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51557672 No.51557672 [Reply] [Original]

I am a literal millionaire and I feel completely fucking empty.

No material wealth can replace the love I missed out on. I should kill myself and leave my wealth to my brother and his girlfriend.

>> No.51557695

That won't cure anything. It'll only make stuff worse.

Nah I think you should live humbly, and give all your money to me.

>> No.51557710
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You were meant to find friends or family you can help with your wealth. That’s why it feels empty. Fulfill the natural human need to help and life will have meaning.
Good luck fren & enjoy making it, don’t fight it

>> No.51557714

I think you should donate some to my charity anon b4 you off yourself.

>> No.51557723

if i was a millionaire i would just smoke weed and play elden ring with a butt plug all day haha just kidding haha

>> No.51557725

i ghosted all my friends years ago. I haven't left the house in nearly a year. It's over.

>> No.51557730

Same. I cry everyday.

>> No.51557750

You literally need to make meaning out of your life. It will not be given to you and even if it were, you wouldn't actually value it.

Unironically read Jordan Peterson. You have to gradually organize your life until it reaches a point where you can accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself. That state of being is far greater than any number in an account.

Use your money to improve yourself basically. And find real goals that you can be happy with, which don't require the approval of others.

>> No.51557759

Don't wall street guys normally use hookers and coke for that or is that just in the movies?

>> No.51557777

Thanks for letting us know and taking up valuable shitcoin thread space that could have been used for coins like zenon and ICP

>> No.51557778

Find a loli gf and be happy

>> No.51557788

Do it faggot

>> No.51557832

This. You can have all the money and resources in the world but still feel emptiness. Man needs purpose—to follow his own righteous path. OP has no purpose and is unfulfilled.

>> No.51557856

The only advice you need is that 4channers can't help you anon. Talking to anonymous frog-posters is your excuse to do nothing. You just want to feel good opening up to someone then go back to doing whatever it is that you were doing. You've got to come to terms with your situation and decide whether you should be affected by people judging you for doing nothing. Now donate to my charity.

>> No.51557914


>> No.51557915

Help the people that are close to you, that will help you

>> No.51557928

My plan when I make it is:
>give 90% of the money to my family and friends
>fuck off somewhere on a last adventure

Why don't you do the same? Just go somewhere, you clearly don't want to be where you are right now. Or maybe when you leave you realize there are things you think are worth living for.

>> No.51557933

OP is right though..I had a family and a bad divorce..now I have no one or anything and the dating world in 2022 is beyond fucked...it's all so pointless now. Money doesn't solve it either.

>> No.51558098

>the love I missed out on
nigga I'm poor and forever virgin
fuck you

>> No.51558130

money is literally all that matters, if you feel this way then you're either mentally weak or mentally ill.

>> No.51558328


consider having children through an egg donor and a surrogate

>> No.51559113

I'm a millionaire too. I still find joy in working long hours, hatefucking my gf once a week, and bragging about my wealth on 4channel. You have to learn to enjoy the simple things in life.

>> No.51561144

>slide thread #1532828
do it faggot, burn your coins.

>> No.51561517

Start a farm
>apple orchard
>4 vegetable patches
If you still find no meaning in life I can’t help you

>> No.51561549

Stop looking backward. Look forward.

>> No.51561560

That sounds pretty fucking based actually

>> No.51561582

You can give it to them and not kill yourself

>> No.51561639

You could teach me how to become millionaire.

>> No.51561876

Unironically turn your heart to Jesus.

>> No.51561936

Based ghoster. Did the same to most of them.
Do you have family you can live with?
I can't imagine being completely alone

>> No.51562175

Im a 120k 40 year old guy who lives on the middle class edge of a very rich suburban neighborhood.
The other day me and my hot 28yo wife pulled up next to a rich guy and his old wife in a convertable mercades. He looked at me with so much envy it made me realise theres more to life then money.

>> No.51562256

>be me
>have thousands of awesome ideas a day
>am always early to an idea but never have the capital to make it come to fruition
>yet I remain, without capital, unfulfilled and tortured by my gift. Filled with inspiration and motivation, but alas, it appears I have nowhere to move
We are both hurting but for different reasons

>> No.51562293

Do men live off of love? I thought it was a sense of purporse.

>> No.51562311
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thinking of doing the same to my bro/gf daughters

>> No.51562317

same. I want to get out but there's like nowhere to go. Going out places by myself isn't fun at all, would rather just stay home and shitpost. But being stuck at home all the time is making me feel like I'm going nuts. Really not sure what can be done

>> No.51562339

my goal was to "make it" and not have to sit in a cubicle anymore. now that I've achieved that there's like nothing else worth doing. The only thing I really want is some love & companionship, and that is a goal which by definition requires the approval of others, something I've never had much luck getting in any circumstance

>> No.51562340

do a flip

>> No.51562343

Hmm you must have not earned it by working hard. Self made Millionaires feel pride in their success and work. You skipped out the whole building yourself up part of becoming a millionaire which make you feel bad because you lack the self respect for yourself you would have built along the way climbing up to rich status

>> No.51562347

>my wealth to my brother and his girlfriend.
Cuck your brother with his wife, it's the only way

>> No.51562365

nice cope.

>> No.51562401

Replace working long hours with gym and you are me. I retired

>> No.51562416

You just need to make your home more enjoyable. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to participate in this joke of a society.

>> No.51562428

Congrats anon. 7 figures is a rare accomplishment you should feel proud of yourself.

I hit this a few years back and got lost in ennui like you are doing. I drank too much and wasted money and more importantly time just chilling. I started going to church and lifting weights again. Those two things helped me and I think they will help you. If you want to take a step further then leave your city and travel for a long time, like a year.

>> No.51562433

Shut the fuck up

>> No.51562435

>all this money is worthless
>i know ill kill myself and hurt my family so i can give them my worthless money

if you want to be happy start by loving yourself lad

>> No.51562437

I go to the gym on my off days. I'll definitely go 4 or 5 days a week whenever I do decide to retire.

>> No.51562439

my house is pretty nice tbqh. Got nice furniture, all sorts of high-end electronics, home gym. I've asked myself what else I could do to make it nicer but nothing comes to mind. All this nice stuff and nobody to share it with feels bad man

>> No.51562461

>If you want to take a step further then leave your city and travel for a long time, like a year.

I've thought about doing this but it's like where I go and what would I do when I got there? Plus traveling alone seems super lame. What am I supposed to do just walk around some foreign city by myself? I feel like I'd just end up doing the same thing there that I do here i.e. hang out at home and shitpost

>> No.51562489

Amateur I am 10 years plus. Lost what little life I had at 18 and have had none since

>> No.51562555
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stop bumping demoralization threads, fucking idiots

>> No.51562996

humble yourself and pick up the phone to call someone you used to care about. tell them you were thinking about them and feel bad you haven't spoken in ages, see how it goes
if you can face suicide but can't face that you're a coward.
you can do it

>> No.51563108

>literal millionaire

post your bank account or something. this is all larp

>> No.51563199

>No material wealth can replace the love I missed out on.
you should recognize the difference between first world problems and real problems.

>> No.51564756

Get a dog

>> No.51564779

I was so much happier when I had money

>> No.51564791

based and redpilled. you have won life

>> No.51564809

Hey bro, What is it you want?

Please don't kill yourself I promise you are worth more than all the money in the world to your brother.

What you want is a girlfriend, a wife, and then a family. You made all the money in the world, so dedicate your time to social exercise, DIY, maybe gardening or some other cool activity.

I promise you can recover loser.

>> No.51565233

If I had your money, I'd do two things:


Learn to love your own company. Learn to respect yourself. Then go out and travel. Buy an RV. Go anywhere you want. It doesn't matter. Be your own bestfriend. Discover art and beautiful scenery and nature. Discover small restaurants. Small talk with locals.

The world is your oyster, you just gotta learn how to navigate it.

>> No.51565867

The average millenial/zoomer will need at least 3 million to retire comfortably in their old age.

>> No.51565957
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Man up, who fucking cares about your brother and his girlfriend? Make some friends and do things you're interested in. If you can't figure out what you want to do... thats when you explore yourself. I would be happy to have you as a friend. Lets play games online, travel to places and most importantly, have fun. I stopped caring about the rest a while ago, but that lets me CHOOSE what I care about. Reply to this post and let me know youre interested, then ill provide a way to reach me. Reality is an IQ test. Where will you land?

>> No.51566056
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That’s a good idea. Chick magnet and you’ll get exercise walking it and touching grass.

>> No.51566065
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You don't have a goal, a dream, a vision, or whatever you want to call it. If I had that extra money I'd take a few years off and do something I dreamed of like kickboxing professionally in Thailand or going to university in Kyoto for Manga.
You're an ungrateful bitch. I would love to have even just an extra like 50k-100k to take 5 years off and live the dream.

>> No.51566149

Make the best form of yourself. Start exercising. I never did when i was younger but at some point i just called local gym and hired personal trainer to coach me some good starter trainings and it was amazing how it improved my life in every aspect. Later started kickboxing and got to the best shape of my life, started getting looks from girls and at some party with old friends met my current wife.

>> No.51566173

And like to point out that i did it all by myself, i knew that if i went to the gym with some friend that it would fail because eventually friend wouldnt come and then i would skip days also

>> No.51566267

Why are you living in a full-size house all alone? Are you in a city?

No idea what your situation is, but imo with financial freedom and avoidant personality I would do a condo in a city, and just go to a corporate gym.

>> No.51566474

I'm a millionaire too 35 married and I'm going to divorce because she no longer wants children. I am utterly terrified and I think I might not be able to produce children. Marry and procreate early friends. I'm terrified of entering the dating market at this age.

>> No.51566490

Can I have 25k?
I'll choke your bitch wife.

>> No.51567199

Wasted complainer digits.
OP ygmi, we are all GMI

>> No.51567391

Don't kill yourself, read about Ibn Hazm he was just like you so he decided to piss off the government and became an ascetic

>> No.51567645

>replace the love I missed out on
Huh. Are you 60

>> No.51567686

But if you die you will miss out on how the show ends!

>> No.51567759

I do not understand people that claim to be less afraid of dying than they are of social interaction. its not that hard to reconnect with people or make new friends anon. shit, Ill come hang with you if you want. you just gotta reach out. you will get back to normal fren.

>> No.51568124

>get money for freedom
problem after that is what is a real goal

>get more hobbies
but why, what do hobbies achieve? you dont need money.

>> No.51568266

>Imagine not buying real estate and retiring with an aryan gf in Thailand, living off passive income, drinking cocktails in the beach and doing threesomes every day.

Tell me how I know you are a low IQ wage loving normie

>> No.51568539

move away from city or urban area, live in nature and grow some food but also buy some good gadgets that will make life comfy

>> No.51568541

I'm having a complete fucking mental breakdown.

>> No.51570935

do a flip faggot

>> No.51572922
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I am your opposite; broke with spouse and kids and family. Still completely hollow inside. It’s better with money than without. Life as all about slavery; either you are one (poor) or are free (rich). Fuck your feelings. They come from living in a society designed to make you feel exactly like you do now. Leave the society and pursue fulfilling goals.

>> No.51572989
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Yes we have seen this before around here. Sad

>> No.51573013

They'll respond. "What the fuck, we all have problems. You're pathetic if you think you can just drop out of life and come back"

>> No.51573206

start tracking your daily habits, i started doing this and it's made me change things i used to do on autopilot that werent beneficial for me

i use an app called daylio