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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1000x706, bat-token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51549020 No.51549020 [Reply] [Original]

It was supposed to be our year...

>> No.51549064

said who?
fuck off the other fud thread isn't even down yet
all fields

>> No.51549352

Wake the fuck up retard this is going to fucking ZERO

>> No.51549360

nobody believed that

>> No.51549685

I'm glad this top 100 shitcoin gets so much negative brigading attention every time a thread pops up. Folks like you are very kind to do so and aren't obsessed/paid.

>> No.51549815

Token not needed

bagholders attacking each other, bullish

>> No.51551159


>> No.51551221



>> No.51551282
File: 35 KB, 160x315, soyjak screech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was supposed to be our year...

BAT will never, EVER have its LINK moment

>> No.51551365

What does Brendan look more like? A pig or a human?

>> No.51551402
File: 512 KB, 1242x1793, E513A5A3-B4C2-4B5C-AA34-93109CD82BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brendan is kinda cute I feel like he has a big dick too

>> No.51551527

Lift his apron and find out.

>> No.51551617
File: 44 KB, 608x456, eichx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> obese
> lazy
> zero self discipline
imagine investing in this guy...
> muh, he has a big head, he must have big brains, BAT is going to moon
...fucking BATtard logic

>> No.51551652

He thinks he's a virologist. Just vaccinate yourself already fat boy.

>> No.51551852

>goal driven
>sticks to his ideals even when ostracized for them (gay marriage, covid vaccines, etc.)

>> No.51551886

Who cares if gays marry? We let fat faggots like him marry. Being fat and making your kids fat is child abuse Brendan.

Brendan doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to covid vaccines.

>> No.51552096
File: 345 KB, 1242x1657, D0571F33-99F5-4533-96A2-BB58872ACEAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well sweetie gays are a scourge on society

and covid was released from a lab designed to scam you of your wealth and health

>> No.51552134

obesity is a fucking scourge of society
why do you think healthcare is so expensive? why do you think covid killed so many people and threatened to overwhelm the healthcare system?

eich is obese. HE IS A FAT MAN. A VERY FAT MAN.

>> No.51552201

look like your brain is gonna melt

>> No.51552213
File: 832 KB, 825x499, 9c7204db20ae6a7f056b899bc5269536b59347367104bd75b4192ab67b980b3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas, how's it going? Hanging in there?

>> No.51552329

You just don’t understand honey Eich and his children are building mass for the Dark Winter/Cyber Pandemic where food supply chains globally with be shut down. Enjoy starving in the streets while Brendan lives comfortable like a bear in hibernation.

>> No.51552360

He definitely won't be eating bugs though. That's the globalist agenda! Do not consent to that type of protein!

>> No.51554385

Eich has been in tech so long, yet never made it big. He’s an utter failure when you look at how many billionaires were made after him, while this literal who nobody never got a bag until he made his own shittoken. Eich is a loser and it can’t be denied. Couldn’t even get rich after a decade long head start on most tech giants

>> No.51554558

>sticks to his ideals
Thats why nobody fucks with him and he will never get true mainstream exposure without being cancelled immediately. You won’t see this fat faggot on Joe Rogan. You won’t see this fat fuck ever getting verified on any platform because that 1k donation will follow him for life like it has been. Redditors always bring that shit up in threads and get other sheep to use a different browser.

>> No.51555881

How long has it been since Jesus was strung up on that cross like a pussy?

>> No.51556128

Obvious bait, but Brendan is lazy and obese but the guy truly is big brain. He created JavaScript in 10 days. He noticed the odd "procedures" on the covid vaccine. Knows that your data is being taken advantage of by multiple companies. He just needs to fuck off Twitter.

You are just a lazy obese gay nigger who accomplished nothing in life. Best you can do is seethe because not everyone accepts you taking cocks in the butt daily.

>> No.51556213

Brave having their own social media platform would be nice. Given the fediverse has been taking off, and even Trump has Truth Social, it'd probably do well.

>> No.51556350

Gab, TrumpSocial, 4chan, etc. All failures with no mainstream appeal.

Do you think Twitter has rules because the fags that work there like them? It's all about money

>> No.51556409

Also, I turned the whitelist off on brave.cafe if anyone is into minecraft.

Poast gained something like 10k users in the last week as Mr. Metokur joined, at which point every e-drama yootoober has piled in, till they had to close registrations. A lot of new instances have been popping up as a result. Gab (and TruthSocial) are retarded though, as neither federates.

>> No.51557603

Next year anon or the year after that is our year

>> No.51557622
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1486, 9304F921-BA76-43AE-964B-88AD8B67B826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when FTX custody?

>> No.51557981

Can Sam bail us all out? $1/BAT. That's easy for Sam.

>> No.51558035

>when FTX custody?
Why would they add an additional custody partner when their cross platform tipping system has been fucked for over a year?

>> No.51558053

Really, Sam? He'd only screw you over more. Counter trade you all the way to 0.

>> No.51558132

The Icypoopee thread is three pages down, bud.

>> No.51558308

Brian Armstrong and Sam seem intellectually bankrupt. I've listened to them talk and it's boring. But they are open to business opportunities.

>> No.51558516
File: 26 KB, 331x473, 1639663595921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They didn't buy $DEXT in alignment with their $BNB holdings
>They decided to buy $BAT for whatever fucking reason
>They use a Chromium-based browser

You guys are a pathetic bunch sorry to say but god damn nigga wake up

>> No.51558530

we are married anon.

>> No.51558540
File: 9 KB, 400x225, 2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought buying the money printing machine was too easy.

>> No.51558547

Sold le bottom again FUGGGG!! :-DDDDD

>> No.51559031


>> No.51559837

I don’t enjoy any other coins and I don’t use their networks. I only use Brave and BAT and I like it. I don’t even like you crypto fags that much either. I would’ve bullied the fuck out of all of you in my 20’s. I’m just lonely nowadays

>> No.51559871

I bet Brendan's kids can't be bullied because they are home schooled.

>> No.51561110

>28 cents


>> No.51561320

Remember when all you faggots where justed in 2020 by your own retarded conspiracy theories?

>> No.51562454

No. Wtf are you talking about. Covid was a globohomo conspiracy and you’re retarded if you think otherwise. Batbros sussed the whole shit out from the beginning due to the diligent research by Eich

>> No.51562646

It's still going to hit $40. Maybe not in the next 3 months but eventually.

>> No.51562758

I was talking about the election. Lol.

Respect for lead virologist Brendan Eich. I fully expect he's going to quit Brave to start his own think tank. He will spend half the time in the bathroom trying to push logs out of his obese asshole.

>> No.51563139
File: 201 KB, 828x728, F9BA55E8-28B4-4269-A3F4-479C4EE2B39A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he’s fighting for us. His whole essence is antibigtech, including fighting against their collusion with government. The man is an American hero. When he finally decides to put that same energy into BAT it’s fucking over for everyone. First opera, then Firefox, then Google and so on. One step at a time.

>> No.51563181

Colluding with the government on matters of public health? How horrific.

If you think Facebook and Google are keeping you from living a good life I think you had better reevaluate your life. It clearly sucks and it's your fault.

>> No.51563195

Back to 10 cents by EOY.

>> No.51563249
File: 459 KB, 1242x1298, 6BEEBB71-569E-4622-97F4-BBC0F410E8C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 pbtid

>> No.51563371

It’s not how they affected me. It’s how they affected everyone around me. I saw this shit coming from miles away. I read the spars report years prior. It’s frustrating to see the world around you get goaded into shots that you knew we’re meant to shorten their lifespan

>> No.51563438

Dude, you aren't an expert on mRNA and reading a report doesn't make you a virologist. Take your meds. You sound like you are having a break with reality.

>> No.51563440

Going all in on security and asset management tokens.

>> No.51563477

That was a 2017 meme that failed. Not going to work. Know your history faggot.

>> No.51563572

>you aren't an expert on mRNA
I really do hope you at least got free Krispy Kreme’s and your name entered in the state lotto for shortening your lifespan

>> No.51563775
File: 134 KB, 640x853, 2F9F9B95-0625-4A3C-88AC-841E63723687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot link

>> No.51563776

You are just a normie, there are a lot of security and asset management tokens. Can you relate, retard?

>> No.51563992

I thought for once I didn't screw up.
But alas it seems I am doomed to be the low man.

>> No.51566272

you sound like somebody who has been here for a while yet missed out on alot.

>> No.51566299

why am i not surprised to find an actual schitzo holding bat

>> No.51566876

Imagine buying this shitcoin LMAO. You're all fucking losers.

>> No.51566971

This thread is a disgrace I just sold my 10k make it stack. You boomer fucks haven’t moved on in years now. Get a life and a job. Peace.