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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51534498 No.51534498 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a civil and fruitful discussion about meme coin of /biz/

>Does it have a future?
>Can it over take SHIB?

>> No.51534515


>> No.51534581

i love this coin so much its unreal

>> No.51534603

Get someone who speaks English to write the infographic instead

>> No.51534666
File: 44 KB, 750x412, IMG_20220915_225258_853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors are big into this coin

>> No.51534681

The schizo portfolio:
>LINK (global trust machine)
>XRP (world reserve currency)
>HBAR (tokenization of everything)
>ICP (the beast system)
>d0b0 (essence of clownworld/endgame of all memcoins)
All schizos will make it as long as they hold these coins.
wagmi d0br0s

>> No.51534742

This reads like a jeet scam to anyone who has heard of safemoon you absolute retards

>> No.51534784
File: 179 KB, 677x1462, FF3D9791-5951-45B5-B81E-8BCEC8E1D10D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is waiting for you

>> No.51534809

Ye, i should remove the upper part about safemoon and leave the bottom part only

>666 checked

>> No.51534846

3k pees
1t dogbat

>> No.51534928
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Remember, this coin was originated on /biz/
This is /our/ coin

>> No.51534959

The official
>I missed the entire bullrun

>> No.51535083
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>> No.51535424
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I don't know what's what anymore.

>> No.51535982

dobagholders, you're dobagholding

>> No.51536087

Can’t wait for d’eau beaux 3D

>> No.51536101
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>> No.51536640

BonkyKong is a schizo faggit. Never go full schizo

>> No.51536725
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Kek typical longnose

>> No.51536850

There just isn't enough inflow in the crypto market for memecoins to pump. D0b0 can only pump if normies will adopt it as their next memecoin. This can not happen untill the next bull run. All you can do is dobaghold now and hype it doesn't completely die out. Will buy if it goes under 1m though

>> No.51537127

Based trips. We will destroy Satan and the Synagogue of Satan, and the Greater Satan.

>> No.51537436
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>> No.51537719

based bonkschizo

>> No.51538620
File: 32 KB, 444x490, 6FBD99B0-BEE4-47FA-A98B-7CC6E87F998F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello this B0nkYe. I’m just overjoyed at the prospect of both bonkyim and bonkniggers alike seething. Get fucked. 50B EOY. Shoutout to Ghostberg, more of a kike than I ever could be. Shoutout to the october and mayniggers as well, maximally kiked.

>> No.51538638
File: 822 KB, 813x1150, DogeCope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51538660

>coin gets banned cuz its a shitcoin scam
>soulless scammers get around ban by saying words
>words get filtered
>soulless scammers get around filter by changing words
>soulless scammers refuse to stop scamming and shilling their banned for a reason shitcoin
>soulless scammers refuse to accept the earned L and move on and keep trying to shill their scam coin
>banned for a reason shitcoin posters need to be given 6 month bans minimum til they stop being as retarded as bitshit v cultqueers

>> No.51538746
File: 93 KB, 800x600, 8B240970-CAD1-4095-83AE-6198FAACB6FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn’t read
>you’re a faggot
>50b eoy

>> No.51538916
File: 124 KB, 808x816, IMG_20220813_215100_393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most spammed coin on biz since LINK
>Jannies sold early
>Jannies seethe and filter all words related to the coin

This has never ever happened that a coin was so notorious on biz.
Very Bullish

How can it be a scam if the contract is renounced and no one claims this or that tech/developed/update coming
We just meme we are not scamming and claiming some buzzword tech words like 99.9% of coins
We just meme

>> No.51539052
File: 704 KB, 1033x1217, A7192CBB-61C0-4D86-BE60-0FB769A9AA17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical octobernigger/maynigger sentiment, this. Without fail they find a way to blame the 60b schizo stacklet, when they should be blaming the may and octoberniggers. Picrel. This nigger bought in May and was in the Buttpirates LGBTQ+ Discord chat along with Justin and some of the others for the inception of DUBU. It was unironically called Buttpirates LGBTQIA+ Crypto Calls. Maybe that’s why we’re in the state we’re in. Because our biggest whales are literal penis in male butthole, disproportionate HIV risk, PReP purchasing faggaloids. Don’t hate B0nkYe, (note there is not a single other DUBU holder whose name is censored) hate Cuckstin and Ghostberg and their compatriots.

>> No.51539085

> Also a scam like safemoon

>> No.51539128

nobody really cares about you other than yourself just spreading the word the fud is all from one self-admitted faggot. I hope you make more.

>> No.51539177
File: 96 KB, 1130x686, This breakup is gay more than anything 1159 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's blaming him? he's just a cuck with no life. bullish.

>> No.51539281
File: 34 KB, 506x606, 36A2439C-EBF2-482D-8501-C03FB8D20FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the nigger hanging on messages kek. Get a life, niggers

>> No.51539300

why is this rightly banned coin that changed its name to get around the filter once again changing its name to get around the filter and is being posted? shitcoin was banned for a reason so stop spamming it you pathetic scammers

>> No.51539333

>soulless scammers use creativity and keep coming up with new dope shit
Yeah get fucked you bloodless cunt, I'd like to smash your head with a traffic cone

>> No.51539367

Based threats of violence in Minecraft and trips

>> No.51539512
File: 95 KB, 286x242, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants people to get a life
> Mops like an emotional faggot all day in his chat clearly complaining about being slapped by his girl and how sad he is to quit her
>clearly has no real friends and all he does is try to act though in front of his real ones in his safe zone when he's not pouring is sad little heart out in his teenage journal/blog
>wants PUA book recommendations and even the people who want to talk to him think he's a fag
>fud a meme coin 24h a day on biz
>Wants people to get a life
> Mops like an emotional faggot all day in his chat clearly complaining about being slapped by his girl and how sad he is to quit her
>clearly has no real friends and all he does is try to act though in front of his real ones in his safe zone when he's not pouring is sad little heart out in his teenage journal/blog
>wants PUA book recommendations and even the people who want to talk to him think he's a fag
>fud a meme coin 24h a day on biz
>somehow thinks this coin revolves around him
>is angry people tried to construct a community around positive and constructive stuff because he's a loser who can't do that

how's your life bitch?

>> No.51539708

BawnkYe is the biggest faggot Ive met, the kind of retard that rambles about mundane consoomer shit from the 2000s like anyone actually gives a fuck. He is actually the embodiment of discord zoomer, just wont shut the fuck up (probably doesnt get to say much irl due to 'sOcIaL aNxIeTy' so it overflows online). Glad I made it known in the TG that hes a faggot. I will unironically take solace in the fact that this community is all he has.

>> No.51539831

And yet he acts like he’s superior to everyone and all he can do is blame people and act like a victim. In truth only way his stack gets into millions is if he buys a rope.

>> No.51539852
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