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51494715 No.51494715 [Reply] [Original]

They said that they will keep raising rates until "job is done" but can US afford such high interest rates and bond yields with its cataclysmic debt?
Do they intend to kill inflation by just annihilating word's economy?

>> No.51494885

No it can't. About a third of bonds are short term and are redeemable and reissued within a year. When the money printing can't pay off the interest accrued we're gonna have run away inflation. This is much different than the 1970s cause our debt is way higher

>> No.51495127

Surely the Fed knows that? I've yet to hear a cogent explanation beyond WEF-are-bond-villains-tier larping

>> No.51495554

Doing nothing defaults to hyperinflation. That destroys empires. The other options to get inflation under control are price fixing, forced wage stagnation, or rationing. The current government doesn't have the balls to do any of that.

>> No.51495692

>are price fixing, forced wage stagnation, or rationing. The current government doesn't have the balls to do any of that.
They have more or less been doing all of these things already and their rhetoric becoming more and more plain that it is obvious they have intentions to do more of it

>> No.51495703

If everyone's bankrupt, no one's bankrupt.

>> No.51496282

True. And let's not forget that the money was actually spent destroying the productive capacity and industrial base via consumption from external markets. Big contrast to 1970's when US was creditor nation and a contender in worldwide manufacturing.
It was a matter of time, the boomer generation should have nursed the debt a bit more, instead of spending it all on Covid.

>> No.51496400

>rip and tear (the economy) until it is done

>> No.51497056

Yeah it was inevitable and I spent a lot of last year figuring what may hold value and I realized how people in the great depression got fucked. Everything is going to lose value and we will own nothing and be happy. Fall of Rome shit if the feds can't get inflation under control in 18 months or so.

>> No.51497136

What should I buy

>> No.51497148

Nothing ever happens

>> No.51497173

Inflation is the expansion of the monetary base, and higher prices are an obvious symptom of this expansion.
Own everything you can now. This is not 1930, the monetary base will continue to expand.

>> No.51497179

Either the world rots because we keep giving promises of resources to fucking nonsense peddlers with cheap money or the economy crashes with draconian money policy. The party's over, anon

>> No.51497306

I dunno
> cash - inflate away
> gold - bubble, speculative
> bitcoin - speculative, energy costs
> real estate - bubble
> stocks - further dump, forever crab
Maybe ibonds but you can't buy that much of it. I'm open to ideas
Inflation is mostly due to money printing, and then companies making things worse by taking massive profit from people having a ton of stimulus and high tech salaries. Just buying shit that isn't commodities is just speculative in nature cause you don't know if theres gonna be a market for funko pop toys in the future

>> No.51497567

i don't think you understand gold very well

>> No.51497613
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>cogent explanation
They are all idiots who gambled the future chasing short term gains. Now they don't know what to do. However, they did all go to the right schools and have you seen those suits they wear?

>> No.51497623

>he doesn't know how money is printed

>> No.51497642

>Fudding gold and BTC
Yup, you should definitely go back and invest in funko pops.

>> No.51497649

he's right about the bonds

>> No.51497678

Go look at the price of gold from 1980 to 2000. It's a speculative asset and worth whatever people are willing to pay for it. If people have no jobs and no money the price goes down you fucking morons. Gold is in a bubble and the price will move down in the short to mid term. I hold about 3oz worth myself but am not lying to myself thinking it's gonna survive this shit fest on our doorsteps

>> No.51497682

>When the money printing can't pay off the interest
Literally just issue for bonds and print more money, Japan has been zombie mode for three decades. They will drive this economy until the wheels fall off and burn my man.

>> No.51497715

>I've yet to hear a cogent explanation
The dollar is a debt based currency and liquidity is literally based on how gay and black you are and if you can influence society enough to warrant carbon taxing.

You really think a system designed to keep white people down is able to get themselves out of a collapse?

>> No.51497743

The FED is bluffing.
Also they will move the target from 2% to something like 5% (4% of optimistic) and call it mission accomplished.
2% simply isn't hapenning.

>> No.51497744

>bitcoin - speculative, energy costs
The only thing holding Bitcoin back is the green agenda which is failing spectacularly on other fronts.

>> No.51497765
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Then next cycle it'll be 8%

>> No.51497774

This is what you just said but in the eyes of somebody who understands basic fucking economics;
"go look at that buoy over there bouncing around in the water, it's volatile and goes up and down with no warning and it seems completely unpredictable and random!"

You're a fucking idiot. You do not deserve to use a lot of society's resources, and when this socialist bubble pops, you're going to realize just how useless to society you are.

>> No.51497780

Nope, they'd also kill Yurop

>> No.51497787
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>do they intend to kill inflation by just annihilating word's economy?
Ummm....yes they do?

And you're pretty dumb if you think central banks care about employment or the stock market. They're simply following orders from above and are waiting to implement their CBDCs on a global scale.

People are generally dumb and fail to see the bigger picture despite them openly shilling for their plans

>> No.51497856

Speculative assets like gold and bitcoin don't do well in recessionary periods like 1980~1990 when there is a slowdown in the economy and feds are raising interest rates because people can't afford to speculate on things they don't need. So genius, what's your big idea?

>> No.51497872

Central banks move it up and down in meaningful ways because of supply destruction

>> No.51497902

>I've yet to hear a cogent explanation beyond WEF-are-bond-villains-tier larping
It really is that simple. There's only a finite period of time where you can suffer consequences for your actions, and the history of global economics for more than fifty years has been kicking the can far enough down the road that it won't be seen until you're afforded the safety of the grave.

>> No.51497930

FUD FUD FUD it will never crash everything is pegged by $ so it doesnt matter how shit the currency gets, we will have a permament eternal 10% a year bull run

>> No.51497939
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Gold is the only metal floating on an ocean of printed money.

>> No.51497958

I'm theory, yes. In our present state of debt, the feds can't have a sustained interest rate hike without paying a bunch of interest on the debt when they issue new bonds, of which about a third are short term bonds with a redemption period of a year. And they can't just do nothing otherwise inflation spirals out of control. Plus the dollar is really strong right now but the domination may be weakening meaning other counties can't shoulder the US debt. Maybe they have enough tools to kick that can down the road longer but it just makes things even worse later

>> No.51497964
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people are too retarded to save themselves lmfao
every fucking time lol

>> No.51497974

So do you believe it is impossible for gold to lose its relative value to the dollar and why? I hold some, not selling but I'm not buying more at these prices

>> No.51497981

Recession is often the result of inflation. Inflation and currency debasement are not the same thing. Now stop being a midwit.

>> No.51498000

The federal receipts and revenue will plummet really fucking hard if they stopped spending.
The debt to GDP would skyrocket precisely because they stopped accumulating debt lol.
lol consider the irony of being in more debt because you stop going into further debt nominally.

>> No.51498010

No. They will stop it at 4% and that's it regardless of what retards say in this thread. The FED will not risk imploding the economy AND defaulting on national debt. Debt to GDP is already at critical levels.

>> No.51498022

> Legendary investor Mark Mobius says the Fed will hike interest rates as high as 9% if inflation stays high

You’ve been warned.

>> No.51498032
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lol goyim are so gullible and naive

>> No.51498035


Gold bugs have long know the banksters have been manipulating gold prices to pump their own bags. But the game is coming to an end.

>> No.51498039
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Did China collapse? No. They still have an infinite resources of rice farmers to blow themselves up in the iphone factories and infinite gas from Russia. The economy will never crash and us infrastructure will last another 200 years. Doomers are ngmi.

>> No.51498050

Also many Congress critters sold.

>> No.51498058

Uh Japan? Anyway I'm out. This is some reddit tier GME levels of delusion itt. Invest in whatever, have fun

>> No.51498067

Price fixing doesn't work either. It simply generates massive shortages. And that leads to rationing, as you suggest. But it still doesn't fix inflation. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon and the only solution is monetary quantity control. Of course the permanent fix is commodity money and restrictions on banking.

>> No.51498120

Nigger this would literally collapse the US empire off and hand it over to the East if it goes forward - maybe not in a year or two but the following decades. Unless they are fully bent on destroying the US, rates will not above 4%. And the stock market is nothing to them. It will go up again when it needs to - boomers will just need to retire later.

>> No.51498131

Economically speaking, EVERYTHING is worth what people are willing to pay for it. But that does not mean that all assets are created equal. Housing and stocks are riding a collapsing debt bubble. Gold and silver, on the other hand, are relatively rarely purchased with debt. Hence, less of a bubble to collapse. Gold and silver have been a store of wealth for most of human history. Their value is embedded in human culture, language, art, poetry, myth, legend, etc. Not going to become worthless in your lifetime.

>> No.51498136
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>nigger trusts the government
>calls others nigger

Eat the bugs and kys

>> No.51498137

People don't understand that most of the jobs in this economy are fake lmfao
what a mindfuck of a bubble

>> No.51498160

Nothing that flooding the nation with billions of shitskins can’t fix

>> No.51498164

but anon! nft flippers are a big and necessary part of the economy to provide liquidity to nft assets they work every day so hard and now you say their job is fake what are you a commie?

>> No.51498191

Look up the interest rates during the Carter administration, nufag.

>> No.51498288

The Fed is aware of what inflation does to an economy. At low levels it is a great way for politicians and their cronies to skim wealth off the people. But when it boils over into massive carnage, then everyone gets screwed. So they absolutely WILL pop the bubble economy to stop it.

>> No.51498296


XRP will. XRP to the moon!

>> No.51498634

Kek baggie

>> No.51498835
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>It's a cyclical downturn; you'll be fine

>> No.51498940
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my rolex man my nigga jerome h powell
muh man

>> No.51498956
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forgot pic

>> No.51498971

What fucking crack are they smoking in the wef? I guess they forgot to mention the mass graves. Whose making all these wonderful hightech thing's, because cars with 600kgs of batteries won't cut it. I think the politicians are getting locked in the barn with the plebs.
I think now the Queen is dead they can really speed things up. She didn't want to live with the guilt of not even trying.

>> No.51499037

You end up adding 300 lbs of curb weight just to make it hybrid.
And you only improve gas mileage for stop and go city driving.
This garbage is only good for post office vehicles and their ilk.

>> No.51499068

Gold doesn't have value in the future.

Zoomers only know how to communicate on electronic devices, nobody trusts banks, and we just got going backwards in time, lol.

You're not going to rally some men for shekels of silver kek
Zoomies are going to plug into whatever device and provide whatever service for sats because it's the baseline for producing energy.

>> No.51499088

>white peoples can get us out
>but white people serve the Jews

Wait a minute….

>> No.51499090

It's impossible for us to raise the interest rates that high anymore,the government itself wouldn't be able to afford to pay off its debts,the US Dollar is basically finished because the FIAT system is a gigantic pyramid scheme and its impossible for it to last forever

We will likely get another huge money printing period possibly next year before the final collapse

>> No.51499101

I wonder how many people realize that "life has never been better" in that future because the WEF is planning on drugging people.

>> No.51499134

>consider the irony of being in more debt because you stop going into further debt nominally.
so whats the move? an anon mentioned this reccession is more like 1973 than 2008 and that the bottom will come in oct/nov and will rebound pretty fast afterwards. Im iffy on that because i remember 2008 and it took forever for them to paperback over the market

>> No.51499144

These people openly talk about population reduction.
I called this years before COVID. All you have to do is listen to what they say. All this talk about climate change, the way they were presenting it. NEVER has there been a more clear case of the ends justify the means. They MUST act, at ANY cost to "save the planet."
If they don't do what must be done, humanity is doomed.
Buckle up mate, these people are going all ze way wid this.

>> No.51499165


Why do people think it's going to go up in oct/nov? What could possibly be the catalyst to cause the markets and GDP to rise without quantitative easing?

>> No.51499180

Midterms need to be secured

>> No.51499281


They're already (((secured))).

>> No.51499326

Look at the debt to GDP back then you fucking retard.

>> No.51499370

Exactly. This is why going above 4% will destroy the private sector as well. A lot of employment is propped up by cheap credit which is why there's a lot of zombie and worthless companies still alive keeping numbers up despite being an absolute dogshit drain of resources. It's no different than GDP tricks the government likes to use with spending programs to "grow" GDP (despite growth being lower than debt increase).

>> No.51499747

1 in 2 employed americans is working for an unprofitable company as of 4 months ago
I'm pretty sure people are going to get super pissed off and starts smashing shit lol

>> No.51499875

They've already moved the goalpost to saying that the goal is 2% of CORE inflation, a made up mean nothing stat that takes out some of the most important components of an economy.

>> No.51500064

an essential business, start a farm or something

>> No.51500089
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>kill inflation by just annihilating world's economy?

>> No.51500099

>Do they intend to kill inflation by just annihilating word's economy?
If every human died and all dollar trade ceased, the inflation would technically be 0%.

That is the only way to bring inflation down to target, so you tell me.

>> No.51500115
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>> No.51500130

this,but we still need to know where to invest

>> No.51500134

Jerome mispoke. He meant they are going to keep raising rates until "JOBS ARE DONE" i.e. you are homelesss and own nothing and are happy.

>> No.51500154
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>doomers trying to convince everyone that the economy will collapse in 2 more weeks
>meanwhile, in real life, things aren't even as bad as the 70s

>> No.51500211

The absurd printing since January of 2020. is like an economical Chernobyl.
You will understand that when your oil reserve is empty and you have to pay 2 eurodollars per litre. Thats like 8 eurodollars per gallon.
The tapping of the strategic oil reserve was the last attempt to kick the can down the road.
>inb4 theres infinite oil in Venezuela, Norway, under da sea, etc.
Can it be pulled out and refined without spending more than its worth?
Is there another Libya for a Nato hit and run drive by pillage oil action?

>> No.51500225
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>> No.51500375

China didnt collapse, and wont collapse.

Ever wondered why c0nvid is still a thing in china?

Turns out its useful to lock down people and control them. You really mean to tell me that the chinese economy (just like the western ones) are healthy ?
Their entire growth is largely based on the fact that they keep investin in unproductive assets like real estate, and build ghost cities from concrete and cardboard that crumbles after one year.
China has hit a demographic wall. Just like japan did. They have to continue to create bullshit jobs for their billions of people to keep them all happy. And external conflicts will be a part of this to keep people distracted from internal issues.

China and the USA already did collapse. We just havnt felt the aftershocks of it. And of course Europe will follow.

>> No.51500411

There is a lot of smart people on the board of the FED, same could be said about BoJ in what led up to the Nikkei crash..

I think the FED will keep raising rates until something begins to crack. The issue is that there is a delay, it takes some time before existing debt gets rolled over or new debt being issued.
If the breaking point that leads to the fed pivot is to far out into the future, the debt will become a huge problem because it will be that more expensive to service the debt.
If the US currently spend 14% of revenue on interest payment, and the debt the government has is issued at an average of 1.5%, then it's obviously a huge problem if all the debt were to be rolled over into the now +3% (and this is just the current rate, they more or less confirmed they will raise it between 75 and 100 bp next time, and that is unlikely to be the last time they raise it).

And this is just for the government, around 10-15% of the companies that comprise the S&P 500, have interest rate payments that is higher than their profit (pre-interest rate payment).
The S&P500 is a good chunk of the retirement!

Even healthy companies will have to spend a lot more on servicing their debt, reducing their ability to grow and making it more likely they will "trim the fat", closing stores in unprofitable areas, firing excess workers, etc.

tl.dr the Fed is waiting for the economy to show signs of cracking before they pivot; but the real threat is the bleeding the higher rates causes by getting rolled over.

>> No.51500456

>they are just idiots and incompetent bro there’s no way it’s a conspiracy

>> No.51500646

They have a limited amount of time to get inflation down. What the feds are doing to try and reduce the interest payment is not issuing as many new bonds - so just letting the old ones expire. Not only do they issue less bonds at those high rates but also it's their form of quantative easing. But they eventually have to issue out new debt and can't keep this up for too long.
Carter era: 2~3 trillion indexed to today's dollars
Currently: 20~30 trillion
Gold will retain value, sure. But it's not the line go up PM fags think it is. There are boom and bust cycles in the price. For instance, either gold is way overvalued compared to silver and platnium or vice versa.
Invest in yourself?

>> No.51500677

>There is a lot of smart people on the board of the FED
Are you a fucking retarded goy or a jew? Either way you're a fucking niggerbrained faggot. They're smart? Literally saying one thing, underestimating another. They have no fucking clue and it doesn't matter. They're rich and you're not. You will suffer and they will shrug.

>> No.51500783

>1 in 2 employed americans is working for an unprofitable company as of 4 months ago
Big if true. I would need proof to believe. Technically I think there’s only like 4 ways out of inflation. 1. Austerity 2. Hard default 3. Soft default 4. GDP growth that outpaces the inflation. I think the Fed is flirt with all 4 until they finally settle on soft default. I don’t know what that looks like, but having the liquidity to pivot when they do is probably the most essential thing you can do

>> No.51500849

based submariner wearer

>> No.51500896

Gigaretard take

>> No.51501038
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the main point of princes of the yen is that after WW2 US appointed governor for BOJ
princes meaning they were chosen long before to be the future BOJ governors, princes of the yen
then they deliberately, purposefully and intentionally created the 80's japan bubble then they proceed to deliberately, purposefully and intentionally pop the bubble to induce depression
see the theme similarity?

>> No.51501068
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thus anyone mention anything such as "fed pivot" or "hyperinflation" shouldn't be considered human for they didn't pass the threshold of non-retard IQ
they're utterly and totally stupid fucking subhumans

>> No.51501199

And this is why we are destroying Europe by using our proxy in Ukraine to divide it from Russia. US has been feeding off the tit of destroyed nations since the end of WWII, and got hooked on the milk. Europe was moving toward gaining economic independence, and if they were to cut the cord with the US, it would all be over. American feeds on destroyed nations, it is what sustains it. So get ready for war, its happening!!!!!!

>> No.51501321

japan has been in the dreaded stagflation for 20+ years. so what are the best assets for Japs to hold in that time? could be similar here

>> No.51501383

another factor that throws a wrench in the works is that some weaker countries will start to default on their debts and this will heighten global instability, but it's unpredictable how it would play out. if a country defaults on debt, that a lot of money the receivers will never see. some countries will go to war over it. some will try to start a new reserve currency. but it's unpredictable. only thing that is certain is that no nation will just fall silently

>> No.51501490

I don’t think you know anything about the Fall of Rome considering nothing about present America actually resembles the late western Roman Empire.

>> No.51501553


More like Elon's Neurolink. If it can make you always happy, who cares what your living conditions are.

>> No.51501584

US equities

>> No.51501646
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>see the theme similarity?
i'll just say it out loud since i'm in a good mood
the fed deliberately and intentionally created the bubble using covid printing as an excuse, effectively creating the biggest bubble in history, blackrock also helps by buying all real estate to create real estate bubble, thus the everything bubble
during covid the price that rised are asset prices not consumer products price, this tells you covid printing was targeted to asset purchases
it's only after they disrupt the supply chain by not allowing ships in california port to dock and then the ukraine energy crisis, that consumer inflation starts to rise
now the fed is using consumer inflation as an excuse to raise rates effectively popping the asset bubble which will send the global economy into depression
fed is lying straight to your face that rising rates will fix consumer inflation while the true purpose is to intentionally bring the global economy into depression
truly kek

>> No.51501717

The age we live in seems so unique relative to other periods, there really are no good comparisons - although some are worse than others.
I think the fall of the High Mayan civilization most resemble a potential collapse of our economy/world order. For the sole reason that they saw the problems begin to mount but they didn't have the tools to deal with it, they were simply dealt more than they could handle and even in hindsight it seems like unsurmountable problems that was woven into their civilization.

These problems that we are facing seems unsolvable, what is the best solution you have heard? "X years ago you should have done Y, now you should let it burn" - Peter Schiff?
..and even that, in hindsight it seems impossible in our political system to reduce government spending when inflation was sub 2% and stable.

>> No.51501828
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>princes of the yen
Dr Richard Werner effectively unveiled the reality that all financial crisis are fake, meaning there's simple solution to every crisis that is central banks just buy the toxic assets from the banks, recapitalising the market, resetting the banks balance sheet into healthy balance sheet thus banks can lend again for recession means no money / liquidity crisis in the mean street
so why did japan had 20 years recession? because central banks alway wait out to implement this solution, and they demand some political / law / governmental changes before they fix the economy
this is the same strategy IMF used on 3rd world nations, before IMF lend to the nations, the nations must change their various laws regarding foreign ownerships on national resource, effectively allowing foreign interests to own national resources, this is conquest through economic policy
what is the change that the fed wants for this coming depression?

>> No.51501917
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it's safe to say governments handled the pandemic in the worst possible way.
shut down everything and empty the streets, destroy small businesses, print tons of money to pay people for sitting at home, now deal with inflation from throwing money willy nilly

>> No.51502042


Where to read about this shit?

>> No.51502093

But, they are literally bond villain tier. Why is the simplest anY4axKP0swer not acceptable?

>> No.51503226
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the USA will not exist in 2030, moron

>> No.51503300

Raising rates is good for everyone but rich jews. Shut the fuck up and enjoy.

>> No.51504709
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>when clean free energy became free
kek 2 more centuries

>> No.51504867

They can blame it on Russia

>> No.51504957

This fag again...

>> No.51505766

>We will likely get another huge money printing period possibly next year before the final collapse
how will the final collapse happen?

>> No.51505784
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>Do they intend to kill inflation by just annihilating world's economy?

>> No.51505868

>the Fed is waiting for the economy to show signs of cracking
could you define "signs of cracking"?

>> No.51505944

when the new reserve currency is gold-backed (like russia is doing with the gold/oil-backed ruble right now as we speak) then gold will be worth something. especially if the stocks that are worth billions on paper evaporate into thin air.

>> No.51506672


>> No.51506978

What the fuck is wheep?

>> No.51507081

cartier santos mogs every rolex so hard

>> No.51507118

Just print money, I ignore the “NOOOO YOU JUST CANT DO THAT” faggots
You absolutely can.

>> No.51507145

>problem is caused by printing money
>printing even more money will magically make the problem go away

>> No.51507175
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Everyone in this thread is jumping around the obvious answer:


The U.S. is going to jump into another global war to reset all its sins. They will sacrifice young american goys to Moloch to keep the sinking ship afloat a few decades more. Long War stocks. Join the military now in a non-combat role. Get your ducks in a row. Keep an eye out for false flags blamed on Russia. The US is already taunting Russia into a conflict by supplying arms to Ukraine, and China by sending Big Tits Pelosi to Taiwan.

>> No.51507199

Yah we just had lockdown in the free seat country in the world and you think that?

>> No.51507214

so how do we save ourselves?

>> No.51507309

Make money off this fake ass crypto scam, buy silver and gold, use it as payment. It will always have value, it’s fairly stable and you won’t have to on and off-ramp to centralized exchanges.

>> No.51507347

>The U.S. is going to jump into another global war to reset all its sins.
With what army? Have you not seen recruiting numbers?

>> No.51507456
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>> No.51507509
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Biz bros you think Powell raises the rates past 75 points this week?

>> No.51507599
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>there will be pain for households and businesses
Yes. Fed will raise rates a minimum of .75

>> No.51507652
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>"What's gonna happen, is the US economy gonna BLOW UP?"
>"No, worse! The world's economy will be annihilated"
>"... and then the US economy will blow up"

>> No.51507667

This but unironically

>> No.51507682
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WW3 little girl. Hopefully not tough, just hoping we see a bad recession and followed by one more bull cycle.

>> No.51507748
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That's what fucking gets me

Really hoping we get one more upturn, I wasn't ready this cycle
Things seem bad though and yes war seems to be coming
Hopefully not...
Maybe nice things will happen.... right?

>> No.51507781

>Maybe nice things will happen.... right?
Sure... in 300 or 400 years.

>> No.51507791
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I am hoping for the best, I dont want to see a big war in my time that touches every part of the world. I am hoping things calm down the market comes back and we keep printing tendies. I just need enough time to make it and find some where comfy in the world to watch the shit shows from afar.

>> No.51507834

hey you said you're in Medellin right? i'll be there at the end of this month/beginning of next month. you want to get a drink and talk about how we can start to move past the central banks?
captcha: STAY8

>> No.51507860

btw good point about IMF using predatory lending against 3rd world countries, I'd add the World Bank, WTO, FSB and various regional trade organizations etc to that list

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is a great and very readable book on this topic for anyone interested.

the entire cold war was sold as "a fight against communism" but really it was just building the american business empire using international institutions that were puppets for US/City of London-based interests the entire time

>> No.51507973
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>Do they intend to kill inflation by just annihilating word's economy?
No. They're trying to keep inflation high without triggering a recession in order for their corporate masters to maximize profits. An officially announced and accepter recession would begin to normalize everything and be good for the average person in the long term, but would be devastating to wall street and the corpos. They're walking a tight rope in order to ride their gains as far as possible, and literally loot the US coffers when the high is over.

>> No.51507994

Gold is not in a fucking bubble.

>> No.51508005

Poor persons mentality.

Gold is not in a bubble. Farthest thing from it. Crypto and stocks are/were in a bubble.

>> No.51508021


>Gold does bad in periods like 1980-1990

Well it's a good thing that we're in a stagflationary period akin to the 1970's then.

>> No.51508036

Literally everything is only worth what people are willing to pay for it.

>> No.51508046
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>IMF predatory lending
I've come to feel that this is one of the main reasons behind the war in Ukraine. Thats why their tactics seem to focus on getting as many land-owning Ukrainian men killed as possible.
Russia is complicit in the scam.

>> No.51508059

Normalcy and recency bias.

>> No.51508226

>invest in funko pops

Unironically yes, invest in GameStop the funko pop store

>> No.51508273

don't need an army when you have foreign countries at your command and a nuke button :^)

>> No.51508301

It has ALREADY happened, dipshit. Month over month inflation is just 0.1% which is 1.2% annualized.

Sorry, the sky isn't falling and the world isn't ending. You'll have to pay taxes until you die like everyone else.

>> No.51508317

Are you retarded?

>> No.51508392

You are retarded.

>> No.51508417

they're setting the stage for a corporate-owned dystopia. Ukraine really will be neo-Khazaria

>> No.51508448

what happens to the mortgage payments if there is 60-100% inflation? do people still pay their existing monthly payments for the next 30 years, when 3k is equivalent to today 100 bucks?

>> No.51508511

>covid printing was targeted to asset purchases
so is the top ever going to come back or is it just a long and painful decline for crypto

>> No.51508522

CBDCs, and some of the WEF stuff

that said, my man, the WEF is shilling LINK.

>> No.51508583


>> No.51509134

price fixing and manipulation of interest rates is well covered in Human Action. I don't know of a contemporary book that compares with this. The cunt is over 1000 pages long I just did audio book x 2

>> No.51509211

No they can't afford it.

And the best part is: raising rates is going to do NOTHING to solve the actual problem, which is supply chain disturbance.

>> No.51509220

The kikes demand old mortgages and loans get re-evaluated and adjusted for inflation and new debts-reassigned to debtors even if they were already paid off. This happened in weimar. And then for no reason at all..

>> No.51509273

an army of troons. their number increases tenfold daily

>> No.51509289
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>he fell for the supply chain meme

>> No.51509424

>No it can't
BRRRRRR is inevitable
but...DXY can still go up cause the other FIAT currencies around the world are even more shitty than USD

>> No.51509561
File: 169 KB, 750x991, DAB856B3-7CB4-4CE8-BA50-BE2A714CC085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FED controlled interest rate is NOT the same interest rate the federal government borrows money at dumb dumb

The federal government borrows through government bonds where the interest they pay on this loan is in the form of bond yields

The bond yields are set by the market. The more inflation or instability the market expects for the dollar the higher interest they want on their money hence the higher the bond yield increases.

In order to make borrowing cheaper for the federal government the FED raises its interest rates which combats inflation.

This is why you see dips in the bond yield whenever Powell announces another cuck 75 bps increase. The problem is that it is not strong enough (pic related).

The federal government cant afford 4% interest which is current pricepoint on the yields, and certainly not 10%, so expect giga ultra rate hikes for a long time.

>> No.51510067

This will not happen retard.

>> No.51511041

>The current government doesn't have the balls to do any of that.
and thanks to God for that, as they are doing good stuff accidentally

Serbian retarded government (shitton of former commies and their kids in all positions) is doing the price fixing on a lot of stuff, and just now we are experiencing a shortage of milk. it just fucking doesn't work

>> No.51511063

in a healthy economy maybe they wouldnt need to borrow money at all

>> No.51511085

You can just say nigger to recruiters and be instantly barred from service

>> No.51511105

>They said that they will keep raising rates until "job is done" but can US afford such high interest rates and bond yields with its cataclysmic debt?

No, the government would cease to function of they raised rates to, say, 10%

>> No.51511336
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>what happens to the mortgage payments if there is 60-100% inflation?
Mortgage interest rates go to 60-100%
I hope this helps.

>> No.51511388

Why not?

>> No.51511484

cuz muh gunzz

>> No.51511503

What? Nobody would do a damned thing. They never do. You can rape their daughters (the 1/10 that actually manage to have children now) and they'll just cry a out it on twitter.

>> No.51511620
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>but can US afford such high interest rates and bond yields with its cataclysmic deb
lmao no. that isnt intended to get paid with real money. they have been aggressively monetizing that. which hurts your credibility a lot if the people who lend you money have even one brain cell. this is a dollar short squeeze and a violent move by the fed, domestically but even moreso internationally. they must expect some huge world events to happen that will allow them to print/delete their way out of it because things get so bad

>> No.51511725

they can't do anything with governments just continually borrowing and never paying back
all they can do is raise rates and hope and pray until the default happens which it will eventually unless politicians decide to fall on their sword

>> No.51511800

This. Doomers are some of the stupidest people out there. Plus this place is flooded with /pol/ tourists every time there is a big drop in markets posting about muh hyperinflation hoping for their government collapse.

>> No.51512003

>This happened one time? Surely it will happen again.
Stop being obtuse. Americans would burn the country to the ground before accepting such conditions. I have severe doubts what you say even happened. The onus is on you to prove that it did and would happen again. Likely if it did the terms of said loans included such a senario. Modern loans do not.
So go on faggot. Prove it happened, show proof of loan terms that it occurred under and demonstrate how modern loan terms would allow this (they won't)

>> No.51512023

>it will happen cause le shitpost
kys you shit stirring retard

>> No.51512103

To answer your question without the schizo-take, existing mortgages are protected in the us if they are fixed, variable rate yards are fucked, and chances are the fixed rate mortgage will disappear if the banks lose their asses on these and the us will be like the rest of the world with 3 to 5 year fixed max. Now for what happens to new mortgages. They will continue to try and expand the timeline for mortgages to 40, 50, 60 years etc, but because of the lifespan limit only companies would be able to get credit right? Wrong. Because mortgage interest is front loaded they don’t care if you don’t pay for the house because you’ll have paid the interest and they get the house back. So what they’ll do is put some provision in where you can leave a home to your children so long as you’ve paid enough on it, and we will return to multigenerational debt through real estate. If you want smaller examples of this look at the homestead laws for natives in Canada and Hawaii. They won’t protect everyone this way of course but you’ll get the idea. It will pseudo force people to stay in one place because it’s the only place they can afford being a family heirloom, and labor will lose its mobility, which is perfect for outsourcing and controlling labor prices.

>> No.51512393


>> No.51512417

>Prove it happened,
Prove what happened? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.51512422

Wheres our greatest ally?? They arent sanctioning Russia??

>> No.51512438

Serbia is a sad place

>> No.51512462

>Gonna have
You mean we already have! Who pays $10 for goyslop burgers or over $1 for a can of corn syrup drink.

>> No.51512849
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>The other options to get inflation under control are price fixing, forced wage stagnation, or rationing.

Forgets war, ngmi

>> No.51513086
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>I've yet to hear a cogent explanation beyond WEF-are-bond-villains-tier larping
Do you know how old these people are anon? What have they ever done in their long lives that was even accidentally good for humanity despite all their power and resources? Nothing at all and in fact it has all been utterly malicious, the world is a fucking disaster compared to even two years ago let alone twenty and it is totally dystopian from the youth these people enjoyed. Literally what proof do you need that they are just literally evil and are going for an evil outcome?

>> No.51513704
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Yall are fools. The economy goes down, it goes back up again, if it gets bad enough we'll hop into a proxy war to kick the can down the road and keep the abandoned young men off the streets.
You should more concerned about the declining birth rate, I hope robotics makes a big jump in the near future...

>> No.51513783
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People malding at you for being right

>> No.51514070

can someone explain why the FED can't just raise their interest rates at high as they want if raising it will push inflation and treasury yields down?

>> No.51516630

This is a great question. Someone pls answer

>> No.51516667

I can't believe I never understood this. Thanks for explaining anon

>> No.51516695

>Go look at the price of gold from 1980 to 2000
that's a very short timeframe, don't be small minded

>> No.51518898

Seeing as you're the only intelligent person on this board, what's your take on how BTC/crypto/stocks will behave in the following months/years? Is it the smart move to buy in the following months/year?

>> No.51519678

I bought RAIL because it has about 50% of its circulating supply staked which will reduce the sell pressure. Been a while though, not sure I can buy any other for now except DCAing into what I already have

>> No.51519897

Keep raising, I moved everything into TIP bonds after the gamestop story started.

>> No.51519963

I’m not smart I just happen to know this one thing don’t trust me or anyone else with predictions.

That said I think we are in for a long recession so I’d expect prices to keep falling and interest rates to keep rising until at least mid 2023.

>> No.51520231

Rates will rise, and the government will raise taxes instead of defaulting. It's not complicated.

>> No.51520411

>high rates

high rates encourage deposit, which is then destroyed and removed from the money supply.

the fed literally deletes the deposits

>> No.51520573

I share the same sentiments with you, best not to buy at the moment, but I think keeping wallets transactions private is essential

>> No.51521686

last meeting he used the words' pain' and painfull. tomorrow he'll raise atleast 0.75bp and use scary language even more. stocks need to drop atleast another 25% from here to have ANY effect on inflation that is worth it. Jerome no longer cares about stonks. inflation is the only worry

>> No.51522233

Good gains come when you hodl for long term plus I also stake and I am cool with the ORE/ETH liquidity pool.

>> No.51522511

based JOCKO poster knows

doomers get the lake

>> No.51522823
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>this is a dollar short squeeze and a violent move by the fed, domestically but even moreso internationally. they must expect some huge world events to happen that will allow them to print/delete their way out of it because things get so bad

>> No.51523944
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Because the FED's lending rate (the thing that they can directly control) is the rate at which the FED charges interest to commercial banks. Functionally, the FED's interest rate is the 1st and most basic price a bank has to be able to pay in order to get cash to lend out. If the rate is 1.5%, the banks loans all need to be making enough money to offset that 1.5% rate. If the rate goes to 2%, suddenly all the loans the bank makes have to get more expensive to stay in business. This is why the FED rate increasing trickles down into business and consumer pricing, as it changes the cost of loans for everything from starting a business, to buying a home, to getting an auto loan.

If the FED tomorrow set their lending rate at 15%, the cost of loans would skyrocket. Suddenly venture capital dries up, emerging (and often stupid) industries and businesses collapse for lack of funding. The price of everything purchased with debt explodes. Even "growth" tech stocks would feel this tightening and their value would tank as the money tap gets turned down somewhat.

>> No.51524060
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>> No.51524097
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You guys are bots. Back to the keyboard boys, it ain't good yet.

>> No.51524129
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These are dustified brokers. Gravity doesn't do that.

>> No.51524163

Surely there are other options. Why can't they do like a burn tax on all lending? Remove some fiat from circulation

>> No.51524194
File: 302 KB, 1125x1082, D3F0FB0C-199A-4705-B91D-EAC532095EAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Migration (TGM) will dispense with hardware outside of the minimal recquired to host Earth Two (ET), the giant AI that'll house the hive mind (human extinction) collective of both ours and Theirs (Them, origins unknown).

>> No.51524266

Republicans will control the house and senate and, therefore, initiate the second golden bull run since Trump took office. It literally cannot happen any other way.

>> No.51524274

>can US afford such high interest rates and bond yields with its cataclysmic debt?

>> No.51524275

Not bluffing. Market will be down 30% by end of October. Keep sliding tho. Maybe I’ll toss you an extra dollar for my door dash.

>> No.51524287

Exactly which is why moshe will have all his shekels. Stupid goy

>> No.51524303
File: 80 KB, 951x453, 47F87055-B35D-45BC-AB76-F5FF34B30F16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No retard. This is the only way to save it. If you let inflation spiral outnof control, then US world dominance is gone. Jfc you got are IQlets

>> No.51524305

this is one of the most retarded things I've read on /biz/ in the last twenty minutes

>> No.51524312


>3 more weeks...

>> No.51524353

>inflation is only 1.2% annualized!
Shut up kike

>> No.51524354

Why don't they just do the USD equivalent of a crypto burn and delete a few 0s on a computer? Most of the money supply doesn't even physically exist anyway.

>> No.51524391
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Normoids would learn monies were already virtual for decades and buy crypto alone, never bothering with the Fed shotcoin anymore, ever again.

>> No.51524415

who's going to be ok with their zeros getting burned? shareholders of banks?

>> No.51524449

Yep, although now we're being antisemitic and it would probably start WW3.

>> No.51525131

They do token burns all the time. What you think happens when you deposit cash into the ATM

>> No.51525218

Based monetarist

>> No.51525354

they'll burn everyone's bank accounts and call it "a major hack"

>> No.51525497

>everyone invests in bitcoins and stocks
>oh no it all crumbled around us
>invest in bees
>bees are more valuable every year
>oh no, a bee plague!
>bees even more valuable

>> No.51525527
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Read some boomer comments. They are freaking out hahaha. JPOW is going to see CPI up and the complete rebound from the low and fist fuck all mumus

>> No.51525671
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It's economic warfare. The other countries will crack like raw eggs before the US sees much pain at all, Europe is being dismantled financially. For whatever reason, the United States might not be on as amicable terms with some allies as they publicly claim.

>> No.51525761

>If the FED tomorrow set their lending rate at 15%, the cost of loans would skyrocket. Suddenly venture capital dries up, emerging (and often stupid) industries and businesses collapse for lack of funding. The price of everything purchased with debt explodes. Even "growth" tech stocks would feel this tightening and their value would tank as the money tap gets turned down somewhat.

Brainlet here, isn’t a slightly softer version of this the goal since it softens demand for goods and services (and hence lessens inflation)?

>> No.51525804

There's gonna be another big happening™ that will justify the brrrr

>> No.51525934

The federal reserve buys bonds from the US government. The government has an annual deficit of about just under 1.3 trillion annually as of this post.

As the government sells bonds it is now taking on the onus of paying back an interest rate. That interest rate is now higher because the fed has changed its interest rate for offering loans causing the bond market shift yields.

If what anon says is true here>>51494885
then within the year 1 third of our national debt will need to be reissued. This means instead of paying 4% on a slowly accruing deficit of 1 trillion a year, the government is going to sell bonds for about $11 trillion instead. So they're going to have to pay 4% on 11 trillion instead of 1 trillion. Big difference. 4% of 11 trillion is another 440 billion added to the yearly deficit. This is only going to increase as more bonds need to be reissued year over year.

Honestly though i'm not sure if national debt is even meaningful for the US. The US issues dollars to other nations. Nearly all of its debt is to the public. The only thing we don't want is runaway debt because then the federal reserve would have to just forgive the government debt. If that happens maybe other countries would be suspicious of our bonds and demand higher yields. I would not be surprised if j powell just silently strikes debt from its balance sheet over it and calls it a day to be honest. It wouldn't even be the slimiest thing i've heard all year in business.

>> No.51526208

>disrupt the supply chain by not allowing ships in california port to dock

Anon... just no.

>> No.51526253

It's what central banks have done from the start faggot. They create artificial booms and busts for their own benefit. There's two ways this ends; they decide they've made enough money by fucking the world over yet again or people finally hang them in the public square.

>> No.51526406

>I would not be surprised if j powell just silently strikes debt from its balance sheet over it and calls it a day to be honest. It wouldn't even be the slimiest thing i've heard all year in business.
doesn't the interest earned by the Federal Reserve on US Government securities already get returned to the Treasury? no reason to forgive the debt if it's on both sides of the balance sheet

>> No.51526421
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>> No.51526498

>doesn't the interest earned by the Federal Reserve on US Government securities already get returned to the Treasury?

>> No.51526573

no, thats why kikes started the war with russia

war is the only way out other than societal collapse and sovereign debt crisis

>> No.51526775

i personally defaulted on my debt. now is the time to do it for sure. take out as much credit card debt as possible max it out and never pay

>> No.51526905

it was all part of the plan, this whole covid thing was an engineered financial and political power grab

>> No.51528893

The kind of people who will burn cities down over the cost of housing and cereal are not the people who have a vested interest in the stock market so if that doesn't already tell you which way the Fed will go I don't know what else will. That's been obvious for almost a year now.
The Fed has said exactly what they are going to do and everyone acts so shocked when it actually happens.
Rate hikes will continue and pressure companies that rely on debt for growth. This will lead to less available jobs which will tighten the labor market which is a clearly stated objective of the Fed.
Real estate will continue to get hit as to alleviate pressure from housing costs.
People can do all the mental gymnastics and cope they want to tell themselves why that isn't what will happen except it's exactly what has already happened and will continue to happen until the job is done. Perhaps there will be short term relief but then there would be a bad print and the show would resume again.
I've been hearing the same cope since this thing started about muh debt and muh bonds. You niggers will never learn.

>> No.51530636
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euro will hyperinflate
dollar will hyperdeflate

>> No.51530765
File: 1.21 MB, 945x1063, j pow sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what tf is he thinking bros?

>> No.51530783
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>> No.51532804

How's a civilization-ending nuclear holocaust going to prolong the existence of the American Empire?

>> No.51533228

>demographic crisis
>debasement of currency
>state getting more and more despotic and oppressive

I dunno, it seems to be fitting pretty well.

>> No.51533309

>euro will hyperinflate
>dollar will hyperdeflate
Where would that put the price of Bitcoin, gold, etc? Btw appreciate you mentioning Dr Werner. Watched a wonderful presentation on CBDC by him right afterwards.

>> No.51534512
File: 29 KB, 389x387, jumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military leaders are not retarded. I believe even though nuclear weapons may be used in upcoming conflicts, they will be tactically used against military targets far outside of civilian centers, and will be small yield nukes. No general is going to sudoku the world by launching a nuke at moscow, then getting creampied by a million nuclear warheads in every Major American city. THINK anon THINK!

>> No.51536324

god this board is fucking retarded

>> No.51537391

but /smg/ is telling me something about fed rates being basically equivalent and refuting your premise that inflation creates a higher bong yield. They're also claiming that the Fed will reverse. Oh, and that I'm "ngmi" if I think otherwise.

>> No.51537711

>gold goes down when the dollar tightens up
wow such an insight.

>> No.51538562
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Nothing ever happens
dxy has been trending down against dow, nasdaq and spx since May, Vix wont make a new high. Sorry for all those that shorted the bottom, close when the scam wick happens

>> No.51538784

>and fail to see the bigger picture despite them openly shilling for their plans
Is there any more evidence for their plans other than that one statement from five years ago

>> No.51538974

>then getting creampied by a million nuclear warheads in every Major American city
Do people genuinely think this will happen? Have you not seen the state of the rest of Russia's equipment? Do you really think Putin is acting like such a terrified little rat faggot because he's actually got a functioning nuclear arsenal behind him?
We don't want to use nukes because of precedent in an eventual war against China or Iran, Russia has proven they've got nothing but a surplus of bodies to throw at a war.

>> No.51539017

It's broken, they have a tendency to fuck things up because they're using lagging indicators and they've done it again.
It's already broken and the market knows it.

>> No.51539072

>They're also claiming that the Fed will reverse.
They're right. The pivot is locked, and coming around March 2023.

>> No.51539120

They have more details at hand obviously not some nob cheese on this shit website.

>> No.51539151

Yea governments are full of really smart people. Just look at the DMV.

>> No.51539268

Fuck bitcoin yankee faggots.

>> No.51539351

True. Rate hikes come a year too late. The market fixed itself and now needs to deal with lagging policies based on lagging indicators. Buying the dip I suppose

>> No.51539516

>demographic crisis
The Romans didn’t have this
Covid is not a plague and does not resemble the plagues the Romans had which actively killed 20-30 percent of their population. We do not have this and haven’t in centuries.
Jesus Christ Kys. The Romans were at war constantly during the “Pax Romana” and war is a human constant.
>debasement of currency
When the western Roman Empire fell it had some of the purest gold currency in human history. The Solidus was not debased until the late 11th century after which Alexios Komnenos replaced it with the Hyperpyron.
>state getting more and more despotic and oppressive
They didn’t have the technology to enact genuine oppression on free citizens in antiquity. The Late Roman Empire was not despotic or oppressive in any way compared to the principate or high empire.
Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.51540154

inflation is like 8%, so if it stays there, every year we will have 8% inflation no?

>> No.51540423

What's better? GMT Master II or Submariner?

>> No.51540460

Yeah. USD hegemony is being used as a weapon. And if you don't see it, you're retarded. The world economy doesn't matter as long as the USD stays on top.

>> No.51540507

I don't know what bullshit you've been listening to the past year, but killing Yurop is part of the goal

>> No.51540680

so many fucking retards in this thread.

You know what I think? I think Russia and China are making moves while they're still relatively strong. With the US disrupting trade through tightening liquidity, with the dollar milkshake theory actually turning out to be correct, the Chinese and Russians are forced to act now while they're strong before they are slowly bled out by American Finance. So if Putin has the fucking balls he's swinging around with his draft, and China decides to back him.. well, it's fucking game over man. Cya, should've moved to South America. God I fucking hate you gay niggers so much. And you fucking "professional" shills who don't blend in and post uncanny valley faggot shit and think you're so fucking clever; WE SEE YOU NIGGER. YOU GLOW. Out of all the dumbfuck niggerfaggots on this board I hate you fucks the most. Fuck you. I swear to god if WWIII happens I'm gonna fucking hunt you fuckers down

>> No.51540798

what if the plague was overblown too and just written into history?

>> No.51540851

Goes to JP Morgan

>> No.51540894


glowies exist for the us, china, russia, and many other countries. they're all on here. russia probably has the most vocal population of them

>> No.51541124

>This is much different than the 1970s cause our debt is way higher
also your mom shaves her bush now

>> No.51542714

You forgot the option to increase production. Which is part of the plan. Though it takes a lot of time to spin up factories.

>> No.51542952


you forgot

>women in charge
>taxes out the ass

>> No.51544020

Your historical knowledge seems to be severely lacking, my friend.
Your first statement directly contradicts the second. From the time of Augustus who was always complaining about the low birthrate of Romans with full Roman citizenship due to women inheriting wealth & getting affluent and not wanting to get a traditional manus type marriage anymore which would give their husbands full power over them personally and economycally. That's why later emperors handed out more and more citizenship for the people of the provinces until if I remember correctly, Caracalla gave everyone full Roman citizenship in the provinces in 212. And after Rome could not acquire new territories anymore, their sources of slaves started to disappear and in the late Empire slavery was mostly replaced by the colonus system that was a servitude like state which resembled the Medieval peasant more as they didn't have the right to move freely, but personally they were free and had some basic rights unlike a slave. Which means they were so out of workforce they had to resort to this and the immigration of barbarians to the Empire's territory.
Rome always had wars, but from the 3rd century with the Markomann wars it was mostly deffensive war with complete provinces being decimated by bigger Barbarian attacks and at the end even the city of Rome was sacked, twice. So these wars were different. I admit the US is not at this point yet. But the loss of population due to this wars was significant.
The first wave of plague hit Rome during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and it was downward from that point. COVID wasn't anything like that, but let's see where the rise of all cause mortality will take us in the next years.
I don't know about gold coin used at the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but saying that they didn't debase their currency is just blatantly false. The process started early, like during Nero or Caligula and later it got so bad that Diocletian even tried fixing prices.

>> No.51544189
File: 50 KB, 1093x471, goldmarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gold bubble popped a long time ago fren

>> No.51544196

But the point of MAD doctrine is that in face of a existential threat a state will resort to indiscriminate nuking of the enemy. Think of the Cuban missile crisis.
>let's put some missiles into America backdoor, returning the favour of missiling up our backyard in Turkey
>no you won't or it's game on, no punches held back
>ok we won't, but take your nukes away from Turkey
>ok whatever, just keep it secret so we can save face
This is how it went down basically, there was no tactical nuke bullshit.

>> No.51544213

Go on, call his bluff then fucking pussie.

>> No.51544323

>he doesn't know
kek. You realize Selective Service means your balls are already in their vice, right? They just have to turn the crank. An EMP attack or nuclear event will be all that's necessary to shock Americans into supporting mass conscription. Boomers will throw their children into the fire in an instant; haven't you learned anything yet?

>> No.51544439

can someone explain the forced wage stagnation meme to me? it seems to me that raising lower to mid-range wages by even 10% would be a drop in the bucket compared the the remaining inflationary forces at play. is it really necessary to make wagies suffer in order to flatten the inflation curve?

>> No.51544665

Even so they will never get 2%, stagflation is the name of the game from now on.

>> No.51545216

Yeah, I'm buying up wti any time it goes under 84. Fuck the fed.
Also good to see biz can still do a half-decent thread on macro now and then.

>> No.51546897

no. But keeping wages flat in dollar terms and diminishing in purchasing power is necessary for the pyramid scheme not to colapse. Imagine profit margins even more diminishing while the fed raises interests, the result would be the entire economy collapsing

>> No.51547050

>The first wave of plague hit Rome during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and it was downward from that point.
All things considered, Marcus did a great job holding it together.

>> No.51547227

This thread is filled with non-americans and poor americans. Disregard everything you read here.

>> No.51547271

They want employment to get hurt. They want to cause a recession. They want stocks to dump. Are you seriously this out of the loop?

>> No.51547272

The US roots for a global war that's what empire does. Maybe they'll get rid of their entire debt once everyone in under their claws.

>> No.51547339

You can just make that the disclaimer for this entire board. The only reason to come here is for the laughs and for the wagie feels.

>> No.51549503
File: 23 KB, 309x410, 1638875447267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economy bad? Good.