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51602131 No.51602131 [Reply] [Original]

Kids playing outside should be illegal
Dogs barking should be illegal
Birds chirping should be illegal
Cars vrooming should be illegal
Shouting should be illegal

The worst part of not being a richfag is having to live close to humanity

>> No.51602146

Believe me bro I know
I live next to a river and that shit is running CONSTANTLY

>> No.51602176

appreciation of silence is the greatest tell of social class. poor people fucking LOVE noise, whether it's deafeningly obnoxious mufflers on their shitbox cars or niggerlicious rap blarin out from dey cell foam.

>> No.51602178

i bought a flat at the last floor so neighbors don't annoy me and a son of a bitch is making holes in his walls every fucking day at 9AM

>> No.51602183

you better go catch it

>> No.51602184

Everything is louder except music. Can science explain this?

>> No.51602200
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As soon as I get good enough to work remotely I’m fucking off to the side of a lake and never returning to civilization.

>> No.51602201

Noise canceling earphones you eternal faggot.

>> No.51602212

cujo id get

>> No.51602214

Fuck off you stupid faggot go cry elsewhere

>> No.51602219

invest in good ear plugs + a white noise machine.

>> No.51602240


Kek they do literally NOTHING against Pedro’s modded out shitbox or Tyrone’s blasting subwoofer. Earplugs and noise cancelling is useless for anything low frequency

>> No.51602271

Kill them

>> No.51602279

nuke your auditory nerves

>> No.51602298
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you're unironically autistic. a lot of people here are probably autistic as well. probably not good for a normal human to hang around here.

>> No.51602308

Enjoy the mosquitos fren

>> No.51602326

Too true.
Low frequency sound and vibrations are of the devil and carry an evil feel to them.
I spent time on 40 acre farm with a private pond and that is the only escape from it all, having acres between yourself, neighbors and streets.

>> No.51602356

>dude, just get brain cancer LOL

>> No.51602383

Try having tinnitus fag

>> No.51602390


>> No.51602423

Try getting a "deaf child at play" sign put somewhere close by, people always turn their shit down for deaf kids

>> No.51602427

A bloo bloo

Get some ear plugs you unlikeable turd

>> No.51602467

Go to a rave. Live a little

>> No.51602517

>people always turn their shit down for deaf kids

>> No.51602555

This is so crazy it might work

>> No.51602584

I'm serious. How else would you hear a deaf kid flying into the road to get run over? I don't make psychological rules I just observe them

>> No.51602682

Use your eyes?

>> No.51603798

The original covid lockdown was kino dead silence in my suburb

>> No.51603931 [DELETED] 

Makes me stressed because of reduced situational awareness.

>> No.51605695

You mean blind?

>> No.51605872

When I lived in LA, I would hear domestic violence incidents in the surrounding apartment units, mostly above me.
never called the cops because he was probably right

>> No.51605889

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.51606174

Are you me?
My fucking neighbor goes out to his car constantly so I always hear him slamming the door.
It's a deep "thud" sound that permeates everything.
If I could maybe understand what the fuck he was doing going to his car so goddam much maybe it wouldn't bother me as much but idk.

>> No.51606202


>> No.51606350

no. You'd have to turn everything UP for the blind kid to know where you are

>> No.51606365

I agree with you. I fucking hate that I have to live in a shared space with other mouth breathing non whites because the housing market is fucked and I can’t afford anything that isn’t in big ills even though I make 98k/yr. Why can’t people just be fucking quiet goddamn.

>> No.51606419

That sounds like me when I lived at my parents. He's smoking weed in his car.

>> No.51606503

this sounds comfy if at night when they are asleep

>> No.51606661

>Cars vrooming should be illegal
I can vouch for this. I live near a main road, hundreds of cars drive by every day and I barely hear them, but the fuckers with modified exhausts... I want to rig up some sort of directional microphone with a camera so I can get their license plates, then I'll track them down and you can use your imagination from there.

>> No.51607714

Put some purple foam earplugs in your ears. Alternatively, put a bullet in your mouth.

>> No.51607732


Nothing sucks more than living in an appartment building and some nigger is listening to music but his bass is turned up too much. So you don't actually can hear the music you just hear slight vibration in the floors, walls, ceiling and furniture.

i thought about making myself deaf on purpose but i dont wanna end up with an annoying beep in my ears

>> No.51607734

The contant ringing in your brain from eating too much Benadryl.

>> No.51607742

Hey, nice mass reply. I'm glad you did that.

>> No.51607743

Oh, I know. That's why I'm considering eating a bullet.

>> No.51607745

man I feel your pain
I wake up every morning at sunrise to the sound of scremaing pigeons
theres fucking neighbours kids playing the garden all day
cars going by
I hate that shit
the worst is you never erally know what you get yourself into when you rent an apartment. ive had places that were real quiet but its always a complete crapshoot what you get.
the best house I ever lived in was a 200 year old building made from brick. it was cool in th summer and you never heard a peep from outside. nowadays buildings are all made from cardboard and you hear everything.

>> No.51607751

make sure to put on a silencer

>> No.51607755

Earbuds exist you dumb faggot.

>> No.51607768

btw for all the braindead tards who say hurr durr its autism
I studied ancient stoic philosophers
even epictetus said if you live in a noise house, you should endure it stoicially. but you should also consider moving to a different place. so I guess even the ancient greeks were autistic. or maybe low IQ morons just dont mind noise or actually love it. I swear to God go to the philippines, one of the dumbest countries in the world. theres deafening noise everywhere.

>> No.51607790

btw Ive met a lot of very intelligent people that hate noise and cant stand it
Ive never met a stupid person that likes peace and quiet.

>> No.51607797

1 and 3 are not really noise. Well, 1 only when they're nonwhite.

>> No.51607801

fucking based thread i salute u bro

>> No.51608201

birds are the fucking worst. no one seemed to realize or care that these goddamn fucking mockingbirds were doing car alarm sounds outside all day and night. NPCs just think it's cute birds chirping.

>> No.51608248

for some reason the only bird that I reall hate is the pigeon. they make this disgusting gargling sound it drives me insane. its like somebody clearing their throat constantly which I also hate to listen to. and theyre loud as shit.

>> No.51608256
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My neighbors have loud sex and she moans through the wall

>It's a fat black niggers

>> No.51608269
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>> No.51608279

Poor person here.
No I don't like loud noise but complaining is for homosexuals.

>> No.51608287


>> No.51608293

And that’s why you’ll remain a poorfaggot surrounded by trash and noise. Typical

>> No.51608294

Sounds about right.
I work with an autistic kid and he's fucking detestable.

>> No.51608311

Greek here.
You're just retarded, prissy and autistic.

>> No.51608322

>Ive met
Nice anecdote, you queer.

>> No.51608350
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yeah same here, I moved to a calm and quiet area but get pissed off when people talk on the street.

Trying to make a couple of million now so I can buy a house on the country side, and keep a small apartment in the city for when I feel I need stimulation.

>> No.51608360

Worst thing ever, thank god we don't have them were I live. But they fly through sometimes and they are so annoying I would shoot them if I could

>> No.51608372

I did chase one down a few years ago. Fucker moved in to a shared house on another street but parked on mine bc landlord didnt have enough spaces. This asshole would warm up his car a good 4 or 5 minutes, then drive down the street to turn around and gun it a few times before taking off. Low rumbling and deafening several times a day.
I got in my car and followed him till he pulled over then we had it out.
He yelled at me in defiance like a pussy but in the end he never came back.

Those mufflers should be banned. WTF the globohomo with their 'livable cities' but they encourage punks to be punks in every possible way. Nalaxone clinics everywhere, firework use increasing, these fucking mufflers. Don't even get me started on leaf blowers and construction. Livable for ex cons, maybe.

>> No.51608380

It should be legal to execute loud car faggots and poors with leaky exhausts or loud breaks

>> No.51608391

Same. If that cat doesn’t stop meowing at 3 in the morning I’m snapping it’s neck

>> No.51608479

these are actually comfy af retard, the worst thing in the world is the doorbell when you didn't invite anyone

>> No.51608529

>live in condo that was built in 2019 in the middle of the city
the modern insulation is so good that you can always hear a pin drop. it took 2 years before i heard any sounds coming from a neighboring condo despite all being occupied and that was only because the people above me broke a glass of water on the floor at 3am. if i open windows the noise levels from outside are insane, but close them and i’m back in my little sensory deprivation box

>> No.51608534

Great thread. Yes poor / low IQ people love noise and think its completely normal. Yelling, shouting, arguing, slamming doors, slamming cupboards, bluetooth speakers, loud tv, loud stereo, even jerking off loudly, loud mufflers, revving up engines, hammering, sawing, drilling, yelling and screaming the streets, I hate these mother fuckers so much bros.

>> No.51608549

Landlords who put tiled floors anywhere above the ground floor should be skinned alive.

>> No.51608588

>t. mouth breathers

>> No.51608615
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i gotchu /calm/bro

>> No.51608626

You have autism.

>> No.51608673

literally all of this. the neighbor's dog would look over the wall and bark at the slightest noises. they are hardly home to care for it.
don't mind bird chirps.
but yeah, fuck the rest. + illegal fireworks. fuck people.

>> No.51608684

And yet here you are.

>> No.51608688

two words: ear plugs

>> No.51608698

Barking dogs are the worst. They make me insanely angry because it's always caused by some low iq, selfish, fat disgusting slob that cannot control their dog. I don't understand how people can listen to it and stay calm. Bird songs and other natural sounds like a running river, rain, and stuff like that can be nice though.

>> No.51608725

I’ve lived in an apartment at a crazy busy intersection for four years. I can hang out and read with all the windows open, horns blaring, aftermarket exhausts inspired by childhood neglect, booming bass, but the only thing that drives me insane: loud IDLING. It’s the same two locals. I wanna smash their windshields so bad or plug their exhaust

>> No.51608808

My neighbor has an old truck with Flowmasters...he has a trailer that it takes him on average 11 minutes to back into his garage.

This dumb mf does this multiple times ever day. And he talks on his phone in the driveway.

I hope a tree falls on him.

>> No.51608981


>> No.51609007

You sound like me on ritalin.I hate it whenever someone interrupts my workflow in thus by extension are in the way of my master plan

>> No.51609017

Feel your pain anon. Most people who drive trucks like this are low IQ attention seeking faggots. Honestly car people in general are faggots

>> No.51609100

noise pollution sucks, you must live in a crowded place.

>> No.51609247

>two words: cuck plugs

>> No.51609349

based /quiet/ anon. Also I have to add chewing with your mouth open, especially with crunchy food like chips. The initial crunch is fine when the food breaks, but the rest of the chewing has to be done with the mouth closed.

>> No.51609430

I live behind a club/pub type establishment and have grown to realise that people who go there are just grown up children chasing escapism.

>> No.51609507

Kek btfo

>> No.51609515
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Because you're probably smart

>> No.51609548

I like natural sounds, but yeah artificial sounds are really annoying. The dumber the person, the less annoying they are to them. 3rd world countries are just full of noise. However the river flowing, birds singing, wind blowing etc sounds are calm and relaxing.

>> No.51609644

get custom molded earplugs, i use them in the city and they are amazing, it filters out all the mindless goy cattle