threads
wagmi all the same just a matter of time - the rollercoaster shall make for the thirst of a lifetime post-MOASS for some true R&R


>> No.51610632
File: 1.44 MB, 1284x2007, F5DEFE24-8DBC-45A4-AFAC-1424B874960A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree with you guys I’m not a weakling. She told me yesterday (my birthday) that the guy sent the texts unprovoked and then she blocked him. I thought that was fine. But today she sat me down and said “actually, I told him it turned me on and then I blocked him.” And I shit you not her reasoning was that it was “a biological response” and “her medication makes her feel empty”. Just sucks. I’m also dog anon, the meme dog is now in a disjointed household until I decide whether or not this was fucked up enough to leave

>> No.51610635

I'd be more comfy with having all my money and assets safely secured before anything like that happens.

>> No.51610676
File: 488 KB, 480x264, surfin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could care less about what I have right now, all I need is wifi and a laptop so I can sell my shares on FTX or whatever the fuck when the time comes
Buying me a new citizenship, passport, rental car, flight, privacy measures the instant I can
will they doxx us in any fashion? We'll be sitting ducks in that case


>> No.51610701

Sounds like antidepressants anon
If that's the case you need to save her from them asap, or leave!

>> No.51610741

If she told you without you finding out then that's still commendable. All women are fucked in today's society and you'll be hard pressed to find one you actually like. If you do leave her, then understand it will be hard to find an actual girlfriend who isn't a gold digger post MOASS. The best we'll be able to do is find an 18 year old sugar baby willing to sell her virginity, make her fall in love and groom her into never leaving. My suggestion is to keep her, fuck her more often, marry her post MOASS and have children. If she moved in with you before marriage, you both are trash to begin with and you shouldn't be judging each other. But if marriage isn't what you really want, you can always fuck 18 year olds until you die of old age after MOASS, but it won't be a fulfilling life.

>> No.51610759

Kike baggots

>> No.51610772 [DELETED] 

I got 741 as digits so you have to listen to me. save your fucking relationship and listen to >>51610701 as well. Help her if you care about her. She's your fiance and you were months away from agreeing to "til death do us part" so try to at least save your relationship.

>> No.51610778

741 checked fren but post-MOASS I think you should have multiple baby mommas with you but never marry any of them

>> No.51610791

Checking these digits, Ryan.

>> No.51610893

Does anyone have that Point72 margin call notice from the DTCC?
Can't find it

>> No.51610955 [DELETED] 

Tell her to fuckoff. Then if she dont want to fuckoff, tell her you will only stay with her if she watches while you bang one of her friends, and that this is a biological response to her doing this, and her being a cheating slut that talks to horny nerds on the internet makes you feel empty.

>> No.51611016 [DELETED] 

It's important that she watches ans dont join in. Then later in relationship she will want to have threesomes with women. Either take advantage of the situation and present yourself as the dominant male in the relationship (which she wanta deep down) or tell her to fuckoff. I also got digits so you have to listen to me.

>> No.51611080 [DELETED] 

Don't copy me, pajeet. If you do that again I'll leave a cows head on the doorstep of your local temple. You will never get a wife.

>> No.51611114 [DELETED] 

I will have multiple wives and I eat beef every day.
Listening to your advice will make him a cuckold. If he wants to become a cuck, he can take advice from cucks - which is your advice.

>> No.51611167 [DELETED] 

You're just as bad as the disgusting sluts you hate. I hope you learnt o fear God before you go down the road you're going down.

>> No.51611215
File: 221 KB, 828x600, 1655704991576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape her, kill the dog, simple solution, reverse if you're Canadian

>> No.51611271 [DELETED] 


>> No.51611295
File: 19 KB, 361x391, 1663957463336486-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already fucking know......

>> No.51611511 [DELETED] 

>I hope you learnt o fear God
You mean the God that in no way disagrees with polygamy given the bible is full of it?
That god right?
The reason we have Monogamy is because of Ancient Rome being a direct predecessor to the Vatican.
But keep on trucking with the Pope being the source of all Godly wisdom rather than, you know, god, worship that golden calf hard boy, it's good for the soul.

>> No.51611550
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 409C838C-823A-43B1-A47F-CA61CC0B3A33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies? more like cuck baggies

>> No.51611581
File: 35 KB, 615x409, 1655698944685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cringe posts around the website today, let's try again next week

>> No.51611588

This made me laugh at least. Kind of sound advice coming from whom I could only assume is a anonymous hacker 4chanster.

>> No.51611589
File: 83 KB, 956x956, 1664024183978846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moass is Monday

>> No.51611606 [DELETED] 

This. Catholic cuckolds will keep on slurping

>> No.51611796


>> No.51611858
File: 372 KB, 634x852, 1632980325885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When women do this they fall into two categories, 1. they're cheaters and liars and you should leave them. 2. You got complacent in the relationship, you let yourself go and stopped dating and courting her and she's slowly losing attraction to you. It sounds like she falls into the second category because she openly admitted to this, you can fix it by owning up to your shit. And regardless of what anyone here says, all women will do this eventually, whether they were virgins, good girls, doesn't matter. If you start displaying unattractive qualities to them, if you don't listen and hear them out, and stopped dating and courting, they will leave you sooner than later.

>> No.51611916

Call it quits. This sort of thing usually happens 20 years into marriage. Not BEFORE marriage.

>> No.51611961


>> No.51611972

Kek desperate weekend baggies
Market never crashing
Crypto never going below 18k
Kek baggies

>> No.51612031
File: 3.67 MB, 2238x1366, Screenshot 2022-08-23 at 13.29.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never please a woman. GTFO of here with that married red pill shit.

It's true you should never stop pushing yourself to improve in every way, but if you're doing it for a woman you're gonna have a bad time, as all women get bored eventually.

Truth is, women aren't built for monogamy and only massive amounts of social shaming can get them to stay in a relationship.

>> No.51612079 [DELETED] 

DOOMED even if she stops talking to him there will be another guy. the mentality carried by people like this is driven by greed, and selfishness. you should take the one up, and make her feel like shit as you belittle her NOT BERATE HER, but talk down to her, and let her know she's the equivalent to trash and that she can now talk to this fag whenever, and maybe he, and his mom can support her.

>> No.51612089 [DELETED] 

No. She's a whore that uses 'muh meds' as excuse for her behaviour. The guys should gtfo that relationship.
They are built for monogamy, whores are not.

>> No.51612098

Are you currently playing the Modern Warfare II open beta?

>> No.51612105
File: 642 KB, 727x749, 1661588414661801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the fucking dog, and get out now she is going to try to take the dog, and then will slowly take her anger out on it, as she projects you on the dog. her reasoning will be "i am empty and my medication sometimes make me feel this way lol" what the fuck is wrong with you? you never compromise doggo with hole. now you have to worry about sloot hurting dog's quality of life. dumb motherfucker.

>> No.51612130

This guy gets it.

>> No.51612136

played for a couple hours but it's irredeemable shit.

>> No.51612137

holy moly you're even more lost then the other dude is lmao. keep speakin your truth I guess anon

>> No.51612145

>but if you're doing it for a woman you're gonna have a bad time
You shouldn't be a beer drinking pizza eating fat fucking slob even when you're single. Relationships are work no matter how you spin it. Women crave attention and if you don't give it to them someone else will. You can't treat them like a roommate and expect them to stay unless you're chad.

>> No.51612148
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1080, SCREENSHOT 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that go get a nexus membership, and download the capital punishment modlist off wabbajack.

>> No.51612152

That is if she doesn't just take it to a shelter immediately. I agree though, he should dump her especially since we're about to be billionaires. If you really love her you can take her once she comes crawling back after she sees GameStop mentioned in the news and remembers you never shut up about it. She'll definitely have fucked that guy and several others during this time though

>> No.51612180 [DELETED] 

Cope. you live in delusion. How many gf's you had? I bet not fucking many.


>> No.51612205

My point is that she should not be the reason for your self improvement. You should be the reason for your self improvement.

And despite what you might think, women don't want to see you improving, they don't want to know about you improving, you have to hide that shit from them.

They want to be with a man that is a natural, not a fucking try hard autistic loser.

>> No.51612228

Actually based

>> No.51612262

Yup saw it in a dream last night while tripping on jenkem reading the bhagavad sneeda

>> No.51612267

how does this impact GME?


>> No.51612291

basically this

>> No.51612357

Just don't look up. They told you before hand...

>> No.51612358

>not a fucking try hard autistic loser.
I'm not sure what you're arguing about. Nowhere did I say that he needs to improve for her and to show her he's improving. Most men aren't "natural man" or whatever the fuck you mean by that and they need to take the appropriate steps to work on themselves and become a person other people want to be around, women or men alike.

>> No.51612433

It's a sort of trump card. If the citizens of the world revolt and successfully overthrow the great reset, the masons will destroy the world with this asteroid and survive the cataclysm by hiding in underground bunkers scattered throughout the world.

>> No.51612453

>You shouldn't be a beer drinking pizza eating fat fucking slob even when you're single

I never once said this, so I was defending my position. I think we're in agreement on that fact.

My other point is that women don't want to be with a man who needs to improve.

That's why they give terrible dating advice like "Just be yourself". So they can tell if you're a loser or not. They don't want to date a man who is improving they want to be at the finish line getting with a man who is already a winner.

>> No.51612464

>le underground bunkers will save them from le disease,accidents, or mechanical mishaps

>> No.51612486

Take your pills. The asteroid in question is out in the main belt orbiting a larger asteroid. The idea is to adjust its orbit around the larger asteroid by crashing a small probe into it, since we can watch for the orbit adjustment relatively quickly from Earth.

>> No.51612489

Aren't they mostly in New Zealand?
If so our last act as a species if such a time comes should be to drop every nuke we have on that island.
I for one think we should drop them early just in case.

>> No.51612505
File: 663 KB, 900x900, 1655704261194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can hope

>> No.51612576 [DELETED] 

>My other point is that women don't want to be with a man who needs to improve.
They don't, it's why they eventually leave the relationship. So if you are in a relationship, and things are starting to turn sour men are quick to blame the woman, but they fail to see their own shortcomings, gaining weight, playing too many vidya, drinking too much, etc.

>> No.51612641 [DELETED] 

My ex left me because I didn't drink enough. Her exact words verbatim were "I'm a party girl".

I would go to the gym 6 days a week, drank probs 1-2 times a week. It doesn't matter who you are, they will always find the grass is greener, it's their nature.

>> No.51612679

Isn't today supposed to be some sort of le epic happening?

>> No.51612686

two days from now so monday

>> No.51612775

Two weeks -12 days.

>> No.51612825 [DELETED] 

Doesn't help that the media is constantly hyping up women to be bold and unapologetic and that they deserve better so they dump the guy who was a catch and they settle down the road for less because they hit 30 and panicked.

>> No.51612845

Kek crypto baggies

>> No.51612879
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