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51532858 No.51532858 [Reply] [Original]

The face of the Link fudder.

>> No.51532890
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>> No.51532922
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This is more accurate

>> No.51532965
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Checked and actually this is one of the link fudders who posts here, euro tranny furry faggot begging cocksucker.

>> No.51532987

would bang

>> No.51533005

if the purpose of the garbage they produce 24/7 is to demoralize or encourage selloffs, why make it so obvious and inorganic? they make the same threads over and over again every single day, and you can actually see that they sit in there for 20+ hours sometimes, constantly replying to people just to fud every comment they can
am i meant to believe these retards actually don't hold link or think it isn't important?

>> No.51533120

yes, you are all literally shouting at the same 4-5 people on each thread

>> No.51533132

They are probably waiting for the IPO, it's pretty dumb to buy the token and think you are participating in anything. You are just giving them money so they can spend it on HR people and empty conference rooms

>> No.51533156

Youre down 95% vs eth in 2 years. Youre a schizo

>> No.51533207

I feel like its people paid to FUD, you see this kind of psychological manipulation in other markets, why wouldent powerful entities do it here as well to gain an edge.. maybe im just paranoid? I just feel like constant fuding your own bags 24/7 or a coin you dont even own would just be to boring unless you were paid to do it...

>> No.51533505

I like thinking about fudders who hold Link losing half their stacks on Bancor. I feel bad for non fudders but oh god is it not wonderful karma for those who do?

>> No.51533659

2 fast responses from seething fud troons lmao
so DO you know how dumb you look? you know how absolutely ridiculous your behavior seems, right?
get off that retarded script and be candid for once
i wonder about the whole paid fud army thing but it seems too personal
if they were paid, i doubt they would be that angry all the time - because it's a shitcoin they don't care about and they get paid to copy paste the same garbage over and over
but it's more like they lost all their money on lending platforms and the only way they can try to make money again is to hope one of their shorts goes through, or maybe they missed out on 2018 prices or something
what doesn't make sense is the methodology
6+ fud threads an hour
making 10x more posts than regular link discussion / hopium posters
it wouldn't convince anyone of anything outside of rabid obsession

>> No.51533701

The point isn't merely to demoralize people into selling, but also to just create so much noise and bullshit that genuine discussion becomes impossible. No more assblaster-esque research, no deep dives, no breadcrumbs, just inane emotionally-charged bullshit.

>> No.51533778

fwiw I firmly believe that as long as LINK keeps performing like ass, discussion quality only going to get worse from here.
this isn't 2018 anymore

>> No.51533864

This. No matter how "polite" everyone is they investment has to deliver at some point or its pointless.