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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 227 KB, 828x756, A3472E67-1580-4C18-97D2-5B6471CA57AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51535652 No.51535652 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over

>> No.51535682
File: 10 KB, 250x222, 1663203750921191s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine believing the ETH merge would have resulted in the flippening during a bear market and Fed tightening.

>> No.51535710


>> No.51535736

Buy signal

>> No.51535741

>being this much of a pussy
My portfolio went from $1 million down to less than 200 000 and I complained less than this faggot does

>> No.51535833

Either a larp or, this is an example of a bad emotional delusional trader, constantly waiting for a handout instead of strategizing and understanding wins, losses, and scale instead of just waiting on his ass praying and getting mad when shit doesn't go his way, obviously a larp tho.

>> No.51535854
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x1840, 136d19ab9265f22f07248a938e07e030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bottom. Buy.

>> No.51535860

ETHBTC is recovering. Everyone was too bullish on ETH, so of course the (((exchanges))) would have to liquidate the longs before allowing the price to go up again.

>> No.51535875


>> No.51535899


>> No.51535918

Jesus Christ. I feel as though these AI pics are the signal of a societal downfall, and a biblical reckoning.

>> No.51535932

>no watersports

>> No.51535950

ETH will never recover

>> No.51535994

What a fucking faggot.

>> No.51536000
File: 129 KB, 949x351, 70F1CFB0-C811-4F66-A9F4-A4C237600421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51536058

What new money is coming in to pump??

>> No.51536085

lmao, if I didn't know better with the current shitty economic climate, I would say this is a massive buy signal

>> No.51536096
File: 40 KB, 736x553, 5bd4dfa7e00f9b864cc46f4144993571--los-simpsons-homer-simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold
>to buy a new TV

>> No.51536138

Excellent signal for close to the bottom. When reddit soi’s are breaking shit.

>> No.51536164

emotional man child can't take responsibility for his mistakes and copes by taking it out on his family and possessions leading to even worse decision making.

many such cases

>> No.51536240

that's a NFL copypasta

>> No.51536378

>then tells twitter about it for validation
This is fake.

>> No.51536432

Imagine believing the ETH merge would have resulted in the flippening

>> No.51536996

I'm quite the bear and currently 90% out of crypto but I have to admit this feels like one of those bottom signals that, in hindsight, I'll kick myself for not listening to

This guy is obviously a fucking retard who really wanted/needed to make bigboybux off crypto, if even someone like that is selling we can't be far off everyone who was gunna sell having sold.

>> No.51537037


looks like shit

>> No.51537140
File: 12 KB, 480x640, C6B4C21B-B481-49DF-BF47-2D77B7F1568A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringed with my full body after reading this.
Imagine ruining your kids birthday and your marriage over this. You lost the money anyway retard at least have some dignity.
If that women divorced you and takes your kids that will be one of the most impactful memories they’ll ever have of you.
I take solace in the fact that this is almost definitely fake

>> No.51537235

this shits only gonna accelerate. The singularity is nigh and only humanities destruction stops it

>> No.51537240

so corny and not funny.

>> No.51537261

inverted brain fag

>> No.51537286

Do not doubt the power of the soiboy

>> No.51537291

i havent heard corny for over a decade who are you kek

>> No.51537375


idk what “inverted brain” even means

just look at the pic, the composition is shit, the girls have monkey ears, eyes are crooked, no real depth or detail on the clothes or tiaras, wonky hands, it’s shit.

>> No.51537392

i had a neighbor call the cops on me in Dec 2017 when I was raging about getting liquidated on BitMex. Never margin traded after that

>> No.51537483

The money took from goys at the top

>> No.51537500

so many newfags in this thread

>> No.51537504

imagine doing this then tweeting about it

>> No.51537514

Imagine destroying the zogbox and people being upset
More people should destroy their TVs

>> No.51537532

Holy shit so many low iq newfags who don't even know this pasta, /biz/ is fucking dead. I can't wait for the next bull run so that I can dump on you faggots and scam you until you have $0 left.

Only non low iq anons ITT, this is just fucking sad.

>> No.51537555

i peaked over 2M and i'm down to 180k a year later. the worst i did in retaliation was go fishing for a few weeks.

>> No.51537602
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, 04C72C27-4D18-4E06-8012-9021C4F250EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some autistic retard that bad at investing and spergs out in public can get a wife and kids
fuck this clown world

>> No.51538030

I've gone from 4mil to 100k over the least year and this lil bitch is throwing lil bitch tantrums at a kids party? jesus what a fucking loser.

>> No.51538035

you're poor and will stay poor

>> No.51538058
File: 96 KB, 600x800, 1623105741054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the faggot who fell for a obvious well known pasta
The irony.

>> No.51538062

not everyone is here 24/7 365 days a year for 10yrs straight autist. some of us have lives and thus we miss le pasta you act so superior over recognizing. 0h my huckin and shuckin kinorino an autist with no life on 4chan 24/7 recoginized an obscure meme pasta! BETTER SHIT ON EVERYONE FOR IT!

neck yourself virgin autist girls will never love dweebs like you

>> No.51538103
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, 1644922268754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething newfag but I will tell you something, you will never make it and you will fall every single scam out there. Now go to sleep wagie I want my tendies tomorrow and I don't like to wait because you are tired.

>> No.51538137

>not everyone is here 24/7 365 days a year for 10yrs straight autist
and that's why the internet went to shit

>> No.51538156


Paper hands lmao

>> No.51538195

Lol this is going to make great new pasta!

>> No.51538214

imagine being a dad and having to tell your entire family that you lost most of your savings on internet shitcoins

>> No.51538224

Yeah but these retards bought the top and are in losses. You probably 100x and are still 20x your initial

>> No.51538275
File: 12 KB, 300x300, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an ex-nft bro I lost count of all the retards that have round tripped $400 to $15k back to $200 and thought the merge was going to save them.

>> No.51538286

>twitter/plebbit meme
go back

>> No.51538611

kek you got so much shit wrong it's hilarious. But yes yes you so superior you so right you big master troll lol. run along evolutionary dead-end. your shitty 24/7 living on here is nothing to be proud of and nothing to act smug over.

>> No.51538651

takes a lot to admit how foolish you are anon.
I wont even bother throwing insults your way.
All im saying is I would not be holding up as good as you if i was in that position.