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51608475 No.51608475 [Reply] [Original]

im 27 and i could honestly remember jackshit what ive done since graduation

>> No.51608583


>> No.51608591

why would that make you mentally still in high school?

>> No.51608705

i remember jackshit what i did since and before graduation
yesterday doesn't even feel real
it sucks

>> No.51611596

I'm 33 and had multiple failed projects but at least I tried.

>> No.51611604


>> No.51611683

I'm 35 and still remember highschool like it was yesterday.

>> No.51611725

Nah fuck that shit

>> No.51611827
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but i remember everything since then though

>> No.51611869

All my dreams still have people in from when I was 16-18.
>24 y/o

>> No.51611882
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-09-12 13.32.25 - cosmic horror staring back at you through the void dramatic lighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in regards to my taste in women.

>> No.51611901
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Opposite, I'm 23 and I feel like i'm 43. Can't hold a proper conversation with anyone that isn't an unironic boomer, I spend my weekends chugging budweiser alone, I'm at work for 10-11 hours a day, and I'm balding badly. I feel that I am so spiritually removed from the modern female that I can barely stand listening to them for more than 45-60 seconds before I want to jump out a fucking window.

>> No.51611907

doesn't sound like a very fulfilling life OP

>> No.51613428

I feel like a teenager despite being 24 years old, I thought I could do great things with cryptos, and now here I am locked in my room waiting for my friends to get me a job while I watch shinja's chart all day long, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.51613438
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I'm still in love with my high school ex

>> No.51613445

just bad memories, that's all

>> No.51613463

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51613542

Kek same age same mental state. I mean I finished college and got a cushy office job but that's about. The job itself "feels" like it's highschool and not much changed. I can't really afford much of anything. No girl. Just go to work go home. Occasionally I'll drink myself into a stupor to forget everything.

>> No.51613547


Have a kid?

>> No.51613863
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>tfw own grandma said "you're 21 going on 80, anon"

>> No.51613893

Highschool mentality never clicked with me.
I finished it and the next day I was out.
I was over it mentally even months before it ended.

>> No.51613987
File: 1.92 MB, 1300x865, brew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still dream about her


>> No.51614016
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Yeah we're so fucking based I am so happy and satisfied with my life being based

>> No.51615697

I can barely even remember high school, 24 almost 25, I pray to God to guide me every day to a better life

>> No.51615735

Once u hit mid 30s you will start to not give a shit about anything. It's very nice

>> No.51618442

I was pairbonded and in love, she broke my heart.
Its been 9 years bros... When does it get better?

>> No.51618545

>29 y/o
>still browsing 4chan like I did when I was 14 years old
>graduating uni this year
>have taken care of myself so I avoided the common pitfalls of life (thanks /fit/)
>not balding, still have great hair
>Still look young, always get compliments that I don't look 29 at all when my age comes up in conversation
>no physical ailments like other old people my age/younger
>only thing I feel uncomfortable about is that at 30 I'm expected to start settling down
>after you settle down, you're supposed to have kids
>the next 20+ years is just raising more slaves for the system to chew up
>Kids move out around 50 y/o
>only 10-15 years left to live which will be spent waging for retirement if there even is one
>die somewhere between 50-65

I honestly get suicidal thinking about the next 30 years because it seems so bleak.

>> No.51618600

Kids are awesome, but you probably wont find anyone to have a relationship with that can have kids. Women 30+ are all dried up.

>> No.51618621

Are kids really that awesome? How so?

>> No.51618710

No, but sometimes I remember something shitty that happened or someone said or I did back then and seethe about it for a while, even though the other person probably doesn’t even remember the interaction and isn’t even the same person anymore aside from legally.
Seething at ghosts.

>> No.51618718

Go live a fucking life wtf are you waiting for you absolute failure?

>> No.51618724

I was going to say that faded after seven years for me, but if you’re still holding a torch nine years in you’re probably fucked.

>> No.51618726

Yes because I still look like an acne covered teen also I dropped out in 9th grade

>> No.51618732

You stop being a hysterical bitch in your 30s so you can look forward to that.

>> No.51619001

Kali Yuga prophecy; this world is going to be very hard on men who try to live with honesty and with integrity. Wasted time, fuckups, suffering, addictions, these things are all practically assured to confused young men who are immature and dont know how to defend or orient themselves in this sick timeline. Individuate and become aware of yourselves, try not to be to hard on yourself for your regrets or your past actions, for they are in part a product of the sin of this immaterial world. Acknowledge these things for what they are and move on with your life. Your past is closed but your future is still open

>> No.51619448

they aren't called formative years for nothin'