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51593749 No.51593749 [Reply] [Original]

Let's try to make this a thing.
More people need to know about and understand the Eurodollar offshore banking system.

>What's the point of the thread
To help understand the true underpinnings of the global monetary system.
Too many people have a very wrong idea of how it works because the media is shit and doesn't have a stake in educating people, schools are shit, universities teach bullshit economics, hell, even central bankers don't know about it (meaning the Eurodollar offshore banking system).
It's basically to inform and help people get the truth about the global banking/monetary system.

Why is it important to know? Because it's worth approximately $300-400 trillion, yes trillion, no one even knows the actual figure it could be way higher. That figure is what moves markets yet no one knows about it. The fact that there is a global dollar shortage is/was directly causal to the 2008 crisis and every crisis since (including the one happening right now).
This is money that is moving through international banks in the Cayman Islands, Cyprus etc.
Last thread:

>> No.51596075


>> No.51598015

quick rundown?

>> No.51598051


>> No.51598890

>Asks for a qrd while ignoring the OP and the multiple different qrds therein
>Gets a 96min lecture which has nothing to do with the subject
Based. Based I say.

>> No.51599029

Tldr just give me the BD

>> No.51599110

Nobody knows anything about Eurodollar what the fuck can we discuss. Might as well discuss the reptilians. No data

>> No.51599135


C'mon that's dumb. The fact that it's barely known on here alone makes it worth discussing. And there's enough data to get started at least.

>> No.51599709

Thanks OP. Appreciated.

>> No.51599775

From what I know, most of Eurodollars rates are tied to LIBOR, and trade via futures. There's also forward swap agreements between banks that are comprised of Eurodollars. When you see headlines about swap lines between central banks, this is what is part of the Eurodollar market. Basically banks exchanging their sovereign currency for the USD

>> No.51599862

>Eurodollar sweeps are legal transfers of funds to the bank's offshore entities, although essentially they are just an accounting technique to allow the banks to have full lending of the funds without the reserve requirements normally required and without having to pay for FDIC insurance (as the sweep is uninsured). Essentially, the funds are just unsecured obligations of the bank, and therefore are paid the highest interest rate offered by the bank to overnight deposit borrowings.

So it's just money movement for banks to skirt reserve requirements?

>> No.51600024

Hey np. Sometimes I think anons forget this is a discussion board not just a board to shill rugpulls.
Afaik, the libor rate peg no longer applies, though it was a little before or even exactly around the time I discovered the whole thing so idk.
Thanks for the info man. I'm gonna go look up some of that because this is still relatively new to me.
Partly that. I think the reason Snider gave for this was that it's possible for the lender to make more money at higher risk. Something like that. It's late here and my brain is fried after this insane day and week in the markets.

>> No.51600506

Jeff sneeder

>> No.51600531
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please tell me in at most three sentences

>> No.51600716

Last paragraph in OP

>> No.51600851

So, from the little I think I understand about this, it seems that no official data is ever published on the eurodollar market? The only thing we can try to do is guess what is happening based mostly on observable fluctuations in the bond market? Am I getting that part right? IIRC Snider said that bonds selling off indicates that there is a shortage of dollars in the eurodollar market because banking entitities are selling bonds because they need to get dollars?

>> No.51601033

>that no official data is ever published on
Not quite, anon. This is where Snider is getting his data from. He posts charts quite regularly at



Feels bad promoting him for free but he does enough original work (that no one else is doing) that he deserves a bit of unpaid shilling.

>> No.51601725
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Still have to read up on it, but it sounds interesting. Have a bump, dear anon.

>> No.51603641

>From what I know, most of Eurodollars rates are tied to LIBOR, and trade via futures.

i thought eurodollars are basically have the NY fed as the lender of last resort thanks to geithner.

which you would know if you had watched the 90 minute lecture i posted.