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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 988 KB, 1242x1244, 2A8286D0-029B-4175-B46A-F862E76C27E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51602335 No.51602335 [Reply] [Original]

was it just a meme?
Pretty obvious bears can't make a lower low

>> No.51602398

Shemitah started in September 2021 and it's ending in a couple of days, 2022 was a bear year so the shemitah pretty much already happened. But of course a great dump could happen anytime

>> No.51602433

poor piggo. when i can eat lab pork without piggos getting kill and all the piggos can run free and root around for truffles, the world will be a better place.

>> No.51602562

isnt there another jew thing coming up on monday?

>> No.51603058

It's literally happening tomorrow. I hope you anons have enough food and water to last two weeks, i'm worried for you guys.

>> No.51603105

At least when people eat pork there is a demand for them and they are born in the first place. This little guy still got to enjoy a few years and should die painlessly assuming the right measures are put in place. If everyone was vegan they would never be born in the first place because there'd be no use for them.

>> No.51603159
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It was just off-topic shitposting from /pol/tards who try to evade the rules that political and conspiracy posting is not allowed. They are doing this always, there will be something else after shemitah, probably something about russia, ukraine or china again.

>> No.51603166

you should see how chickens are raised. taste good though

>> No.51603553

Is he ok?

>> No.51603610

you're the pig, op. zero awareness of what's going on. RIP, faggot

>> No.51603634
File: 1.62 MB, 480x854, cat on hog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lean hogs: who is laughing now?

>> No.51604067

I only buy free range meat products.

>> No.51604093

This picture is a metaphor for the elite/AI and the rest of humanities relationship right now.

>> No.51604373

we'll see, but I'm not confident anything will happen on monday

>> No.51604393

My theory on eating industrial factory farm slaughter house meat is that it is a form of communion with Satan.

>> No.51604547
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>calls them piggos
>wants to eat ze lab grown meat instead
You should leave /biz/ and return to wallstreetbets where you came from.

>> No.51604557

I refuse to eat pigs, I think of them like dogs.

>> No.51604576

You can always go lower. It is difficult to create new wealth, it is much easier to destroy it.

>> No.51604601

Should I be scared that BTC is up 5% in my local currency today while being flat in USD?

>> No.51604623

This image makes me feel sad!

>> No.51604678

Not only are chickens not mammals but they are also profoundly mindless.

>> No.51604937

>Pretty obvious bears can't make a lower low
say hi to my screenshot

>> No.51605021
File: 2.65 MB, 300x169, catastrophe 25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your heart attack fat ass

>> No.51605360

but why?

>> No.51605570

kill yourself, tell no one, die cold and alone

>> No.51606182

What a faggot

>> No.51606488
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no not the heckin kittens!

>> No.51606515

You're not that far off from the truth actually

>> No.51606518


>> No.51606599

They're not treated well. Profit > humanity. These things encounter so much fear and discomfort, they are better off not being born

>> No.51606627

based vermin exterminator

>> No.51606667

Admit what you did to someone in public and you will be lynched, subhuman creature.

>> No.51606773


>> No.51606923

This thread is cancer

>> No.51607009

Wild hogs destroy every environment they live in, just like spics and niggers. They get no sympathy.

>> No.51607430
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>super shemitah ends
>2022 - 49 = 1973
pic related is what happened

>> No.51607452

colossal nigger behaviour

>> No.51607525
File: 104 KB, 1065x1064, it's over nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats spread toxoplasmosis and contribute to the extinction of birds , recent studies show that toxoplasmosis generates gender dysphoria in humans.

>> No.51607538


>> No.51607575
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, 083B85BF-E717-4403-AE13-476FC093474B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao go back to r3ddit kike

>> No.51607584

you kikes cats have nothing to do with it. It’s a sentient fungus

>> No.51607638
File: 379 KB, 1242x814, 438EBA2B-FB7B-484F-94B6-5CEB5AA0D4E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By this logic we should kill dogs in the same way

>> No.51607648


>> No.51607650
File: 364 KB, 1208x798, F2555594-3683-467E-ACF6-ADFF5D4FC3C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51607759

>Cats are the worst mammal as invasive species
>Dogs are the third worst mammal as invasive species
What's the second one anon?

>> No.51607836

>missing the point this hard
This still means by your logic, dogs should die in the same way. Just 1/3 of the amount that is done for cats.

>> No.51607857

Actually math probably isn't a clean 1/3rd (i.e. third worst doing 1/3rd of the damage of the one ranked first), but point still stands. Invasive species are still invasive species so if someone is pro killing of cats like this, it would be hypocritical to be against the killing of dogs in the same way

>> No.51608057

I am not the one you are trying to argue with anon. Stop, get some help

>> No.51608110

I eat Kangaroo. Since they're 100% hunted and not domesticated, fewer animals die per calorie for the meat than vegetarian food (rodents/rabbits/frogs/etc get killed by farm equipment and pest control). This is fun to rub in the face of pretentious vegans.

>> No.51608114

Two more weeks chud

>> No.51608139

The only reason why these beings exist is because they are edible. The moment that they are no longer necessary their populations will drop to 0. You won't see cows anywhere outside of india.

>> No.51608152

Mmh yummy yummy yummy i got bugs in my tummy

>> No.51608181

who are you quoting?

>> No.51608381

Kill yourself, kike.

>> No.51608603
File: 133 KB, 1080x1349, 1663977703693563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1901-1902 Year of Shemitah - Stock market drops almost 50%.
1916-1917 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year) - Stock market drops 40%. United States enters WWI. Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Great Britain suffer economic collapse.
1930-1931 Year of Shemitah - The Great Depression. The worst financial crisis in modern history.
1937-1938 Year of Shemitah - Half of the stock market collapses sparking a global recession.
1944-1945 Year of Shemitah - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world's superpower. Bretton Woods Conference giving the U.S. Dollar Global Reserve Currency status; and diminishing of gold’s influence.
1965-1966 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year) - Stock market drops almost 25%
1972-1973 Year of Shemitah - Stock market crashes almost 50%. Global recession; US oil crisis.
1979-1980 Year of Shemitah - Global recession.
1986-1987 Year of Shemitah - “Black Tuesday”; stock market crashes by 1/3.
1993-1994 Year of Shemitah - Bond market crash.
2000-2001 Year of Shemitah - 9/11. Markets open on final day of Shemitah, September 17; stock market falls 700 points.
2007-2008 Year of Shemitah - On the last day of The Shemitah Tear, September 29, the stock market drops a record 777 points.

You think this is a joke goy?

>> No.51608696

anon, its your first year in /biz/

/pol/chuds invade here every september/october and warn of 'upcoming shemitah' every year.

dont be a retard.

>> No.51608711

Shemitah only happens once every 7 years. This was the year of Shemitah. Tomorrow evening marks the end of the Shemitah year.

>> No.51608726
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Last two Shemitahs ended biggly; on last day 2001 AND 2007-2008 there was major-ass ruckus. Here is the kicker: last day of Shemitah year 2021-2022 is this monday Sept 26.

>> No.51608734

>he thinks the r3dd1t hate isn’t a meme
You go back with him faggot

>> No.51608737

Wow, something happens and you cherry pick it.

>> No.51608749

you retards said the same thing every year for the past 3+ years, stop sucking dick.

>> No.51608766

>b-b-but shemaleta ends September
>take entire year of shemaleta

Kys kvetchup, the times and the season are changed anyway. Or you really think sept = 9, dec =12?

>> No.51608787

Just because you're a faggot with shit taste doesn't mean the rest of us are.

>> No.51608978

Now replace pigs with females and artificial meat with robowaifus

>> No.51608993
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>> No.51609010

You won’t do shit faggot

>> No.51609211

Last super shemitah coincided with the peak of Weimar hyperinflation and Hitler’s beer hall putsch


>> No.51609242

How does a kangaroo taste
>inb4 chicken
>kvetching this hard
lazy sarurday schlomo?

>> No.51609258

Shemitah isn't a meme, it's just that most of the low IQ bears on biz don't understand its a grand jubilee year.