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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51551974 No.51551974 [Reply] [Original]

Happy humpday everyone. Hope no one is working too hard. For me, I have a weekly team meeting in 5 minutes. My cam will be off and my attention elsewhere the entire time. I make 30 calls a day and hold demos/send contracts as needed. I never work more than 4 hours max. Currently studying aws cloud for a cert and will change industries soon for more money. Life is good frens.

>> No.51552017

you will be laid off soon

>> No.51552036

Based! We had a few hectic weeks during our phone migration, but that's over with and I'm in between projects. Running a script to keep my teams status as "available" while i go workout. Might make a few calls but will likely just hang out and bullshit for the rest of the day.

>> No.51552074


>> No.51552105

Checked my emails first thing this morning. Replied to a couple. Then went down to the coast and had a swim. Checked my emails again at 3.30pm. Nothing. Logged off for the day.

>> No.51552151

you all are fucking larping. until you provide evidence of truth, these jobs quite literally do not exist. everything is fucking hybrid or in-office.

>> No.51552179

Echo "Toggling ScrollLock..."
$WShell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell"
while ($true) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
Start-Sleep -Seconds 350

Script that I use to continuously interact with the OS.

Savei n notepad as whatever you wish (mine is mouseclick.ps1), right click, run with powershell.

>> No.51552222

also, dont get me wrong. i work my ass off some weeks. im not one of those people who will pretend i only work 2 hours a week. during a recent tenant migration, i put in like 60 hours a week for a month. But outside of that, I will definitely take back my time by going for a hike and keeping my alerts on. Worst case scenario, something comes up and I just go back home. I don't go on vacation or out of state when I do this, i stick around the house or very close by but I definitely take advantage and get my time back.

>> No.51552224

>everything is fucking hybrid or in-office.
i work in accounting, permanently remote. i do like 4-6 hours a day on average.

>> No.51552239

You are incorrect sir. I am trusted to get on with my job and nobody monitors what I'm doing. Turns out my job requires about 2 hours a week of actual work. Most of the time I spent in the office was spent browsing the internet, chatting, and going for coffee breaks. If you distil my job (and a lot of other jobs) down to actual work there's very little left.

>> No.51552284

I have a meeting in an hour and I'm skipping it to take my dog for a walk.

>> No.51552418

An even easier one:

Add-Type -assemblyName System.Windows.Forms;$a=@(1..100);while(1){[System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($a|get-random),($a|get-random));start-sleep -seconds 5}

run powershell as admin, paste, hit enter. easy.

>> No.51552485

If you live in an area with good signal and can expense a smaller laptop, carry it in a backpack, and you can tether to your phone and work on it or remote into your main workstation if something comes up

>> No.51552660

I just moved from a Big 4 to a Bank, and B4 was actually less work. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.51553007 [DELETED] 



Prepare anus.

>> No.51553622

jerked off for 2 hours today including during the 11am meeting

>> No.51553679

Lmao I would network contain your host immediately if you tried that on my network

>> No.51553864

That's the fun part of work from home; I'm not on your network

>> No.51553870

At gym currently rocking out to Rammstein, put my status to “lunch”.

>> No.51553919
File: 101 KB, 600x415, 1651855355861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe wagie. You will never understand that us WFH chads are paid for our specific domain knowledge, execution, and results. No one with a functioning pre-frontal cortex in tech cares if you complete your tasks early and fuck off the rest of the day as we don't have to pretend to work in an office, like you.

>> No.51554078

I just put a spanner on my space bar and open a word document. Tf do you need a script to do it for ?

>> No.51554156

This would be a good larp if I wasn't in tech. I dont even have to run them as admin, I can just run them from a normal user shell. Imagine thinking anyone would be scouring the networks for some fucking powershell oneliner.

>> No.51554216

I am still lol'ing at you for thinking that any kind of siem or monitoring software would send off red signals because of a fucking powershell session being opened and sending localized commands that have nothing to do with any system, admin level system calls, or anything significant.

>> No.51556459
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Any hybrid cucks around? I need to show up 2 days a week and I hate it. Management are also pushing for more days a week but (un)luckily I live far enough and they give me a break.

>> No.51556540

This week has been hectic! I've spent up to four hours working hard each day this week rather than 30 minutes to an hour of concentrated work.

This has taken a small bit of a toll on my productivity at my second job I'm doing concurrently, but they like my work so I should be okay.

>> No.51556694

>technically hybrid, but never go in
>they ask us to come in because vp will be touring
>don't go
>pretty sure he was only there to kvetch about going to the office more

I've been actually doing a lot of work lately, I'm automating as much of my job as possible so I can kick back for awhile. If they actually make us come back then I'll try to find a full remote job for now I get stock bonuses for the next 3 years if I stay. Hopefully I make it make it soon and can just fuck off and do whatever.

I just put something heavy to hold down one of my keys, that way I can never be caught

>> No.51556745

based low tech anons.

>> No.51557575

Are you in IT or accounting? currently working at a big4 audit but they pushing us back into 3 days in office :(

>> No.51558036

reporting in - i have not done anything today :)

>> No.51558737

there are certain machines within enterprises that are monitored on that level, but certainly not a laptop and absolutely not one that a user would take off prem

>> No.51558798

I literally haven't done any work since May.

When I'm in the office I just open up my IDE and some documentation so that I can pretend to work

When I'm at home I just shitpost on /biz/ all day

>> No.51559793

What job?

>> No.51560083

yup, have to spend 20 hours in the office a week (hate it, but it is part of my contract), I just bust out 2 - 10 hour days and then enjoy the rest of the week at home doing the next 20.

>> No.51560420

Keep up the hard work fren. I wish you eternal easy days.

>everything is fucking hybrid or in-office.
Yeah, if you’re an unskilled wage it is. Many of the frens in this thread are highly skilled workers. We can dictate our terms in this weirdo globohomo economy with sky high inflation and labor shortages because of everyone dying from the vax

I work at PwC and literally go in maybe once week, if that. I chose the virtual option lmao. Commuting is for suckers. I recently went to a client site where EVERYONE was back in office for 5 days a week. They’ve had a shitload of turnover in every department. I wonder why that is???

>> No.51561307

Is everyone that's doing this just exclusively tech? I cant stand talking to fucking norms anymore I want to be at home. Currently working a business grad job

>> No.51561791

Just scored an interview for another WFH job that pays more than my current one

>> No.51562616
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WFH full time but go to office for free food. People see me in office and assume i work all day. Never spend so much time on 4chan....life is good

>> No.51562671
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don t read email. hey anon did you see my email ? No sorry too busy to check email ! don t even challenge me... ah ok anon good luck and keep the good work. Try to think 5 min....nobody will think you re not working if you tell them that you are too busy to check email....best defense is offense. Do what you want with this information anyway

>> No.51562697
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this guy get it. hey anon can you come ? No sorry too busy!

>> No.51562860

How can I get a wfh position? 3/4 of my college years was done from home so I have no connections on LinkedIn. Please respond

>> No.51562913

First you will need some experience anon. 1-2 years in some place, add recruiters in Linkedin and job hop somewhere comfy. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.51562992
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2020 best year ! i never work so little since WFH started. Now i go in office and it s even better. be in office when full remote automatically means "he is working hard". why don t everybody do it ?

>> No.51563117

I work for the government. I can't complete projects unless they're projects specifically assigned by my supervisor. Today I went to one meeting, made food, cleaned my kitchen, replied to maybe 4 emails, and then left an hour early to go fishing. Technically they could reassign me away from WFH to a field position at any point, where I'd actually have to do field inspections, site visits, in-person client meetings, etc. until then I do between 1 and 5 hours of work in an average day, depending if they can find an assignment for me or not. I'm going to enjoy it, it won't last forever.

>> No.51563244

>First you will need some experience anon. 1-2 years in some place, add recruiters in Linkedin and job hop somewhere comfy. Rinse and repeat.
I have an issue getting a response from recruiters anon. I feel like if I don’t have connections, no one looks at me. I have a 6 month internship experience and 1 and a half years of job exp for working for my dad’s firm that only exists on paper. My resume has all the keywords too and I pass job tests. I just never get the follow up because of the connections, at least that’s what I think.

>> No.51563290
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Unfashionably based. Fellow WFH Chad. I’ve been able to see my son crawl and will be able to see him take his first steps with my own eyes. Office wagies are isolated from their families and I too was stuck in this sad cage. No longer

>> No.51563312


>> No.51563696
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>have to go in tomorrow
>will be using leave
nice try. see you in a few weeks (or not)