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51602134 No.51602134 [Reply] [Original]

the girl I've liked for two years just called me and told me she got a boyfriend.
I congratulated her.
I can't do this anymore, bros...

>> No.51602151

No one cares you literal teenager, what the fuck are you posting here for?

>> No.51602167

Avoid and ignore. Some people are just cruel. She knows you like her and enjoys torturing you. Never give her time of day to even contact you without jumping through some serious hoops. Ignore social media messages and texts. DO NOT go off on her or say anything rude. Just distance yourself and move on as hard as it is. You’re welcome.

>> No.51602186

nigger just leave her on seen. it’s literally this easy

>> No.51602198


>> No.51602208

>liking a girl for two years
i'm not going to say anything. i'm just going to green text it.

>> No.51602213


>> No.51602217

Dude i have been in this situation before you have to show her you love her. Show up at her house in the middle of the night and follow her around town. Also call her as many tomes as you can.

>> No.51602222
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>haha let's still be friends though anon, you've always been such a good friend to me

>> No.51602225

Never like anyone if you're a man. You either make your move fast or never do shit if it's with a woman. There's a hard limit of 6 months for you to be permanently cuck zoned if she's known you and hasn't shown interest. And your best chances of a sexual relationship working are the first week of knowing a woman.

>> No.51602226

Maybe try to stop being a beta simp faggot for one second.
>hey beta cuck simp anon I got a boyfriend
>why the fuck are you talking to me bitch?

>> No.51602234

You're a faggot beta go back to /r9k/ to stupid piece of shit

>> No.51602235

She did this because she likes your attention, sadly not your looks or personality.
Just don't pay her any attention, you time and focus is more important than she could ever be king.

>> No.51602236

and what were you doing to get with her for those two years?

>> No.51602248

Move on. You aren't special. Your relationship certainly isn't. Pull the plug and repeat: only assholes mourn themselves

>> No.51602252


>> No.51602264

Damn, I miss all or nothing situations.
Nuke the friend zone.
Call her back and say, "come over and suck my dick while you talk on the phone to your new boyfriend".

>> No.51602267

If you haven't made a move on a female within the first two weeks of knowing her (asking to go somewhere together etc) then you are friendzoned beta cuck

>> No.51602301

listen to this anon OP

>> No.51602328

Accidentally her a picture of your dick.

>> No.51602370

>still interested in women
stop chasing ass and start chasing the bag

>> No.51602379

this. what a fucking cunt rubbing ur nose in it, dont evem look or speak to her again

>> No.51602424

Also this

>> No.51602461

Women are a waste of time. Jerk off and focus on making money and hobbies.

>> No.51602481

Move to Kazakhstan

>> No.51603982

>two years
Lol. Get a life.

>> No.51604023

You must now become a stalker and guilt trip and gaslight her into having sex with you.

>> No.51604078

You must be from the US or the UK, don't waste time on the women there, make money, find hobbies, and only fuck with international women.

>> No.51604118

What a cunt. And I'm sure she's been pulling more bullshit on you over the course of the 2 years you've known her. You shouldn't even be communicating with this twisted individual. Get some self respect for crying out loud.

>> No.51604290

>ITT: beta friendzone cuck wondes why girl shits on her
Cringe, we're in 2022 and people still fall for the cuckzone

>> No.51604312

block her everywhere and dont contact her anymore, if you do you are fag

>> No.51604331

never mind beg her to let u kiss he shoe sole pussy

>> No.51604459

Is that good advice on MY /biz/?!??

>> No.51604513

You had 2 years to make a move anon. She may be telling you this cause she’s offended you never did and wanted you to. Tell her how you feel and to dump him and go on a date this weekend. If she says no oh well, move on and never speak to get again and take the advice of the rest of the anons in here.

>> No.51604534

Go fuck hard fight style for the glorious boner fun!
Masturbation could never do that!
So fuck off! and fuck hard.

>> No.51604555
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Funny found the girl who betrayed for some faggot, never ended up with the guy she betrayed me for. The mf just played with her and left her for some other bitch .
Life's good

>> No.51604562

>hard limit of 6 months
Maybe in Highschool. College and Adult life I would say a hard limit of a month. It's extremely rare for a normal woman to be single for 6 months.

>> No.51604708

Good to hear. Trash women get what they deserve.

>> No.51604748

at least she told you. now you have closure and can find a new hole to simp over for the next 2 years

>> No.51604758

This bro. Just ditch the bitch so to speak and work on yourself. I know it's hard but the majority if your good times lie ahead in your late 20s and 30s and on.

You're wife is probably 20 years younger than you.

>> No.51604766
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Thanks bro, it was rough when I had to completely get rid of her, she was confused as shit and I didn't say anything, her knowing that I just left without saying a word was well worth wanting to say something. Knowing she's burning up with the question of why I left is enough of a victory for me.

>> No.51604779

you should get your testosterone checked, might be low

>> No.51604785

Consider yourself lucky. Women are whores and are to be treated as such. Your hormones are overpowering your ability to think clearly. Once you're around 25 years old you'll realize how retarded you've been and proceed to fuck post wall roasties and freshman whores. Maybe I'm just projecting lol.

>> No.51604793

I think school should be gender segregated. Literally nothing but drama shit shows with rooms full of hormonal teens.

I was a B/C student in co-ed and literally got straight 100s in all male school.

Women know their peak is their teens and are desperate for seed and children mich earlier than men. I just hit 30 and I am pretty sure my wife is currently 10-16.

>> No.51604883

That guy is going to have sex with her. Hahaha get cucked beta faggot

>> No.51604973

What goes on in a woman’s mind? She hangs out with this loser guy for two years, did she really think for two years that all you wanted to do was have picnics or talk about whatever? That you weren’t a red blooded male with a sex drive? Is she living in bizarro world oblivious to the fact that you want to plow her, or does she know that and just string you along regardless. And then she calls you to tell you that another guy is fucking her. Does she do this because she sees you as a sexless non-male or does she just not care?

>> No.51605120
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Weird bot.

>> No.51605168

She does it to signal him "hey I'm gonna need emotional support when i don't understand why my boyfriend is distant during this relationship, also i need you as an hypothetical plan B (b stands for beta btw lol) if he breaks up with me or i find him cheating me, but if that happens I'm not going to have sex with you anyway, I'd rather find another emotionally abusive boyfriend since i have unresolved daddy issues. If you stick around until I'm 35 maybe I'll marry if i have to our more kids who needs babysitting while I'll go out on Fridays night like I'm a teenager

>> No.51605203

>girl I've liked for two years
>>girl I've liked for two years
young man you're a bitch

>> No.51605407

she probably meant something to you if you liked her that long, it happens. Happens to girls too.

But never do what you just did. Her and her boyfriend can go fall off a sidewalk.

>> No.51605615
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You can have those same feelings in a day with a girl you meet on a bus. It was all in you; all along.

>> No.51605637
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why did she call you?
are you a beta orbiter? If the girl is telling you, you weren't in her sights anyways.
Best to get her to hook you up with one of her friends.

>> No.51605647

>1 post by ID
Fuck, I've been tricked. Bot thread. Abort

>> No.51605650

More like two weeks, if you haven’t put your dick in her within two weeks of meeting her, you never will. Delete her and move on

>> No.51605651
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this also work against men

>> No.51605658

H'es got to do a hard fucking if he wants to get off before the depression sets in.

>> No.51605705

Most women do this naturally. Men need to learn.

>> No.51605803

>2 weeks
more like 2 hours
frankly she's already decided within 2 seconds whether she's fucking you or not, the rest is just foreplay

>> No.51605819
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this. Based on

she knew, she strung you along - remain cordial and avoid. DO NOT blow up on her or she wins literally just ignore

>> No.51605895

Have you not seen the incel statistics for women these days?

>> No.51605931

all women are whores

>> No.51605934

Ask her if you may slurp her out afterwards.

>> No.51605976

Do you worry about a generational gap between you and your wife? 15 years is a long time. You're going to be so different from her. She will have grown up in a completely different world than you did.

>> No.51607966

might as well

>> No.51608050

based. scorched earth is the way to go. detach yourself from the outcome, then pull the pin and toss the grenade. if nothing else it's fun as hell

>> No.51608052


>> No.51608069

theres no gap in her pussy

>> No.51608103

>6 months
More like 6 seconds

>> No.51608210

you new here?

>> No.51608214

> 6 seconds
more like 6 milliseconds

>> No.51608276

Don't listen to the people telling you to cut contact. You need to stay in contact and fill her mind with fud against her bf. When she breaks up it will be your best chance to slip in her bed because sell be emotional and can get drunk easy.

>> No.51608319

You didn’t win, women like being played by superior men. If anything it just gave her something to masturbate to

>> No.51608412
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Get the hell away from her. Overwhelm her with your gains, you did invest in VINU right? the CoinW listing was as bullish as it could. Imagine meeting her again after you make it, that's a good revenge

>> No.51608438

you should fuck her best friend, and then tell her

>> No.51608480
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I'm coming in this thread to join everyone else who is calling you a retard. If this is true and you were friends with a single girl for 2 years without making a move you're a huge fucking dumbass. Literally all you had to do was invite her to your place to look at your gay anime figures or play video games or whatever, and then kiss her.