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51546012 No.51546012 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't care if you THINK you know more than surgeons. You don't
Who is to determine who has "more knowledge" than another? How would you ever even know? Also the moon landing is faked. Stanley Kubrick faked it. You're welcome.

>> No.51546019

people watched this and thought it was real... smfh

>> No.51546041
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>> No.51546343

My wife is a neurologist and I was around neurosurgeons all the time the past 8 years.
The supposed peak of what the average person thinks is intelligent.
They are actually entire normies, have no political opinions that aren't officially sanctioned, and know basically nothing except where to cut and the name of the place they are cutting.

Also, moon landing...obviously fake.

>> No.51546392

next time you have friends over, just download the official videos from YouTube and play them in background. Many people believe in moon landing but never seen the footage more than a few seconds. Watching it for dozen of minutes starts to make any normie reconsider at least a bit what happened

>> No.51546416

Which video do yoi recommend? Anywhere not on jewtube? It seems like they don't want me to see the original video.

>> No.51546526

jewtube was the place i found the most videos.
here is a channel i often use (and archive because these videos are important) -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7X0LKts7k4FT498Id_x5sg/videos

Then just find a few about space and chose the ones you prefer

>> No.51546604

Which moon landing you retarded flat earth christ cuck?

>> No.51546637

i dont think anyone thinks doctors are smart anymore. i have several in my family and theyre shockingly stupid, but after getting sick for a coupke years ago and going through the system i realized how bad it really is

>> No.51546661

Kubrick was a genius but once you know his techniques its obvious. It looks dated now - like when you see a movie as a kid about dinosaurs and it looked so scary and real and you watch it now and laugh. Same thing.

>> No.51546677

Notice I said "wife."
It's a woman profession now. My wife is well above average in critical thinking and independent thinking but without me she'd be a cookie cutter doctor because of the pressure.

As is she's pretty good as it goes.
But it's not a job for a man unless you are a TOTAL cuck and will just do whatever you are told for ten years with a "plan" to not do what you are told after those ten years.
It's really just a collection of teacher's pets of above average intelligence.

>> No.51546686

pill me on the moon landing
it looks real to me desu

>> No.51546700

meds, schizos. do you think the soviets or now the chinese would have said nothing if it was fake?

>> No.51546708
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Apollo 11, the one I posted in the OP, obviously. Why would you think I'm a Christcuck or a Flat Earther? Reconsider your life. You are a serious dumbass.
Thanks for the rec, awesome channel.
100% Agree.

>> No.51546714

Alright, I'll bite.
Show me proof we didn't go to the moon.

>> No.51546739

Remember your last blowjob and how nice it was?
Imagine never trying to get another one and having "forgotten" how to even approach a woman or where your penis is.

>> No.51546747

All of the world governments are happy to deceive you at the top level. Is that not obvious to you?
Like other anon said, watch this ridiculous shit for starters. The official story is that the camera was hinged onto the bottom of the lander, when you can clearly see in the original footage which was "accidentally destroyed" is panning over and more importantly, is far away from the lander, so logically it is being controlled by a human (probably actually Kubrick himself). Pic related, Kubrick with NASA officials discussing his skillz from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

>> No.51546758
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Fuck you heres a picture

>> No.51546770
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There's no pill for low IQ, unfortunately.

>> No.51546783

>All of the world governments are happy to deceive you at the top level. Is that not obvious to you?
retard, there was insane competition between the soviets and the usa for the space race, the whole thing was heavily scrutinized by the soviets

>> No.51546787
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Thus thread of extreme low quality.

>> No.51546791

>we can say they didn't go to the moon but at the same time justify our expenditures to go to the mooon

>> No.51546792

>jew landing good
>jew god bad

>> No.51546823

>teacher’s pets of above average intelligence
aka 100 IQ midwit
Also you’re wife is not critical thinker, she just was around smarter than average men

>> No.51546838

Yeah your post isn't high quality either faggot. At least my post is true. Consider jumping into a pool of lava in minecraft for being so utterly useless.

>> No.51546847

There was no competition to go to moon actually. Soviets were not very keen on that

>> No.51546862


>> No.51546864

Sorry mate, but if you can't even read I'll listen to someone else.
I said she was "above average in critical thinking". This is not a grand claim and 50% of all people must fall in this category.

Women can be very smart and I married this one for that reason. I'm of course far smarter and she knows that.

But as far as docs...I've met and hung out with 100 probably. I'd say they are 115 (a SD above) at the bottom but have no ability to think for themselves.
Then you have 150 autist Asian doctors who are all addicted to pornography to the degree that all their colleagues are aware (no joke).

>> No.51546885
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>billions of frames

>> No.51546900

Jews like Werner von Braun? You have the brain of a nigger. Captured nazi genius is what put us on the moon.

>> No.51546910

You don't have the right to Terry post with such retardation. Billions of frames? Where in the fuck did you even get that number from?
Next you'll send me a first-result google screenshot about how fat people are actually healthy. Consider suicide

>> No.51546914

retard, russians were invited by kennedy to work on going to the moon together but opted not to because they figured it could not happen. they chose not to call the usa out in the end because they knew how cucked it would make them look.
everyone knows a big lie does big damage over time.
that said, I'm agnostic about the moon landings. i have no reason to believe anything anymore.

>> No.51546919

The man's tombstone.
>the firmament sheweth his handiwork
NASA engineer admits we cannot get past the Van Allen belts.

>> No.51546920
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Meds again.

>> No.51546926

>everyone knows a big lie does big damage over time
Except you lmfao. Moon landing didn't happen, time to grow up from star wars and star trek fag.

>> No.51546948
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Simple kid math , you nitwit. Number of years of space programs multiplied by the average of FILM taken from each of them plus video evidence for good measure. Not to mention elementary physics, which you retards all lack.

>> No.51546956

>Who is to determine who has "more knowledge" than another?
Isn't that determined by how much money you are able to generate here on planet earth relative to the time spent (or theta burned). I love waking up every morning knowing that my doctor wagie neighbors have to go wage for 15 hours every day while I play Vidya and trade and exercise. They may make more money gross but the slavery... The theta burn... Meanwhile I'm reading some old Jew book about trading options on deutschmarks on the Chicago Merchantile Exchange. Classic stuff

>> No.51546966

Interesting, didn’t know that.
Women do not critically think. They regurgitate whatever they’re taught, hence a female might be smart if she’s well raised but she herself doesn’t come up with any new shit and her thinking is not at all independent.

>> No.51546974

Werner von Braun resigned two years before the moon landing because he knew the attempt was a failure and they were moving towards faking it. So much for knowing shit nigger

>> No.51546979

Medication would stifle my creativity and inner genius, shill.

>> No.51546988

So billions of frames couldn't be generated by computers over the timespan of decades? But I'm stupid? Kek.

>> No.51546990

this post is so jewish I can see the Israeli flag

>> No.51547010

If you believe it's impossible to pass the van allen belts then does that mean you believe all the space probe photographs to be fakes?

Do you also think the van allen probes were fake? They sent probes out to further study the belts in 2013 and they operated for 7 years. Is the data fake?

>> No.51547020
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Must have been the motive he actively was aiming at Mars. Notoriously.

>> No.51547030

No that would be my childless early 40s doctor neighbors caught up in the rat race...
>Imagine going to the hospital every day thinking that you are helping.

>> No.51547047
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Wrong pic. Here's the intended one.

>> No.51547048

Listen to the NASA director I just linked you fucking retard. Only humans cannot pass the Van Allen Radiation Belt.

>> No.51547052

Serious question.
Why would the US government go through hundreds of thousands of man hours, all to just lie about something that is absolutely positively inconsequential? Not only would the construction of the set be exceptionally expensive, but the cameras and work needed to be done would be stupidly expensive, along with requiring the gubbermint to make several leaps and bounds in technology to actually pull all of this off. Why in gods name would they do all of that, instead of just actually fucking doing the thing they're lying about?
The maths work, the equations for rocket science and the requirements for fuel atop getting the retards back from space onto earth- so either they completely fudged the numbers so hard they managed to come up with utter genius, or otherwise they actually did the maths.
So, what's the point? Why would the government lie about this? What do they gain?

>Oh and also, the Indians put a fucking camera into lunar orbit and found the lunar lander and a bunch of footprints
Google the Chaandryan 2.

>> No.51547058

Correction, imagine going to the hospital every day thinking you are helping AND thinking you are helping so much that you deserve hundreds of thousands of US dollars a year as proper compensation. Surgeons are worth the money because lives are on the line, but the average chart reading oncologist has about as much human capital value as a mailman, retail manager, etc...

>> No.51547063

No he did it because he got aids from having sex with niggers, you stupid speculating faggot.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? I gaurantee you are unable to source your retarded claim

>> No.51547088

no point to debate with mentally ill people anyway. it's like flat earthers who will dismiss all the evidence in front of them.

>> No.51547091

>the indians recorded fake shit
Where's the footage?

>> No.51547107

>no point to debate with mentally ill people anyway
You didn't make any point, you linked a shitty article and felt smug for being a mental slave. Nice one

>> No.51547114
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They're retarded. It's a PsyOp like flat earth and viruses aren't real. Notice the lack of a reply to my overwhelming point of
of photographic evidence. A number of which simply could not be replicated inside an atmosphere. But these dullards believe there should be a burnt crater where the module left the moon! That level of scientific illiteracy is unsavageable. Let they entertain each other until we vax them off existing altogether. Soon.

>> No.51547118

Use your big boy words you ridiculous brain damaged fool. Speak for yourself and say what you mean.

It's just a little radiation. The instruments and electronics are more sensitive to radiation and electromagnetism than humans. If they can send probes they can send people. Are the probes fake?

>> No.51547154

No that is propaganda. Soviets just agreed and escalated the propaganda, knowing that eventually the US would have to admit that we can't go to the moon.

>> No.51547165

>stupid speculating faggot
He left nasa in 1972 to work in private industry dumbfuck nigger. So much for aids. After finishing work on Saturn rockets in 1967 he was done with the moon landing project.

>> No.51547170

and here they are, decades later with a covert war against the usa and they still dont blow the whistle

>> No.51547172
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I'm unvaccinated. Also I replied to you and you didn't reply to me, how curious. You don't even know what a virus is, clearly. Learn Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory. Or just kill yourself cause you're retarded.

>> No.51547186

>billions of photographic evidence
You know it’s mostly cgi, right? You know there isn’t a single photo of earth made by nasa that wasn’t cgi, right? You know the photo of earth from moon during moon landing shows earth smaller than moon from earth, right?
Of course you don’t dumbfuck npc. Keep slurping jew koolaid

>> No.51547190

>Use your big boy words you ridiculous brain damaged fool. Speak for yourself and say what you mean
I said exactly what I meant in such a short and concise sentence
>Only humans cannot pass the Van Allen Radiation Belt
I'm beginning to think you're actually low-functioning and mentally disabled. I'm sorry for making fun of you.

>> No.51547218

What if the world governments put on a show to make NPCs like you think that they are in conflict when in reality they all work for the same jews?

>> No.51547244

we have plenty of evidence they were on the moon, meanwhile you provide nothing that can't be explained. NPC conspiracy theorists who believe they are above "the sheeple" are the worst.
what if (You) are the actual low iq npc?

>> No.51547296

Okay so explain who recorded the moon landing. The official story is that the camera was attached to the lander, but clearly https://youtu.be/deVQ12p5iuM
in this orignal footage right in the beginning you can see it is not attached. How do you explain the cameraman (Kubrick) recording Apollo 11's landing?

>> No.51547307

>the cameraman (Kubrick)
prove it

>> No.51547310

>Stanley Kubrick faked it. You're welcome.

Not only Stanley Kubrick faked it, but he also convinced the USSR (which was in fierce competition with the US to put the first man on the moon and they had sent several spacecraft to the moon for 2 decades) that the images we all saw were real. The USSR, despite having spy satellites on earth and the moon never protested or said anything. Sounds 100% legit.

>> No.51547311

Can you also explain for me how NASA "accidentally" destroys the footage for what is supposed to be one of if not the most momentous occasion in human history?

>> No.51547316

>we have plenty of evidence
You have fake photos and videos that defy physics and a crew that acted like a bunch of thieves caught in the process, followed by decades of nothing defying normal development of technology seen in every other industry.

>> No.51547323

Can you not read? Official story is camera is attached to lander. You can see in the footage that it is not. The burden of proof is now on you, that is if you can read and have the ability to open a youtube video. I hope that isn't too straining intellectually for someone like you

>> No.51547337

Yes world governments totally aren't controlled by Jewish people. No that's crazy.

>> No.51547341

>the USSR jews and USA Jews were at war
Here’s your first mistake. Cold War was not a struggle of free world against jewish commies but jews subverting USA and Jews already controlling USSR.

>> No.51547345

>cbs news simulation
are you retarded?

>> No.51547355

Daily reminder that the moon landing denial conspiracy was propagated by jews to deny achievements of the white man

>> No.51547368

Daily reminder that some daggots are so pathetic they would rather jerk off to fake achievements than face the truth. Not just that but by regurgitating jewish lies we actually can’t achieve the goal of moon landing because all resources go to kikes and not the space program.

>> No.51547370

You are actually low IQ and completely unable to connect the dots on your own. I have only a little more than the tiniest amount of pity for your existence.

>> No.51547372
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Wow, so the fake landing theories are part of a bigger conspiranoid theory about a secret planetary government ruled by reptiloids. Who could have thought???

>> No.51547374

>insists on arguing against what wasn't posited in the first place
Why even bother?
There are extremely stupid men you realize right?

>> No.51547378

the real footage starts around 54:00 you absolute fucking mongoloid

>> No.51547399

Why does a "simulation" have people inside at 25:49?
It is no coincidence that "reptilian humanoids", "apollo 11", "jfk assassination", "covid", "freemasonry", "area 51" and "flat earth" are the only topics under damage control on mainstream sites like jewtube right now.

>> No.51547463

>a literal actual simulation of the moon landing
>no seriously, it has 'simulation' in big letters at the bottom of the screen
>this is proof that the moon landing is fake

>> No.51547501

Its one of many things. If it were a simulation it does not make sense to have a half-functioning model (not a fully functioning one of course since we all know deep down those rockets never flew) with people inside.

>> No.51547507

>Why does a "simulation" have people inside at 25:49?
the whole fucking cbs show is actors, there was no livestream of the event back then

>> No.51547527

Nice try shlomo

>> No.51547546

>My wife is well above average in critical thinking and independent thinking

That’s what was posited. You seem confused, maybe your wife wrote this post?
>there are stupid men too
Yet some men can think abstractly, not a single female can do it.

>> No.51547556

Sure thing, Mossad. What does Nasa and Nashaw in Hebrew mean again can you remind me?

>> No.51547559
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18 is the minimal recquired age here.

>> No.51547594

>Jews are conspiracy theory goyim
five shekels deposited to your account Schlomo
You’re probably a retard who believes in holocaust because it makes nazis cool, right? You’re a fucking kike filth and you know what you’re doing, you’re bullshit narratives is what keeps the world under jewish influence so you try to sell it to goyim at any cost. Problem is you have no arguments to defend your bullshit claims ;^)

>> No.51547638

>there was no technology to manipulate images in the 60’s
Damn I guess they just scrubbed that guy from stalin’s photo using magic right? Shows how much you know dumbfuck.

>> No.51547646

>business and finance

>> No.51547650
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>we actually can’t achieve the goal of moon landing because all resources go to kikes and not the space program.
Wait; I thought it was because of MUH VAN HALEN band or belt or something else or other.

>> No.51547654

Also, how can I profit off the moon landing being faked?

>> No.51547666

These npcs will never learn use the kekery against them. Don't cast your pearls of knowledge amongst swine. Let them follow each other to the slaughter house lol

>> No.51547676
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It wasn't CG; illiterate.

>> No.51547682
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What do you know?

>> No.51547691
