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51571876 No.51571876 [Reply] [Original]

https://youtu.be/Yx56T202nw0 (How Eurodollars Work Explained in One Minute: From Definition and History to Market Importance) [1:55]

Let's try to make this a thing.
More people need to know about and understand the Eurodollar offshore banking system.

>What's the point of the thread
To help understand the true underpinnings of the global monetary system.
Too many people have a very wrong idea of how it works because the media is shit and doesn't have a stake in educating people, schools are shit, universities teach bullshit economics, hell, even central bankers don't know about it (meaning the Eurodollar offshore banking system).
It's basically to inform and help people get the truth about the global banking/monetary system.

Why is it important to know? Because it's worth approximately $300-400 trillion, yes trillion, no one even knows the actual figure it could be way higher. That figure is what moves markets yet no one knows about it. The fact that there is a global dollar shortage is/was directly causal to the 2008 crisis and every crisis since (including the one happening right now).
This is money that is moving through international banks in the Cayman Islands, Cyprus etc.

>> No.51571951

How do I profit from this

>> No.51571966

is this the jeff snider thread? (by the way he might be right mostly but I think he's wrong when it comes to the pros of inflation)

>> No.51571982

You have to come to your own conclusions about that. But if you know of the existence of a market or system that many others don't know about, then that gives you an advantage.

>> No.51572005

How do you profit from it?

>> No.51572010

>is this the jeff snider thread?
>checks the links

>by the way he might be right mostly but I think he's wrong when it comes to the pros of inflation)
Like what, specifically?

>> No.51572031

You're brown aren't you

>> No.51572060

So you don't profit from it, all you had to say anon

>> No.51572069
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Ready to earn some Eddies amigo?

>> No.51572120

Based, eurodollar CD futures, the biggest market youve never heard of

>> No.51572195

he says that we're in a deflationary system when he describes inflation as an increase of the money supply, yet the dollar supply kept increasing, it's just that the liquidity isn't available to many people, that doesn't make our system deflationary. that's the first mistake

the second being that he believes inflation is good, yet when a non inflationary currency competes against an inflationary one, the non inflationary currency always ends up being more valuable long term, so by nature there can't be good or bad, an inflationary currency just cannot exist and he seems to want to ignore that for some reasons. maybe he wants liquidity to be available as needed, I think it creates social problems and cannot work.

what I don't get is what does it have to do with let's say the euro. you speak to a german in the street he will understand euro problems, but eurodollar, he will say, what does it has to do with the euro, why should I care? so far it's seem a subject related to the us citizens.

also, how does it relate to debt, and where does that 400 trillion number comes from

>> No.51572255

>what I don't get is what does it have to do with let's say the euro.
it doesn't. eurodollar is just a term for us dollars in bank accounts outside of the U.S., it is a boomer finance naming convention. there are euroyen which is yen deposited in banks outside of Japan, there are Euroeuro which is euros deposited in banks outside the EU.

>> No.51572343

but the derivatives market for interest rate futures on eurodollars in particular for some reason became a huge market, so eurodollar markets do ultimately impact other currency markets

>> No.51572478

if it's us dollars, why isn't that counted in the M2 chart?

so you mean the large market cap of that eurodollar "item" is what gives the dollar its value and hence why currencies like the euro are currently failing against it?

>> No.51572549

I think the 400 trillion value referenced is the notional value of the derivatives, I don't know any of the current numbers but thats what it sounds like. so its actually a lot less real money, probably all settled on a net basis.

Demand for dollars is what gives the dollar its value, mostly to pay dollar denominated debts, I think. The eurodollar system is useful for seeing what the market thinks interest rates will really be over the next 5 or so years, that's all I really know about it. It is mysterious though and I would like to know more.

>> No.51572676

>he says that we're in a deflationary system when he describes inflation as an increase of the money supply, yet the dollar supply kept increasing, it's just that the liquidity isn't available to many people, that doesn't make our system deflationary. that's the first mistake
In my understanding of the eurodollar system, it's actually somewhat distinct/separate from the onshore (i.e. domestic US) dollar system so you're conflating 2 things, I think.

>the second being that he believes inflation is good, yet when a non inflationary currency competes against an inflationary one, the non inflationary currency always ends up being more valuable long term,
I'm not sure when he said that, I've only been watching him for a while and I can't claim to have a complete understanding of the whole system even now.
I don't think he reaches a different conclusion from the one you just did though

>what I don't get is what does it have to do with let's say the euro. you speak to a german in the street he will understand euro problems, but eurodollar, he will say, what does it has to do with the euro, why should I care? so far it's seem a subject related to the us citizens
The euro is competing directly with the dollar like you mentioned just above what you asked there.
Not just the euro but the yen, the yuan, the pound, everything is competing with the dollar for commodities.

>also, how does it relate to debt, and where does that 400 trillion number comes from
Because most debt globally is dollar-denominated. The 400 tril number is what has been speculated. It could be more. We don't even know, that's exactly why they keep it offshore. they want to stay in the shadows.
One thing Snider said at some point was how the original journalist who wrote the very first story about the eurodollar almost got shut down, the offshore banks wanted to silence him. I don't remember his name, watch Eurodollar University and it'll come up every so often.

>> No.51572681
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If you haven't seen it yet OP watch "The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire" -
Talks extensively about the offshore tax havens in the remnants of Britain's empire (Caymans, Bermuda, Jersey, etc), the structures used to obfuscate ownership of wealth, the city of London, eurodollar market, etc.
Good documentary on understanding the basics of that shit.

The director of the documentary (Michael Oswald) also did an adaption of the book "The Princes of the Yen" which deals with the Bank of Japan's involvement in manufacturing the late 80s - early 90s Japanese bubble and subsequent recession -
Which I'd also recommend.

>> No.51572781

Gross oversimplification. Which system has been around the longest, is the largest, and is the one that global trade is based around? what is global debt denominated in? etc
>if it's us dollars, why isn't that counted in the M2 chart?
offshore lol. offshore.
>so you mean the large market cap of that eurodollar "item" is what gives the dollar its value and hence why currencies like the euro are currently failing against it?
yes it's a 1:1 of the US dollar.
>It is mysterious though and I would like to know mor
We all would, anon, that's why I'm making these threads. Gonna try and do it every so often, feel free to copy the OP and post them any time.
Those are both a fucking good watch, seconding those. That's how I learned of it's existence. From there I discovered Snider and Emil.
They're doing a great service to humanity imo.
Its like you say, completely obfuscated and hidden, and the cunts who profit from it want to keep it that way. So it's our job to not let it stay that way lmao.

>> No.51572827


>> No.51572863

acknowledging you, cyberpunk anon. keep doing this every thread lmao. probably gonna start using the cyberpunk imagery to make it more interesting and bait people in. the current OP image is gay as fuck.

>> No.51572899

This is a huge understatement but a well-meaning one. All dollars are eurodollars. There is no longer, effectively, any dollars "on shore." The rehypothecation scenarios to which eurodollars and their linked T-bills are subject makes them invaluable to banks everywhere; and all dollars touch on these schemes.

>> No.51572934
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gonna start using these as the new OP image
fuck, why didn't I think of using the cyberpunk imagery, it was staring me in the face

>> No.51572955

Eurodollars are not audited; real M2 has not been knowable for decades.

>> No.51572962
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>> No.51572982
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>> No.51573006
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>> No.51573049

Kino esthetics fren

>> No.51573109

Nothing is competing with the dollar; not the yen or euro or bitcoin. It is the liquidity instrument of the global judeo-masonic banking empire of the world. Everything else is just local scrip, even today. And the euro is basically a proto-CBDC, a kind of anti-currency, like Spartan iron rods.

>> No.51573123

>an inflationary currency just cannot exist

>> No.51573143

> It is impossible for other men to fuck my wife

>> No.51573235

Note that there are no bonds denoninated in euros; euros are such dogshit that no one in their right mind would touch them.


>> No.51573430
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Reminds me of something

>> No.51573525

I love Scotland and Ireland here kek

>> No.51573750


>> No.51574295

pls stop posting antisemitic images

>> No.51574631

This jeff's eurodollar thing is relatively straightforward, he's just utterly shit at explaining it and we all know that saying about geniuses and explanations. Anyway it goes something along the lines of:

1. Eurodollars aren't actual dollars, they are just entries on balance sheets of a whole bunch of offshore banks that all agree(pretend) amongst each other they do indeed own dollars(what they actually own are dollar denominated assets and liabilities).
2. The system works really well in good times since the banks can just expand their balance sheets and create more dollars out of thin air. Hurray, everyone has buttloads of money to invest in economically super productive ventures!!
You've been here since '07 ---> 3. In bad times when shit isn't growing exponentially forever and everyone wants to cash out, surprise, surprise, there isn't actually any dollars in the system. This means that those dollar denominated assets on banks' balance sheets that they were pretending are as good as actual dollars are in reality worth only a fraction of the value if you actually try to get real dollars for them.

It's kinda like fractional reserve lending but on steroids, international, and instead of gold being that fractional reserve it's actually dollar denominated """assets""".

>> No.51574692

this schitzo shit is some retarded glownigger attempt to psyop people in to thinking there's less dollars than there actually are

>> No.51574763

Eurodollars are dollars. There is no difference. All dollars are balance sheet entries.

>> No.51574808

>he's just utterly shit at explaining it
kek, this is very true.

Mostly agree with the rest of what you said, except you missed out Jeff's favourite word, collateral.
Which, for anyone who hasn't watched eurodollar university, is basically what is *meant* to back those synthetic dollars.
The problem there is now is a lack of "pristine collateral" (to borrow Jeff's term), so that means the amount of dollars available for lending are not going up anymore.

fuck off spastic. there's a wikipedia link, it's obviously put there by the all-powerful glowniggers isn't it.

Yeah I was gonna say something like this, they are actual dollars i.e. they are valued 1:1 to US "onshore" dollars, but the anon has a point about how they just exist as entries on the ledger system the offshore banks control.
It's a lot like DeFi crypto in many ways, when I first started learning about it, that's what it reminded me of.

>> No.51574929

Again it's a mistake to separate "on shore" and "off shore" in terms of the dollar. One has more regulation, but the dollar itself, the liquidity instrument, is fluid, is like water. This ties in with a lot of history surrounding maritime law and fraud and our friendly Jews, in the building of "the West." Dollars are liquid instruments of the maritime banking cabal.

>> No.51574950

I guess so, it's just how I make sense of the system.

>> No.51575024

The thing abour collateral is it means these liquid instruments--dollars--are so valuable you demand more and more assets to loan them out. So it's the reverse of "these pseudollars need real assets to back them." It's "these liquid instruments are so precious you have to bend over the barrel and sign over your house to get access."

>> No.51575077

That helps actually. Fuck, dude, you need to start telling that guy how to present this in a logical way. Or maybe he said that a while back and I've binge-watched so many of his videos that I haven't really had time to sit down and put it into simpler terms.

>> No.51575097

He is 'average' at explaining I would say, the real difficulty is that his model is literally the opposite of what everyone believes and that includes 99% of /biz lol

>> No.51575279

I think when some new knowledge like this appears it takes a few years to filter into the zeitgeist think (I just made that up).
The "good" thing is Jeff Snider is almost a living legend on fintwit now.
So in a way, /biz/ is behind the curve like you say. This is the negative outcome of having a board that is only known for pajeet rugpulls now.

>> No.51575403

Well not quite, if you're onshore you have a buyer of last resort that will bail you out since you're too big to fail. The offshore equivalents have to eat the losses.

>The thing abour collateral is it means these liquid instruments--dollars--are so valuable you demand more and more assets to loan them out.
It's just two sides of the same coin. The dollars are balance sheet space. They could expand their sheets more if they wanted but since the ponzi is ending people(other banks) would want tangible shit for dealing with you and you can't have that since you're sitting on a bunch of worthless collateral and you will implode if you rock the boat too much.

>> No.51575545

Yeah it's a boat ride to hell

>> No.51576865

so what? offshore dollar is still dollar, that's retarded to not include it in M2

>it's a 1:1 of the US dollar.
so what you're saying is that eurodollar is just dollar, except we don't know its supply, and it's something much bigger than M2?

I believe this

so it's not clear, one time the eurodollar is dollar, the other time it's not dollar. so is it dollars yes or no? for me, onshore dollars + offshore dollars = the dollar, ticker usd, which is traded on forex against euro, etc

>> No.51576898

honestly anon, I think a lot of what has already been covered ITT so just go back and read, i'm tired and it's bedtime lol, i'm bailing

>> No.51577501

that princes of the yen video was kino
i'm definitely watching that spider's web one then

>> No.51577641

Me too

>> No.51577683

All these excellent questions get at the occult (hidden) heart of what money and debt is--there are always more questions than answers. If you've yet to read it, take the time for DEBT: THE FIRST 5,000 YEARS by David Graeber. Like Schneider, he's a contrarian, and a deep thinker.

>> No.51578495

The Spider's Web film is very good, though it leaves out, unsurprisingly, any mention of the 'J' word. The Bank of England would never exist without Cromwell letting the Jews back into London.

>> No.51578549

Remember that meme of when blacks do dumb shit in public and the 2 white guys psychically connect and disapprove of it?
That's how the Jews are on the internet now. Everything is implicit. We all know they're there, and we know what's being implied in any documentary about finance.
I'm waaay past the point of needing to hear the J word to know it's them.

>> No.51579046

Sure, but you see, it hampers the analysis. To reduce the 'conspiracy' to "British public school boy social clubs" does a disservice both to those 'in the know' and those out of it. It stops certain questions from being pursued, even if you know what the questions are.

>> No.51579137

One of the questions the film avoids basically entirely is "where are these 'tax revenues' going" Who is being taxed, by whom, and for what purpose. Obviously, we're talking again about Rothschilds and the Napoleonic wars, but there are other deeper questions about the nature of economies that need to be asked and answered.

>> No.51580195

Jeff Snider is the go-to on this subject.

>> No.51580676
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USELESS fucking thread....no useful info....can t anybody answer "how do i profit from it" ??

>> No.51581033

Make your own decisions; but clearly you come here to be given orders.

>> No.51581076
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again. 0 answers....literally no info on the whole thread. maybe i m on /history or /religion ?

>> No.51581489

Read a book, any book. Consider opposing views. Try to escape the prison of your inferior genes.