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51558351 No.51558351 [Reply] [Original]

And I've been getting more and more sick, and no real answers, luckily today my last doctor put the pieces together and found out I've been getting a reactivation of a type of virus most humans shrug off.
Problem is those rare few who don't are fatal.

I'm likely fatal isn't really even an if scenario since I've been having it on and off for the better part of a decade and it's maximum shelf life historically is 10 years and that's with stem cell treatments.

I'm not shocked as I've came close to dying a few times from septic like symptoms since 2018.

My time here on earth is finally sealed but there is some closure knowing I can stop trying so damn hard at life and can just give in.

I didn't make it and infact I lost my only chance to last year but knowing what I know now I wouldn't have made it regardless.

It was nice meeting you faggots, you guys gave me hope when my body was failing and probably extended my life on this planet by a year or two.

I hope you guys sincerely make it, those who've been here and put in their time and held onto dear life in hopes of a better dream or having something to leave to your loved ones.

I wish this was a larp but it's not, getting some things into place and saying my goodbyes, I might still have a few years left in me with some treatments but there's no cure for what I have and I refuse to spend the rest of my life fighting a battle I can't win.

Pray for my family anons, and for my doctors that they give me the best care and alleviate my pain in my last few years on this planet.

Enjoy this life, I lived mine fast and now I can at least lay my head down at night knowing I don't have to fight anymore, and pray I get some assistance from the state so I can rest peacefully in these final days.

Goodluck gentlemen, I'll see you on the otherside.
And no I'm not vaxxed, it would have likely killed me quicker.

>> No.51558406

*sigh* not you again you little niggerfaggot. How many times do we have to tell it you? We will never ever give you any money, you can make up or steal any sob story you want you will not even get a single cent from /biz/. Kys and stop posting here and get a job, you are mentally ill.

>> No.51558420

Rip dude. Leave some BTC for your family.

>> No.51558427

I don't need money anon, nor would I have use for it I've got enough to survive the rest of my life, I'm completely genuine and not whoever you might think you're talking to.

>> No.51558429

does it really feel noticeably better after you give up?
might be relevant information soon

>> No.51558450

what virus

>> No.51558484

It's just Epstein-Barr but I can't get rid of it, and it's causing my organs to fail and I can't fight off simple infections anymore, I had suspected it early on when I was first in the phases of diagnosis but somehow this got completely missed but puts everything into perspective.

>> No.51558491

You are truly mentally ill I know your writing style, most of the time with the same story. Stop with your bullshit you won't get any money here.

>> No.51558532
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It's better to live a fast life than a long one of mediocrity.
Hopefully the next life treats you with a better hand.
Godspeed, fren.

>> No.51558605

You can assume what you wish but not here to ask for chump change, just a goodbye to you insufferable faggots and a sincere wish you make it, including you.

I have money and it's enough to survive, and even if I had more it's not enough to enjoy or use to fix my life so I've forfeit my aspirations of that dream.
Shockingly yes, there's some vindication behind finally knowing I won't even be around in 2025, I had assumed it was virus but literally months of testing every single damn thing but this simple issue was overseen.
I'm going to an immunologist soon as I can get one appointed and then once I confirm what i already know just going to ask for a stead supply of painkillers, and a check off so I can file for disability, funnel that into a POD for my family and attempt to enjoy my time, no point in working anymore just going to shorten my life, there's actually a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders.

>> No.51558613

anon I don't want to give you false hope but Have you ever tried a 3 day dry fast? It basically forces your body to eat your fat cells to get the water out of them, This entire process purges your body of a ton of toxins, you will feel like absolute shit and then suddenly your body starts healing it's self once the toxins have been removed.


>> No.51558665

My immunologist will likely suggest something like that to at least mitigate what I have, there's stem cell treatment that has kept like one person alive from it so that avenue is retarded.
but I'll likely fast if it means it can control some of the painful effects, currently on steroids which are helping but it's just a bandaid.

>> No.51558755

You mind telling us what condition you have? Sorry to hear it friend, we were all supposed to make it together

>> No.51558808

OP, what virus?

>> No.51558813

It's CAEBV which is basically chronic active epstein barr virus, something 95% of people shrug off, something my body just refuses to fix and basically breaks down the immune system till everything that can invade it will, hence the last 7-8 years of a collapsing body to the point where I am now.
The steroids have subsided some effects but I've been in and out of the ER for the last two years nearly monthly and this just somehow now got noticed, basically been called crazy by doctors until now, which is fine I'm quite used to it, and infact this disease has been making me slowly more and more insane, total has been quite revealing.

>> No.51558878
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>basically been called crazy by doctors until now
Can you sue them for negligence?

God speed anon.

>> No.51559057

OP, please listen to me!!! Ask your doctor to prescribe you at least 300mg of lithium!

Eppstein-Barr virus cannot replicate if you have lithium in your bloodstream. About 90% of adults have antibodies to EBV, but only 20% do in areas where the water has high levels of lithium.

Also, consider that EBV antibodies are associated with bipolar disorder. The first-line treatment for bipolar disorder is lithium!

Read this:

All it takes it 300mg of lithium a day to keep your EBV from reactivating. Lithium has antiviral properties.

>> No.51559105

Not sure and thanks frens, didn't really cross my mind but honestly don't really care that much and won't likely be around for any kind of settlement but my family might be able to.

>> No.51559198

All you gotta do is drink your urine and you’ll be better almost instantly. Urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma that has all the critical antibodies, stem cells, minerals, salts, vitamins, proteins, hormones, enzymes, and amino acids to heal from anything.

It balances your body perfectly… and FAST.

Fixed myself of all sorts of chronic issues 3 years ago.

When I started reading about it it all made sense and was probably going to do it anyway, cuz I was at like 20% function. Then I came across this article…


Then literally started doing it 5 mins later.

Once you unlearn urine is not waste but filtered blood it’s super easy to do, granted it doesn’t taste great.

>> No.51559249
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Chick I was talking to who had all sorts of stomach issues from eating disorders. She is a hippy type chick so she was open to it immediately.

>> No.51559277

And if you are like OMG urine…. Grooooooossssss.

You already drank and breathed in your moms then your own urine in the womb. It’s how you were formed. Amniotic fluid is urine.

>> No.51559315

And don’t do it on steroids. If you are on meds, stop doing them before drinking your urine.

>> No.51559363
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I've been using 4chan for 10 years now, first on /g/, then /biz/.

OP hit me in the feels tonight, I might have spent years talking to the same group of people, but because of the ephemeral and anonymous nature of 4chan (minus tripfaggotry), I'll never get to know them unless threads like this one pops up.

God knows if I'm the only anon feeling this way or if I'm being a faggot

>> No.51559417

thanks for clarifying fren, may you find some joy in what time is left
at least with modern day stimulants and painkillers and no need to care about long term effects you can be kept standing for a good while
do you got any bucket list things planned to go out with a bang or is it more of a looming demise feeling where you dont care anymore about such things as you can no longer lose yourself in the moment

also ignore that other anon, nowhere in your post did you express any interest in donations so no need to defend yourself against baseless claims

>> No.51559526

Can't they just give you intravenous immunoglobulin?

>> No.51559532

I don't take him to heart, I understand where he's coming from.
It's more of the looming demise mixed with some bittersweet happiness, I got around 10k I can play with and not really care so I'm not needing money and I'm working still so my employer will be understanding and probably give me some super light duty job until I get my paperwork in order.

Knowing I can take receipts to a good new doctor and get some sort of level of care is nice, and honestly I've done a lot with my life, I think I might spend the last of my days fixing my broken down home and then go for a drive around some national parks if I'm physically able, and I've had enough sex and wild life adventures that thrill isn't in me anymore.
Well I'm being sincere could be why you're feeling the way you do, and you aren't a faggot I am for making this thread but it's easier to say goodbye to random strangers than people I know.
The problem is I think my time is coming to an end, I'm only able to get moments of reprieve like today with the medication to clear my head enough to write the words I do.
And likely my candle will be snuffed out swiftly in the middle of the night so I may not have a chance to say anything at all.

>> No.51559536

If you mentally resign yourself like this your body will aswell, and that will open you up to feeling worse.
Never, ever stop fighting, don't live like you won't have a future.
Never give up.

>> No.51559558

Also EBV has pretty decent antivirals.

>> No.51559587

I'll have to find out what they suggest I do but from my grasp it will only give me some extension of life and maybe some better quality but there's no cure, 1 out of a million survived it and that's with extensive and probably expensive stem cell treatments, we will see though.

>> No.51559638
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If you read what I wrote above you’ll be better in less than a week. Just gotta drink your urine.

>> No.51559660




>might die


>likely fatal


>there’s no cure


>might survive

You will die


Cya retard

>> No.51559672

>but there's no cure

There’s no cure for anything except your urine is the cure for everything.

Even if doctors “cure” you of whatever issue you have, you are probably fucked in other ways from the side effects of the medication.

>> No.51559709


MD FAG here, it's called CAEBV.

It's rare and OP is not larping.

Live well your last years OP.

Hope your prayers reach out to me so i can make it and make something out of my mediocre life as a wagie.

>> No.51559714

>fixing my broken down home
thats a worthwhile pursuit fren leaving something behind after you are gone
would you mind sharing your age where you get to the point where the thrill isnt needed anymore

>> No.51559727


> OP has seen multiple doctors

> One random anon on a schizo board has the answer

KEK i love 4chan

>> No.51559768

would you have correctly diagnosed it if OP came to you?

>> No.51559785

Thank you fren and yes it's CAEBV, guaranteed since it's been ongoing multiple years for sure I know just from my spleen being enlarged on and off nonstop, I asked for this test over a year ago and was somehow missed but regardless I'm glad to know I've gotten some closure/understanding even this last doctor tried pushing me out the door and said it was allergies till they checked my spleen.
I hope you make it fren this life is worth so much more than spending it working.
Not entirely sure I understand your question but I wanted to fix my home for myself but knowing I won't be here to enjoy it now I feel like I have to just to leave something good behind rather than something ugly and negative like everyone seems to default to.

>> No.51559832

All you gotta do is read this article. Start doing it…. And you’ll be better fast.


>> No.51559858


I'm not an infections disease specialist.

In medicine we start from most probable causes and we start going to the least probable and rare causes.

"When you hear galloping think horses not zebras"

If most things fail or appear negative we ask for a specialized opinion.

>> No.51559886


Did you try stem cell therapy anon?

It has curing chances

>> No.51559888

Why not go out with a bang? In Minecraft I'd start raping everyone woman around me

>> No.51559903

>Did you try stem cell therapy anon?

Your own stem cells are in your urine to fix anything. Just gotta drink your urine.

>> No.51559915

Kek has spoken

>> No.51559918

This is dumb. You should start with the most probable causes but also check with the most terminal/devastating possible causes as you go down the list.

>> No.51559945

No I'm going to have to schedule a visit with an immunologist and a new GP and get all my paperwork in order and see how to attack it, although I'm not optimistic considering it's shelf life and how far back I can recognize this taking place, which started for sure in 2017 that I can track, and if it's shelf life is a decade at max I'm creeping towards that line and my general health is pretty much declined to scraping the bottom of the barrel, just had a bunch of teeth pulled because they rapidly rotted away started around that same time my body stopped fighting infections.

>> No.51559946


yeah sure faggot, i see a man with fever for 1 week.

I should probably check him for cancer instead of probably treating him for infection.

stfu brainlet

>> No.51559960

just how old are you right now
i was wondering at which age people say i have had enough adventures

>> No.51559973


The only known cure is multipotent stem cell transplant.

Howeveer there's chance it fails, you will only know after doing some bloodwork after the transplantation to see if your T cells respond to treatment.

>> No.51560004

I'm mid 30's although I checked out mentally early 20's I've been sick/sickly my whole life and now just figuring this out, when I'm probably beyond my expiration date, but I just plan on living my life my way and praise god, I should be dead already but for some reason he's kept me here but I'm ready to finally lay down the sword.

>> No.51560050

suicidal /biz/tards = bottom signal
time to buy niggers

>> No.51560057

>I should probably check him for cancer instead of probably treating him for infection.
Unironically yes. What is age-based screening? Also you should be checking for HIV and other life-threatening infectious disease.

Also, with an attitude like that, I hope you get forced out of the profession.

>> No.51560061

I sincerely doubt my insurance which is just run medicaid would cover it, only maybe a chance since it's so rare they might give me it as a case study, I won't give up all hope but I'm realistic with my expectations.

>> No.51560077

thats younger then i thought, but yeah i can see how feeling sickly can rid you of the desire for adventure

>> No.51560115


thanks for ur wishes anon pls don't die
have a good one, the world is your oyster!

>> No.51560126

Sorry to hear it anon, I’ll pray for you. Thanks for taking time and sharing your story with us.

>> No.51560259

Thanks frens, and yeah I've been sick since around 10-11 and just never had parents that really took a keen interest in checking in and I felt off and on for years but mostly off and culminating into nonstop episodes of pain and infections which makes sense basically just a shit immune system, even now my body is attacking itself again but what can you do.

I miss not being able to lust for adventure but when you can only find small windows of joy you just enjoy those while you can.
You guys will make it, you're good people.

>> No.51560273

You are a fucking idiot. I’ve taken the time to write out the solution for you and I don’t even get acknowledged. You could have at least said fuck off.

I don’t know if you have seen my TRE threads here and on /x/ and /pol/ the last 3 years, but I have a little bit of cred here as I have helped tons of anons.

You drink your urine and your infection will go away. It’s that fucking simple.

>> No.51560295

>basically just a shit immune system

Your urine supercharges your immune system.

>> No.51560338

good morning sir

>> No.51560381

age-based screening is recommended by age and is defined by your country's health organization.

Usually breast, prostate and uterus.

You don't have any idea of what you are talking about.

Get out of 4chan and go read a book

>> No.51560415


"by age" it is in the name.

I'm not gonna search for prostate cancer or cancer in general in a man that presents fever for 1 week, i'm gonna think infection.


>> No.51560429


30 year old man*

>> No.51560448

>In medicine we start from most profitable causes and we start going to the least profitable and rare causes.

Fuck MDs. He even admits he wouldn’t and couldn’t diagnose you. He’d barely give you the time of day before prescribing SSRIs. I seriously hope an AI replaces you. A salesman for jew pharma. I’d sooner listen to the anon telling people to drink their urine.

>> No.51560493
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Thanks for the thread OP, it means a lot. I don't know why but i think you've shared some of your peace with me. I hope one day we can meet again, when we've all had our run in this world.
All the best

>> No.51560506
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Bye op. It was nice posting with you here. I'm sure in some way I'll miss you. Thanks for the well wishes and while it sucks to die, I'm happy that at least you found some closure and seem to be taking it well. Hope you make it in heaven.

>> No.51560507

>Multiple posts in a row
Schizo LARP. Dammit, you got me again.
Anyway, yes, doctors will screen you for age-based issues early if you show up presenting with symptoms that could be related and the most common causes are ruled out. Better to catch it even though you're not "supposed" to be old enough to get it yet. Actual doctors know that there's no guarantee Mr. Patient is going to make it back in for their "proper" screening. Idiot.

>> No.51560525

Are you the anon that needed money to replace his teeth?

>> No.51560574
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sad to hear this brother.
glad we could shitpost together
/biz/ is more of a homeboard to more than some would think.

I hope you can find peace
see you in the afterlife fren

>> No.51560621

Hey, sorry op mind if I ask this urine therapist a question? Can I use it to cure reoccurring prostate infections? Most of the time my urine isn’t contaminated. Thanks. All in ICP

>> No.51560710

Also OP look into supplementing iodine. We are all very deficient on.