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51560037 No.51560037 [Reply] [Original]

Best to hoard cash and Treasury bonds?

As interest rates goes higher the dollar gets stronger and all assets collapse in price

>> No.51560335

prove me wrong

>> No.51560380

You transfer your wealth into chainlink and gold

>> No.51561079

why? you are correct. /thread

>> No.51561101

it doesnt matter that much desu, the world will most likely be destroyed by nuclear exchanges in short order. just do what you want

>> No.51561119

>dollar gets stronger

>> No.51561136
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cash and some bearish investment, yes

>> No.51562483

when will the wave of sovereign debt defaults start? half of the global south and the poorer 1/3 of the EU are already teetering on the brink, i bet another 3-4 months of 75-100 basis point hikes might be enough to push some of them into Sri Lanka situations. iirc some countries are already in the process of defaulting.

>> No.51562606

the idea is that as other currencies and investments teeter/crash as a result of the economic turbulence, investors will flock to what is perceived to be the safest and most stable investment- i.e. USD and USD-denominated financial instruments, treasury bonds etc.

so basically i think the USD will get stronger as the world economy collapses but that temporary strengthening is actually a sign of the imminent end of the USD's reserve currency status. the moment it's no longer possible to run on fumes and squeeze another drop out, that's when the cyber attack/false flag/natural disaster/ww3 will start to blow up the system so another one can rise from the ashes

it's kinda cool to watch something like this happen in real time, this sort of thing only happens once in a century or so

>> No.51562693
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>buying dxy peak
classic biz
buy high sell low

>> No.51562748
File: 871 KB, 2218x2574, IMG-1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market hasn't really crashed yet
>jpow isn't done hiking rates
we're far from peak
it's going to be beautiful

>> No.51562776

why on earth would you buy bonds?

>> No.51562822

Hoarding cash and treasury bonds is LITERALLY the worst thing you could do. Buy commodities.

>> No.51563130

DXY hasn't even reached the highs from 2001 yet. It has plenty of room to the upside, especially because EUR makes up more than 50% of the basket and the ECB can't raise rates without bankrupting PIGS.

>> No.51563137

>still thinks commodities will be a good buy during a global slowdown

>> No.51563147

Now might be a good time to start accumulating longer-dated treasuries. 10y+

Not good risk to reward on the shorter-dated ones as they are extremely sensitive to Fed

>> No.51563272

>it gets weaker more slowly

>> No.51563315

I’ll be buying all your commodities back for the cost of about 50 Ankr

>> No.51563329

It is getting stronger relative to other currencies and gold has collapsed. These motherfuckers have more control over the global monetary system than ever before in human history.

>> No.51563480
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good night sweet prince

>> No.51563594
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 129527600_4778325808906212_1568957205557679715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think what you mean to say is that you’ve secured a net short position yourself and are finally ready to properly value my swaps

>> No.51563637

I'm holding USDC and am waiting for the bottom. I think the rebound in crypto is going to be spectacular

>> No.51563668

i keep hoarding btc at 18-20k
when the inevitable comes and the fed is forced to pivot to finance funny government spending btc will jump like a compressed spring
have fun hoarding 3% yielding bonds with a double digit inflation

>> No.51563706
File: 1.08 MB, 2337x3012, IMG-1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is why you're poor and i'm rich

>> No.51563720

Inflation over the next 10 years will obviously exceed 4%

>> No.51563822

at these rates federal government will already need to pull some magic money out of its asshole to stay solvent come budget time eoy
you are gay and that's it

>> No.51563919

how much those 3 entry level rolex and cartier?

>> No.51563966
File: 1.79 MB, 3332x3024, IMG-1332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one of these is worth more than your entire net worth, your entire existence
you're not worthy to tongue my anus

>> No.51563976

you are almost a year late lmao

>> No.51564016

>just one of these is worth more than your entire net worth, your entire existence

>> No.51564035
File: 1.50 MB, 3638x3018, IMG-1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he's not poor
you know, god knows, your parents know, everybody knows you're poor af

>> No.51564046

anyone who's not poor will just mog me kek
you can't because youre poor

>> No.51564094

everybody knows i'm poor
>except my hardware wallet
cause i don't flex my wealth buying and showing off nigger tier cheap entry level watches that look expensive to inexpert eyes and only attract robbers

>> No.51564109


kek how poor are you? a 5k watch? haahahahaha

>> No.51564128
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, GMT-MASTER-II.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunch of poor people that have nothing but text
you're all depressed because the world is squeezing poor people out of their last dollar kek

>> No.51564151
File: 5 KB, 200x202, FXUmA_EXgAMoyRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flexing with 3 watches that are worth less than a toyota corolla

>> No.51564152
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dangle an accessory on my wrist that's worth more than your entire existence
i'm like a modern day king while you're below slaves, you're like...earthworms

>> No.51564164

no im just not a negroid that spends money on watches, let alone the low end catalog of designer brands.

post your third world shithole home.

>> No.51564182
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more text
poor have nothing and will die starving and cold
their last excitement is interacting with rich man like me, maybe they're hoping that my rich will rub off on them? sad
poor incels have no friend and can't stop being jealous of rich king like me

>> No.51564233

I saw that watch at my friendly neighborhood thrift store

>> No.51564266

i literally live up in the sky, i live in the cloud
post your neet room with countless piss bottles kek
fucking subhuman animals

>> No.51564420

Hahaha I right clicked+saved now I am rich too! Sucked in I just stole your watch bitch! Gonna come back at me with more text now Earthworm Jim?!

>> No.51564672

>i literally live up in the sky
you already get shot by a brazilian robber and you enter the paradise?

>> No.51564686

poor people talk too much, nothing to show off for
the crash will wipe them all out soon and the world will be beautiful

>> No.51565132

when FED raises interest rates, price of bonds go down. The increasing yield you see on bonds is a function of declining bond price. holding bonds during increasing interest rates is retarded.

>> No.51565198

interest rates are still far too low to do anything besides lower housing prices. most other commodities wont even blink.

>> No.51565305

he cute, I can't wait until rates reach 5% and clown world 0% financing stops

>> No.51565318

i'll tell you something
5% rates with 15% inflation is a -10% yield, aka more clown world speculation friendly than 0% rates with 2% inflation

>> No.51565330

Inflation won't break 10%, if it does then he'll jack up rates to 8% and keep going in 100bp increments

>> No.51565495

>Inflation won't break 10%
inflation is already >10%
CPI is a scam

>> No.51565538

Can't agree any less, just feels like rates are gonna get hiked the more, still keeping my portfolio in half Fiat and half stablescoins

>> No.51565553

They will though and probably lie to everyone else that they are because they cannot afford to pay the interest let alone the principal.

>> No.51565708

You smart , same strategy here, but am staking my USDC via spool to earn some yields rewards

>> No.51565769
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Catastrophic indeed
Powell is the bigger scammer.
Well, am still in Stablecoins, would get into the market when bulls erupt

>> No.51565868

the reality is that most people get paranoid about such minor things, even to this day you can still find good stuff on dextools

>> No.51566229

Has to be a boomer. No one under 60 gives a shit about watches