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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51582759 No.51582759 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys I have 100k euros, should I get a home that I can rent for around 400 euros a month to others or put it all in an all world index

>> No.51583467

pretty sure a 40 year old doctor can buy a sports car

>> No.51583505

this is so blatantly satire i cant understand the people who dont see this guy for what he is

>> No.51583637

Like a shitty Audi or whatever, they don’t drive Bugatti’s

>> No.51583661

thats though, I can rent a 80K euro apartment for 700€ per month in spain, maybe look for a better deal/zone.

>> No.51583664

If I had that kind of spare cash lying around I'd immediately put it in Link rn, and I already have a few hundred grand in there

>> No.51583707

His audience is literally 12 year olds.

>> No.51583713

he's just dick masterson for zoomers

>> No.51583788

Doctor detected.

>> No.51583821

he's funny

>> No.51583828
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Say what you want about Tate but he made an art out of telling NPCs what they want to hear.

>You don't need to study!
Your complete lack of marketable or even useful skills is awesome, you are breaking the rules!

>Sign up for my university ($50/month) and you will study how to be me! (forget the no studying bit)
Learn for fiverr jeets and my friends about things you can find on youtube for free.

Honestly I admire how he managed to build a multimillion business milking retards.

>> No.51583837

it's sad because what he's really selling is false hope.

>> No.51583866
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I've known about him since way back during the 2016 election when he cozied up to Trump's kids and hung out with them. In the couple of years that followed he was literally living like a digital pimp tricking out a bunch of cam girls for simps all over the world and collecting simp bucks. He was sort of "red pill/manosphere/MGTOW" adjacent and some guys in that space would have him on their shows and he would drop serious red pills and say some outlandish shit with a slight veil of irony but everyone watching those shows was an adult and knew how to interpret it. He figured out something during the pandemic and just went all in on the digital marketing and PR to where literally 12 year olds are smoking cigars because of him and taking everything he says literally (kids are fucking morons and that will never change). Hilarious as fuck turn of events. Has your favorite show, band, musician or whatever gotten completely ruined when they went mainstream because the new found fanbase was a bunch of fucking retard casuals? I was in one of his mentorship courses/groups that taught you how to run an OnlyFans management agency back in later 2018 and early 2019 when he was still on Twitter and was obscure. Was good stuff. I managed a couple of OnlyFans girls after thanks to it and made a really good chunk of cash before I closed it down during Christmas of last year. He and his brother were literally the only people in the world teaching you this sort of shit at the time.

Anyway yeah, hilarious turn of events in the Tate saga. As it was then, it's mostly ugly women and incels/beta faggots/literal autismos that are beyond repair that hate him. Usually bad faith actors no matter which way you cut it.

>> No.51583911
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>Hehe, everything he says is literal
>Hehe, I figured out his business model... or so I think
>Hehe, so easy stupid NPC normie scum
>Hehe, if I REALLY wanted to do what he does I would have already done it
>*dumb ass smug anime girl picture*
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.51583928

I hate doctors like the next guy but they don't drive Bugattis because they're neither retarded or Saudi kings

>> No.51583956

If Andrew Tate makes you seethe you’re unironically a Jew, a women or still bluepilled. It’s true, you see someone roll up to a gas station in a nice sports car your mind immediately jumps to criminal while you pump unleaded 87 in your shit Honda or shit family car married to a wife that no longer gives you blowies and have kids that hate you. Majority of doctors are literally miserable and in debt. Studying and school is a fucking scam. Better yet, I just love how everyone always talks so fucking highly of their job or (((career))) yet the second there was a billion dollar jackpot on the line these same people bought a ticket and daydreamed their week away waiting for the numbers to unshackle their life.

Normie cattle make me fucking sick. And I’m tired of pretending their fucking human.

>> No.51584083
File: 13 KB, 259x195, 7A47F3FA-989A-4783-B133-F86790C1B30D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit bitching let’s moneymaxx

>> No.51584210

Can I go a single day without this waxed faggot trying to daddy dom me

>> No.51584226

$400 per month return is about a 5% return on 100,000, assuming you have no expenses such as repairs, advertising, or of course a mortgage. that's not a great cap rate, but it's ok..
can you buy US equities? VZ is paying a dividend over 6% right now. F is paying well too. Much less hassle than land-lording, and the same rate of return. Only would go with a dividend stock if you would be willing to hold for the long term and not mind a drawdown of principal, despite the good and consistent stream of dividends.
You could also just DCA (dollar cost average) into the index as you suggested. Might be better to buy in parts at a time rather than all at once. You could also maybe sell a few cash secured puts.

>> No.51584455

Hmm thank you for the perspective, the problem with dividends is that they get taxed at a 30% rate in my shithole. So I think DCAing is the only other way. Thanks for the tips

>> No.51584468

To complete my post, it's probably going to be an accumulating all world etf like VWCE for now. Non UCITS ETFs are forbidden in Europe so that money remains here in Ireland domiciled ETFs

>> No.51584485

>$400 per month return is about a 5% return on 100,000
/biz/ never disappoints

>> No.51584768

>he was literally living like a digital pimp tricking out a bunch of cam girls for simps all over the world and collecting simp bucks
He was living like a gay faggot cybering with men, probably wearing thigh highs and giggling as he composed flirty messages

>> No.51584781

How is he wrong? It's 4.8% annual return

>> No.51584793

5% of 100k yearly is 5k which is 216 a month.

>> No.51584800

>24 posts
>21 posters
Why don't these threads get deleted instantly?

>> No.51584813

It's the first time I have seen him speak and it's immediately clear he is not very bright. He's the kind of guy that will blow his money on trash and whine to his friends afterwards

>> No.51584818

yeah the 100 posts 1 poster threads are better

>> No.51584838

I imagine a lot of doctors don't drive lambos because they're a massive deprecating asset that will be used to 10% of it's potential.

Imagine wasting all that money to impress thots, for the price of one of those cars you could fuck 500 top teir hookers instead, cut out the middle man.

>> No.51584839

>incels hate him for saying surface level shit that was elementary to us before anyone knew him
ok retard

>> No.51584872

Bding a doctor is a shit deal tho. Hard study and lots of memorisation for 10 years just to become one, then a couple more to actually be respected, and only then you make a salary equivalent to what a good software engineer gets after 3 yrs uni + 3 yrs experience

>> No.51584960

If you only become a doctor for the money, you'll be a shitty doctor anyway. Writing shit code as a SE does less harm then because your colleagues will clean it up eventually (we can pretend). Being a doctor comes with a lot of responsibility, it's only for people that actively want to contribute to society.

>> No.51584961

Did he leave out most people would be shot dead by a nig if they tried being a drug dealer

>> No.51586514

>i have 100k euros

>> No.51586551

>I have 100k euros
should've converted it to USD back in January. NGMI

>> No.51586676

Npcs and psychos hate him. Autists don’t care because the dude speaks a lot of truth

>> No.51587879
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I personally would have done the same thing with Ride with that amount of bucks, it's tech is good enough to bring entertainment into the automobile industry.
only a few cents each at the moment, and can be staked too.