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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51585414 No.51585414 [Reply] [Original]

Bongs, it's mini Budget day. Seems like Mommy Truss will be bringing some nice tax cuts in to ease the pain.

>> No.51585472

Whatever it is will either be kicking the can down the road or accelerating.
Fucked either way.

>> No.51585474

The Tories were a mistake.

>> No.51585482

>mini budget day
>mini increase of inheritance tax from 40% to 50%

>> No.51585545

okay that's it, I'm selling all the GBP I have left
fuck this shitcoin

>> No.51585609

>mommy truss
Firstly, we don't say "mommy" here you dumb amerimutt cunt.
2nd, she's not our "mommy", she's a loathsome piece of shit who is in the pocket of the bankers.
3rd, mcfucking kill yourself for being so fucking stupid.

>> No.51585619

This. And borrowing even more money is never going to help either. I can't see any way of saving this cunt short of a hard reset or going full tyrant dictatorship mode. What an absolute mess.

>> No.51585622

Scousers detected. 96 not enough.

>> No.51585628

>kvetching because he used Mommy and is now backpedalling after everyone can see what a sycophant retard he is

>> No.51585670
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>ending the cap on bankers' bonuses

>> No.51585677

s h e m i t a h

>> No.51585681

>we're cutting your annual national insurance by £2.50 but your going to pay an extra %50 on everything else this month and further increases each month after

>> No.51585682

Sell your Bussy to Trussy

>> No.51585686

There's barely any difference between tories and labour now, what pisses me off is they did absolutely fuck-all to stop or fix any of this in their 15 years in power. Osborne warned of this 10 years ago, he tried to cut down government spending and got absolutely shat on. And still we get nothing but an ever-increasing government debt, an ever-bloated government and NHS, an ever-increasing reliance on immigration and foreign products. There is be next to zero thought in the past 30+ years to think long-term and plan more than a year into the future and it's pissing annoying.

>> No.51585865

Just think of the great shorting opportunity they've given us though, easy profits to be made from the dying GBP

>> No.51586161

Problem is I live in the UK.any minor gain from shorting is destroyed by, you know, a destroyed country.

>> No.51586178

>increase tax on normal people just so you can reverse it and act like you care about them while also giving a huge amount of tax relief to banks and businesses

>> No.51586225

Go back to eating rats in your council house you filthy fucking northerner

>> No.51586281

>£2.3 billion in "military aid" to a Slavic shithole in 2022
>the same amount will be generously donated in 2023
>throw in a couple of half-arsed concessions to keep the plebs placated

I hate this fucking gay island.

>> No.51586357

>Imagine bootlicking someone who is proactively making your life more shit.

>> No.51586425

Tories are participating in the biggest invasion Britain has ever had. Bearish on social cohesion.

>> No.51586431

Blair did that

>> No.51586443

>45% rate cut kek
>bank bonuses uncapped kek
>corp tax staying at 19% kek
>stamp duty cut kek
truss isnt even trying to hide it

>> No.51586516

... I need to get out of this country
maybe Portugal...?

>> No.51586518

My UK stocks are getting fucked.

Sterling is getting fucked.

Where the fuck do I put my money? Literally thinking of cashing it all and going in gold at this point.

Yep, they want us to become "muh low tax, low regulation, Singapore on thames." They're looking at scrapping loads of Financial rules re banks, etc. A lot of which we helped create btw.

>> No.51586540

>tighten bennies
>allow corporations to pay less tax
Lol Tories are just stooges for the kikes

>> No.51586575
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>Mommy Truss
the absolute state

>> No.51586590

>Where the fuck do I put my money

take your entire payslip and put everything left after your expenses into USDC.


>tighten bennies

omg no i have to work an extra 2 hours a week to keep my full bennies oh the humanity nooooooooo

>> No.51586596


Indeed. Pritti is our mommy. Truss is a ghoul.

>> No.51586609
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>tfw rules for benefits will only tighten for native bongs
>new arrivals will continue to be fully comped

>> No.51586632
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>> No.51586661

>Polish mother
What happened to father
Is it me or is none of the policies actually helping non rich people?

>> No.51586681
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>What happened to father
Many such cases.

>> No.51586698
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is this the only based nigger in the uk?

>no more benefits for you norf leeches

>> No.51586712
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>country has crumbling infrastructure, low productivity, and low exports
>"I know! Let's deregulate bankers!"
>Deregulation increases exports. Unfortunately, it's the export of money though.

>> No.51586808

>Economy unable to grow owing to low infrastructure and skills investment
>"if we cut taxes it will surely grow the economy and therefore fill the revenue black hole"

This is obscenely daft. It's preposterously daft.

In a few months investment into the real economy will disappear as we struggle to fill the new black hole in our books to fund tax cuts that will only exacerbate inflation and further kick the can down the road on social care. We've known for decades what the real policy solutions are that this country needs and we know that because everyone else implemented those solutions decades ago.

Oh well, at least we'll surely still have the BoE being able to raise the interest rate without the government chimping out.

>> No.51586834

>Oh well, at least we'll surely still have the BoE being able to raise the interest rate without the government chimping out.
not sure if you're being sarcastic but maybe you should look up how much of the debt is being repaid by taxes and how much by taking on new debt at ever-increasing yields
the taxes are simply insignificant at this point. The tax cuts serve one purpose only: serve the lobby from the rich for these actors that call themselves politicians.

>> No.51586847

I only see a nigger

>> No.51586861


they know they aren't winning the next election and have let the mask slip off so they can simply enrich themselves and their masters on the way out.

>> No.51586863

There's absolutely nothing wrong with council houses in affluent areas. The entire point when they were built after the war was to evenly distribute them to avoid ghettos and suppress class conflict.

Yes, yes, foreigners but that's a different area to address.

>> No.51586881
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>Yes, yes, foreigners but that's a different area to address.
It's the main issue though. Germany under Hitler showed how based social housing and healthcare could be if the nation wasn't supporting a bunch of leeches that don't give a shit about the country.

>> No.51586886

There’s absolutely everything wrong. I don’t want poor filth to be forced into my area you can’t take that shit and have them live in their own part of the city. Just as was the case before World War II and kikes taking over. It’s exactly what commies did, mixed the entire population together and now normal people have to suffer degenerates living around them and no one can do anything about it.

>> No.51586918

That’s another sound approach. Put degenerates in concentration camps instead of prisons so they can work there and not bother decent civilized people.

>> No.51586924

None of what they're doing is a response to the situation that the UK is in. It's all ideologically-driven and/or populist stuff that they wanted to do anyway. They're basically ignoring all of the problems in the hope that they'll go away. No-one's at the wheel and the rest of the world knows it.

>> No.51586943

welcome to democracy, where you serve a few years, collect your check from the lobbyists, then pass the wheel of the sinking ship to someone else

requirements: be a charismatic actor who can soothe the sailors on the ship and convince them it isn't drowning, or it's only drowning because of the other people at the wheel

>> No.51586984

without a widespread brown culling it doesn't really matter what you guys do.

>> No.51587345

Eventually shitty people lead directly to shitty policy.
Shitty people > shitty leaders elected (get the leaders you deserve) > shitty leaders put in place shitty policy > shitty policy leads to the destruction of the state > strong men take over, cycle repeats over time

>> No.51587529

I lost 5 figures USD on the value of the GBP I bought to buy a house with but at least I don't have to pay stamp duty I guess

>> No.51588572

The best thing is that Osborne never even reduced overall spending. He just reallocated some of it.

And yet everyone still kvetches as if we were cut to the bone. We had all the media fanfare of 'austerity' without actually getting it.

>> No.51588657

the problem with democracy is that good people cannot even vote for good politicians. The vote process is ruled by the media and the candidates can only brwak through to the masses with selfish corporate backing. Anyone who would've criticized the central banking process in a legitimate way would not have broken through

>> No.51588723


This is hilarious, it's all tax cuts for businesses. Ending bonus caps for bankers lmao.

>> No.51588844

Didn't Osborne whinge about reigning in spending but then introduce a tripe lock on pensions as well as spending on boosting house prices (I forget the name, but the one where the government subsidised people's mortgage deposits to buy houses they couldn't afford to boost demand).

>> No.51588922
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Tories saw that, said "Isn't it terrible!" and then increased it.

>> No.51589695


>> No.51589797

>yes goyim, we need uncapped bank bonuses because a focus on the banking sector will clearly revitalize the economy even though we did that for the last 30 years and it only brought more poverty and migrant rape for the plebs

>> No.51589844

When does the stamp duty cut kick in? I literally got an offer on a house accepted yesterday.

>> No.51589868
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Seems like its right away, I think

>> No.51589947

Anyone else find Truss strangely attractive

Would actually bang, although hate her politics

>> No.51590067

Help to Buy. And yes, he did. Osborne didn't actually cut overall spending, he just stopped increasing it at the same rate as Labour. What everyone thought was 'austerity' was just decline and a failure to abolish the vast state apparatus that does nothing but make our lives worse.

>> No.51590156

>Going to spend 5K on things for the house
That's definitely going to reduce inflation. Truss is fucking insane. She must have just decided to reduce the national debt by unleashing inflation. It makes sense from a Tory perspective: the rich will either have assets that will inflate alongside anyway (land, property) or USD-denominated investments.

Anyone who is holding GBP or GBP-denominated assets is fucked

>> No.51590211

>t. seething Corbynista

>> No.51590601

>escort site has already increased lowest price band by £50
its fucking over

>> No.51592721
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labour shjills look at this and genuienly try to tell me Labour wouldn't immediately resume making it way way way worse
tories aren't our friends but the idea labour are anything but even worse is a fucking joke

>> No.51592762

Until we decapitate the monstruosity known as the 'NHS' nothing is solved. Never mind the billions of pounds johnson threw at the scamdemic with tests and other garbage.

>> No.51594045

What an insincere smile Emily has. She's still doing the duckface. I thought that was over? She'll be going for her botox soon to caricature the effect

>> No.51596934

Labour are likely 5% worse than the Tories, arguably you could say that the current Labour Party are a better pick because they will likely accelerate the collapse a bit faster.
I hate Scousers as much as the next man and Labour even more but the Tories need to die.

>> No.51597225

>tories are worst cause labour are worst and im an accelerationist
literal cope fuck off labour shill