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51576396 No.51576396 [Reply] [Original]

Dating a 22 year old zoomer chick as a 31/yo and giving her my big millennial cock. All the women in my family are seething and say I’m disgusting. Getting to be the creepy older guy who bangs younger women and making old roasties seethe is what I’ve been fantasizing about my entire life.

>> No.51576421

Date age appropriate women you sad loser

>> No.51576526

age differences that big are pathetic anon they show you cant get somebody your age to respect you and you need to resort to manipulating younger girls who think youre something because youre older
when your girl ages she'll realize and shell probably get disgusted by you too, you cant hide your age

>> No.51576624

a woman's value is her reproductive organs and they decay rapidly as she ages.

Good on you and based OP but you can do younger in a turd-world country

>> No.51576640

Zoomer girls are made for millenial men to enjoy.

>> No.51576646

Kys you sad loser

>> No.51576682

>date age appropriate women
I agree, dating any woman over 30 years old is pretty disgusting.

>> No.51576700

Congrats anon. Don't listen to the haters. That age gap (with the male older) is not only perfectly healthy and natural but it's actually ideal.

Just make sure she produces at least one child for you before you marry her or start paying her bills.

>> No.51576748
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wow didnt know we had ageing roasties on here.

>> No.51576763

Kek seethe zoomers I’m on the same page as OP albeit I’m still 27 but it’s pretty legit how younger girls like older men

>> No.51576773

Nothing matters you live and you die therefore do whatever the fuck you want as long as you’re not bothering someone else Fuchs what someone else thinks

>> No.51576783

Yeah 22 is way too old

>> No.51576819 [DELETED] 

>respect you
Lol do western women respect you when they kick you out of your own house? What about when you sleep on the couch after she's tired of you? Why are westernen so cucked?

>> No.51576820

You'll discover soon how boring and dimwitted they are. Being with a girl or some girls does not mean you've made it by any means and you will eventually wish you were alone so that you can actually 'make it' instead of being bogged down by useless holes.

>> No.51576833

>t. sad broccoli haired zoomer who’s gf left him for getting to eat a Chad 35yo’s ass

Seeth youngster, she’s going to send pics of her gaping ass and he’s gonna respond “holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. Your body is outrageous :)”

>> No.51576836

The rule is HALF of your age, PLUS SEVEN. which is 21. You're fine OP. your family can seethe

>> No.51576850

Godspeed anon.

>> No.51576851

>respect you
Lol do western women respect you when they kick you out of your own house? What about when you sleep on the couch after she's tired of you? Why are western men so cucked?

>> No.51576863

These are women. 100%.

>> No.51576893

Dude how can you stomach being around a 22 year old, maybe 22 is okay but when I was 30, this 18 year old chick was trying to get with me, I couldn't do it, she was just way too fucking immature. It was a major turn off.

>> No.51576908
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>Lol do western women respect you when they kick you out of your own house?
if you get kicked out of your own house you're a cuck
most conservative couples are loyal. you're talking about onions couples

>> No.51576954

Isn't this the practice with all divorces in the US. The wife gets the house and if she suspects you're cheating you sleep on the couch or she gets to call the police to bully you when you get angry. Your nation is matriachy controlled by Karen housewives.

>> No.51576962

Once you finally realize all women regardless of age are retarded you will understand how to deal with it

>> No.51576993



>> No.51576994
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cuck confirmed
>she does she does
and what do YOU do nigger you just take it and go sleep on the couch? faggot dont talk to me unreal homosexual has no will it seems hell just go sleep on the couch fucking faggot absolute state of some """""""men""""""

>> No.51577002

I literally can't relate to anyone so I don't care. Want that fresh puss puss though.

>> No.51577091

actually age differences that big are usually highly correlated with success, wealth, status, etc.

Basically the more accomplished you are the more likely you can bag a younger woman

>> No.51577117

I don't even live in your communist matriachy. In my country you get to drown in pussy just by having a car.

>> No.51577126

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy fuck this post is hilarious. Look what you've done OP, making all these roasties seethe, and desu 31-22 is not that bad at all if you take care of yourself. When it gets to like 40-20 kinda age difference then yeah its weird.

>> No.51577155

he's going to dump her once she's 25, anon. he'll never have to deal with her disgust. Sad state of affairs. We need to put forward only good men for good girls, but it's hard with social media and chaotic women sexual empowerment.

>> No.51577157

OP should be going after GILFs with saggy milkers

>> No.51577159

>they show you cant get somebody your age

Oh yeah… as a 30 year old, I find it SO difficult to get a date with some cat mom roastie my own age. You know what’s easy? Getting absolutely prime age high demand pussy.

>> No.51577178

fuck? get blown by? yes 100%. date? absolutely not. Everyone knows the score.

>> No.51577202

date whoever you want as long as you are happy anon (and legal)

i personally cant stand listening to younger women try to talk but i set my tinder age filter to 19-23 for hookups. they are bigger freaks and typically don't care to keep in touch afterwards

>> No.51577204

This is even better. Live it up boys, cause this shit sure as fuck ain't gonna last.

>> No.51577221
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I'm 34. I'd date an 18 yo and wouldn't give a fuck what anybody thinks.

>> No.51577240

16 yos are legal here
I'm almost 30

>> No.51577247

ITT: Control freaks

>> No.51577292

Your family doesn't give a sjit who your virgin asses date. They're just happy you're not gay.

>> No.51577300

Women don't get it, but even one extra year of age is extremely obvious to men on an almost intuitive level. Young women are just hotter by far - this has nothing to do with control.

>> No.51577352
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>waah they're boring
shut up
as if they have any more depth at 30 than they do at 20 after a decade of binging hulu

>> No.51577394

I was talking about the people who are saying

>> No.51577403

What the fuck can a 30+ yo woman even offer me that a 20 yo cannot? Money?

>> No.51577484

>I'm an incel
That's all you wrote basically

>> No.51577605
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its your society thats easily cucked faggot not ours

>> No.51577635
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if you're having a hard time competing against other 20 year olds, as a 30 year old, you're the most pathetic person in existence
imagine having 10 years headstart, 10 YEARS HEADSTART and you have nothing to show against other 20 year olds, NOTHING, not a hotter body, more money, a nice flat, a nice car, NOTHING YOU HAVE A HARD TIME COMPETING AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oof neck yaseck biz

>> No.51577647

Seems like the only way for older men to get women with an age gap that big is work.
I'm 29 and a 20 y/o at work was into me it seemed.
She laughed at the smart arse shit I had to say, there was a situation where she said something I did was so cute, when she saw me, she'd smile and wave to me with both hands.
I don't know. I really should've asked for her number. But the thing was
>I'm unjabbed
>I was keeping it a secret at the request of my boss
>mandates, so I couldn't take her out on a date without her finding out I was unjabbed
That's basically why I never sought to contact her outside of work.
And then when the dust settled in a way, her dad who was the supervisor left in the most unprofessional way and took her with him, never to be seen again.
Other than that, I met a 20 y/o on the beach on new years and because at the time non jabbies couldn't go anywhere, I didn't ask for her number then either because it's not like I could've asked her out to a cafe or restaurant back then.
Very sad.

>> No.51577659

So 13?

>> No.51577680

31/2+7 = 22.5
Congrats on making the roasties seethe

>> No.51577685


image being 90 years old, you have a 70 year head start on 20 year old men, and you still can’t pull young women

>> No.51577698

>t. ranny

>> No.51577713

70 is not the prime age of men, 30 is, by the time you are 30 you should have an interesting job, money saved up, interesting lifestyle
if you can't compete against college grads honestly you're a joke
if when you're 70 you have no wisdom to share for those little 20 year olds, and you're competing with them for 20 year old pussy, yeah, you're a joke

>> No.51577719

Basez anon. Fun fact zoomer chicks are LITERALLY bred, born and raised to hop on BIG PHAT MILLENIGOD COCKS

>> No.51577733


you are an embarrassment to our species

>> No.51577735

>college grad
sophomore even

>> No.51577757
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>he represents our species

>> No.51577787

Don't sweat it op. I was in the same, I just took her on dates walking in the park, or bought beer and takeout and ate it outside and I live in Canada.

It was actually a lot cheaper and now shes used to it so I don't pay tip at restaurants anymore. Also I keep a mental record of all the restaurants that have vaccine mandates and make a mental note to avoid them. Might be a coincidence but they mostly aren't very good food either.

>> No.51577826


no such thing

>> No.51577893

My dad is 13 years older than my mother. I am supportive of these age gaps and totally plan to impregnate a vulnerable 18-20 something in my 30s. It is natural and based.

>> No.51577921

That isn’t a crazy age difference you fucking retard

>> No.51577945


>> No.51577953

Post tits or gtfo

>> No.51577973

they just jelly mein neger
it is just 9 years difference and she is already almost middle aged
enjoy that zoomer pussy

>> No.51578002

The correct formula is
(your age)/2 + the minimun required to not go to jail

>> No.51578018

I just turned 38 and the average age of my matches is getting younger it seems (21-23)

>> No.51578058


post selfie

>> No.51578065

I'm 34, made it, gf is 18.

>> No.51578179

based, keep it going anon. wear her out in retaliation for your fallen incel 30yo boomer bros.

>> No.51578275

based. all women will bow before the BMC sooner than they realize

>> No.51578351

nobody is going to fuck your rottingstinkhole, retard. This is oyaji country.

>> No.51578529

next thing you nigger roasties say is a 60 yo man having sex with a 45 yo roastie which is your age old cow hag is pedophilia
most women really are useless holes retard fuckboy they are there for pnds

>> No.51578709

>should have an interesting job, money saved up, interesting lifestyle
should should should is all you femoids can preach while offering nothing more than a rotten hole full of exotic flora and fauna, while your eggs had vanished from years of your health draining whore lifestyle
stop pestering good people with your female retardation

>> No.51579276

Don't listen to the scolds anon. 10 years is the minimum age gap.

>> No.51579310

Dating an 18 year old girl as a 36 year old man.

>> No.51579360
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>> No.51579391
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>noooo if you get a woman that hasn't gone through the cock carousel you're a... a JOKE!!!

>> No.51579471
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>> No.51579487


>> No.51579499

Who says it's creepy lmao. I dated a 20 year old from work when i was 32 and it was completely insignificant.

>> No.51579508

At 31 I get an outrageous amount of <25 year old interest at work. They all know im married with 2 kids, what the fuck is their problem, is it just a challenge for them or what

>> No.51579569

You are one ginormous retard gorilla nigger. Could have met the ho in the nature but that thought escapes the retard westoid's mind as everything in their retard gorilla nigger minds revolves around money.

>> No.51579607

>>I'm unjabbed
>>I was keeping it a secret at the request of my boss
>>mandates, so I couldn't take her out on a date without her finding out I was unjabbed
you wouldn't get the clotshot for your work, but you would let your boss deny you pussy because he wanted to inject everyone else without a fuss? are you sure you're not the 20 year old? or is this the mindset you need to be a good wagie?

>Other than that, I met a 20 y/o on the beach on new years and because at the time non jabbies couldn't go anywhere, I didn't ask for her number then either because it's not like I could've asked her out to a cafe or restaurant back then.

You're just afraid of making a move. Be honest with yourself and work on it.

>> No.51579608

you carry yourself completely differently than you did when you were their age (and different from most men their age), the differences are imperceptible to you but noticeable to them

Just something that comes with age and fewer fucks to give

>> No.51579623

Proof of fertility and providing.

>> No.51579855

>You're just afraid of making a move. Be honest with yourself and work on it.
column a and column b.
I've asked women out since those two 20y/o's but it hasn't panned out well.
I'll admit, I hate making the first move and in my younger years, I was ALWAYS the one who was approached. But back then, I was driving a sportscar, was slim and dressed well.
I don't entirely know what those 2 twenty y/o's saw in me but I can assure you, if not for my status, I would've asked them out or at least gotten their details. But you do have a point. I don't like to make a move I initiate myself.

>> No.51580222


>> No.51580322


fuck bro what country? u tryna hook an ameribro up??

>> No.51580387
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Best feeling ever
I was 30 with a 20 year old and my family made subtle remarks about it
Still don’t give a fuck and I’m never stopping fucking hot chicks

>> No.51580407

Where do you meet them? Im think about signing up to community college just to get young pussy.
T.35 yo horndog