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51565111 No.51565111 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think of communism and capitalism?

>> No.51565145
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Based digits but both are loaded terms used to distract us from the fact that they’re stealing from us in so many ways
Two sides of the same coin controlled by bankers

>> No.51565152

Both suck but one sucks worse

>> No.51565183

to be fair the earth has never seen a put capitalist or communist society or economic system. both communism and capitalism as we know it, have been used to take from the many to give to the few.

>> No.51565184

Whatever makes me more gainz

>> No.51565205

Capitalism is an unstoppable machine. It's actually scary how good Capitalism is, it's not of this world.

>> No.51565211

What’s the book about?

>> No.51565230

Communism could work under A.I. leadership.
Capitalism is being crippled in the west.

>> No.51565238

as he said but with capitalism you can come from the absolute bottom of society and manage to make it to the top, while with communism if you're not born into oligarchy you're basically fucked for life

>> No.51565250

Isn't communism supposed to be the exact opposite of oligarchy? Marx said the endgoal of communism is a society without any hierarchies.

>> No.51565252

Capitalism is economics. Communism is more like an attempt at a new theological rationalization. They aren't really comparable. Capitalism doesn't have a leader and never tried being a new church. Science vs Marxism vs organized religion is a better debate.

>> No.51565259

No government.
Marx was a kike you idiot communism is utterly invalid slavery and you are a huge fucking retard if you give it any creedance.

>> No.51565262

Dont care just give me your money

>> No.51565268

Chill dude..

>> No.51565276

how the NY fed president went to russia and paid a bunch of revolutionaries to overthrow the czar. To open up markets for western corporations. Sutton doesn’t mention the Rothschilds anger at the czar for supporting the union during the US civil war. Antony has state department cables proving his theory, at one point the fed president even says they shouldn’t be talking about this over state department telegrams. the book proves one building near wall st started the Russian revolution, FDR, and Hitler. Interesting read

>> No.51565282

Every social system goes through boom and bust cycles until it inevitably fails. Communism speedruns this by skipping the booms. Even feudalism is more sustainable than communism

>> No.51565293

talmudic wordcel-ery

>> No.51565299

It's supposed to be a classless stateless society. But good fucking luck ever doing that. So far all we've ever seen is governments using that idea for its own end.

>> No.51565333

It's funny how so many Westerners adamantly questions everything their governments tell them, but believe everything their state funded public education says about communism.

>> No.51565351

No, fuck you, idiot. The labor theory of value is pure nonsense and it should be obvious to anyone who isn’t a worthless numbskull retard that concentrating power is not a solution to concentrated power.

>> No.51565377
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I am not an idiot.

>> No.51565405

Ignorant thirdie who has no idea how education is taught in America detected. Schools hardly get into the nitty gritty details of communism beyond how Soviet Russia rose and fell.

There are no Marxist communist classes. You're either learning about very briefly in world history or in actual economic or finance classes it all has to do with capitalist concepts.

>> No.51565411

This has nothing to do with the simple question that was originally asked you seething frenzied retard.

>> No.51565414

yeah the subjective theory value is right. I can just goto a store and pay less for things I value less. It has nothing to do with how things are produced or anything like that

>> No.51565425

Capitalism as we know it is comparable to socialism, not communism. Socialism and regulated capitalism can work. Taken to an extreme, they're both awful, whether it be communism or true laissez-faire/anarcho capitalism. Communism leads to government having a complete monopoly over all business. Anarcho-capitalism is basically just corporate feudalism; you'd end up with a society of illiterates who die in their 40s because the average person can't afford education, health care, or decent nutrition.

>> No.51565430

All commies deserve a rope and a tree

>> No.51565433

Sorry anon it just annoys me to no end that communists are even entertained, a bunch of evil fucking kikes and their fucking smoothbrain cultists that they make feel smart

You can offer your own price you double retard.

>> No.51565451

>anarcho capitalism is basically just corporate feudalism

>> No.51565452

Heathy customers are returning customers and free competition would reduce everything to its lowest possible price there is a very good case to be made that anarcho capitalism would be a great system the main issue with it is the tragedy of the commons not some bs that people will be worse off without handouts that they lose a third of their productivity to get

>> No.51565456

Okay so apparently glossing over communism and teaching bs about it in a economics course doesn't have anything to do with public education. Wow, I guess capitalist omission and strawmans doesn't indoctrinate Westerners at all huh

>> No.51565472

Kys subhuman

>> No.51565481

The interest of the dealers, however, in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers. To widen the market may frequently be agreeable enough to the interest of the public; but to narrow the competition must always be against it, and can serve only to enable the dealers, by raising their profits above what they naturally would be, to levy, for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest of their fellow-citizens. The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it.

>> No.51565489

sounds like projection. go work for some big business kikes, wagie. Im sure you get to set market values and determine what prices are against monopolies by offering your own atomized price retard

>> No.51565497
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Time for some based Adam Smith posting

>> No.51565514
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>> No.51565516

>free competition
Like when JP Morgan consolidated industries like the railroads.
Bankers eliminate competition and set prices as high as the market will pay

>> No.51565526
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>> No.51565566

Look at unregulated markets like art and collectibles. Look at the student loans racket. Look at real estate. Under ancap, that's EVERY SINGLE GOOD AND SERVICE. Everything would go to the highest bidder. You can't have any regulation on food prices, nor can you have public education or health care in a true ancap society. Which means that the average person would end up eating nothing but processed canned/frozen food, getting third world tier education, and Dr. Nick tier health care. And there's also the problem of wages - with no minimum wage, companies would pay entry level workers less than $5 per hour. Much like communism, ancap is something that sounds good on paper, but would be dystopian in practice.

>> No.51565616

And there's also the problem of law enforcement. In an ancap society, there's no government funded police or military. Which means you'd end up with a mercenary state.

>> No.51565652

Marx was a kike and the bolsheviks were kikes and you probably are one too.

Monopolies are a myth, in the past they have essentially only existed through government enforcement like the hudson bay company the only good example is standard oil which didn’t rip anybody off and also used government to its own ends. If a real monopoly ever occurred and tried to price gouge it would be subject to a price correction when people stop buying as much.

Banks use government to that end as well, plus what is a government if not a monopoly itself. This is why globalism is a tenet of kikeumism because without total control of all people they can’t stop competition from undermining them.

>> No.51565692

>teaching bs about it in a economics course
Your reading comprehension is lacking. It isn't up to the western system to teach it's people about the ideology of communism dumbfuck. That would take multiple college level courses. All the literature is readily available however. You fucking wish you had what the west does.

>> No.51565693

Yep. It would be bankers at the top, then the private military companies, then every non-banking, non-military corporation, then below that, youd have everyone else at the bottom.

>> No.51565695

>mercenary state
Sounds pretty based to me
How much for this site?

>> No.51565707

None of that makes any sense, you say public education as if it’s the only kind of education, right now if you gave everyone their taxes back literally everyone could afford private education. The minimum wage argument is bullshit because there are jobs higher than minimum wage meaning that the market sets wages, plus why would they be getting paid wages at all in your hypothetical scenario of dystopian capitalism. People can feed themselves you know, we aren’t inherently dependent on the system, the system has to entice participation.

>> No.51565721

i apologise for his behaviour, anon *kisses your forehead*
also, checked.

>> No.51565722

Good luck funding a military without taxes. Even our highfalutin government militaries are actually worthless if just 5% of the populace decides to revolt as determined by the US military itself. Just 5% of americans revolted against the british coincidentally enough.

>> No.51565737

> Monopolies are a myth
Anon you’re smarter than that
Govts are owned by the same bankers who own the corporations
Why do so many of you focus on govt vs corporations? It’s retarded bullshit and misses the point that both are owned by the same people

>> No.51565749

Congrats anon you get it

>> No.51565774

>durr banking joos own the government and the corporations
Retard. How the capitalist system works on the world-stage is far more complex than your elementary education can handle. Conspiracy tard gobbledygook is all you know.

>> No.51565800
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>oh look at the time
>better get me some OIL

>> No.51565801

It's not like the evil capitalist education is more likely to teach you how fascism and libertarianism is supposed to work without throwing a bunch of strawmen on how they're supposed to work just like gommunism.
They're all ideologies you have to open books and read if you want a better understanding of them, nothing makes your idea more worthy to be teached expecially when you have gorillions of interpretations between marxism-leninism and anarchist school of thought.

You're just butthurt because no one cares about your personal slippery slope idea of capitalism.

>> No.51565961

Capitalism uses incentive
Communism uses force

>> No.51565984

But the goal stays the same
Focus on your goal anon but dont cross my path

>> No.51566000
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True unregulated anarcho-capitalism also uses force. Only difference is that it would be private companies instead of government.

>> No.51566011

Communism is controlled opposition to global international capitalism. Always has been

>> No.51566034
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>no bro if you defend yourself from my centralized hegemony you're the one using force

>> No.51566087
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Ideologies are dead
-isms are worthless

>> No.51566115

thesis: capitalism
antithesis: communism
synthesis: jew financial capitalism

>> No.51566154

Still trying? Your leader killed himself
Dead end -ism suckering in the normies
No profit was made
Back to work wagie

>> No.51566205

There would still be a ruling class. It just would be private companies instead of a central government.