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51571137 No.51571137 [Reply] [Original]

I was seeing this girl on tinder for about 2 months. Just banging, first night I met her she came over at 12pm just to bang. She told me she was on birth control which was a lie, and now she's claiming she told me otherwise and I didn't listen to her. At first she wanted to abort she thought it would be irresponsible to have a kid like this. Then two days later her story changed, she talked with friends and believes this might be her only shot at having a kid, she's 33 and wants to keep it. I've been telling her I am not in a position to raise a kid, emotionally, financially, mentally, and do not want a kid with her. I told her if she wants to keep it she's on her own, now she's talking about child support and how I will have to pay regardless if I want to be in the child's life or not. What should I do, I've made it clear I don't want the kid or anything to do with her. It was a tinder fuck. I dont have the funds to raise a kid and don't want to be a slave for a kid I never wanted in the first place. I believe if she wants the kid she should shoulder the entire responsibility and leave me alone, care and money wise. I think its crazy to want to a raise a kid right now, especially in this way. I fear years of court battles and lawyer fees and constant draining of my bank account for something I didn't agree to. Yes, I agreed to sex but not raising a kid with her.

>> No.51571219

You barebacked a tinder chick on the first date? kek.
Tell her you gave her an STD that will hurt the kid

>> No.51571232

>have sex
>can’t accept the consequences

Maybe Joe Biden will give you a $20,000 stimulus to cover your ass

>> No.51571239

Pay for your kid nigger.
Also pray for forgiveness for even considering abortion.

>> No.51571241

wow that White child looks expensive to have i don't think ill have White children now

>> No.51571247

post text proof or it's a larp faggot

>> No.51571259

dude cut contact and change addresses, i hope she doesn't know where you work or your full name
its over for you if she does

>> No.51571260

murder suicide fren

>> No.51571268

You fall for the most obvious larp bait? kek.
Just go back to plebbit or better KYS

>> No.51571272

Congratulations daddy, time to set your priorities right.

>> No.51571274

This is a bait thread. If after browsing this site for years and seeing news story after news story about accidental knockups, you still decided to have sex with a stranger without a condom because UUUUOOOOOOHHHHH WARM WET HOLE and came inside her, yes, you were asking for a kid. Even if she lied to you, which is despicable, ultimately you fell for it.

Assuming this thread is real of course, which I doubt.

>> No.51571284

Either leave the country and start a new life or figure out a budget because you're absolutely fucked if it's yours.

>> No.51571313

Marry her but set ground rules. She has to eat your ass every morning as an alarm. Make sure you shower afterwards.

>> No.51571462

You should unironically consider suicide.

>> No.51571498

>t. trans lesbian

>> No.51571501
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Deny it's your retard. Don't sign the birth certificate. Ghost her completely, and definitly don't talk about the kid, sex nutting in her anything that shows you believe if she even is pregnant she wasn't cummed in by 100+ other dudes. I hope you haven't said to much already in your text messages which will be printed out and used against you lol. She is a lying dirty tinder whore you don't actually think you are the only guy who was nutting in her do you anon? Do you? lol. GHOST HER 100% make her pursue you and fight for a DNA test. If and when she gets a court ordered DNA test due to your previous communications, make them work to serve you papers. Do not just open the fucking door and take them lol. If and when they finally get the DNA test and you are the father, make the bare minimum payments and move on with your life. Or you could do the black thing and have 7 more with other random whores and make like $50 a month payments total for all 8 of them. Good luck.
Next time don't use your real name or house for banging whores, get a hotel or better yet just fuck them in the bathroom at the bar

>> No.51571524

Who ordered this pasta?

>> No.51571554

are you black?

>> No.51571678

same thing happened to me, twice, i manned up and am basically father of the year with 2 retarded baby mammas, i got 3 blonde blue eyed hyperborean atlantean aryan children, its awesome

>> No.51571753

I'd say reap what you sow, but your fuck up now affects us all as you've sired another to fatherless kid that will end up contributing to fucking up society and you have zero intention of doing the right thing and accepting responsibility.

>> No.51571853

Congrats on becoming a novelist op I hope you win some literary prizes, I however did not read your book

>> No.51571871

Take out all your money from your bank account and put it into Monero.
Stop working for a check and only work for cash directly.
If you have a house sell it, liquidate all your assets, stocks etc. too.

Larp around her house as a homeless.

>> No.51571878

We started off pulling out, then she begged for cum and told me she was safe. Thats my fault but its not consent to have a kid I dont give a fuck what people say, we both made the choice to have sex and agreed, to have the kid we should both have to agree to it otherwise responsibility should fall on the one who wants to keep the kid.
Nah that bullshit, these days the laws and rights for men are fucked.
This is my plan, I already had the meltdown phase trying to connivence her not to have the kid. Theres a small chance it's not mine because she was banging other guys and going on dates, she claims I am the only one who she had unprotected sex with but I do not believe that. The kid is likely mine. I am going to cease communication and get a lawyer moving forward so they she can communicate with him moving forward and maybe she will drop the effort but I am sure she wants money. Just sucks feels like this constant burden I will have. Upside is I have my own business but now I'll really have to get serious and grow it. I think any salary job is off the table since the government can just garnish your wages.

>> No.51571901

based and chadpilled

>> No.51571912

I think thats bullshit, its 2022 if a woman tricks someone into having a kid in this way she should raise it herself. Why force someone into fatherhood they don't want? It's not right for the kid and it will be a shit situation for her ultimately and me.
That's the thing I have nothing so I don't understand why she wants my kid. Im good looking but I think money is more important in this situation.

>> No.51571937

Nah no thanks I don't want to submit my life to a choice I have no control over. I don't want to be a dad and I don't want a kid with her. If anything I am going to be a motion for change. The system is fucked for guys. If we were in a relationship or married it would be different this was literally a tinder fuck buddy who lied.

>> No.51571938

i'm not reading any of that, i just came here to sage the thread and i encourage everyone else to do the same

>> No.51571944

FFS OP, don't be a retard. Take responsibility for your shit and marry the girl if that's the case. Fuck, deal with it. If YOU leave or don't help raise that kid it'll become another degenerate into the mix.

Quit being a pussy and go be a father. (((They))) tricked society into thinking otherwise is an option or abortion is OK.

>> No.51571959

Abortion is the solution in this case. Forcing men to be fathers for kids they don't want is not the solution.

>> No.51572027

If no larp, you need to step up and raise YOUR child. That is your kid. Stop and think about that. You MADE THAT FUCKING HUMAN BEING. I don't care if you "aren't ready". Step up to the plate. God is control. Ask God to help you. Stop taking the whore to church. Maybe you two will actually fall in love and you'll have a beautiful family. If not, raise your child to be a wonderful human.

>> No.51572047

I mean take the whore to church. lol

>> No.51572071

just tell her that you'll never wife her and that you'll happily quit your job and go to jail if she comes after you for money

>> No.51572075

Say to her that you're in debt
She will run away

>> No.51572114

goal in life is to setup a stable $10k/mo trustfund, and get one concubine.

I had 5 recently, and all I wanted to do was to continue my line and make sure she could take care of it.

Alrady chatted with some of them, and to say you should get a step-dad lined up BEFORE we do it is the plan.

So I have some guy friends who want sloppy seconds. That way I have a child, paid for with a trust so its gaurenteed, and I can still bang her in the guise of a threesome, and reclaim my child due to adultry laws if I want to backstab them and take my child.

There are income ETFs where you put in $100k, and it'll produce $10k/mo passive income forever and maybe grow with rate of inflation.

I have enough for myself and one other concubine, but need to get to 5 and I'll be set.

I need a heir

>> No.51572144

Again not going to be forced into a life with a woman I dont want to be with and a woman who would do this to me.
I've explained I have no money to her and will likely have to move back to my home state.

>> No.51572174

>january 2017
Pretty sure it’s >$300,000 now. Probably >$500k if you want them to turn out well

>> No.51572197

>I think thats bullshit, its 2022 if a woman tricks someone into having a kid in this way she should raise it herself. Why force someone into fatherhood they don't want? It's not right for the kid and it will be a shit situation for her ultimately and me.

Women love sex and are wired to desire bearing children. Plus you need children to maintain a society's future. Problem is, we've removed pretty much all societal constructs (promoting chastity and shaming sex before marriage) to protect women from raising kids alone and force guys like you to commit before getting sex.

>That's the thing I have nothing so I don't understand why she wants my kid. Im good looking but I think money is more important in this situation.

She's 33 and most career women her age and above are childless and are likely to die single and alone with no kids. She found an opportunity to raise a family, albeit broken, and she took it.

>> No.51572214

Paternity test retard. She doesn't know for sure the kid is yours, she just knows you have the most money.

>> No.51572224

I have a business that runs short term rentals so should be ok on income if I build it out a little more. I really want nothing to do with her. I agree best thing would be if she met a step dad type to replace me asap but I think she will be too busy with the baby for awhile to think of dating plus I don't know any guy who wants a woman with a kid, but you never know. Really I just want to be left alone, if she wants the kid and thinks that will make her happy thats on her, but don't drag someone else into it who wants nothing to do with the situation, its starting the kids life with a poor foundation.

>> No.51572272

>She's 33 and most career women her age and above are childless and are likely to die single and alone with no kids. She found an opportunity to raise a family, albeit broken, and she took it.
Yes this is where I'm really fucked. She sees this as nothing more than an opportunity, her last chance because of this I don't think she can be convinced not to have the kid, so at this point it's can I get her to leave me out of it.

>> No.51572334

haha she planned this all a long, she's not giving up the child. As long as she doesn't have DNA from you there's no proof it's yours, don't sign anything, block her everywhere, don't talk to her ever again (if you don't want the child)

>> No.51572338

I knocked up my (long-time gf of like 3 years at the time) several years ago and she got an abortion. Then a couple months later she got pregnant again LuL. I don't know what condoms are I guess. Anyway we decided to keep it, I mentally committed to her in that moment.

Then 6 months after he was born she cheated on me. I basically forgave her and suffered through it because didn't wanna fuck my kid up in single-parent households for literally his entire young life. That didn't work tho because a year later I found out she had been cheating on me for the past 5 months with some dude, and she left permanently despite me begging like a big doofy beta.

Fast forward to now and things are a lot better. We have 50/50 custody, actually she's been trying to move out of state with him so I hit her with an emergency order to prevent her from removing him from the state, so she's now basically forced to stay here and her boyfriend is not happy about it. They'll probably break up eventually lol.

Anyway, this is all to say you are a supreme dumbass OP, but you're in good company - so am I. The difference here though is that if you know you can't get her to abort it, you're out of fucking luck. I see you talking in all these idealized terms like "I shouldn't have to" "society is fucked in terms of laws for men because" blah blah blah hey guess what kiddo? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, you live in the real world, tell it to the fucking judge your bullshit justifications for why you want to be a deadbeat dad. You did what you did and now you have to live with it. If you ask me, being a dad is great, not as great as if you had a loving wife with you to help you take care of it, but still pretty fucking magnificent. You're furthering your bloodline, a little earlier than you wanted perhaps but congratulations you did it and now you have no option but to lean into it. I mean you can be forced to pay the child support and do nothing else for the kid, and (cont)

>> No.51572375

Just don't pay? It's illegal to force you to give DNA and if you don't claim fathership you have no obligation to pay. I might have 2 or 3 kids out there and bitches want dough but they can fuck off, they could've done something about it

>> No.51572442

Yea I get the point on what doesn't fucking matter, but it matters to me and I am not going to go for something I am against. I'm not going to be forced into a position I don't want to be in you get one life and I am not going to let some bitch ruin it. If I have to pay I have to pay, but she's the one choosing to have the kid and will bare the responsibilities, I feel no guilt on that.

>> No.51572476

then 20 years from now you'll inevitably regret it when you try finding your kid and he wants nothing to do with you because you never existed to him.
OR, you can accept responsibility and just get your custody and be a hot single dad for at least some of the time. Yeah it's tough in a situation like this where you fucked up and chose the wrong woman to procreate with, but that's just kinda how things go nowadays it seems. In this case it's much more your fault, in mine I can somewhat push responsibility away since it was my gf who cheated, but yeah I had at least a little to do with it I guess. Point is, assuming it's indeed yours, what you're gonna wanna do is just stop being an idiot and do what you're supposed to do for your offspring.

Key point there though, is ASSUMING IT'S YOURS. Paternity test is step 0. If you're pretty dead set on being a deadbeat though >>51571501 is the best advice ITT. If the paternity test comes back and it isn't yours, this all goes away, you have nothing to worry about. If it's you though, like I said - congratulations! You've secured your genetic legacy. Celebrate & indulge in fatherhood a bit. Get a fucking babysitter and you can still do most of the shit you like doing already during the time you don't have your kid.

It's not so bad. But make sure it's yours first. This is pretty simple desu

>> No.51572502

It's illegal to deny a DNA paternity test. If you don't pay they can take away your license, garnish your wages and serve you with jail time. Plus it's all listed as debt. So I have to pay unless she decides she doesn't want to purse it. My best bet is to try and get the lowest income possible off of what I earn and then start to make more without her filing a modification later on.

>> No.51572505

Demand a paternity test now, seek legal counsel

>> No.51572521
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You called me an incel bragging about the easy poon you slay and now you come here begging for my help?

lol, lmao even

>> No.51572531

That's where you're wrong bucko; yes you are. Yes, you are indeed going to be forced into a position you don't want to be in, if the kid is actually yours. That's how it works. Both morally speaking (you nutted in woman -> this leads to kid, so you should take care of your kid) and legally (you WILL provide for your progeny in some way or another or else you go to jail/get wages garnished). So if the "do what's right" stance isn't good enough for you, the long dick of the law will be. You have no option. Idealized platitudes will not help you here, unless you have a nice foreign country picked out you'd like to flee to. Otherwise, have fun

>> No.51572633

I fully realize I will be forced to pay, but I can't be force to participate in the kids life any other way. There's a girl in Germany I could go and marry, but I would have to re-establish myself out there.

>> No.51572660

was she hot? was her pussy tight and juicy?

>> No.51572729

Unless it’s france then it’s illegal to DO a paternity test lmao

>> No.51572752

Somehow niggers are not subject to this law

>> No.51572769

Happened to me as well, she was pregnant after 1 month of us meeting. Majority of women 30+ aren’t going to have an abortion. Their doctors will tell them at their advanced age this may be there only chance if it’s their first child.

Never give real names and never meet at home. Tell them you had a vasectomy, send fake proof, then block, then leave the state starting over. Will save you 50k long term.

For me, I raised my son. He connected with me so I took custody, she pays me child support, and I’m crypto retired.

>> No.51572780

>tinder whores
Enjoy your meth babies

>> No.51572806

Just earn more money. Kids are cool

>> No.51572825

you seem a little bit retarded.
you nutted in a woman and now you want her to abort the child?
Prepare to be a father and be the best one you can. Youll get used to it. You dont need to love the woman. Also everyone knows to not fuck women over 30 because of that reason.

Go Go, Daddy.

Father of 2

>> No.51572833

50k sounds cheap as fuck lol

>> No.51572834

What country can you flee to? Obviously there is Russia but fuck man. Anywhere a little more comfy?

>> No.51572846

I can see the logic. Women who have abortions use the logic they don’t want to be forced into motherhood, the door should definitely swing both ways.

Still, assuming she’s not full of shit and it is in fact yours, there’s plenty of solid deadbeat advice already given, the best being the low earning wagie and stuffing whatever assets you do have into monero. Anything you can make under the table is just icing on the cake.

>> No.51572869


I wish society would abort you. You sound like a cunt.

>> No.51572872

You are going to have to hold that, you broke a few rules

> Barebacking a tinder fuck
> Barebacking a tinder fuck that's 33 years old - she was probably hoping this would happen with one of her tinder matches since she's nearly the age of high risk pregnancy, and you turned out to be the lucky sod

The responsible option would be to man up and pay child support, regardless of whether she was on contraception or not there is still a chance of pregnancy. The other option is to just vanish and start a new life elsewhere, you're fucked either way though.

>> No.51572889

I get what you're saying but honestly we should only be going raw in girls that you wouldn't mind having your child, after that the decision to have the child is not yours.

>> No.51572900

Body was good face could be better. Sex was good.
Yea I need to figure out that loophole. >>51572834
Maybe Germany, I have a girl there I met a few summers ago who is beautiful and would likely want to get married. She's like 26.

>> No.51572908

you fell for the hook-up meme and now will pay for the next 18 years

>> No.51572936

> Their doctors will tell them this may be the last chance to have a child
Exactly, honestly having sex with a woman over 30 you better be prepared to be a father because 9/10 they are keeping the kid.

And the way things are set up, having a child regardless of whether you look after it is in her favour (child support etc)

>> No.51572944

I agree, thought she was on the pill though and wanted nothing to do with kids. I fucked up on that front.

>> No.51572947

At one point I really considered doing this and going full on bastardmaxx. There is a lot of logic behind it. If you think that fulfilling the biological imperative is objectively a mans purpose in life.

I ended up not doing it just because the sheer amount of raw sex with whores is inevitably going to give you all the diseases out there. And the cost of moving around a lot goes against my primary goal which is to never work.

>> No.51572974

Never again. I have women who would want to start a family so I could go that route but I like my freedom.

>> No.51572987

fuck no bro. Germany is going to have some agreement with the U.S. you def cant go there. Seems to me like your best option might be somewhere like Chile.

>> No.51573064

> I agree, thought she was on the pill though and wanted nothing to do with kids. I fucked up on that front.
Yeah man I hear you, crazy thing is she might have just wanted to fuck at first but as you said, when they get to the doctors, speak to their friends and they are all telling her that "you are in your 30s, this may be the last chance" or "you are approaching high risk pregnancy", she will change her mind and not give two fucks about how you feel, your financial situation etc because she knows that you will be forced to pay regardless, else you will go to prison.

> Never again. I have women who would want to start a family so I could go that route but I like my freedom.
Same, and they would probably make great mothers, but as you said, freedom is where I am at in my life right now, I still have a lot of time

>> No.51573076

Where i live they can't force that on you, lmao you cukk

>> No.51573117
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>She told me she was on birth control which was a lie
Holy kek, pic related

>> No.51573122

Is this the first time you did this with a girl who told you these things? My friend’s soon to be wife snagged him up with a kid the same way - because “the doctors told her she was infertile and could never have a kid”. Even if the doctors had told her that, which they probably didn’t, bodies can heal and fertility can be regained. I dated some crazy bitches in the past and they told me the same shit but I never came inside them despite whatever they told me, and each one wound up ensnaring some other guy eventually before hitting the wall. Women are fucking I N S A N E.

>> No.51573197

My last gf essentially broke up with me because I refused to cum inside her. Sure enough like a year and a half later she has a baby.

God damn it does make me hate them. They will work so hard to make you believe they love you. Meanwhile they are sharpening their pencils.

>> No.51573286

This is how I got got. After a month she told me that and pregnant from a single time without a condom.

>> No.51573334


>> No.51573377

God look at that ugly fucking mutt baby

>> No.51573398

Children are a blessing op. Just impregnate her again.

>> No.51573432

That's what you get for nutting in a 40 year old slag, chud. Now man up, take responsbility and marry that old slampig, so that you are constantly reminded of the poor decisions you made.

>> No.51573478

you got and lawyer up and fight for full custody. no moneys for her. do it quick, so her escape route suddenly is termination, if she realizes she could loose the case. shes a dumb tinder whore that fucked a dumb moron like you, so there should be enough shit in her life, that she might think, she could loose the case.

>> No.51573757

Pay for it, you did it, disgusting prick

>> No.51573817
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>Theres a small chance it's not mine because she was banging other guys

>> No.51573834

>this might be her only shot at having a kid, she's 33

>Having unprotected sex with a 33 Yr old with drying egg reserves
>Believed she was on the pill

>I've made it clear I don't want the kid or anything to do with her. It was a tinder fuck. I dont have the funds to raise a kid and don't want to be a slave for a kid I never wanted in the first place

Should have wrapped it up then retard, take some personality responsibility. Also men have zero reproductive rights, so not sure what you're expecting.

Enjoy child support for the next 18 Yrs nigguh.

>> No.51573857
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>just discover women lie

>> No.51573941

>You believed her when she said was on birth control
Lmao even

>> No.51574381

I feel like men pay way more than 250k in child support not even from bitrh

>> No.51574401

*White men

>> No.51574494
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>Tinder Girl I Accidentally Knocked Up Wants Child Support
Your crown, sire.

>> No.51574563

I did the same thing but to a 23 year old.
I basically had to drive her to the abortion clinic myself and tell her to get an abortion.
I watched her get it to make sure I wouldn't have to take care of any stupid kids.

>> No.51574597

I mean this is what all the roe v wade bitching was about wasn’t it? Shouldn’t they be cool with you wanting her to abort it? No big deal right?

>> No.51575162
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It's not cumming inside that made OP dun goofed. Its picking some idiot girl as the place to do it. Gz on the crazy bby mommy ig fren

>> No.51575201

Oh the solution is still making it, so better start making ur own moves

>> No.51575203

Just deny that it's yours.

>> No.51575308

Holy shit, you’re stupid. No wonder you got a Tinder whore knocked up.

>> No.51575311

>free abortion on demand!!!!
women don't think they need to, why should men?

>> No.51575336
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>You barebacked a tinder chick on the first date? kek.

i've unironically done this. it's based as fuck

>> No.51575364

>Business & Finance

fuck your off topic post faggot. grow up and be a man don't raw dog chicks unless you're ready to be a father

>> No.51575376

I am commenting enough to say I dont care about you being a stupid low IQ low impulse retard that cant wear condoms like a person with an IQ over 85. further more this is not business and finance but retards and wombs and thus is off topic. take your im a dumb low impulse and nut in a girl retard thread to advice or a board its not offtopic and stop bothering us about your retard choices in life that we dont and wont care about and shouldnt have to even be aware is going on. this board is for money investments not baby making and blackmail. off to another board you go and dont forget to delete this thread

>> No.51575411

kek I hope it's yours and you're forced to pay child support for the rest of your life. hope getting your dick wet with some random girl off of tinder was worth it, degenerate

>> No.51576631

>That's the thing I have nothing so I don't understand why she wants my kid. Im good looking but I think money is more important in this situation.
She's 33. Time is running out for her.

>> No.51576759

Sell your kid and go all in chainlink

>> No.51577136

would love to sell the kid it's going to be a handsome one.

>> No.51577162
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>> No.51577198
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>> No.51577233

If you're both White, then knock the bitch up as many times as you can and also knock up as many other White women as you can.

It's time to grow up and do your duty for our race.

>> No.51577239

start applying for a passport if you don't have one

>> No.51577272

Just go to a country that has no extradition treaty with the us faggot. Better do it fast too, because they take away your passport after your slave debt gets too high.

>> No.51577273

The state itself with hunt you down and take you to court and garnish your wages.

You are absolutely paying for raising a child.

>> No.51577341

Friend's brother did that and he had to run to another country cause he pretty much has a bounty on his head now. He will really get killed if they even saw his face.

>> No.51577390

Whites bought and sold slaves for hundreds of years and after they got bored with that started enslaving eachother through ever expanding imperialism and state propaganda. They should go extinct for the good of humanity.

>> No.51577431

explain more?

My advice to OP would pretty much be just that. Change your name, quit your job, put any assets you own into a trust or an LLC, and move to another country preferably one where you can get employed.

If I was ever in that situation I would probably do just that, what would be the downside of such a plan?

>> No.51577441

Fake your own death

>> No.51577470

>Whites bought and sold slaves for hundreds of years

Based. We should have never stopped, and we should have wiped out the inhabitants of our colonies.

>they got bored with that started enslaving eachother through ever expanding imperialism and state propaganda

We never enslaved each other or otherwise harmed each other through imperialism. The way that we harmed each other was by allowing non-White immigration into our countries.

>> No.51577566

Shalom, fellow white man

>> No.51577580
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>killing enslaving and raping is le based
See this is why you go extinct, you're like krogans from mass effect, destructive and unempathetic. We need to wipe dangerous diseases like you off the earth. Even your own kind are starting to come to terms with this harsh necessity.

>> No.51577636

Same, but I don’t use my real name or give them my real number. When they start up with the “I missed my period” shit I block and ghost them immediately

>> No.51577671


>> No.51577738

No, we're the most empathetic race, and that's our weakness. We empathize with and care about non-Whites to the point of committing racial suicide.

But we're going to pull out of this self-destructiveness, and we're going to exact harsh revenge on everyone who took part in the attempted genocide of our race. You're going to wish you were back in the first colonial period.

Every person or group should always do what is in their interests. To do otherwise is self-destructive and irrational. The conflict that arises from everyone acting in their own interests is healthy and eugenic.

>> No.51577796

Yeah you really cared the Indians into prominence

>> No.51577845
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>t-the south will rise again y-youll see libtard!
Truly the citizen kane of copes. There's a reason you can only say that here where youre anonymous and safe lol

>> No.51577906

That was back when we were more healthy-minded. But even then, we spared them and gave them reservations. Our pathological altruism was evident even then.

>> No.51578229

I’m glad degenerates like OP experience the flesh searing from their bones for an eternity in hell

>> No.51578267

Low IQ retard with zero understanding of history

>> No.51578329

You did have a choice

Sucks for you but you shouldn’t have cummed in her pussy. You especially should have gave her your personal information.

>> No.51578681

murder is the difference

>> No.51578761

I did this shit like 7 times. Idk how the fuck I didn’t get an STD. They were some ugly fat women too so idk what I would’ve done if I knocked one up. God I was an idiot when I was younger

>> No.51578785

Lmao sucks to suck bud.

>> No.51578813


>> No.51578863

Yeah it's not fair that a woman can abort and a man cannot.

But I'm sure you were taught about the male birth control in school, they call it 'abstinence'. There is another, somewhat less effective form of male birth control available called 'willingness to enforce your will through violence'.

>> No.51578865
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>> No.51578980


>> No.51580746
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demo thread

>> No.51580754
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>Yes, I agreed to sex but not raising a kid with her.

You must be a mental gymnastics gold medallist with that shit, if you're not going to take accountability for your actions and assume responsibility then don't do adult things you fucking moron. Go back to your funko pops and pokemon shit or whatever it is and live as a man child but don't drag the rest of us down with you. If you have no self control that's on you, for fucks sake get your shit in order fucking hell.

>> No.51580812

>Tinder """Girl"""
stopped reading. A 33 year old isn't a "girl" she's an old hag. you have shit taste and are fucked. These are the self described chads bragging on 4chan

>> No.51581552

>manned up
>got strongarmed into financial slavery by tinder roasties

>> No.51581576

LARP. Nobody on /biz/ has sex.

>> No.51581829

Hey OP, ik most of these incel dipshits havent mentioned this and angrily threw cope memes about women into this thread (successful bait btw, if this is one).
But in the off chance this isnt a bait, this is rape. Like no cap. You got raped.
if she told you she was on birth control and she wasn't, criminal prosecution is an option. Sharing this may make her change her tone; but it WILL escalate things if you go this route. Its never good to go in with an ultimatum hammer quickly. If there is a better, more peaceful solution that could be done with finesse and ease please do that; but ill say it one final time because there's a chance this isnt bait and it is a random anon is hopefully helping another random anon.
You got raped.

>> No.51581899

Lmao it's probably not even yours.
Gg wp no re

>> No.51581906

That's pretty based using the system to prevent her moving. Good shit!

>> No.51581922

>t. 17 year old "lawyer"
show me a single case of this ever being prosecuted. protip you can't

>man takes off the rubber during sex
can be considered rape/sex crime in some jurisdictions but not all

>woman lies about birth control before sex
only a crime in your zoom zoom imagination

>> No.51582046

Get a DNA paternity test, she could have been fucking around. Other then that, just make an agreement with her that you'll give her so much a month. If it's your kid, man the fuck up and raise it, it's YOUR KID, YOUR LINEAGE.

>> No.51582064

I've been a witness in 3 you larping neet. It is equivalent to poking a hole in a condom. Shut the fuck up and go back

btw whatever generation you are is a fucking failure. every one. Gen X is the least so, and thats because they barely did anything but at least they roast everyone else well. good luck continuing to shit yourself out there

>> No.51582116

>source: trust me bro

You can't provide a single case because it doesn't exist. Show the law. Show the media coverage of the trial. show any form of proof you larping zoomer faggot

>> No.51582119

If she did this with you she was barebacking 20 other dudes at the same time. Just tel her you are demanding a paternity test and she will go away

>> No.51582211

Good luck getting a sympathetic jury to dude rape, she will just flip and claim rape herself. If he were to take this route he absolutely should not tel her ahead of time, introduce motion for counter suit at trial with no advanced notice, let her give deposition on consensual sex first