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51540040 No.51540040 [Reply] [Original]

>good evening everyone
>100 basis points
>Have a nice day

>> No.51540051

holy god id be so blown away if he was gonna be the tuff gui tomorrow

>> No.51540052
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>> No.51540074
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>Spenders could be here

>> No.51540080

this is "you know it's actually morally ambiguous whether lowering the age of consent to 7 would be bad or not" tier

>> No.51540125

i would've liked it as a teacher in school because me and my friends would be talking shit and laughing our asses off the whole time. that creature is probably doing more to redpill kids than any redneck parent would

>> No.51540147

I feel like it should be borrowers, not spenders. The whole point of interest rate hikes is to make borrowing more expensive

>> No.51540165

>50.1 bps
>stock market plunges

>> No.51540194

>Anything under 100 is giga bullish
>Powell doesn't have the balls to kill the economy right before the Midterms
I'm think 75 at the highest if not a 50 switcheroo

>> No.51540212
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Rosh Hashanah is in a couple days

>> No.51540234
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>> No.51540322

I can't tell if that is sarcasm but that logic can easily be extended to pedophiles. Fun times ahead.

>> No.51540346


>> No.51540364

Is that a guy or an unattractive female? Either way, Lol

>> No.51540382

It's a man wearing gigantic rubber tiddies.

>> No.51540679

is that tweet a joke?
>I don't want my children around pretty predatory sexual degenerates
wow that was tough

>> No.51540690

is this some word filter I didn't know about

>> No.51540698

>Walks in
>Raises interest rates by 100 basis points
>Refuses to elaborate
I'm thinking based

>> No.51540700


>> No.51540709

Jpow walks up to the podium everyone quiet in anticipation of the unelected man who controls the economic destiny of the world. He slowly looks around surveying the plebs with a look of apathy yet a hint of disgust can be seen, the corners of his lips ever so subtlely curling into an almost imperceptible sneer. Then without warning he unzips his pants slaps his dick onto the expensive mahaganony desk adjacent and screams 100 bps hike muh dick nigger faggots. But everyone just laughs because they know the whole thing was priced in.

>> No.51540710
File: 2.85 MB, 532x300, jannies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only when you're talking about trannies. last I checked, 75% of jannies are trannies.

>> No.51540876
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Thanks, Uncle Powell.

>> No.51540959

and saving more lucrative, which in turn encourages spending. same thing.

>> No.51541462
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Wait so if 75% of jannies are trannies, and 41% of trannies are hangies, how many jannies will be left to banny the spammies?
Is this why they always seem to be looking for new jannies to "hire" (they do it for free ahahahahahahahaha)

>> No.51541512
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is it true ? is it really you Jerome ? Thanks to confirms so i can go all in

>> No.51541520

Bury the Canuck landlords daddy Powell

>> No.51541526


>> No.51541542

The funny thing is that he could probably pull off that look kek

>> No.51541777
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let s celebrate. Thx Jerome you really are the new Volcker ! so strong

>> No.51541785

Sell Rosh Hashanah buy Yom Kippur

>> No.51541840
File: 24 KB, 691x444, images (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone so wrapped up in 50, 75 or even 100bps yet no one is prepared for the September ass fucking off a life time - 150bps.

150bps will nuke everything and give the fed what they want so they can do perhaps another 50bps later in the year and watch into next year before tapering off/watching as inflation comes down.

>> No.51541931


>> No.51542178

then why are my shinja bags still not going up?

>> No.51542310

Based peniswife

>> No.51542457

I'm thinking 125 to dab on em

>> No.51542554
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>> No.51542577

He should do 150 then say "no more rate hikes are planned this year" and walk away. Let the market reset instead of prolonging the pain.

>> No.51542591

Never ever going to happen. It's going to be a comfy expected 75bps.

>> No.51542629
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Honestly? There's no good argument against this person teaching public school. Imagine how effective of teacher a Mr. Garrison and Ms. Chokesondick hybrid would be.

>> No.51542662

Thank you Jerome Powell, and thank you legitimate president Joe Biden.

>> No.51542895
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>implying 150 bps will reign in inflation

>> No.51542906

Never implied that.

>> No.51542930

you said 150 bps hike would reset the market instead of prolonging the pain
We need to hike 2.5x that over next 2-3 months realistically. maybe 3x

>> No.51542931

>there are no arguments against pedophilia

>> No.51543062

I'm starting to think the elite are secretly right wing as hell and only are pushing globohomo to get us to agree to exterminate trannies.
You think the smartest people in existence don't know about the pendulum of history?

>> No.51543332

Why not just say 1%? Is it because 100 is bigger number so it sounds better?

>> No.51543386

because when it isnt a nice round number, you speak in basis points (bps for short - pronounced bips)
you wouldn't get it though, cause you're either brown or white 17 year old or a low IQ white person (basically brown)

>> No.51543406

Yea, let just crash the economy and let poor people riot.

>> No.51543450

you're economically and socially illiterate
poor people don't have much invested in equity markets, but they feel inflation the hardest bc they actually look at their receipts.
poor people will riot when their stagnating wages cant afford them basic shit while white collar niggas be getting massive raises on already inflated salaries
I went from $140k to $220k base with bigger bonus structure in late 2021. Competent financial analysts make so much bank right now

>> No.51543473
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325 bps. Tomorrow.

>> No.51543484

That's actually pretty bullish.
The quicker inflation is tamed, the sooner we can get more rational reactions in the markets.

>> No.51543622

Inflation has already rolled over. Tightening is done, inertia will carry it forward from here. Further rate hikes are to reassert fed credibility, not to kill inflation. If the fed truly is blind to forward-looking data, they may keep hiking hard until they have to pivot to actual literal QE. If they aren't blind to forward-looking data, they slow down the hikes. 50 is more likely than 100.
The only pretense they have to go hard on hikes is the fucked up (maybe manipulated) July jobs data.

Just guessing.

>> No.51543635

You’re one of the only people I’ve ever seen put this together.
They saw in the 90s how pushing jingoistic patriotism just made everyone think it was cringe. So now they push insane leftism and harness natural rebellion against the state in order to keep everyone conservative.
Almost nobody else has figured this out.

>> No.51543664

Yes, and boomers are generally too retarded to speak the language of mathematics so they make up confusing crap like this

>> No.51543685

core inflation is little changed and if you aren't retarded, you also understand it is extremely sticky.
Stop saying forward-looking data you retarded nigger. There is no "data" in a speculative figure
>inflation has already rolled over
you're a dumb gorilla nigger

>> No.51543758

>fuck these wages sure are sticky better hike my debt:gdp to 150% while my tax revenue falls
define forecast

>> No.51543789

34 year old white boomer from europoorland actually

>> No.51543810

interesting. take free finance classes
1 bps, basis point, or "bip" equals 1 point or 1.00%
make us proud

>> No.51543819
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100 bps = 1 point/1%, rather
75 bps = 0.75%
3 points = 3%

>> No.51543850

Because an increase of 1% means something different than 1bps

1% of 10% is 0.1%, but they dont mean to increase the rate to 10.1% but 11%

>> No.51543913


>75 bps

>> No.51544068

>insider here
>75 basis points
>Have a nice pamp tomorrow
yeah, JP isn't going to rekt the economy right before thanksgiving and christmas

>> No.51545194

>I have two sides: nicest money printer you've ever seen and twisted fucking rent hiker

>> No.51545397
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i thought is was pronounced bepis points

>> No.51545422

I love that mongo

>> No.51545438

>this bold retard is shilling deflation

Can’t wait to see this company crash once his Science^tm government shekels. Who am i kidding though, his deep state backers will keep Tesla afloat for the electric vehicle taxis to transport around those with high social credit scores.

>> No.51545483
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i wish but it seems to good to be true

>> No.51545488

>the smartest people in existence

lol, lmao even

They definitely aren't dumb but they aren't as smart as you make them out to be, they just have financial power. Also the kids of these gigakike families are dumb and spoiled, check out the young rothschilds lmao.

>> No.51546170
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Active shooter magnet.

>> No.51546207
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An obvious illiteracy major posts to defend species necrosis.
>white me surprised

>> No.51546227
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>believes elites dumb
>doesn't know psyops

>> No.51546269

>people who are obviously severely mentally ill and won’t hold back extreme sexual fetishes in public should not be put in a job where they interact with children all day
Simple as