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51592186 No.51592186 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a house now? I want to move to Tampa.

>> No.51592309

50/50 on housing rn but tampa is pretty good for growth so ill bump your odds to 60/40

do it but not like a retard

>> No.51592325

we're on the verge of a recession and you want to buy a house during an inflated housing market lmao. nigger cattle and their shekels are soon parted.

>> No.51592356

This. You will end up with a depreciating asset you can't afford and will be stuck living close to the most subhuman niggers on this side of the Mississippi river.

>> No.51592448
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>> No.51593163

this place is shit. why would you even want to move here?

>> No.51593501

where do YOU suggest we move to then? Texas?

>> No.51593529

Because of job opportunities and downtown. What don't you like about Tampa? I live in Melbourne which has all the negatives of Tampa but also has nothing to do

>> No.51593579

Glowniggers like you have been repeating this phrase for the last 7 years. The truth is that the house market isn't crashing anytime soon

>> No.51593678

tampa's a nice little city but there's so much better you could do desu

i live in atlanta rn, used to live in charlotte and nashville before then. atlanta is amazing for job opportunities and networking, one of the best airports in the world. traffic is ass but there are tons of growing suburbs with new construction. plus we are less than a two hour drive away from amazing hiking trails.

>> No.51593762
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>growing suburbs
in to your box, goy.

>> No.51593817

What did you think of living in Charlotte, I had fun there in vacation

>> No.51593900

anywhere else that is majority white and has a good outdoor scene. this place sux for mtbing, surfing, and skating.

I WFH so I don't have to deal with office bullshit anymore.

there isn't much to do here. maybe the COL is better than other majority cities but that comes off with the lower quality populace that fills it. I think you're better off in Orlando with a similar job opp., LCOL, and more things to do. the traffic is dogshit in both of these cities but I would take Orlando in a heartbeat.

>> No.51593919

i don't understand why many people dislike suburbs

>enough distance from the city that you have space to spread out and you're not forced to live in tiny pod-like apartments surrounded by loud, rude people
>not so far away that you can't access grocery stores and healthcare

"walkable cities" are where you actually get shoved into a box.

it's a nice, quiet city. good demographics and decent job opportunities but not anything like atlanta. nightlife is a lot smaller than other cities if you're into that

>> No.51593977


Every house on zillow is down anywhere from 20-100k in the 400-500k range. Jerome Powell just said the housing market needs a reset.


>> No.51593985

Not the anon you replied to, but I lived and worked in Charlotte for about 15 years up until 2020, now I live in SC. It's a nice city. Close to everything. Two hours from the mountains, three hours from the beach, more or less. Plenty of growth and job opportunities. Has its negro scourge in certain areas as with any large city, but plenty of negro-free areas as well. I'd recommend Charlotte personally. May even move back some day. I also used to live in Clearwater, FL. Probably wouldn't recommend Tampa, but that's just me.

>> No.51594039

If you're asking this question, especially, ESPECIALLY, on a mongolian basket weaving forum, then the answer is no.

>> No.51594086

>not buying a luxury residence in panama only for 360k usd
you have no vision /biz/sister...


>> No.51594407

>only for 360k usd
do they take buttcoins?

>> No.51594830

I lived in Clearwater too. Very unremarkable. Why is Florida so AIDS...

>> No.51594915

Worst part is, I like the outdoors activities FL offers. I know some really cool camping spots and I love saltwater fishing, but I just could never handle moving back there. Oh well, the Carolinas are nice and have similar activities within a reasonable driving distance.

>> No.51595373


>> No.51595519
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>plenty of negro-free areas as well

The best you can do in Charlotte is 70-80% white.

>> No.51595589
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>> No.51597434

That's the main draw of FL to me. I don't care about the water, I prefer motorcycles. Florida sucks for bikes

>> No.51599017

Go Bucs

>> No.51599063

Woah the hekin Zestimate! Shut the fuck up

>> No.51600601

What's the best part of Florida to live?

>> No.51602591
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>> No.51603117

why do you retards want to live here? there is literally no where redeemable in this country minus santa barbara if you’re building a family. if you’re single sb is a hell hole. there are some rural cities that are charming but the population is too low
get a remote job and live somewhere that’s not pure ass

>> No.51603162


What makes Santa Barbara redeemable?

>> No.51603972

Ah yes...Santa Barbara, Florida. Great place to ride the ferris wheel, surf, and watch Asian girls. Oh wait...

>> No.51604092

florida is a hell hole so im going to skip it without reason, california coast is all thats really left if you take out florida, but most of its ugly. santa barbara coast is beautiful, well lit at night (rare for most of california coast), too expensive for homeless and nigs so mostly white, has some of the best medical centers in the world, some of the best schools, very little traffic minus 3-5, most people are conservative/racist, and it’s close to la so ammenities and anything else exist
these attributes are unique to have in one place in america. in europe theyre par for the course, minus you have to learn a diff language in most of them

>> No.51604148

Retarded zoomer

>> No.51604176

How many tamp fags are on my /biz/? Why wouldn’t we do one of those link meet ups here

>> No.51604222

america is the most kiked nigger loving country in the world. who’s the retard? it’s not anyone else’s fault you’re a poor failure that has no options. don’t interfere in the discussion again manlet

>> No.51604225

I'll meet if we all show up on motorcycles

>> No.51604241

Your mom needs you to take the trash out Abdul. You know nothing about America...BTW Santa Barbara is overrun by Mejicans

>> No.51604274

Anon, baddest of all times, especially for a market that goes up and down like a roller coaster, like Florida.

Look at Florida real estate bubble of 2000-2006 and then collapse. I would not buy now, too risky.

If you move to FL, don't buy yet , move and wait and look around .
Literally prices go up and down like mad, and you could get something that's not really a good asset - like something that may have mold etc.

>> No.51604332

I lived in Orlando for almost 40 years. If it wasn't for family, I'd say the only other place I would consider relocating to within FL is somewhere along the gulf coast. It's much nicer and there's way more going for it. Other than that, fuck this place.

>> No.51604639

grew up in tampa, moved to georgia two years ago for work, moving to orlando next month. would like to be back in tampa but my career niche doesn't have many opportunities there unfortunately

>> No.51604780

Apalachians, some 911 fireman are there

>> No.51604847


>> No.51605068

Kill yourself

>> No.51605206

Square footage is way cheaper in the suburbs. For the same money you get way less in the city, if you can afford to buy at all.

>> No.51605326
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>> No.51605374

i grew up in gainesville. much of florida is obviously better than most places on earth. my original point was if you can work remote as an american there are plenty of places much, much better, as a single guy or married, and most fags here work remote. or a lot do
if i was trapped here i’d still only live in sb, carlsbad, laguna beach, slo, monterrey. i have no issue with scottsdale, salt lake city, and some other no-coast majority white cities but i personally start to want to kill myself if i cant see ocean for more than a month