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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 400 KB, 2775x1595, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51531142 No.51531142 [Reply] [Original]

Extremely bearish for Chainlink, institutions don't want exposure to it (along with Polkadot, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash aka shitcoins)

Chainlink is over. You fucking retards kept saying it was a top 3 project. People are selling and moving on, time to do the same


>> No.51531148


>> No.51531164


>> No.51531166

They had like 1% LINK. Does not matter.

>> No.51531179

yup link was their lowest asset, also Grayscale has lost their ass being total idiots so basically do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.51531194

>July 8th 2022
and this is why i dont respond to these threads except to say that I dont respond to these threads

>> No.51531208

Holy fucking kek, pound this shitcoin into oblivion. Sergey must feel like a total loser

>> No.51531217

How many internet computers do they hold?

>> No.51531230
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imagine holding all this time and selling now...

>> No.51531251

/biz/ is constantly screaming at my face that the train leaves the station in 2 weeks
so sell the news?

>> No.51531253

>July 8th
Good catch the fud about Link is so fucking bullish it's insane, Sergay speaking tomorrow followed by smartcon and NASDAQ getting into crypto.
$333 EOY
Watch Grayscale go bankrupt.

>> No.51531258

Checked and kek'd, you'd be singing a different tune if they added more

Cope and seethe, the usual from bagholders. Hedge funds buy this for exposure and are saying I want more of the real deal, shitcoins not wanted

>$50 to $5

>> No.51531263
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Pft, their loss

>> No.51531282

Why won't the linkers just fucking sell already? It's fucking pissing me the fuck off.

>> No.51531296

I hold chainlink and it makes you seethe uncontrollably

>> No.51531336
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>> No.51531339

>Cope and seeth
Kill your self.
How about that champ?
Purposefully misdirecting people and someone obviously calls out your shitty lying ass and you respond like a fucking eight year old.

You faggots deserve to lose every penny and walk the earth as our slaves, when the time comes I will make you clean the dirt out of my asshole with your tongue, and I'll remove your fingers and feet/teeth so you will be helpless to retaliate.

>> No.51531356

Grayscale wants nothing to do with Chainlink, so they made their own containment fund for it which only has a couple million in LINK. It's also one of the smallest funds Grayscale offers. Face the music stinkies, people with money don't care or want Chainlink.

People with money > delusional bagholders on /biz/

>> No.51531366
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>you'd be singing a different tune if they added more
>if these people did something smart, you'd be praising them!
Was this supposed to be a "gotcha!" kinda post?

>> No.51531368

Are you guys retarded? It's a large cap fund. If the market caps of a token aren't high enough, it'll get removed. Which is why there are now only 3 shitcoins involved. Simple as.

>> No.51531369

Just sold my entire stack. Thanks OP!

>> No.51531375

Post your face nigger.

>> No.51531408

>BREAKING NEWS FROM 85 days ago!
Really aren't you suppose to be in school bucko?
where are your parents?

>> No.51531441

>Seething because LINK is $7 instead of $180 like his financial fantasies

Aww it's okay little guy, maybe next year it'll go up to $8!

>> No.51531452

imagine being so lonely and bored that the only thing you can do for fun is go on a niche finance board to post an out of date article to argue with people over an imaginary internet token that you aren't even invested in.

truly sorry for your loss (and by loss i mean your life)

>> No.51531477

You lost this battle faggot, sadly it's too late for you to delete this shit kek.

>> No.51531512

>Projecting and lashing out

Keep going anon

>Resorts to elementary school quips

kek how angry are you anon? Grayscale sends its regards to the retards

>> No.51531514

Anon, the majority of the tokens in those baskets all depend on chainlink to function.

>> No.51531521

*to reach their max profitable potential

>> No.51531525

you had 2 years subhumans

>> No.51531546

>Keep going anon
no thanks I have things to do now. like real life things with real people

>> No.51531564

>Gets called an eight year old
>Acts like a five year old
Kek little boy you're pathetic you parents really need to restrict your internet access.

>> No.51531600

Just vitriol. Such unhinged, seething hatred. Such delight at the suffering of the holder. The Link fudders foam at the mouth like a group of ravenous demons. No souls. No humanity. No originality. They are but cackling beasts.

>> No.51531632
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirrrrgayyyyy they're being mean to us againnnn

>> No.51531655

Ah you're this faggot jesus fucking kill yourself already, go back to /pol/ and godlikeproductions and get the fuck off my board you literal demon.

>> No.51531693

Thousands of internet computers- literally better- than what? Everything including chainlink unfortunately for you and the fellow supplicants on this board

>> No.51531824
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>> No.51532130
File: 21 KB, 362x122, GLNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grayscale literally bought high and then sold low, true /biz/ classic lol

anyway any big player who wants exposure to LINK is buying GLNK, which is at $13.60

>> No.51532246

thanks, just all in'd on cardano

>> No.51532267

Bullish as fuck

>> No.51532342

Linkies are the most annoying techboys in this board.

At least XRP schizos and XMR neckbeards stays in their respective containment threads. But not linkies, they have to invade and contaminate every thread with their WEF bullshit.

>> No.51532378
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>not preparing your shorts

>> No.51532418

They'll buy RLC. Watch. This is why RLC is being accumulated.

>> No.51532596

i don’t see link mentioned anywhere
what are you guys talking about

>> No.51532633

Imagine even imagining this. Truly pathetic

>> No.51532654

you are fucking delusional lol

i am keeping my lonk stack bro

>> No.51532951

Stay poor idiot. You think grayscale doesn't put millions into research for their investments? Rip to you kek

>> No.51533036

they apparently just created a solo LINK fund instead?

>> No.51533807

so OP got btfo I guess

>> No.51533868

> 31.69% cardano
Tells you all you need to know. Grayscale is a large fund tailored towards dumb outsiders. Why would you want to copy trade the shit VCs are shoveling the masses? Having such a high Cardano stake suggests they do most their "research" on reddit and don't have the slightest clue how any of this tech actually works.

>> No.51534066

This was good fud till you posted that.


>> No.51534418

They're just buying the established big gainers. ADA is trash, I agree, but normalniggers buy it anyway and poompa its price basically like a memecoin.

>> No.51535028

feels good bein an adachad

>> No.51535103
File: 136 KB, 784x1024, 191940A0-8949-4852-8C68-F56DA885BC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, crypto vc’s are actually fucking retarded

>> No.51535460


VC's may not be the brightest bulb, but here you are defending a token with the market cap of a microcap that has also lost most of its value in the last two years. Get fucked

>> No.51535557

July 8th. Lol. The fudding intensity is so high right before staking and CCIP. Max pain for no linkers coming soon.

I sold during defi summer, I bought under 6 bucks. I’m holding over the bear.

>> No.51535602

Checked and respecd

>> No.51535604


>> No.51535618


sorry, should have clarified

I don’t hold link and think it’s a bad investment, vc’s are stupid in crypto but removing link was done in spite of that stupidity, not because of it.

>> No.51536158

LOL linkfags fucking retards, so glad I sold for bnb when link hit $20

>> No.51536413

the absolute state of linkies, can't even math

>> No.51536518

Understood anon, agreed

>> No.51536528

I remember when this fud was new. I think it’s funny that they are so desperate this close to smartcon that they’re recycling all of the fud Ive seen over the past two years. KEEP GOING GUYS! IF YOU KEEP IT UP IM CLOSE TO SELLING 1 LINK!

>> No.51536833

Shit thanks for finding this. Has the market spent any of the past 70 days reacting?

>> No.51536858

>BREAKING: Literally nothing happened
fuck off retard