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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5153137 No.5153137 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to apologize?

>> No.5153187

fuck should have bought at 45, I knew it would moon sooner or later, long overdue,.

>> No.5153291

On what basis

>> No.5153317

go watch the charts

>> No.5153337

Bitfinex just got a slight bounce

>> No.5153514

yeah this is going to do a ripple/litecoin
bought in now

>> No.5153965

Extremely undervalued, also just released smart contracts in python. bitches love python

>> No.5153997

Like today? So 100% in a few hours then?

>> No.5154049

had a few, put an order days ago in 43$ but it don't reach these point.

but nevermind, i am pretty comfy now

>> No.5154077

>tfw bought 2300 ans at $6 each

>> No.5154124

>bought 100 ans
>price kept falling for 2-3 weeks
>fuck this shitcoin im out
>mfw i would have made ~11x my initial investment
>mfw i have no face

>> No.5154148

Weak hands.

>> No.5154164

>mfw i would have made ~11x my initial investment
with GAS included?

>> No.5154191

i admit i was pretty inexperienced at the time
didn't consider that

>> No.5154228

I have 55 ANS. Once this hits 100 gonna sell and buy more Link and REQ. Might cash out 1000 to buy a new computer.

>> No.5154309


Oh shit, I didn't hear about that. That's awesome.

>> No.5154400
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just went long on leverage

>> No.5154430

is it still worth buying now though?

its already up 40%

>> No.5154431

$75 ? $100 minimum with the current state of the market.

>> No.5154478

what does this shitcoin do? why is neo important? convince me to buy your shitcoin.
>inb4 DYOR

>> No.5154756

dyor you fucking window licker. nobody here is gonna spoonfeed you worthwhile info.

>> No.5154785


>> No.5154857

DYOR, bitch

>> No.5154874

Fuck off little bitches, I protected myself with the >inb4 DYOR
You broke a 4chan rule fuckers. Get out.

>> No.5154900


It pumps and dumps, that's literally the entire business model.

>> No.5154907

something something transferring money from the impatient to the patient
-- Memeboomer

>> No.5154973

This is going to 100 tonight

volume uptrend is follow the same pattern as IOTA, Ripple, and ADA

NEO is long overdue for a hard pump. 10b market cap at least

>> No.5155323


It is like ethereum, but instead of a proprietary programming language, it uses languages that are common to people. It generates gas, which you need to run things on the neo network.

>> No.5155381

>t. bagholders

>> No.5155655
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bought in at .003035. its sitting at .0037 as i write this

yeah, no gains over here...

>> No.5155676
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It's like ethereum and also has a fair amount of development under its belt.
>supports/will support common languages like C# and python
>better transactions
>dBFT is superior to eth's POS

>way behind in partnerships and marketing
>only available on two exchanges, highly manipulated (shit like today's pnd happens on the regular
>went up 100x when people found out it was a good project and thought china would adopt it. turns out china is way less open to crypto than previously thought

I'm done with neo because of the aforementioned pnds. this is a good coin with a serious team but apparently some deep-pocketed ill-intentioned people own all of it and constantly pump and dump it with no regards for its continuous development or reputation. It's only established lower and lower floors, often moons out of the blue for no fucking reason, and then when people buy in thinking it's getting its deserved attention get dumped on. It's a crying shame but I don't recommend buying it.

>t. former neo bagholder, made over 20x with it in june but have only been disappointed ever since.

>> No.5156136

its dipping noooooooooooooo

>> No.5156171

>It generates gas
My ass generates more gas than this shitcoin

>> No.5156205

sell before it goes back to $20
i warmed you screamcap this

>> No.5156226
File: 126 KB, 1410x697, Neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only established lower and lower floors
Your handler is slipping.