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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51540661 No.51540661 [Reply] [Original]

There gonna be a huge market for single millenial women as consumers, how do you take advantage of these market conditions?

>> No.51540748

Here are some /biz/ ideas to make money off single women
>start a vineyard and sell over priced wine
>bread dogs or cats
>be a vet for dogs and cats
>yoga studio
>Sell fancy soap

>> No.51540771

kek that webm is peak comedy

>> No.51540774

>I'm going to spam this tiktok video all day because I'm a stupid faggot tranny
That's you OP. Your mind thinking. It's you.

>> No.51540775

>Sell fancy soap
I knew Tyler Durden hat it right.

>> No.51540790

i'm an emotionally unavailable older man. what's her number?

>> No.51540791


>> No.51540806

do women really record themself crying?

>> No.51540812

they only have fiat money, hence there is no "market" for these creatures, consequentially there is no condition that you should watch for, they don't exist

>> No.51540815
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God if I was a vet with my own Vinyard and soap company I'd psychologically abuse so many already emotionally destroyed women. Itd be like pussy arbitrage.

>> No.51540820

poor girl. It's way too expensive for women to seek mental health treatment, 6k is nuts. and here I was thinking we lived in a "free" country

>> No.51540822

Yes, the type B ones at least.

>> No.51540825

She looks like she gives sloppy blowjobs.

>> No.51540826

anglos have no sense of self worth

>> No.51540834

Also a yoga instructor. Taking notes for when I an hero and reincarnate for my 2nd minmax life speedrun.

>> No.51540857

>nooo you can't like birds
>nooo you can't like snakes
>nooo you can't like cars
I hate women so much it's unreal. She's got a fair point with Tristan though.

>> No.51540872

If the men were chad it wouldn’t matter they were normies

>> No.51540879

Where are these single, childless millennial women?

>> No.51540884

I like how she talks about emotionally unavailable men. Yeah bitch they are like that from years of being abused by dumb cunts like you. And now you have the fucking nerve to play victim over it. The lack of self awareness is astounding.

>> No.51540891

I'm sure Tristan's issue was exactly just as she framed it.

>> No.51540896

females peak between 16-20 years of age

>> No.51540947

>dumped most men because they had normal hobbies
>progressed to overbearing psycho who cant stand male neighbors (unless shes lying about the issue and cheated with the neighbor)
>now scraping bottom of the barrel

>> No.51540953

they all look like spineless bugmen, even the car guy. this bitch wants someone who will dominate her

>> No.51540969

Actually there are plenty of terrible women like in OP's tiktok that are very into embarrassing "nerd" consoomer culture stuff like Disney, Star Wars, Marvel movies, GOT, etc.

The new consoomer culture propaganda purposely targets both men AND women. Women have plenty of their own money to spend now.

>> No.51540970
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>> No.51540981

Bird nerds are fucking awesome. Ornithology is awesome. What a dumb bitch.

>> No.51540987

Tristan was the one who was angry because she had male "neighbors"

>> No.51540996

This is unironically how I played rdr2, I gave them all a chance but every cutscene with a female would turn out to be gay and dumb and I skip

>> No.51541004

based birder checking in

>> No.51541172
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Sadie was pretty cool though.

>> No.51541192

I'm an emotionally unavailable older man, how do I find these girls?

>> No.51541341

What's wrong with emotionally unavailable older men?

>> No.51541368

She is an emotional vampire, if she an't feed of other's misery, she is miserable herself

>> No.51541379

sounds like we'd get along well

>> No.51541388
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they won't give her commitment and children, only "showing her a good time" without pretense so she feels like a failure of a woman and is deliberately excluded from partaking in their success, other than in a transactional and degrading sense.

>> No.51541392

What part of "emotionally unavailable" don't you understand? I literally don't give a shit about gash nonsense.

>> No.51541417

Wtf u talking about. Heard of Becky's?

>> No.51541443

fiat is ending soon, these hoes only have fiat and the retards who gamble on crypto only have CEX accounts, which will get seized during the pandemonium
I'm not saying "LE END OF THE WORLD", all I'm saying is these hoes will be broke soon, so your "leech on wine aunts" idea might not fly for long

>> No.51541477

...Did you reply to the wrong post? I said why its an issue for HER, not that its an issue at all you fucking retard.

>> No.51541480

You sound like a skitzo. What about buying Gucci and faggeaux & poofteaux handbags on credit. Buy said companies and scoop profits on the divis

>> No.51541487

What’s a bread dog?

>> No.51541500

>you're not allowed to have hobbies
Women wouldn't understand

>> No.51541504

You never ate a puppy scroll?

>> No.51541507

No, I just don't pay close attention to anyone because I don't really care what you have to say.

>> No.51541513


>> No.51541522

You say that and yet still read my posts and reply. You really are a fucking moron.

>> No.51541532

fertility peaks at 14

>> No.51541585
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That wasn't the expense she paid, bucko.

>> No.51541603
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on tinder looking for alpha males or "emotionally unavailable older man" (rich)
worthless whore prob don't have any skill not even good at sucking dicks and is getting desperate - wall effect

>> No.51541657

What the fuck did I just watch?

>> No.51541674

Good ending.

>> No.51541682

The collapse of the west.

And that’s a good thing.

>> No.51541692

It's similar to Updog

>> No.51541698
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From my extended tinder experience, and as a
30yo boomer myself, i can tell you that all the /pol/ memes about these damaged goods are 100% correct. So it may appears as not really creative, but you need to focus on :
>wine/beer/big wine glasses
>cats/dogs accessories
>netflix/soulless globohomo series
>expensive hotels in 3rd world shitholes who propose scuba diving sessions
>XXL clothes (the number of millenial fatties is unreal)
>photo filters

Also, don't forget they are constantly broke af. Even tho the state and globohomo do everything to shower them with cash via bullshit, useless jobs, they are unable to save a penny for the lives of them. And they are emotionally wrecked. Probably forever. The jews did a number on them.

>> No.51541732

How to know if I'm an emotionally unavailable older man or an emotionally available older man?

>> No.51541757

Are you rich and married?

>> No.51541758

Only because you reply to me (what are you a faggot or something). I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here is a faggot and wants to fuck me right now.

>> No.51541759

Pretty much every video of niggers is nothing but comedy. You are a NIGGER.

>> No.51541775

by asking this you already failed the test anon

>> No.51541787

if you lay 20 year olds, don't put up with their shit, and dump them when you're tired of them, you're emotionally unavailable
if you lay 20 year olds but they are the ones dumping you, you're emotionally available

>> No.51541801

Ear earlier boyfriends are all going to turn into those kinds of men and the cycle continues. That's what the cock carousel does, it's always women who start it

>> No.51541831

It's the great catch22 of american roastie dating. It's a lose lose everytime

>> No.51541844

Does failing the test mean I can't fuck girls 10+ years younger than me with mental issues? Or that I can only fuck them? Because they're the only ones I fuck. But I think of myself as emotionally available.
Yes and no

>> No.51541916

>I think of myself as
it doesn't matter what you think

>> No.51541917

>But I think of myself as emotionally available.
Are you ready to put a ring on them?
As another fren pointed out >>51540884, being "emotionally unavail." is simply a faggy way to say you are redpilled about the modern whores and their ways.

>> No.51541939

Yeah I noticed that too. She’s a cunt and women have the highest inflated egos out of any other human out there.

>> No.51541962

So based it made me snort

>> No.51541985
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>> No.51542028

> bird watching
> snakes
> cars
Uh, bros? Am I undateable?

>> No.51542030

But it’s men who stop it. It’s why I refuse to fuck any more whores.

>> No.51542071

>Yeah bitch they are like that from years of being abused by dumb cunts like you.
she wasnt complaining, she keeps fucking them, thats what she wants:emotionally unavailable people. she helped train all her exes to be the kind of person she would fuck. she is consistent

>> No.51542076
File: 25 KB, 540x484, 04605C20-D3A7-48C4-A0F5-E7BE905F817B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unimaginable catharsis this video gave me is indescribable, w*stern w***n get what they deserve

>> No.51542078

>Sell fancy soap
Whatever happened to SoapDad, or whatever his name was, from a few years ago that made threads on his DIY soap making business?
Was a pretty neat dude. He catalogued most of it including how and where he was learning his recipes from.

>> No.51542104
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90% reply are men crying because they can not have sex.... How do i invest in wine ? for dog/cat i m buying PAWZ

>> No.51542136

Botched beach ball boobjob bimbo. I wish I was actually attracted to this kind of thing. I could jerk off to bowling balls, balloons, ball bearings, the sun and the moon, etc.

>> No.51542173

Because they're emotionally unavailable she can't manipulate them.

>> No.51542187

that girl is a hundred pounds soaking wet, my pet cat could dominate her.

>> No.51542195

Based retard

>> No.51542221

mentally, brainlet

>> No.51542268

she's a woman, genius. same statement about my pet cat applies.

>> No.51542289

>cheap wine company
>romance erotica VR games
>celebrity molded dildos

>> No.51542304

>XXL Clothes
I can back this up. I sell clothes online as part of my side hustles. My XL+ clothing sells freakishly faster than my S,M,L clothing items. It's kind of sad.

>> No.51542441

god I want to kill her and use part of her body as a semen dump

>> No.51542521

imagine wanting to share some of your money with someone who doesn't have a penis, as suspicious as shinja coming back to life

>> No.51543313

what app is that?

>> No.51543331

soap is hella fucking saturated, plus it's now trendy for girls to just do it themselves.

unless you've already got plugs or ins to big soap it's not gonna happen.

every punk market / flea market / farmer's market has like 3-5 bitches with dyed hair trying to peddle their craft mom soaps.

>> No.51543358

rent-a-husband service. kinda like hosts in asian countries (places where girls go to be waited on / hangout with attractive guys).

so single millenial women who aren't stable enough for marriage but can pick a guy to shack up with in their homes (or any destination spot, really) for a couple days at a time (enough to satisfy the honeymoon period, but not enough for them to start picking apart faults in the host).

tldr; male escorts.

>> No.51543720


These guys were idiots for even trying to make it work

>> No.51543916

makes sense. only degenerates buy overpriced crap t-shirts with boomer slogans

>> No.51543959

what's updog?

>> No.51543971

Great idea Anon!

>> No.51543995

a yoga pose

>> No.51544004

I don’t get it
Most of these dude’s hobbies can be found out in a 10 min conversation
If these really are the reason she broke up with them, she’s mad retarded.
And that dude that didn’t like that she had male neighbours? She fucked them, or?
Story is either really fucking fake to get people to interact with her tiktok account (selling ‘pain’ - pretty smart), or the story is heavily skewed so she can ‘be the victim’ - instead of realising her issues are from her bad relationships with her parents and early care takers.
And how the fuck do you end up spending 6k in therapy and can’t even stop older men, fully knowing that’s damaging your mental and emotional state, unless the therapist is an enabling faggot.

>> No.51544089

Your loss
Tell your future gf thanks for swallowing

>> No.51544157


so NFLX, CHWY, and whatever wine subscription service goes public first. Got it.

>> No.51544169

6k in therapy is not that much.

Quality therapists cost $200-$300 per hour. And it is worth it.

>> No.51544172

I did this with Breaking Bad. Such horrible writing for the woman characters.

>> No.51544217

Teva pharmaceuticals is a publicly traded company that sell these women a lot of birth control pills. The company is based in Israel but you can buy it on American stock exchanges.

>> No.51544321

i'm sure tristan actually screamed because she had male neighbors and there's nothing else to the story whatsoever [spoilers]tristram screamed because i had my neighbor's cock in my mouth ONCE , IT MEANT NOTHING [spoilers/]

>> No.51544354

Ahh ok, therapy is way cheaper here.
Was expecting around $100/hour.

>> No.51544409


>> No.51544422

short western economies
long welfare state contractors, invitro fertilization, wine producers, animal shelters
long video games, adult entertainment, intl travel brokers and mail order bride index funds

>> No.51544472

This webm made me cum

>> No.51544486

What about the other guys? You're a feminist and a simp, you can't call yourself a man and you should kill yourself.

>> No.51544660

So what hobbies are okay by women’s standards?

>> No.51544700

making money
taking care of Tyrone's kids
buying her expensive frivolous knickknacks
making money
paying her alimony
making money

>> No.51544831

most anons should only focus on getting money, in most cases being with a woman just gets your wallet wiped out of existence, for example everything I got from dext is gone because my gf (bitch) is a cosplayer

>> No.51544858
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>making money
yea but without working long hours, late nights or weekends because it will interfere with you taking her on cute (expensive) dates and cute (expensive) vacations. basically, be CEO of a multi million dollar company that you run by sending a few texts and emails a day

>> No.51544897

Stop buying her clothes. Why do you let her just walk all over you?

>> No.51544943
File: 90 KB, 770x962, BD9F4EC9-C768-4D79-824D-6936C8FB4BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scarcity mentality
before her he probably went months or years without a crumb of pussy and acquiesces to her demands because he fears a return to the drought. many such cases.

>> No.51545007
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>> No.51545054

Holy shit i think every single match ive ever met is using this app. Wish i wasn’t such a shut-in as you get to see the goods in the flesh going to bars if you’re socially inclined or young.

>> No.51545105

Yes, they need the 'U ok hun? Xx'/'no, DM me' validation

>> No.51545114

Maybe, but at least you’re fuckable.

>> No.51545126

>can only watch Master and Commander

>> No.51545127
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>niggerbrain arrogant kikecunt think therapy will replace her all the magic that is lacking in her retard mind to be a decent human being
many such cases
these retard hoes are going to rope
and it will be a good thing

>> No.51545131

How would you advertise yourself? Would you go for the bored billionaire CEO looking to explore his adventurous side with a similar soul or sell yourself as an emotional strong silent type that is into dotting on someone (basically a male Thai massage escort equivalent)?

Wouldn’t even know where to start.

>> No.51545165

god I wish I could do this to her bros

>> No.51545186

>how do you take advantage of these market conditions?
The fucked up thing is you basically can't, their extinction/fisherian runaway actively sabotages all investment in the future.

>> No.51545319

Also invest in IVF companies. Being redpilled on women is insider knowledge. Massive growth in that industry in the coming decades.

>> No.51545332

>woman characters are insufferable, irrational, and bitchy
I would say they are very realistic Anon.

>> No.51545334

I think they get a lot of attention when they do this, so I guess it makes sense.

>> No.51545342

Based and Commander

>> No.51545360
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>> No.51545382

She left them because they were emotionally vulnerable or something, and makes up a "quirky" and "funny" reason that makes her seem less "sexist".

>> No.51545399

lets be honest she left them because the next guy showed interest in her

>> No.51545416

Make an app where they can post their materialistic narcissistic fantasy photos and views and get validation from 'friends'.

>> No.51545455

pet supplies
cat litter
essential oil manufacturing
candle making supplies
textile manufacturing
plus size fashion

>> No.51545460

>And it is worth it.

>> No.51545470

>translation: please mister beta provider pls pls pls save me

>> No.51545509

>t- thanks y- YOU TOO!

>> No.51545514

Your womb is barren roastie.

>> No.51545524

Now that’s a funny post

>> No.51545762

Pay day loans

>> No.51545933

tristan is literally the only one who had a legitimate complaint. you sound like an absolute normafag parasite

>> No.51545968

>>bread dogs or cats
If we could keep our bakeries open here in Germany due to gas and electricity costs I'd actually try the bread dogs and cats, sounds like a no brainer. Something like "Brotisch-Kurzhaar" or "Labrotor/Brotweiler" would sell for sure.

>> No.51546008

I may be the only person here that feels bad for this girl. She let social media expectations rot her brain. Now shes running out of time to find a decent man. If she gets pregnant she will only have the pool of men that prey on single mothers to keep her company. Unless she gets divine intervention, shes a lost soul.

>> No.51546055

She had multiple decent men by the looks of it, it was her own retarded choices that put her where she is, no sympathy.

>> No.51546083

Thats what I mean. She dropped those men that were good because the rot told her she could do better. She kept trying until no one will have her.

>> No.51546095

So I should continue with my catnip business idea, thank you

>> No.51546304
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No, there won't. The New World Order is clearly conditioning the planet to accept social credits in exchange for compliance. Women are already fully compliant. It's the men, the most ruthless, that will start becoming the final elite class. Everything and everyone will be for sale. Finally.

>> No.51546493

Yes you’re a special white knight. You should ask her out then kill yourself. Faggot

>> No.51546744

You sure do sound happy and fulfilled right now

>> No.51546834


>> No.51546963

you’re a big guy

>> No.51547284

Why do you need "mental health treatment" when all you need to do is stop being a degenerate, live an activr healthy lifestyle, and find love instead of being a whore?
Why would anyone pay 200/hr to sit in an office with some other person when they can just do basic things?

>> No.51547356

I did this for netflix witcher and it made the show 1000x better

>> No.51547440

>stop being a degenerate
>find love instead of being a whore
She no longer knows how to do this. Her mind is broken.

>> No.51547449

30 year olds aren't boomers. you're a millenial.

>> No.51547522

That's pretty spot on.

>> No.51548291

name 5 tickers

>> No.51548449
File: 892 KB, 1335x2727, B91E9FDE-86C9-43B2-894D-EF0FC9F4FF6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Goyslurp companies like starcucks

>> No.51548463

70% of the economy is already marketed at women as they're the biggest consoomers

>> No.51548709
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>> No.51548963

I started doing this when I got my first DVR and now that I torrent everything and watch it on a media player or Plex server with no ads it's even easier to do. Plus I don't contribute to their ratings and revenue. It might be spiteful but it's the only way I can consume media now.

>> No.51549165
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An adult western male wears an XL by muscle mass alone. You need to be a short skeleton or non white to wear a L or M.

>> No.51549211

For me, its The Thing, saving private ryan.

>> No.51549228

How do I attract and convince big butt women like this to have sex with me without having to resort to paying for it (which I'm tired of doing)?

>> No.51549265
File: 327 KB, 1200x1242, E3B821A2-9FF7-49DF-8B90-20061DA2854C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift weights, badboymaxx with tattoo sleeves, learn PUA

>> No.51549276

>Black metal
>Medieval history reading
>Shooting guns
I literally have female repellant hobbies, yet I'm just handsome enough where they don't care.

>> No.51549305
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>What’s a bread dog?

>> No.51549309

What's the liklihood that she started going to her TheRapist as a teenager because "muh anxiety" and is being gaslighted by them into becoming a lesbian and sleeping with her.

>> No.51549376

>Have infinite options
>End up childless and single in 30s

How the fuck can women mess this up. What the hell is wrong with them

>> No.51549389

is this real?

>> No.51549406

society tells them they are beautiful at any size/age but by the time reality and the wall hits them it’s too late

>> No.51549462

If you don’t jerk off the the sun and moon you are low test

>> No.51549465

anything directly tied to consumption of material goods and increasing ones status. Hobbies like bird watching, on the other hand, confuse and scare the roastie since there is no "benefit" accrued outside of the hobbyist's own personal fulfillment. This causes the roastie to reflect on her dissatisfaction with her own life and how she can never feel this way about anything and she takes it out on the man, thinking, "no, it must be him! It couldn't possibly be that I'm an empty whore that can never enjoy anything in and of itself outside of any social utility!"

>> No.51549522
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>> No.51549555

i hope that dumb bitch drove into a bridge abutment after this clip ends

>> No.51549557

She's a cruel person. How can you callously post pictures of men subtitled with insults about them when they've done nothing wrong to you? This ironically makes her LESS attractive to the high status man she craves. They see it, and they think "this bitch is crazy and heartless". And the little crying gimmick she does at the end only reinforces this viewpoint, since it makes her look menially unstable

>> No.51549662

Any hobbies are fine as long as they are beneficial to her e.g. carpentry, cooking and gardening. Men are nothing but providers and tools for women

>> No.51549701

You forgot:
>Personal therapist/masseuse
>High-end gardening services
>Professional Bull/Relationship Counselor
>Minor vehicle repair
>Vacation agent (focus on horse ranches)

>> No.51549707


>> No.51549747

Bloated egos from social media causes them to believe that there is a man with higher social value available around the corner

>> No.51549900
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dogs bred to be bread

>> No.51549919

you could see her fall in slow motion
>first bf: she looks cute, innocent even
>second bf: "I'm a baaad biiitch bosssss with a baaad bf"
>third bf: "I'm ready to settle down from the cock carousel" (he knew she was already emotionally burnt out, so he smartly dodged the bullet and used the exit option)
>fourth bf: so fucked up from losing the last one (her "one" who got away), can't even show her face in the rebound bf photo
"it's all your fault I fucked up, now I fill the void by fucking bigger losers than me"

>> No.51549946

No refunds bitch.

>> No.51549965

any smart man would see that she labels her exes as the bad ones, clear as day to see her manipulative nature and will be used against anyone she dates. The crying gimmick stems from her poor upbringing, daddy's little spoiled girl got everything she wanted so the response she learned to get what she wants is to cry because it worked for her growing up

>> No.51549981

what if you just don't lay anyone because you're tired of their shit?
t. saving up for whores

>> No.51549986

this, dating apps enforce this by giving them endless matches (but they're just chads wanting new pussy)

womens own fault but sucks for both sexes

>> No.51550113

>how do you take advantage of these market conditions?
pharma companies have already done that, youre gonna have to invest into some tranny chop shop companies to make money off the next generation instead

>> No.51550158
File: 1.03 MB, 1125x1532, 7B5C6934-88D4-4A51-A255-798A0A509AD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in antidepressants, pet food and cheap wine

>> No.51550780

Who cares

>> No.51550825


>> No.51551110

Such is the way of the roast. Now the men in her age group are the prize, so not only does she have to lower her standards, her market is saturated with other wall smears and even worse: younger women.

I mean, as the beneficiary in this situation, I really don't give a shit. But I can almost feel for her and her squandered potential.

>> No.51551185

Actually, invest in detransitioning clinics.
Once this whole tranny fad blows over you're gonna have a huge number of people who realized they fucked up and want to reverse their bad decisions.
And they'll pay top dollar to do it of course.

>> No.51551260

>Now the men in her age group are the prize


>> No.51551361

I'm laffin, but only because I too am a Trux/clux/fux nerd and every 4H country girl I meet can't wait to catch me in the garage at night so she can suck my dick while I'm sorting my sockets.
Learn the target female audiences for your hobbies, and you'll see your options multiply and your variety narrow down overnight.
They're absolute retards, but wishing suffering and death on them is a comment on you, not them.
Uncomfortably accurate. "No" is a currency money cannot buy.
Who's the biggest globohomo gigafaggot you're willing to say no to?
"Royalty" gets poked in the chest.
What dare a "commoner" do?
And how many weak-minded wenches will bow at his feet when he dare do it?
Choice paralysis. Too many options, too close in absolute cultural value, too granular a view of the world.
>pet food
>cheap wine
You are now shorting women.
This is an investment strategy proven to cause non-market societal collapse. Continue?
Got a call from an 8-year ex.
I'm 1 year younger than her.
She wants to meet me here, from 3 states away, and doesn't want to talk about her current (+15 yo) bf.
It disgusts me, but knowing I'm what she's chasing now, not just then, has a weird, tense, subtle satisfaction to it.

>> No.51551417

Hey, if you have a career, some money in the bank, some assets; you're not just selling your body/mind anymore, you're selling a lifestyle. And it's easier to get that over good looks.

If you have all that plus kept up on your appearance, then you're the prize. What can they possibly do to make my life better? Why should I take on your baggage? Why do they deserve a stable man who's on the up?

And if you don't understand that then you shouldn't be on biz

>> No.51552325
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>> No.51552491

who is this nice lady

>> No.51553325

It's a Chinese honeypot

>> No.51553748

>females peak between 16-20 years of age

captcha KH888

>> No.51553892

> Be matchmaker
> Female client says she wants a regular dude who makes "around $100,000" (USD) and be "at least 6 feet tall"
> Set her up with a guy who fits all her criteria
> Next day I follow up with her to see how the date went
> She says she doesn't like him
> "Why not? What went wrong?"
> "He's a plumber. No plumbers. I want to feel intellectually stimulated by the man I am dating"
> "But you're a FUCKING 33 year old WAITRESS!!!"

So not only do you have to meet their ridiculous criteria, but they then also have to like the job you have.

>> No.51554036

>Quality therapists cost $200-$300 per hour. And it is worth it.
Whats the deal with you americans giving money to jews to have them pretend they care about you and your problems? I bet you take pills for imaginary problems as well.

>> No.51554311

When women say "men" what they really mean is "Chads" and "Tyrones"

>> No.51554380

This. Chad only boyos.

>> No.51554403

Although it's a bit overweight stuff too, baggy clothes are very trendy at the moment otherwise, in case you didn't already figure that out

>> No.51554491

>now scraping bottom of the barrel
Redpill cope

>> No.51554548

ur a fag and also ur gay

>> No.51554562

Apocalypto too, just skips around 5min

>> No.51554643

It’s just an observable truth genes cannot be bought and are priceless

>> No.51554797

>had male neighbors
>says nothing about flirting with them
I'm moving to the country bros

>> No.51554864

he's a gay fag for samefagging and agreeing with himself u fag

>> No.51554930

you would never have been born if i was gay
(Verification not required)

>> No.51554995

go back to r*ddit and don't forget to take your meds, femanon

>> No.51555001

Man, I don't know how many country girls you're pulling, but you write like a faggot who went to public school

>> No.51555629

I can't wait for women to be complete and total commodities to be consumed bros
Fuck you christian moral nuggets, I want side bitches of all ages and flavors
Yeah you heard me faghots

>> No.51555710

calls out your bullshit
>nuuuu go back 2 readit
fuck you faggot

>> No.51555857
File: 414 KB, 600x900, Lady03_1-110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, when we have sex dolls, i'm already over women and not even angered anymore by women's stupidity, i used to be back then only because i cared about them, but now all that has just become irrelevant and meaningless since women no longer matter to me. sex doll age is here bros, and soon with the progression of ai, so i'm pretty optimistic for the future.

>> No.51555869

birds have a special place in literature and poetry... their beauty cannot be matched...

>> No.51557005

Are professional matchmakers actually a real thing still? Also can you get me a gf? I'm tall, fit and rich I'm just an autismo

>> No.51557080

yea it's called instagram.

>> No.51557114
File: 270 KB, 759x1024, 9d2c09ab32f7ebe5c3cc5d96c7da506f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, what's really happening is that she wants a man she can brag about to her other roastie friend circle. She'd be too embarassed if her BF was a "lowly plumber." She'll end up alone and desperate, like all western women who have too high of standards.

>> No.51557133

how do you even use instagram to find a gf?

its people all around the world

>> No.51557177

i don't really know, but every women in person has one and use it to communicate, they're on there 24/7. Also you can just hit up some random women aswell, stop being fucking retarded man.

>> No.51557182

lmao if you believe most of the people buying XL are jacked 6ft chads

>> No.51557221
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Uhm, sweaty, $200/hr is not enough for an actually good therapist.

>> No.51557338

i personally use it myself, use the hollywood 2 filter on yourself and it literally adds a point to your looks rating, and then in real life because you look better due to focal length, they don't see it or often find you even better looking in person
they fraud, using makeup to begin with, then shoop themselves.. i fight fire with fire

>> No.51557435

how far have we strayed from God

>> No.51557486

You guys ever think that the tiktok bait we see might just be their equivalent of shitposts?

>> No.51557758
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we tried tellin em back in '18 . . .

>> No.51557783


People don't want to change, they want to be affirmed.

Any real therapy will be doing psychedelic like transformations, you're misconceptualising therapy with the crap being flaunted as help currently, because a lot of therapists are still just NPCs interpreting the patient through their own veil.

But again speaking harsh truths/mind breaking will likely just make the patient angry and they'll ditch and find something who will affirm them. For example, telling a modern woman they should love/respect their husband and find meaning in the divinity of femininity will likely cause you to be cancelled.

>> No.51557801

haha at least it had a good ending

>> No.51557862


>> No.51557885

You are a good example of the men that are left in her dating pool.

>> No.51557908

The truth in this picture is frightening. Cant wait for our society to crash and burn.

>> No.51558742
File: 32 KB, 430x443, 1642359604160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30yo boomer myself, i can tell you that all the /pol/ memes about these damaged goods are 100% correct
I'm about to turn 26 this year bros and I'm still not going steady with a gril yet. Holy fuck what do I do? I'm starting get really anxious now about having to choose between single moms, sluts who've taken miles of dick, and obese nurses.

All dating apps feel the same

>> No.51559079

thats fucking brutal, pic is apt

>> No.51559199

I just wanted to say that you actually hurt my feelings a lot and that I secretly very emotionally vulnerable.

>> No.51559334

Maybe those dubs will cheer you up

>> No.51559448

Shit you guys are starting to convince me.

>> No.51559693

>26 this year bros and I'm still not going steady with a gril yet
it's over

>> No.51560080

I did.
Not a faggot, but the US school system sure taught me to talk like one.
Doesn't stop me from hammering ignorant farm hoes who went through the same obnoxious and worthless schooling though.
The body expresses what the mind neglects.

>> No.51560156

>screamed bc i had male neighbours
Going to be honest, that's a legit reason to leave someone. Why would you suddenly start screaming because some of your neighbors are male?

>> No.51560225

>Going to be honest, that's a legit reason to leave someone. Why would you suddenly start screaming because some of your neighbors are male?
i doubt that's how it went down. she was probably hanging out with her male neighbors (black) and the guy didn't like that

>> No.51560569

I came across some vintage perfumes lately.. easiest money i have made in a while.

>> No.51560666

>i doubt that's how it went down. she was probably hanging out with her male neighbors (black) and the guy didn't like that
She was "just being friends" with one of the neighbors.. obviously we as men know that there is no such thing as female friendship.. it is all a play to get the pussy and the women knows it too. She probably went straight to said neighbor to cry about how her boyfriend dumped her afterwards and fucked him as well.

>> No.51560673
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The Jew of the sexes cries out in pain as they fuck your neighbour

>> No.51560953

it's crashing and burning as we post

>> No.51561053

You date younger girls. Fuck me zoomer.

>> No.51561908

i replied to this last night but cant find my comment... anyways. I wasnt drunk but am now, my ex is going to be this and it will be hilariouis

>> No.51562016

Not much

>> No.51562198

Mostly Seeking, sometimes Hinge.

>> No.51562230
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>> No.51562599

>$200 an hour
What type of back ally therapy from Juan you talking about? Try more like $600 an hour, and that’s assuming you don’t care about their reputation

>> No.51562660

candles + crystals man. my friend has an etsy shop that does numbers. scent the candles with essential oils and ethically sourced herbs and shit.

also astrology readings although this requires a significant commitment in time and effort

>> No.51562717

bro this is a fake tiktok with overlayed words made by some demoralization jew

>> No.51562820

I am making a humungous salary and by rights my autistic ass should be in the gutter. It's worth it. Fudding *good* therapy is either retard speak or quality demoralisation posting.

>> No.51562885

You understand what the problem is, right?

>> No.51563062

kek based fellow sun worshipper

>> No.51563103
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this song goes hard
>only 6'
can I redistribute my remaining inches to make up for my other shortcomings?

>> No.51563125
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Behold the ultimate consoomer.

>> No.51563180

I'm a neurotic which has massively hindered my ability to form social relationships, also dating apps are a fool's errand for guys?

>> No.51563251

It's a flip mcdonalds

>> No.51563717


>> No.51563925

someone needs to create an etf with all those things

>> No.51565504

>that webm
Based, but unfortunately she will probably find some beta simp provider in the end to give her money and validation anyways. The only consolation is that most of these whores will die childless or produce one single child gay autist that will immediately flee home at 18 which means they will die in pain and alone surrounded by wagie niggers in a nursing home

>> No.51565990

cope game strong

>> No.51566137

Don't visit the same whore more than one time.

>> No.51566335

I have a Mexican chick that wants me, and I catch and release spiders into my room. Sometimes you just have to be so schizo that you cross into Chad territory

>> No.51568371

Peak comedy, thanks anons.

>> No.51568496

Somewhat this.

Every shitty dystopia business that exist in Japan will eventually come to the West. You just have to be here at the right moment.

>> No.51568549

Can you tell us a bit more about the spiders?
Do they try to escape your room immediately, or do they stick around?
Do the spiders fight each other?
Are there webs everywhere?
Do you feed the spiders, if so what?

>> No.51568626

>Do they try to escape your room immediately, or do they stick around?
Some stick around for a week or two, most leave. I let them go as long as they aren't going to get smooshed by someone

>Do the spiders fight each other?
I haven't seen it and haven't found any bodies. They probably do on occasion

>Are there webs everywhere?
I mostly catch jumping spiders in my areas, but I occasionally move something and find a massive web from one that wandered in. There are a number of small web-weaving spiders that I find every time I do a deep clean

>Do you feed the spiders, if so what?
They eat the bugs, so they're largely a seasonal companion. I don't see many in the winter since they're less pets and more allies

>> No.51568632

Unfortunately you can't be serious

>> No.51568667
File: 2.04 MB, 2148x1612, 1663851205694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown widow that I considered bringing in a day or two ago

>> No.51568682

She will abort your child, and you will be forced to cope with the reality that Planned Parenthood imported your (still alive) aborted fetus to Epstein’s Island where it will be raised in a test tube until 9 months of age. From there it will be cared for and raised to be a child sex slave by pedophile elites. They will mercilessly rape your child for 10 years before murdering them. Haven’t you ever thought about what happens after Planned Parenthood aborts your (still alive) child? But by all means. Keep fucking whores, just like the pedophile elites want you to.

>> No.51568692
File: 3.02 MB, 2943x2208, 1663851386916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping spider

>> No.51568702

get fucking loaded and be like DiCaprio

>> No.51568721
File: 3.09 MB, 2943x2208, 1663851483330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another jumping spider, these are the only ones I photographed

>> No.51568757

Fucking kek,

>> No.51568759

so actually all in on nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and various online scams, since that image says nothing except that women outlive their providers and inherit everything

>> No.51568852

90% of retail is dedicated to women. Almost all of it is vanity related. Vanity is a vice, it's a drug. All vices are good business enterprises. They take care of themselves. Keep selling them anything that they think makes them slightly more attractive. Also sell them pharmaceuticals to make them feel better about being vain and vacuous (depression/anti-anxiety). And any app that distracts them and feeds them platitudes and allows them to add anything at all to their cracked chalice of narcissism.

>> No.51568870

>also dating apps are a fool's errand for guys?

yup. Unless you looksmax, you're better off cultivating some hobby and physically engaging the community to meet ladies. That's the better plan regardless of your looks if you're looking to get a girlfriend since you know the girl in the community is doing something you deem worthwhile in her life.

>> No.51569172

I do this with porn as well. I only watch the men do a oneliner and then hatefuck my wife instead.

>> No.51569755

lmao, spider bro

>> No.51569835

bro, can't you just STOP being sad? Why do you need to talk to a jew about it all the time? Your parents fucked you up, now you're coping, and nobody wants to listen besides people PAYING for it. You're literally just hiring somebody to be bored by you and pretend you are interesting?

>> No.51570083
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easy, you check dextools

>> No.51570848

That's because of JBW not being schizo lol

>> No.51571457

"fiat is ending soon" isn't schizo, it's just math
all ponzi schemes fail

>> No.51572032
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b a s e d

we already got our own branch of vtubers, more to come . . .

>> No.51572260


>> No.51572702

Business and Finance

>> No.51572735

She was getting dped by the “gay” neighbors, Tristan found out.

>> No.51573022

how you do into anti-depressive market? i mean fancy shit like pills and not stinky shit like weed

>> No.51573118

Das Boot
Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.51573502

The part she left out, she was fucking the male neighbours

>> No.51574375


>> No.51575983
File: 80 KB, 1081x668, 1645452630079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since that image says nothing except that women outlive their providers and inherit everything
That's not what it says at all you dumb fuck.

>> No.51576025

There was this woman on reddit who wrote about "outsourcing" the sex in her relationship to another woman it was kind of related to this.

>> No.51577821

I absolutely dont get filming yourself crying, If I were emotionally hurt to the point of me crying and sobbing I wouldnt have time to record myself and uploading online. I truly believe that all the people that self record themselves crying are 100% acting and I have no sympathy for them.

>> No.51577864

women know that they'll get endless sympathy if they post themselves crying. men know they'll get endless ridicule. that's the diff

>> No.51577923

absolutely. Anything for attention

>> No.51578020

>wine subscription service goes public first. Got
Drizly has been shilling itself hard on business news channels. Watch for it.

>> No.51578066

Watch The Bounty with Hopkins and Gibson. Thank me later.

>> No.51578079

The biggest eye opener is when you set your VPN outside of the west
>first tried it in korea when my friend asked me to set it to his hometown as a joke
>dozens of matches in the first day alone
>thought it was a fluke so picked another
>happened again, tried japan, happened again, tried taiwan, really got flooded
>set it eastern europe like poland or hungary
>again flooded with matches
The biggest thing I noticed is these women had actual interests and talents. They played instruments or had hobbies like fucking card collecting. A ton of them had jobs better than I did. And it's not like they were all 11/10, a lot of them were average but incredibly cute. Cute was the standard over sexy.

Something about western women has just ruined the overwhelming majority of them. It's not just that they are basic and have no interests or personality. It's that they expect the world. It's a bunch of boring whores expecting to be treated like princesses.

One final laugh, don't even use a VPN but set your profile to say you're interested in men. Interest will skyrocket. I genuinely wish I was gay because the amount of guys who said they want to work out, hang out, go to concerts, etc was shocking. Something about western women has made them essentially animals. They just want someone to feed them and pay for bills.

>> No.51578353

Why should I waste my time going with a girl to a shopping mall when I could spent it shitposting here?

>> No.51578462
File: 605 KB, 2385x781, 20220922_175948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use /sig/ then profit?

>> No.51578852

and keep moving cities when I run out of the ones I like?

>> No.51578918

I wish so bad that I could say no

>> No.51578993

I paid for tinder gold and picked a Nordic capital
dude it was so fucking eye opening. I know tinder shows you hot ones when you move, but the fact that they had so many hot ones -- who were college educated, had jobs, early twenties, and fit as fuck holy shit they were hot
it made me entirely reconceptualize American women, seeing them as unacceptably fat/uninteresting/stupid in comparison. Then I remembered visiting Europe and meeting with European girls here -- the last time I went on a date with a girl in the states that I didn't meet online was a German chick I met at an art show, said hello and she held a conversation, gave me her number and we went out a few times while she was here. This is why I am unironically studying European languages, buying crypto, to visit, then move, because American culture has fallen and will never recover until it goes into hard times, hard. Visiting Europe I met a girl who was actually interested in me, it surprised me because I didn't put on an act or anything, she was flirty and attentive but not in a psycho way, she felt like a person.. American women feel like fucking wallpaper, if you've read Lady of Mazes, just running a meme personality. it's refreshing to read another anon has had the same experience I have..
>set your interest to gay
I've overhead a number of not-ugly to hot girls locally talk positively about a gay bar they like to go to. I've never gone and I never will go, I don't want to see faggots and I don't want women who are interested in being around gays, but what the fuck. I'll take the educated ones who play sports and card games in Europe.

>> No.51580580

Lmao, Europoster pretending to be American.

>American culture has fallen

American culture has been the dominant culture for more than a century now, and it certainly isn't being challenged by "Europe".

BTW, Americans don't generalize Europe, nor do they think Euros are hot - you people look plain and inbred, and you're all socially inept as fuck

Second, it's super cringe to be pretending Europe has phenotypes that the US doesn't. We have everything, and more, and sorry, but we don't have those weird molten butterfaces that so many dweeby looking Euros have.

Sorry you're too fucking ugly and weird for Americans


>> No.51580612

Seriously, "American culture has fallen, so I'm going to fly to the continent that has been Americanizes for the past century and claim it's superior"

the fuck, lmao. Europe culture hasn't been relevant since the 19th century.

>> No.51580717


Im a brit and my type is ironically black/dark hair american women (pic related)

>> No.51580730
File: 1.10 MB, 1304x1740, Dana_Loesch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am p yp

>> No.51580745
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 32354334654325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51580747

this is a parody... right?

>> No.51580831

The AR metaverse will be adopted by roasties as a means to artificially appear younger.

>> No.51580889

I lost my virginity to one of these post cock carousel woman mid 30s, as a 25 year old. It was easy as fuck and have me confidence to do better.

>> No.51581107

You are aggravatingly retarded.

>> No.51581237

Mental health isn't real. You fell for Jewish propaganda

>> No.51581334

she left them for normal reasons, but she's lying on social media trying to portray herself as unreasonable in an effort to create controversy, and in turn generate more likes. u fukking faggot

>> No.51581362

the absolute state of /biz

>> No.51581448

unfathomably based

>> No.51581535

I assume hes being facetious but the response is correct, we should pay no attention to this stupid hoe, shouldn't entertain it as real even.

>> No.51581894

>She doesn't realize that whoring around causes the emotionally hardened older men she now wants to settle down with.

>> No.51581952

. . . "will" be?


I enjoy their misery