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51602260 No.51602260 [Reply] [Original]

Society is collapsing

>> No.51602278

Who cares, Jews already killed all the good in people

>> No.51602539

110% demoralized
The plan worked on you

>> No.51602593
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you're pathetic

>> No.51602606

>Society is collapsing
is that supposed to be a bad thing

>> No.51602611


>> No.51602795

and are you going to do anything about it or just sit there and contemplate the misery?

>> No.51602935

ima post on 4chan because no one wants to admit it or talk about it publicly

>> No.51602960

Everybody that owns a television has a JEW in their home.

>> No.51602978

Surely something better will rise from the ashes right?

>> No.51602980
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More like:
Society's collapsing! :D

>> No.51603006

I don't have a family or a job so I don't fucking care. I'm literally becoming the meme of being wrapped up and comfy while watching the world burn.

>> No.51603012

It's true OP.
If you're Canadian, you see it to an intense degree, because we don't even have the daily reminders of the finite nature of life like in US.
People in Canada really don't have much for identity, outside of Quebec.
Being american in every sense but pretending that what sets you apart is being nice and polite isn't an identity.

>> No.51603027

The [creative]destruction of society is a feature, not a bug.

>> No.51603038
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>mfw someone tells me society is collapsing

>> No.51603045

It’s true

>> No.51603047

Christ, you fucking cryptofaggots are even more pathetic than I thought

>> No.51603057

>Be me
>Read society is collapsing on business and finance forum
>Be concerned
>Step outside and go to shops
>They're open *relief*
>See an old couple with groceries
>Think to myself "lucky bastards" as I consider escorting them home
>No use Banditos will get them either way
>Step into shops
>Only one brand of toilet paper left
>Look for other signs of collapse
>See a man dressed up as a woman
>"Geez some people aren't taking this collapse well"
>Go to food court
>Get coffee and ham/ cheese bagel
>*Daily rations, must make the most of these calories*
>See others doing the same, eating in the food court
>Think to myself "so brave the face the put on"
>I leave in my car which is low on petrol
>Go to local station where the jeet greets me with a smile and some fresh donuts
>Full my tank full incase of peak oil and freeze dry donuts when home
>Open thread to report on societies collapse
>See Tumblr in niggerfaggot OPs filename
>Close 4chan for the day

>> No.51603147

>no spaghetti
>didn't do the dinosaur
3/10, wouldn't read again.

>> No.51603167

nice fanfic, i go outside and homeless are shitting in public and niggers are fistfighting each other

>> No.51603169
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I'm not that clever

>> No.51603170


>> No.51603185

If that is your reality then maybe it's time you considered leaving

>> No.51603199

OK just leave me out of it!

>> No.51603238

and going where? luxembourg?

>> No.51603241
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>> No.51603244


And yet you participate in society. Curious!

>> No.51603255

You've been jew'd

>> No.51603503

8/10 I'd read again

>> No.51603539

your ancestors are disappointed in your apathy

>> No.51603541

What am I meant to take from this passage? That civilization is both the people that want to build and the people that want to destroy? That's not correct at all.

>> No.51603555
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Controlled demolition

>> No.51603576

it collapsed in 2012. the mayans were right, just ride the awful tsunami.

>> No.51603617
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You'll be fine

>> No.51603756

You people are wrong about the jews.

>> No.51603884

anon, everyone on 4chan IS a jew

>> No.51603904
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>> No.51604437


Civilization is populated by those that want to build and those that want to destroy. Plus illiterate niggers like you

>> No.51604470

Are you saying you actually have faith in the average normalfag? They’re even more demoralized and defeated than the guy you’re talking to. At least he has enough fight in him to recognize his enemy and be against them. Normalfags just suck the enemy’s dick and fight against you.

He’s right, globohomos killed all the good in people aka your average normalfag. Don’t expect “the good in people” to come save you.

>> No.51604531

Do not despair, we knew this would happen, that is why we prepared.

The day soon, is nye, my brothers, do not get left behind.

we do not know the minute second or hour, but soon there will be a great shifting of power.

the world is a great gift and through her, soon shall the tide shift in favor of our future...just so long as you hold atleast 1000...

-posted from my internet computer, sincerely, You, from the future.

>> No.51604540
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Enjoyable greentext

>> No.51604564

admits he isn't one of the good people

>> No.51604618


That's a very long way of saying OP is a faggot.

>> No.51604804



>> No.51605001

sounds like what a jew would say

>> No.51605024

Rabbi keeping busy protecting the synagogue of Satan. Judgement is coming for you

>> No.51605058


you fucking morons, shit hasn't existed in 100 years

>> No.51605118

Yes. Learn how to abuse the system or be abused by the system. I take two hour breaks at work and I'll keep doing it until I get caught.

>> No.51606606

lets fucking go back to the stone age

>> No.51606613

I hate jews

>> No.51607248

>just leave

>> No.51607275
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Whats that "society" thing im hearing about lately? New shitcoin?

>> No.51607546

it's never been abouit the average normalfag, i bet they have been retarded all the way back,
we are here though