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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51599172 No.51599172 [Reply] [Original]

It kind of makes me uncomfortable that there are factory workers in the US, shouldn't we be above this

>> No.51599205

Ah yes, everyone should just be retail wagies instead.

>> No.51600735

Elon, are you trying to push the manufacturing to third world countries to save on money, again?

>> No.51600842

a huge chunk of the population is too low IQ to do white collar work

>> No.51600870

ask your average person a simple logic question and watch most of them get it wrong.

the world is doomed. people can use smartphones but dont understand how the smartphone works at all. File structure? lol

>> No.51600903

What happens when the countries that are manufacturing all your products find out how much you need them? If you let it go too long you eventually get back to manufacturing again. For them.

>> No.51600965

I did factory work for the first 4 years of my life after high school, and it was the most depressing shit in the world. You work with a bunch of retarded and bitter old people, and also mexicans and low-IQ blacks. The factories themselves typically have interiors that are soulless, lifeless, and joyless. I promised to never work another job like that again.

>> No.51601004

I think it's actually really good to have some manufacturing happening in the US. Relying on other countries to manufacture everything has put us in a bad spot, strategically. I doubt that working in a clean, new factory is any worse than any other wagie job, and there will always be people who will be wagies at best. Its way better for them to be productive than being a neet and leeching of others.

>> No.51601202

>The factories themselves typically have interiors that are soulless, lifeless, and joyless.
i worked in a medium density fiberboard factory for a few years. it was one of the dirtiest fucking environments i've ever been in. petrolatum, hydraulic fluid, grease, wood fiber. i'd blow my nose and it would be dark brown, almost black from the wood fiber.

>> No.51601873

Give them gibs and make them breed, also import more nigs. Truly despicable times.

>> No.51601947

>a huge chunk of the population is too low IQ to do white collar work
Do you mean we have imported 1/10th of our population in the last several years, specifically to be used as cheap labor while also given favoritism in financial aid and other resources to educate themselves. All the while if you are poor and white you are given NO help and NO opportunities? You bring in foreigners and put them through college in favor of improving the native people here. After all that you blame them for being too low IQ to do white collar jobs? Name me a few jobs you think are too high IQ to be done here? The vast majority of our "education" system is memorization of other peoples works. That does not require a particularly large IQ, just discipline, IMO. They say about things anyone can learn "it is not rocket science" but even rocket science is just memorization and repetition, I think.

>> No.51601984

we're in agreement with immigration but no, i'm not talking about dumb brown slaves from third world shitholes. you're underestimating how fucking dumb kids are today. boomer professors aren't memeing when they say the quality of a college education has gone downhill drastically. no child left behind act (and the general attitude it imparted on education) has been disastrous.

>> No.51602153

50% of people are below average

>> No.51602261

>how fucking dumb kids are today. boomer professors aren't memeing when they say the quality of a college education has gone downhill drastically
I agree with you there, but do you really believe it is because they are low IQ? Is part of the reason the curriculum changes being forced today? I am 38, when I went to school the subjects we learned and the processes used to teach them were based on logic. That seems to have gone out the window at some point. I was looking over my nephew learning arithmetic using common core and it was a joke in my mind. Pemdas is much more efficient, and that is just one example from grade school. I cannot imagine how bad things have gotten in the universities.

>> No.51602314

>do you really believe it is because they are low IQ?
bush era: it's the result of dumbing down education to the lowest (blackest/brownest) common denominator
today: it's the result of social media, especially ADD-inducing forms of social media like tik tok, absolutely frying the brains of zoomers. you have entire generations of children being raised by 85 IQ nigger retard tier phone/tablet apps. i say this as a 33 year old boomer with a lifelong internet obsession, which is still nowhere near as debilitating as zoomer ADHD scroooling.

>> No.51603472

why do so many people on 4chan, but especially /biz/, pride themselves on being white collar careerists? no one really cares what role or profession you assume in life, that's part of the reason why we're anonymous. this site would be unbearable if it wasn't plurality NEET

t. neet btw, just don't see the reason to look down on waggies

>> No.51603627

Is this the current model 3? Looks really nice. Now I'm debating again if between a model 3 and a ioniq 5.

>> No.51603658
File: 597 KB, 512x512, 1663951924782155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just send all your factories to China goyim

>> No.51603868


Yeah we should all just wring JavaScript.
We don’t need to know anything about the physical world.

>> No.51603962

We need more manufacturing in the US, not less. It's embarrassing how much we outsource to third worlders.
That's a 2012ish first gen Model S, you can tell it's early because it has the painted "grille"

>> No.51603991

Get back to work and fix the autopilot freaking out over highway turnoffs

>> No.51603993

>why do so many people on 4chan, but especially /biz/, pride themselves on being white collar careerists?
>t. neet

i pride myself on being a wfh white collar worker because blue collar fucking sucks. slaving away in a factory on rotating shifts 50 hours a week motivated me to get my degree.

>> No.51604025

i did factory work for several years too. i even worked in a missile factory, making high explosives and filling warheads. was pretty cool, got to learn how high explosives are manufactured and how nuke primarys are assembled. how to make C4 and how detonation really works.

>> No.51605109

I do really enjoyable factory work and gross six figures with only a HS diploma. Just get good, niggers.