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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 666 KB, 750x1334, t3_7ka8ly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5159984 No.5159984 [Reply] [Original]

Can you please stop throwing around Pajeet as an insult? It would be very appreciated,

>> No.5160003

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5160012
File: 1.72 MB, 516x388, 1496761974197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off nigger

>> No.5160019
File: 109 KB, 601x420, pajeetstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shitting on the street.

>> No.5160025

back to the shitting street, rajesh

>> No.5160067


>> No.5160073

Yes sir, no need for so much negativity. We all must get along.

>> No.5160076

sub human street shitting scum

>> No.5160080

shut the fuck up prakesh

>> No.5160100

this is a white board, fuck off

>> No.5160127
File: 7 KB, 234x215, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies, I thought that pajeet poo in loo meme was just a biz meme but it is actually real.

In fact, in some states in India you have to have a certificate that you have a toilet in your house before you can marry. It is to reduce wild shitting. You also get regular check-ups to see if your toilet is being used and cleaned lmao

Not even joking,


>> No.5160159
File: 109 KB, 750x738, 1512937108014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to deal with stinky pajeet web devs all day at work, and its so hard not to call these guys pajeets in front of my coworkers

>> No.5160166

if you get offended by the word "indian", maybe you are the one with the problem

>> No.5160222

it’s gonna be funny when these threads are discovered and the media sensationalizes the shit you all say, and there’s a mass normie exit from any shitcoins associated with you, and mass entrance into all the liberal coins you FUD’d, and you literally let your politics turn you to poorfags

>> No.5160285

in your street shitting dreams pajeet

>> No.5160330

>street shitter detected
save your jew tricks for the pakis. you're not fooling anyone here, pajeet.

>> No.5160379

Pajeets are not welcome on biz, take a hint and leave

>> No.5160383

Can you stop throwing your poo in the loo?

>> No.5160425

Why is every thread OP here either girls or whatever crypto someone is shilling? Where's the business and financial discussion?

>> No.5160457

>quantum electrodynamics
wow that sounds really sciency
btw I am a science studant
look me

>> No.5160528

You, pajeets have an amazing culture of figuratively thousands of years, understanding of yoga and meditation is beyond almos every westerner, and even then, majority of you became complete retards. You don't know what gem you are holding with your history. Sadly, you became a disgrace to your ancestors. Utter sellouts for money and Java. So, piss off.

>> No.5160538


Why u butthurt tho?

>> No.5160568

because those two things form a part of the rat race

crypto is where dreams are made baby, jews hate it because it frees people from slavery

>> No.5160585

right up your ass

>> No.5160639

I don't think that's the word indian.

>> No.5160762

go fuck your sister you disgusting pajeet

>> No.5160844

Christ, that gotta be a catfish.

>> No.5160847

Indian isnt a race, pajeet

>> No.5160910

Pajeet spotted.

Kill your self, subhuman degenerate street shitter.

>> No.5160965

>stop throwing around Pajeet

It's curry nigger, sir

>> No.5160970


4chan is one of the last vestiges of the original internet, where racist jokes were abundant. Fuck off and go to reddit.

>> No.5160994

you can't be racist to indians m9. There's too many. Same with chinese.

>> No.5161006

Fucking normies are in /biz/ en masse.
Fuck off normie nigger.

>> No.5161008




>> No.5161022

Would you prefer Prateek, Pratyush?

>> No.5161038

showing bobs , bitch lasagna

>> No.5161042

You all faggots taking the bait so hard

>> No.5161055
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>> No.5161072

Good bait thread

>> No.5161073


It's still fun, anon.

>> No.5161128
File: 1.58 MB, 330x297, hitlerlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161365

Guarantee every whale is a racist so i doubt that

>> No.5161491


I'am american college girl india men so sexy and rich

>> No.5161515
File: 159 KB, 645x675, 1450585094353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>india bottles cow piss for drinking and shit cookies for eating

>> No.5161588

Mmmm yeah the smell of curry feces and sweat make me so horny

>> No.5161685

2/3 of stem students dont make it to 2nd year
this is a perfect representation of that 2/3
>look me

>> No.5161769


hi bitiful

bahraam gopal add me
watsapp +91 9596950855

>> No.5161831

pajeets are still sub human and it feels good repeating that, this is a win win thread

>> No.5161884

god damn facts, fucking disgraceful street shitters

>> No.5162073

grow up guys, none of you scrawny $4k networth white bwois would dare call an indian a pajeet or a black guy a nigger irl, you'd get the shit beat out of you either way, then youd run him crying to pol about how the western world is doomed

>> No.5162096

Exactly how I feel. Modern day pajeets are a complete disgrace to their ancestors. This is what happens when you let the lower caste plebs take over

>> No.5162201

fuck off patel

>> No.5162244

No one cares pajeet nigger

>> No.5162259


>> No.5162277

I would smash

>> No.5162284

how about pole? or russian? slavs seem to be equally retarded, and muslims

>> No.5162460

Leave Russians out of this.

>> No.5162487

Crypto is a white business kiddo.

>> No.5162529

We don't like niggers here, go back to poochan you fucking subhuman

>> No.5162574
File: 526 KB, 1280x960, JLYeSQ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone outside the walled world

>> No.5162590

>that cope
i dont even have a problem with pajeets but i'll start saying it now

>> No.5162602

Back to ledit, pajeet


>> No.5162919

We get the kikes and the gooks, but not the Russians? That's fucked up man