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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1024x582, beeg_boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51561058 No.51561058 [Reply] [Original]

Mutually assured destruction edition


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Financials podcasts/channels
https://www.youtube.com/c/CameronStewartCFA - Fundamendals analysis
https://www.youtube.com/user/BenzingaTV - Various themed livestreams
https://www.youtube.com/user/KitcoNews - Mainly PMs and crypto

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:



>> No.51561080

how is /biz/ the only board on this shithole imageboard that has a semblance of the good old days anymore

>> No.51561088
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>> No.51561092

these guys are always underestimated. I dread whats going to happen to my dear Florida now that Hollywood, NYC, Chicago are dead and West Palm Beach is now the Jewish capital outside israel.

>> No.51561095

Actual footage of mumu tomorrow morning

>> No.51561094

>implying the old days were good.
Fuck you nigger

>> No.51561102
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Ignore all that fake Federal Reserve economics bullshit: this is the real reason the market is crashing.

>> No.51561103

So what was with that pump from 2 to 3? Algos stop loss hunting or something?

>> No.51561104
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>> No.51561105
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Don't hide, just buy

>> No.51561107

So what happens when the rate hikes stop?
Do the stocks stop moving?

>> No.51561109
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>> No.51561113
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>> No.51561114
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once upon a time somewhere in the 1980s in a suburb in north america, times were good

>> No.51561121


Everyone (myself included) grew up from shitposting on /b/ and other associated forums and wanted to try and make money and/or laugh at bag holders.

/biz/ is easily the funniest forum here. People don't even need to be joking for you to laugh at them.

>> No.51561128
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Who says they'll stop?

>> No.51561131 [DELETED] 


>> No.51561134
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The red line will continue until morale improves

>> No.51561133

How do you make money in this market? For me it's buying chink stocks :D

>> No.51561145

Hypothetically of course...

>> No.51561151
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>> No.51561154

RIP in peace
also FYAD if you're a real OG

>> No.51561156
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gentlemen, i propose a toast

>> No.51561163
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Sup sluts?

>> No.51561173
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>> No.51561176

I have a student who is a black jew who is going ariund beating up goyim. Not sure how to interpret this sign.

>> No.51561178
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> one of the newest boards on the site
> "good old days"
That aside, /biz/ is only really relevant to older people with money to spend (I'm pretty sure the average age of /smg/ is over 30). That implies that they've been a part of board culture for years by the time that they become a regular.

>> No.51561180

>return to normal volatility
Boomers outlaw the construction of any new home anywhere

>> No.51561183

I was there.

>> No.51561187
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>> No.51561188

>Buying puts and calls
>Selling puts and calls

Which combination is free money?

>> No.51561189

why the fuck would you go cash instead of putting it in like FAZ? Do you hate making money?

>> No.51561193


>> No.51561202

bond yields and dollars spiked up at 2pm, causing the initial dump. Then from 2 to 3 they went back down to baseline causing the rally

>> No.51561208

Is this a joke?
its literally all Pajeet scammers and CIA

>> No.51561215
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>> No.51561217
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My internal organs hurt. How do I proft from this?

>> No.51561221
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>implying they haven't already done that with current zoning laws

>> No.51561229
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DXY still going higher

>> No.51561231

>handyman special

>> No.51561233
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Hopefully yes, but I think we're living in a universe where advanced artificial intelligence will prove to be prohibitively costly and we'll slowly progress towards agrarian plantation-state feudalism with selectively-breed workforce.

>> No.51561234
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cause everywhere else has been swarmed by kids and third worlders and neither of those are interested in actual stocks and finances. what little we do get of those are all contained in crypto threads where they belong. the only other board that met that criteria was /f/ and it's fucking dead. any of you remember the text only boards? I fucking miss those. Wish they'd come back it's not like they'd take much server bandwidth

>> No.51561252
File: 842 KB, 1906x2097, CBXG7941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you would filter crypto threads like a civilized man you'd not see any of that.

>> No.51561255

>cause everywhere else has been swarmed by kids and third worlders
ah I see we have a newfag who has never been on the pol crossovers. 70% of you are mapleniggers or pajeets.

>> No.51561256

Markets will crash in the short term. The Fed came out more hawkish than anticipated. Most likely the Fed will keep raising rates up to the point we start seeing fast deceleration in the CPI/PPI which shouldn't happen until Q1 2023 because Q4 is usually the one pushed by consumers the most and the only alternative is complete demand destruction by Q4 and that is basically the Fed went nuclear with the rate hikes.

>> No.51561259

Sell them and get newer cheaper ones.

>> No.51561260

Life insurance

>> No.51561271

>kids and third worlders
and before i sign off to go shitpost on IRC channel I can say i love hiroshimoot unironically for providing the only free speech platform in the entire western world

>> No.51561272

Elul 29 day of the rope for stocks

>> No.51561273

Hit me with some cheap value stocks right now. I’m 90% cash and ready to buy in

>> No.51561282


is ēverywhere. Why are
Youtubers chasing newsletter subscription
fees and like button stimulation ?
no more discord mingling.

>> No.51561286

>Sell them and get newer cheaper ones.
you can unironically do this if you're polically connected
mccaine survived stage 4 glioblastoma until he decided enough was enough, just an FYI

>> No.51561291

>Then from 2 to 3 they went back down to baseline causing the rally
Yeah but why

>> No.51561292

alright, but you're going to have to work for it. The ticker is a primary color.

>> No.51561304

based but i wish moot hadn't left us.

>> No.51561312
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>> No.51561323

>Filter crypto
Mate the only tolerable threads are /smg/ and /cmmg/

>> No.51561325
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Hrmm, would that involve my doctor giving a shit after three years of this? Sorry, no can do there, bud

>> No.51561328

REED is a cheap as dirt penny stock that fluctuates in a surprisingly predictable manner.

>> No.51561329

I just started working for a large company who’s stock is in the absolute toilet. Should I start buying?

>> No.51561331

i love moot for being a champion of free speech and anonymity but he only did it because he got kicked off of somethingawful for well lets just say questionable reasons, reasons i do not approve of
he's like george washington, he turned down the kingship but should he have? is a "CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC" really better than a benevolent dictator?

>> No.51561338

First move is obviously algo's, I can only speculate that the subsequent move back down was the big boys coming in to put them back in their place

>> No.51561343

I wasn't joking.

>> No.51561345
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, 9322aea4-3a3f-4784-919d-fe8bd3052fea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, why don't we just get into gambling and end our suffering, at least we'll be 100% sure we're gonna get fucked then instead of waiting to know if we're gonna get fucked tomorrow

>> No.51561346

>Should I start buying?
absolutely not but you should make sure you get enough months invested that you qualify for unemployment gibs when this shitshow goes 2008

>> No.51561348

wait 6 months and you will have a 90% discount on all stocks

>> No.51561359

New doctor dip shit. If the one you got ain't fucking fixing you find one who can. You're going to die either way.

>> No.51561363
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Well what do you expect? Bailey's scouts are scattered, Lagarde's corps is in full retreat, and Kuroda's stuck trying to control useless ground.

Macklem, Ingves, and Jordan don't have nearly the weight to turn the day.

>> No.51561365
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If he hadn't I'd be royalty to some degree

>> No.51561368

While you are wage cucking tomorrow think of me who will be up at 6am with no alarm to drink weed butter coffee and read and play vidya, and then when it's time for you to hop in your car and scoot over to the costco I will be stretching in my driveway getting ready to go run 7 miles at the nature park behind my neighborhood. Think I will have some toasted goyslop eggo circles and peanut butter tomorrow while you are hopping on microsoft teams with your regional manager. Then I'll trade until noon, play some more vidya, then hit the weights and treadmill in my basement all while you are still at the warehouse wage cucking. IDC what your salary when I know your spending habits. You NEED that salary to live. You are a wage cuck, a literal slave NPC.

>> No.51561374

The millenial double crash crush has been interesting. Most of the competants are as far as I can tell here, on /tg/ /pol/ and /g/ any other places where oldfags fag?
wtf happened to /f/ after the manual uninstall updoot.

>> No.51561378

This honestly, and that would still only just barely get us down to where the market is actually reflecting reality.

>> No.51561392
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Buddy,try r9k

>> No.51561410

JPM is predicting core CPI is going to drop fast in the upcoming months. Presumably inflation should be under control by Q2 2023 but there's a risk the Fed overdoes it and sends the economy into a recession. I think the logic makes sense - renting is probably pushed as far as possible (unless wages go up in 2023), used cars will drill as commodities crash and manufacturing goes back to previous levels and airplane fares will likely be the first thing coomsumers cut as inflation eats up a good portion of their wages.

>> No.51561409

>he doesn't know

>> No.51561418

Why the fuck do I get banned like biweekly? It's like I catch a 3 dayer once every two weeks.

>> No.51561422

because everybody here hates you and we all report every post you make.

>> No.51561423

All of them at the same time

>> No.51561425

>JPM is predicting core CPI is going to drop fast in the upcoming months
yeah, demand destruction manifest

>> No.51561434

because /qa/ lost

>> No.51561435
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I've seen a bunch of them. At most they say "Hrm, that's weird. Come back in six months!" Something is eating holes in my retinas, all my lymph nodes are swollen, and my insides hurt.

>> No.51561442

>Presumably inflation should be under control by Q2 2023
im long iron age 2.0
im short "thorium reactors and space elevators"
im long question mark
im short exclamation point

>> No.51561459
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this post is bullish for soijacks

>> No.51561460

sounds like a kino life. ignore the haters.

>> No.51561470
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>> No.51561475
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how tf does a chart like this happen?

>> No.51561478

A lot of doctors are fucking morons. You need to put up a big stink otherwise theyre going to think you're just being a big baby.

>> No.51561480

what does this fucking mean? wtf happened on /qa/? still have no idea but its had repercussions all over 4chan apparently.

>> No.51561484
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>> No.51561487

Sounds about right. Okay well, see you after Rosh Hashanah.

>> No.51561488
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I am just going to buy my favorite stocks tomorrow for a steep discount bobo. Ha ha ha ha

>> No.51561489
File: 1.00 MB, 1295x864, 1616206723158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Dollar! Go! Go! Go Dollar!!!!!

>> No.51561491

Because you are a friendless loser who screeches in pain at the thought of people not knowing who he is on an anonymous image board as your attention seeking levels are female tier

>> No.51561492
File: 251 KB, 360x360, PIGA5767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of oldfags who go to /x/ but they are all completely unironically on the schizo spectrum or bipolar. if you have the patience to set up all the filters required to filter out all the porn and rekt threads there's pockets of oldfags on /gif/. /wsg/ is almost all slavs, i don't know why don't ask me why but they are and you can go check for yourself. you'd think /s4s/ would be oldfags but their mostly millennials but not ones who were around before like 2015. /vst/ and /vr/ have decent oldfag populations. /f/ still works it's just really really inactive, better off just going to swfchan if it's still around.

>> No.51561504
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We call it the "FOMC fuck".

>> No.51561507


>> No.51561508

thats when tokyo opens

>> No.51561514

market makers. they saw tons of people jump into shorts as soon as FOMC minutes came out and decided "no we cant have that many people making money, better try and shake some out" then proceeded to giga pump to trap some calls along the way too. otherwise the market would ahve gone straight down and cascaded into and avalanche with VIX popping.

>> No.51561522

I'm just kidding baggie. I dont hate you anymore than I hate everyone else here.

>> No.51561526

Who are market makers?

>> No.51561533

this anon is right, it's hard as fuck to find a good doctor. If they're not a white male whose at least 40 don't even bother, i tried so hard to find a good doctor on my old insurance and they were all either fresh out of school or pajeets or women and they were all genuinely awful and gave constant misdiagnosis even when i pushed them for treatment/care cause they'd rather brush me off.

>> No.51561534

any else really into reverse psychology'ing our ai overlords?

>> No.51561537

The Market Makers are not ones to be trifled with, anon. I wouldn't go asking those kinds of questions if you don't already have access to at least level 5 market data to protect yourself with.

>> No.51561542


>> No.51561545

alien-human hybrids my ass, my parents bred because of alcohol and/or loose post-puritanical largess

>> No.51561550

a couple giga whales bought about 250M worth of inventory at 2 or so. then some big orders came about $1.2B worth at around 3 for a lower price

>> No.51561556

I would have had great daily gains for today if not for my RUM stocks dragging things down. Fuck you whoever was shilling that. Though it's really my own bad for taking the bait

>> No.51561558

serious answer which I dont understand completely: they fill options orders. when you buy and options they are the ones who find the 100 shares to make it happen. sometiems they borrow shares to make things happen. they need to make sure the balance of puts and calls dont get out of whack and they cant pay people.
im not going to say jews if thats what you expected.

>> No.51561562

thread theme

>> No.51561564
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you know how theres a difference between the bid and the ask. They're the guy Built Different

>> No.51561567

Either you're just a big baby (most likely) or God wants you to die mysteriously. If any of those doctors thought you could legitimately survive an insurance shit test to funnel money to their pockets they'd have taken you up on it.

>> No.51561573
File: 2.68 MB, 498x375, vince-mcmahon-shane-mcmahon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez the narrative is shifting. It seems like the fed wants to go higher to 4.5% or even 5% rates and hold there. This would mean the sp500 goes sub 3000 for sure. Not only would higher bond yields lower PE multiples of stocks. It would cause a recession which would hurt earnings. It hasn't even begun bros...

>> No.51561576


>> No.51561586

people with enough money to just sit on the bid and the ask and fill market orders

>> No.51561589

The ones selling you options or buying them back. They create markets for buying/selling. They make their money off volume of trades. If they sell you a call, they hedge by buying some shares of it themselves based off their risk exposure.

>> No.51561592


SAVA clinical trail data out today. The drug doesn't work. First set of data that was criticized as manipulated saw a 3.2 point improvement in fifty trial patients. Second set of patients saw a 0.2 point decline.

I swear if this nigger stock doesn't-50% tomorrow I'm going to personally bomb their headquarters in mine craft. How the fuck are we at a 52 week low and these jews keep pumping their snake juice bags

>> No.51561593

I see you've never been subjected to shit healthcare from burnout midwits

>> No.51561600
File: 3.22 MB, 3745x4500, vaporwave general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention Kmart shoppers; Vaporwave is dead, long live vaporwave!

>> No.51561608
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But this is the best venue for gambling that exists.

>> No.51561614

is my latent alcoholism and 30 plus year post-sex/money driven existential crisis bullish or bearish for humanity?

>> No.51561617

the only thing that has stopped inflation historically is positive real rates i.e. fed funds > CPI inflation

>> No.51561618

The fed was trusted, and fucked up and got us into this mess...

>> No.51561623

is there a youtube megaplaylist of all this? i don't have the time to look through each of these. haircuts for men is mid tho imo

>> No.51561624


oh and i guess they dont just do options, they do all stocks. so when you buy stock they find the right person to sell it to you. they are basically the middle men of the stock market. with that kind of power, i suspect they are interested in making their own money by being the valve that billions of dollars flow through.

>> No.51561629

No, despite being cursed to Lutheran hell I'm still in very good health.

>> No.51561633
File: 41 KB, 794x305, 2zljF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its easily extractable fossil fuels hehehehe

>> No.51561634

almost 100% of alzheimers FDA trials have failed, I think the only one that passed was Aduhelm and there was a massive backlash because it wasn't actually effective

>> No.51561638
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I hate trannies, how do I profit off this?

>> No.51561652

>almost 100% of alzheimers FDA trials have failed,
short answer: humanity is doomer, in real l.ife

>> No.51561656

Well trust me bro, a lot of your doctors at shit clinics and hospitals are so burned out they're worse than nothing. If your health ever does start going to shit do your research and ask people for doctor recommendations and don't cheap out.

>> No.51561658

i see a lot of bobros out there doubting themselves. but this is our time. do not fumble that bag bobo hold it tight. this is it.

>> No.51561666
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>> No.51561669

b-b-b-but my disrtophin gene, b-b-b-b-but my harvard mba sponsored biotech company, dog

>> No.51561672
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vote red and invest US manufacturing

>> No.51561678
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And if we do get a recession, the bottom will be NEXT YEAR. the average recession is 10 months, and stocks bottom 4 months before the recession ends.

I never Bobo post. I permamumu post.

This is not a good sign..

>> No.51561682

They are multibillion dollar institutions which maintain a close to perfect delta and gamma hedge on their positions, making money on the difference between bid/ask spread, and act as counterparty to most transactions

>> No.51561684
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It's gotten so bad the last couple months, I'm honestly considering checking into the ER. Something has been eating holes in my retinas since I finished college five years ago, and my eye damage is really well documented, even if they have no idea what's causing it. The real mystery is what's going on with the rest of my body. My lymph nodes, liver, and spleen all hurt. Basically it feels like I've had mono for the last three years, but without the fever.

>> No.51561686
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>> No.51561688

This isn't it, it's going to be a bumpy ride down over the period of years. This is just another day

>> No.51561691

satan i must admit i admire your efficiency, however, i exist unencumberedf by your fallout patterns
yo can always post more boobs or butts that usually seems to work

>> No.51561698
File: 97 KB, 712x536, Robert E Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXY won't rest until 112. That's really the only barrier to it - resting itself.

>> No.51561701

so someone tried to buy the dip but more money sold the pump? maybe it was algos that got triggered but the big boys knows its time for the selloff to happen.

>> No.51561705

kek imagine dedicating 20 years of your life to amyloid plaques and suddenly someone does a control on healthy brain autopsies that proves there's no correlation whatsoever

>> No.51561706

Ageing is bearish for any individual, and trends are comprised of the reactions of individuals to the passage of time.
Probably not, and this list was created by one autist on /mu/, which is known as a beacon of poor taste.

>> No.51561710

yes i am a high vol.ume shitposter wqith an occiptal bun why do you ask

>> No.51561711

It would take me pages upon pages of rants to fully explain how kiked SAVA is and how many fraud allegations and claims they have pending/federal investigations/insider trading and manipulation of stock price etc...

They literally insider bought their own stock to top 5 gainers yesterday before they released study data today from their second trial (after the first was accused of fraud again) and the data comes out wildly inaccurate compared to the first trial and the patients involved taking their drug literally saw cognitive decline from baseline

>> No.51561712

That is quite literally what the fed said because inflation is persistent. If spr releases end -- and energy spikes and suprises market again what is next?

>> No.51561723

>that proves there's no correlation whatsoever
much like margerine was peer reviewed to be beneficial to tallow hehe

>> No.51561725

Currently real rates are positive.

>> No.51561726

So can't you just short companies that have alzheimer's meds in the pipeline?

>> No.51561734

My mom has that, it's just a thing that happens to people, they get holes in their retinas. I'd do your research before you check yourself into an ER, you'll end up with an unnecessary surgery where they leave a sponge in your and you'll be triple fucked. good news is almost every city over like 300k people has at least one decent hospital, you just have to figure out which one.

>> No.51561742
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Jerome Powell teaches us a lesson and has his Volcker moment

>> No.51561745
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>> No.51561754

that would require actually understanding why alzheimers incidence increases, much like early onset cancers

>> No.51561756
File: 506 KB, 640x802, Smoking TF2 spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fed begins naked shorting oil to drive down CPI

>> No.51561758

My post keep on getting flagged as spam when I mention d w a c

>> No.51561760


>> No.51561769

welcome back my brother
ive officially transcended /smg/ on to boomer irc, i wish all you a pleasant evening and a good nights rest

>> No.51561770
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>just another day
circuit breakers before noon

>> No.51561772

sounds like some systematic disease like MS with the weird symptoms and shit. ask for a lumbar puncture test for MS. you'll have to twist the shit out of your doctor's arm to get it, getting MS diagnosis is always a fucking fight with the doctor to get the tests done.

>> No.51561778

Set an appointment up with the Mayo Clinic.

>> No.51561780

Hope you had fun. >>51550819

>> No.51561783

Love this dip, so many dividends in September.

>> No.51561784
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What the fuck has been up with these creepy uranium posts the past few weeks

>> No.51561790
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can't tell if this is the best timeline or the worst timeline.

>> No.51561792
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>it's just a thing that happens to people, they get holes in their retinas.
It's like several levels beyond that. My vision is really fucked up now.

>> No.51561794

>kids and third worlders
Your projecting. The terrible posters are teens and younge adults that come from /pol/ and /qa/

>> No.51561803
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>> No.51561810
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>stock market will NEVER recover
>only people that make it are chads and stacies with beautiful facial aesthetic that reproduce

its over biz ngmi

>> No.51561816
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when should I close my sqqq positions bobros?

>> No.51561815

Holy shit, maybe you were poisoned or exposed to. Radiation/chemicals, are you certain you don't have cancer????

>> No.51561820
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your mom is projecting her boobs into my mouth

>> No.51561826

Counter option, apply for a mental hospital saying your eyesight keeps getting worse but physicians see no reason why. You can live out the rest of your days getting drugged up and poking at jigsaw puzzles while literal schizophrenics regale you with the most fantastic stories.

>> No.51561827

Is this a bear trap?

>> No.51561830

based. This wasnt even me lol.

>> No.51561836

the real question is if we double bottom or not

>> No.51561839

march next year

>> No.51561847
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they don't want a crash, but thats just not how business works. you're a business owner you do everything you can to keep the lights on, until the last fucking second. pretty much everyone I know is ruthless when it comes to that fact. and businesses are all kind of interlinked, so when one stops others slow, and stop and if they can they'll hold on but most wont. and remember the US bond market is what $40T So even a 25bp hike is like $100B sucked up every year. they're plaing the coin pusher game with a $100B as their smallest coin.

>> No.51561864

Oil should not be this low.

>> No.51561867

isn't long term not great for sqqq?

>> No.51561880

these are all mostly independant decisions but at the end of the day more dollars went out than in.

>> No.51561888

only if it goes up and down a lot. if it just goes steady down its fine.

>> No.51561892

Not great at all, due to how the math works. If playing leveraged shorts, you should frequently sell and rebuy on relief rallies

>> No.51561895

you can't short oil with no barrels to deliver. Fed can't print oil. they'd get heemed

>> No.51561897

does anything go straight up or down though

>> No.51561901

Sounds like an auto-immune disease anon.

>> No.51561905 [DELETED] 

Are you broke? Maybe I have the solution for you. Flashloan arbitrage, learn how to do it the right way on the video below


Resources needed to do the same process of the video are on the link on the videos description

>> No.51561912

The reason shouldn't really matter. If every attempt at X fails, then just short people that try it, simple as.
More information is obviously better, though

>> No.51561916

We drilled all the way straight to 375 I'm after-hours. Basically the low of the year SPY was only lower for two days in June before it snapped right back to the 375 resistance.

Thinking mild green crab tomorrow.. but that nigger stock SAVA better go -60-70% back to sub $18/share for the third time since April. Fraud charges still pending but now the clinical data says the drug doesn't even fucking work. Rehhhhhh fuck SAVA

>> No.51561918
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I hope you have sick time to cover your days off

>> No.51561937
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I have puts

>> No.51561945

What's OPEC gonna do, cut their output?

Simple: they borrow any oil out of the SPR. Or change the CME rules so they can instead deliver high yield energy company debt.

>> No.51561952

it's election season, it's always like this bro especially when we have a blue president, and even more when it's blue congress and president

>> No.51561960

Eh, I'd just blame it on Syphilis

>> No.51561961

Someone should tell him he's also a goyim

>> No.51561964
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Based Biden is giving us cheapies
when SPR runs out we are going to the moon

>> No.51561968

this guy on youtube has some great compilation/playlists. I like listening to them while I "work" from home

>> No.51561975

Thatd be hikey pretty fun to hear black people running around calling each other goyim instead of nigger

>> No.51561980

>alzheimers FDA trials have failed
I hate to say it but I don't think its a condition that you can just fix or medicate, not that it stops them from throwing money at it hoping they can

>> No.51561982 [DELETED] 


>> No.51561986

>cut their output?
I've heard by 1 million barrels per day.
So not only will Biden be stopping the release of 1 million barrels per day, the saudis will cut by.1 million bpd, and Biden will have to start buying back million(s) bpd. Then the euros will commit suicide too.

>> No.51561988
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I only cook with real butter and will never take anti-cholesterol pills. Your brain is cholesterol and all these boomers have been taking Statins for years which is why they poopoopeepee and forget who the fuck they are. Literally eat everything in moderation and work out.

>> No.51561990 [DELETED] 
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I hate you pajeets so god damn much

>> No.51561992

aluminium + vax + artificial sweeteners + any number of chronic micronutrient deficiencies

>> No.51562002

Well looks like clownworld has taken an unexpected turn

>> No.51562010

Biden will just keep dumping the SPR "just for the winter as our brave allies in Europe combat Putin's price hike". The no balls Saudis will go along with it.

>> No.51562015 [DELETED] 
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yea. I am not clicking that.

>> No.51562030

no, i mean kangaroo. like going up a whole lot in a week, then down a whole lot in a week. I got chop lossed not that long ago because it all the sudden mooned for a week and by the time it went back down, the etf restructured so it had to be even lower than when i bought to be at the same price.

>> No.51562034

That was me last night after a good day of trading feeling like I wanted to shit on some guy bragging about his wage cuck job and posted his nice car in a Costco parking lot as if trinkets matter to anyone

>> No.51562038

It's just a link to a link to some "watch my video!" scam site

>> No.51562040

but there is no more oil in the SPR. it will run out.

>> No.51562042
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>i mean kangaroo. like going up a whole lot in a week, then down a whole lot in a week.
Personally I call that a Mannarino market.

>> No.51562045

thats always a fun educational moment for environmentalists who take initiative on their beliefs.
>Dumb nu-hippy, so uh thats why your oil is hurting the beautiful flamingo.
> wow how insightful. so you'd like us to cut production.
> yeah
> but then we'd charge a higher price.
> the beautiful flamingo is priceless.
> so it is. so it is.
>wait you're agreeing with me?
> why yes, you're saying you want us to work less and earn more.
> ...
>can you give us anything substantial about this flamingo problem that we could present to congress to justify the loss of hundreds of billions of oil and hundreds of thousands of jobs?
> um
> please my workers all have cancer under 40 and I haven't tasted food in 17 years. anything you've got would help please.

>> No.51562048 [DELETED] 


>> No.51562062

How do you expect boomers to retire?

>> No.51562065

so like 90% of it was true is what you're saying

>> No.51562066
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guess we're just going to hit new lows then

>> No.51562089
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Hello fellow bobos, how are we doing today? Shame I waited for the break below 380 instead of being confident in a dip and buying at 387, but I wanted to be sure the move was real. I'm watching for us to hit July lows, and I honestly expect we go beyond that even. I'm sorry mumus, but its over.

>> No.51562091

>but there is no more oil in the SPR. it will run out.
After this drawdown finishes there will still be 350+ million barrels. That's another year of current rate dumping. 6 months if he doubles down.

Yeah either you make it so expensive that oil companies earn money hand over first or you try to kill demand via alternatives, which leads to Mbutu purchasing $20 oil instead of $30 solar or wind.

>> No.51562095

Was there any doubt?

>> No.51562103
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Is it too late to buy SQQQ

>> No.51562104
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Don't tease me your stupid twisted face cat.. tell me it's true... but do it gently.

>> No.51562115

I concur with your post so whatever, it's probably natural and going to last. Like me and my gookfu.

>> No.51562118
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How does 4% sound?

>> No.51562123

Tmv/tyo seems to pump or dump with little relation to what the yields on bonds are doing

>> No.51562129

I wish I could go back to irc

>> No.51562138
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watch the fucking seed oils. or you're gonna get stuck taking the fucking cholesterol pills. They're fucking awful. I'm pretty sure they're nuking my test as well. but I need to take them b/c I had a heart attack.

the thing is the cholesterol acts like a scab for the blood vessels, and if enough builds up you clog the thing. cuz even though its important for healing its also a death sentence now that I have a stent.
also watch the porkfat and coconut fats. they don't necessarily cause injury but they do impede the healing process and act as kind of a flexseal for your vessels. the cholesterol pills are like a shamwow

>> No.51562139
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I mean. I doubt this will do anything about Alzheimers. But even if you're wrong, you'll die early of a heart attack which if brain disease runs in your family might not be the worst plan.

>> No.51562140

>The no balls Saudis will go along with it
They already cut the 100k bpd they increased.

>> No.51562142
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>> No.51562154
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I'll let /smg/ write the reply. I've told this whore off so many times i've lost count, but as they say. Treat them like dirt they stick to you like mud.

>> No.51562166

no probably not but you'll not see a ton of gain from it probably. just put an order in for first thing when the market opens. buy some FAZ too

>> No.51562171

We turn around at 29800, eoy 34800

>> No.51562173

I bought the dip on TQQQ at close (8500 shares) looking at Futures I am fucked tomorrow morning

>> No.51562178

>brother is drunk again
Its been awhile bros but damn am I tired. Its like living with a cancerous element that won't stop spreading all the while watch our castle go down in flames

>> No.51562181
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I just wont die. I refuse.

>> No.51562182 [DELETED] 


>> No.51562187

youre at fault for even proposing to get her perfume though?
>fuck off with that shit, if you don't like the set-up leave
should work

>> No.51562189

>$400 perfume


>> No.51562196

Post her tits already for fucks sake

>> No.51562200

They're the 20-30 and 7-10 bond ETFs. So you're not just influenced by Fed rates at the short end, but also the overall shape of teh yield curve.

Which is entirely symbolic, especially considering all the unused quota output.

>> No.51562202
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I didnt, she asked me and I told her fuck off.

>> No.51562205

How many different pills does she take in a day?

>> No.51562207

>lol, you’re just a cock sleeve, I’m only going to marry a virgin. #nohymennodiamond

>> No.51562209


>> No.51562211

$400 for alcohol water and a few drops of essential oil?
tell that bitch to make it herself jesus.

what perfume is it?

>> No.51562215
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just stay active as fuck anon, my great uncle has over 20 stents and is in his mid 80s and he still gets out and works his ass off in his yard and garden and woodworking shop every day and that's probably why he's still alive, that and God's grace of course.

>> No.51562217

oh ok
by the way, you can literally block her you know
I assume you keep talking for the ego boost

>> No.51562218
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>> No.51562221
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this is what she sent me, I am no femoid so I dont know what it means.

>> No.51562223

A true /biz/raeli would whore her out on OF. Once she earns $700, give her $350 for her stupid perfume.

>> No.51562232
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>> No.51562234

Who is this chick to you? Is this like a sugar daddy situation? All vapid whores need to be caged.

>> No.51562236
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You don't need perfume. You smell like roses to me and that's all that matters.

>> No.51562241
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No wonder most "men" are always indebted

>> No.51562248

Or dead fish

>> No.51562250

no actually, I am an applenigger. I've blocked her on my phone but I still get messages from her somehow on my laptop. I've just come to accept that I have a stalker.
i've talked about it. But the reality is that I cant tolerate her for long enoguh to do anything like that.
literal nobody

>> No.51562251

ya thats probably what I gotta do. I'm a few months from choosing my wageslave job. I need to figure out what gets me the power I want. once thats done I can arrange my life a little better.

>> No.51562258
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good morning sirs

>> No.51562259

why the fuck are futures so down already?

>> No.51562263

>gibs me dat. I need it

Definitely stupid but let me guess she is fat too? Probably likes to go to Disney world twice a year and stand in lines. House full of tacky signs with Karen slogans?

>> No.51562265

Tell her she is a fucking retard for wanting something so expensive that runs out quickly

>> No.51562267

you get what you deserve
That being said, I'm so fucking pissed with android devs that if I don't get a flip phone next I might just get an iphone

>> No.51562272



>> No.51562273
File: 163 KB, 288x311, Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 08-59-21 The times when Kpop female idols laughed so hard regardless of their image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can guy you 100 bottles easily. But I won't buy any for you because I don't want to cover your natural body smell. It's the most arousing smell, if you cover your body odor I will find someone else because clearly you don't love me enough to care about my feelings.

>> No.51562283
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>the big boys
C'mon son

>> No.51562287
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>> No.51562289

Might get some to throw on my sexdoll

>> No.51562290

I was sleeping all afternoon yesterday, can some forex chad explain to me why the fuck HXC is down 6%? Was it the housing crash, the railroad debt crisis, or something else?

>> No.51562295

She doesn't want the perfume at all. She wants to know that she has the power to manipulate some faggot simp into throwing her $400.

>> No.51562306
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I can buy your love that easily? Your love is only worth $400? My love is priceless.

>> No.51562308


>> No.51562313

ecosystem, etc. iOS is objectively better than any android, and I work in phone / tablet testing. I tried to give android a go recently (twice actually) but they are so fucking clunky comparatively that it feels like I went from driving a Model S to a Fnigger50.

>> No.51562322


>> No.51562323
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>> No.51562325
File: 117 KB, 319x289, Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 08-59-07 The times when Kpop female idols laughed so hard regardless of their image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her psychology level is grade school.. I can easily out manipulate her.

>> No.51562332

excuse me sir, do the needful for the androids ser. 500 rupees to you sir.

>> No.51562337

I've dated multiple female phds that were absolute midwits. It's pretty jading

>> No.51562349
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>> No.51562352
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No particular reason.

>> No.51562371

Since smart people are born and not made, a retard with a piece of paper is still retarded

>> No.51562388
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when do ya'll reckon the next big bear rally will start? I'm thinking sometime in November there will be a fair sized one with a focus on Holiday sales then it'll be back to the slow ride down again December when sales data doesn't meet expectations

>> No.51562393


>> No.51562400
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lemon sage juniper saffron oils in a ~15% solution of water and alcohol
with some food coloring.

the saffron oil is likely whats jacking up the price.
but a lifetime supply for her would be 20$
you could buy every ingredient here for under $100 and have a lifetime supply of this garbage.

Esprit de Parfum (marked EsdP) has a concentration between 15% and 30%. It is a rare concentration on the market
Eau de Parfum (EdP), Parfum de Toilette (PdT) has between 10% and 20% (but usually 15%) of aromatic compounds.
Eau de Toilette (EdT): perfume of 5% to 15% concentration (usually 10%.) It is the most common concentration which is used to make a cheaper and more affordable variant
Eau de Cologne (EdC): is a type of Chypre citrus perfume that has between 3% and 8% aromatic compounds.

>> No.51562419

that is the ugliest chili I've ever seen

>> No.51562425

based resident crossdresser / most likely faggot. I will still not be buying her a god damn thing.

>> No.51562427

you could literally buy an empty bottle of that shit for like $10 and just fill it up with a cheaper perfume (or make your own and mix in your cum)
She guaranteed won't be able to tell

>> No.51562430
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>> No.51562431

>Her psychology level is grade school
That's the puppet. She's the puppeteer. If you are engaging her, you are losing.

>> No.51562432

happy to be in detroit

>> No.51562434

I mean I guess a few women have autism or whatever but 90%+ of them are stuck in eternal child mode. I can honestly understand why every society on earth kept them out of politics and voting for thousands of years. The Adam and eve story from the Bible perfectly describes the behavior of most women constantly seeking immediate gratification with no planning or thought of long term consequences

>> No.51562450

buy the dip bro

>> No.51562456

The tigers. They are revealed. they eye of glass. i showed the way. you did not learn. you will be pounced. i warned you. about the hidden tigers.

>> No.51562464
File: 61 KB, 768x747, 9231beb04f0cb8cb85d5c14687d01e30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get a women to fall in love with her.

>Insult her
>Give her a real complement that will touch her heart
>Insult her

This will drive her crazy over you. Most girls are self conscious and she will feel a deep connection towards you because you speak to her inner real heart. A complement without being a useless simp. Satisfying both the arrogant and low self esteem of her unconscious.

It's like a big Sandwhich of FU LOVE.

Humans are not complemented. Once you understand the patterns and behaviors you can easily win.

>> No.51562472

>go to website
>look for your perfume
>male fragrances, no
>female fragrances, no
>unisex fragrances, there it is

anons girl has something to tell him.

ding ding ding. when its weird and they don't know what it is, it's autoimmune.

>> No.51562475
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Adam and Eve is a real story anon, that's why it reflects reality so well, it is reality.

>> No.51562482

Cause it’s focused on reality it’s hard to AstroTurf Bitcoin and stock prices.

>> No.51562484
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The the the the sh sh sh SHEMITAH

>> No.51562493

나중에 대화해
What the fuck dies this mean?

>> No.51562499
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Fucking nerd.

>> No.51562502

lmfao you can tell it's morning in india, the cryptofaggots are here.

>> No.51562509

Do the hidden tigers say to buy 3x short ETFs on the nasdaq?

>> No.51562512

Can't you ask gookfu baggot?

>> No.51562526
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>> No.51562528

Kek baggies

>> No.51562533
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shes basically a femcel but she's got an 8/10 body. She wants to 'move in' but I told her that I would absolutely be bringing other women by and she would probably want to kill herself wtihin just a few weeks.

>> No.51562539

why didnt you just tell me to buy sqqq i would have trusted you and held. i cant buy tigers on the stock market. i respect you indian-american anon unlike the school shooters here.

>> No.51562540
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I saved this image from this thread. I think we all love Kirby.

>> No.51562553

lmfao that woman has daddy issues 100%

>> No.51562559

hah life would be more fun, do you know how much bussy is thrown at me every single day.
I just have a lot of sisters and my dad is a chemist, so I learned how to read labels.
they're the ones who charge $400 for a bottle of water in an atomizer and thots are dumb enough to pay for it.
Honestly thinking about making a perfume shop on the side b/c holy shit are thots and simps fucking stupid.

>> No.51562561

No she sent it to me. How the fuck do I ask her

>> No.51562564

How the fuck did you meet her anon?

>> No.51562572
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>> No.51562573

talk later

>> No.51562582

wall street insider here

yall mumu bitches got fucked and i told you it was coming

>> No.51562584

fucking tinder. psycho central but great if you REALLY need some pussy.
you have no idea. I remind her of her dad so i'm basically her god.

>> No.51562587

it means "im seeing other men. I met a strong man named rocker. hes very handsome and makes more money than you"

>> No.51562589


>> No.51562593
File: 996 KB, 498x280, tenor (24).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im socially awkward, anon. I was just trying to flirt.

>> No.51562604

She's broke and she needs a better situation. Give her no keys, but a chance.

>> No.51562610
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>> No.51562611

ding ding

>> No.51562614
File: 417 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220921-215941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel bag holder

>> No.51562617

It’s at an all time low I think I’m just gonna put a little in each paycheck

>> No.51562619

>I remind her of her dad so i'm basically her god.
>met her on tinder

>> No.51562620

At least Biden is kind enough to give you the exact month you should buy

>> No.51562632

>but great if you REALLY need some pussy
I prefer to schizo post on biz by myself

>> No.51562642
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>Daddy issues
Checks out, sorry for your situation fellow anon

>> No.51562662

>implying Rocker is handsome and makes more money than The Baggler.

>> No.51562712
File: 370 KB, 512x512, 1663403662366404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just mention you were still retarded enough to think that a wagie who needs to drive to costco can make upwards of 200k

>> No.51562730

based schizo connoisseur

>> No.51562810
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>SOXL dividend

>> No.51562811
File: 143 KB, 1600x900, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51563025

Why do retards with more money than sense get to trade with six figures while I'm over here wageslaving for pennies

>> No.51563431
File: 69 KB, 738x1024, 1604170886699m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.25% FFR
>9% CPI
>real rates are positive