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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51535985 No.51535985 [Reply] [Original]

Current: $13,000,000

Am I meant to care? I literally feel nothing. I make 10k/day from staking which is more than I could ever spend, and am comfy af in the positions I manoeuvred into.

From what I can tell, "losing" 30mil would be enough for most of your guys to put a bullet through your skull. Am I more mentally robust than you all, or somehow defective?

>> No.51536137

After your networth passes a certain amount to cover basic expenses, it all becomes relative.
Net worth loses its meaning unless compared with what it was before, dollar number doesn't matter, what matters is the % change. You would know that if you actually had that much.
Your down 80% just like most people here.
Unlike most people your basic needs aren't under threat because your net worth hasn't dipped below that threshold yet.
Your not phased because it's just a number. No one is banging on your door to collect rent. You don't have a boss that calls you in the morning wondering where you are. Its all made up.

>> No.51536577

You must be staking some really inflationary shit to get those returns, enjoy your capital continuing to evaporate

>> No.51536838

this thread makes me want to kms

>> No.51536947

i'm sitting here freaking the fuck out, applying to 100s of jobs and getting no return calls, watching my net worth of 15+ years evaporate into nothing, while fucking op earns any potential annual salary in the span of fucking 4-5 days. jesus fucking christ. i might actually fucking rope.

>> No.51537101

Settle down there newfriend, really think the guy posting fucking 9gag scooby doo memes isn't larping?

>> No.51537233

nice larp i bet you you flip burgers and barely scrape by.

>> No.51537249

Lol, that's what? 28% any? In W
Ehat ponzi scheme are you staking?

>> No.51538255


I get 60% in one shitcoin and 8% in another. You're right that it's mostly (but not entirely) inflationary - the rewards come in stables, ETH etc but they are incentivised by handing out tokens to someone else in another part of the scam-wheel.

But inflationary or not, everything gets fucked in bear and everything moons in bull. Making "income" like this is nice because it doesn't feel like selling assets to fund my life, whereas if I was sitting in some completely non-inflationary coin (100% circulating) then I would have to keep eroding my stack for living expenses, which is hard to do, emotionally.


That was me four years ago, son. I lost everything in 2018 but got back in with some loans and Made It, kek. Keep trying (srs)

>> No.51538374

hi brb

>> No.51538500

Name the two shit coins. 60% sounds doubtful at best.

>> No.51538531


>> No.51538555

You ever try to cash out? You have internet meme tokens that are directly manipulated by Sam "the bank man" Fried. Go ahead and try and cash out and see what happens

>> No.51538855

Hi brb

>> No.51538861

>You ever try to cash out?

I've spent 7 figures IRL, poorfags cope that they "could never cash out anyway" but actually you can

>> No.51539218

My ATH was around 50M current is 7M. I cashed out about 3M and put it into indices (stocks and bonds) and am down about 8% on that. Even though it's just a number at this point and I shouldn't care, I'm still getting anxious and worrying more about money than when I had none.

>> No.51539253

thanks for playing

>> No.51539277

So what’s up IDF? Something happen for you need to post some demoralization? Kikes.

>> No.51539385

Why havent you maximized your losses through ICP?

>> No.51539586

You should had put all that in Aavegotchi to earn a stable income through ticket farming and glitter farming. For 1 whole year you could farm at 144% that's no longer the case at least for the tickets, now you have to farm a token called GLTR.

>> No.51540019
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Stop bragging you fool, I don't make that in a day but still, I'm doing just fine. I trade, I have some UTK staked on Maiar too, and I have real estate assets.
>Go fuck yourself with your 13M

>> No.51540635
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>> No.51540853

Real estate Investment is super bullish, Soon I will buy a house in Cyprus and make payments in USDC through Utrust

>> No.51540890
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retarded bagholder
retarded "aavegotchi" pajeet shill
retarded "Maiar" pajeet shill
retarded "Utrust" shill
the state of this fucking board

>> No.51540925

This board has gone to this

>> No.51541096

I earn around 2k EUR a month. There was a time where this was not enough, but then i changed things up a bit and lost all the expenses like renting and other useless city people expenses. I am feeling quite fine even though I do not have a great safety net in money per se. I get eggs fr my neighbor, potatoes as well, frankly i am doing very fine. Finally i feel that some good decisions have been made and now i am in a place where i can actually invest what i have without pain. It feels comfy when you are in hibernation mode.

>> No.51543012
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