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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51573257 No.51573257 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the Great Depression 2?

>> No.51573298

Can't we just Just short everything?

>> No.51573414

keynesianism in a nutshell
>10 years of bullruns with money printer going broooooooom
>20 years of recession to even catch up with the previous top
and this is passed on by economists as the magnum opus of finance

>> No.51573554

not if no one is longing.

>> No.51573574

When was the last time we experienced this?

>> No.51573698
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A-at least muh weed is legal.

>> No.51573968

Remember lads, when the penny auctions start we help our frens.

>> No.51574060
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not really but I guess I don't have a choice if they wanna play their gay globohomo war games and manufacture crises

>> No.51574091
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just checkin that ID

>> No.51574195

I’m joining the military for the job security even though there’s a non-zero chance WW3 might start. Its either that or waiting at the breadline

>> No.51574212

Thanks God

>> No.51574268

>tens of thounsands rounds of ammo
>picture book of democrat politicians
>spare underwear
yes I am ready

>> No.51574289

Only democrats? And what about CEOs? Journalists? Don’t do anything illegal by the way, I don’t condone criminal activity.

>> No.51574835

im ready for world war 5 i need to fight in the war against america with their systems that dont work, retarded citizens, agresive restraint and medication attacks. i just love hearing about people being prescribed drugs and being on close supervision. i think we need to start killing people
make killing opressors normal