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51522150 No.51522150 [Reply] [Original]

Most of the other coins on this list makes sense except for AVAX, but why are they so bullish on DOT? eth I can see, Icp is Ofcourse the already written future of crypto. But dot? Don’t know- thinking of purchasing some.

>> No.51522185

theyre just buy everything and hope one of them is right which is what every institution does
polychain have managed to refine the process to slightly less than chance

>> No.51522241

> t. Hasn't seen Olaf from Polychain talk at ICP's supernova hackathon

>> No.51522253

Also Chris Dixon from a16z

>> No.51522539

Post video ser

>> No.51522651


>> No.51522671

DOT will be the defi playground of billionaires

>> No.51522686

literally no one is bullish on DOT
tell me when was the last time Polkadot made a bullish announcement or development?

Its dying and competitors are slowly taking over. Polygon is creeping on them right now in market capitalization and they’re actually launching new products and partnerships

>> No.51523506

>he doesn't know.

>> No.51523835

Parity doesn’t do announcements like that. They just build.
You only need to check dev activity on Dotsama projects to understand “the last time” a bullish development was made. Fuck, the amount of devs coding on it IS a permanent bullish announcement.
Dying? FML… It isn’t even an infant yet.

>> No.51525169
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reminder that Gavin Wood is a mentally ill Pedophile that likes to rape 8 year old HIV positive boys.

>> No.51525607

vitalik buterin too so what

>> No.51525685
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>> No.51525733
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then they both get the bullet

>> No.51525809

Are people bearish AVAX now? For what reason?

>> No.51525821

ICP puts that garbage to shame

>> No.51525888

Yeah honestly idk how anyone can be bullish on DOT now that Cosmos/IBC has 1000x the adoption that DOT has.

>> No.51525907

They're bullish on coinbase and bearish on FTX. That's all I need to know to conclude that they're financially retarded.

>> No.51526227
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I sold my avax and dot because of this thread.

>> No.51526275

of all of those tickers only bitcoin and ethereum found product-market fit: icp/avax were just too little too late and dot is gunning for a multi-chain world that just isn't going to pan out
they're right about opensea, raised at peak hype it will never recapture
don't care about near
and coinbase is terminally fucked. binance ate its trading lunch, yet coinbas's descent to shitcoin land permanently tarnished its previously clean, safe image

>> No.51527096

Isn't that bullish in crypto? Look at Vitalik

>> No.51527384

Lol that's your opinion lad, I find DOT a pretty ass blockchain that sits good as the future of crypto, ICP is kinda cringe to an extent but most at times I rather DCA more on NEAR and RIDE than it but that doesn't mean I don't hodl it. ETH is the fucking future as we all know and that's on period.

>> No.51527408

No one gives a fuck about what you think. Ohh well remove that damn Avax and place Kadena with Sylo and STG as well, ohh yes you welcome fags.

>> No.51527426

I just bought 600 dot because of this thread. what am I in for?

>> No.51527438

Tf is this even?

>> No.51528212

Ty very interesting

>> No.51528306

>ICP is kinda cringe to an extent
solid analysis this is why I’m here

>> No.51528506
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Can't scale as subnets literally can not talk to each other and they don't have shared security, it's dead on arrival to anyone remotely technologically competent. DOT and COSMOS are somewhat better but then again they ONLY interoeprate between parachains or cosmos-chains respectively, which isn't interesting. ICP interoperates not only with any blockchain whatsoever regardless of whether they agree to it or not, but also with the legacy IT stack (web2) as its smart contracts can do HTTP requests.

>> No.51528700


>> No.51528712

>in it for the tech
Have you not learned anything?

>> No.51528718

hows $600 and being HIV+ sound?

>> No.51528733

>clicks link
>she's in a closet
Yea sorry bro. I don't take advice from people that can't even afford an office with bookshelves at their home.

>> No.51528786

I'm sorry I triggered you :(
I don't hold either of these coins but I'll start dcaing into BTC, ETH and ICP within the next few months. In the end you gotta think about what can work, if you believe in the vision of crypto.

>> No.51529587

Very interesting that a smart group like poly ignores the token that links them all

>> No.51530059

>No link

>> No.51530089

what i said above. it's not just poly, paradigm, a16z, no big funds hold link. the entire space refuses to invest

>> No.51530124

how much did the vc's fund your shiller farm of pajeets, how many members does it have? I hope you make a few rupees at least.

>> No.51530269

Because AVAX is about to pump. /biz is always wrong.

>> No.51530398
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Bro AVAX is gonna be $14 soon

>> No.51530627

If they want to waste funds on settlement layers then let them. We all know where the real revenue will come from.

>> No.51530734
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>> No.51531685

See this all the time with hundreds of XYZ chain shills. Muh chain XYZ (ICP in your case) can miraculously solve every financial problem while remaining cheap fast and decentralized.

And yet somehow, absolutely no one is using it and it has no adoption. Funny right?

Fact is that only IBC (cosmos) has seen meaningful adoption, and is CURRENTLY transacting billions of dollars in inter-chain communications. Every L1 worth a damn is actively discussing how to integrate IBC. That's what adoption looks like.

>> No.51531799

Psychedelic is a development team that works on the IC not for it- they work on aave, fil and I believe near as well- they attempting to create an entire web stack for web3.0 they’re building the infrastructure for that and they don’t care what protocol they use, they’re married to none. So your post is retarded and really shows a lack of understanding on anything. Now you could have looked up this dev group easily and deduced but you decided to immediately and furiously type like a monkey to get this retarded, wrong and shitty little statement out. Your not what’s wrong with crypto, you’re what’s wrong with humanity

>> No.51531940

I said ICP, never mentioned psychedelic. Learn 2 read brainlet.

>> No.51532074

Now try breathing through your nose

>> No.51532101

LMFAO @ that last sentence, bit dramatic bro but agree w the sentiment

>> No.51532194

Don’t engage with the mentally ill anon

>> No.51532255

> Provides elaborate explanation of why his chain is useless
> Responds like a dopamine depleted ape without addressing any points
Oki bro, good luck. The point of the other anon was that psychedelic doesn't give a shit about ICP, they just build wherever the tech is, I have to explain this to you because you're a mouth breather

>> No.51532693

I never once mentioned psychedelic. My post has nothing to do with psychedelic. It clearly says ICP. You're sperging out over nothing.

>> No.51532740

Point still stands. Yes, all projects say they're great, it's on you to use your own intelligence to discern which ones actually are, otherwise what's your investment thesis here? Just invest in whatever you're told to invest on? Invest in whatever is currently being used? Be my guest go all in BTC, if you're not able to navigate complexity that's your best option anyway.

>> No.51532906

What do you mean people aren’t using the chain? Literally shitloads of people are using that dcvsr thing. The Minecraft fighting clone game is dope as shit and entrepôt is pretty popular

>> No.51532930

Let me break this down for you since it seems that you fundamentally cannot grasp what is being discussed here.

This is your post
>DOT and COSMOS are somewhat better but then again they ONLY interoeprate between parachains or cosmos-chains respectively, which isn't interesting.
>ICP interoperates not only with any blockchain whatsoever regardless of whether they agree to it or not, but also with the legacy IT stack (web2) as its smart contracts can do HTTP requests.

I responded to your post with a statement that it's funny, I see hundreds of chain shills (including you shilling ICP), who claim that their beloved chain will fix every interoperability and finance problem.
And yet, somehow, none of these miracle-solution chains (including ICP) are seeing any real adoption. The only interoperability protocol that has experienced real adoption is IBC (cosmos).
I am implying that the ICP claims are a crock of shit.

So I don't know if you're trolling or retarded, but whatever the hell you're talking about now is way off course from the topic.

>> No.51533065

Avax is top 3 coin anon. Don't fall for the biz fud on it. That's all I'm saying. No more for now.

>> No.51533068

>And yet, somehow, none of these miracle-solution chains (including ICP) are seeing any real adoption.
no shit sherlock, they're all ethereum clones. now try to clone IC.

protip: you can't.

it has more than 250 engineers working full time on the chain. btc integration testnet successfully launched, prepare your anus for mainnet. this means smart contracts on btc. all of your shitty L1's can dream of achieving this. once that's done, ethereum will be next and yes then your pedocoin DOT and COSMOS will be integrated as well. your chain will run on IC whether you like it or not.

>> No.51533268

Guy literally doesn't have an investment thesis, he just invest in whatever sees "adoption" as he says. God knows what adoption means for him kek. To each their own ig.

>> No.51534059

if he just took 2 seconds to check the development he'd atleast see that icp is holding 6 months back to back the no. 1 on Github repos in a fucking bear market.

>> No.51534163

>muh devs, muh testnet, muh scaling, muh integrations, muh github, muh DREAM
Kek, you guys are beyond retarded. Enjoy circlejerking to your -99% VC scam that will never achieve mainstream traction. I have nothing more to add to this pointless conversation.

>> No.51534255

kek ironically always resorting to mocking when they have nothing valueable to say. fud the tech or btfo retard.

>muh parachains
can't even talk outside the retarded dot ecosystem.

>> No.51534379

nigger I have never once mentioned DOT either, that's another scam. IBC only. FFS why is basic reading comprehension so hard for you.

>> No.51534454

So this retards whole point is that you’re not supposed to pay attention to development because….. reasons….

>> No.51534625

fucking lmao.
>builds nomad bridge
>retarded sub 80 iq normie adds a few zeroes to transaction
>finds a working transaction
>changes address and rebroadcast it
>drains $190M
nice fucking security you got there. incompetent devs can't even code a decent fucking smart contract

>> No.51534779

nice strawman lmao. Do you understand how open source software works?

>> No.51535072

Development is important, but it's an extremely crowded space and takes a lot more than promises of future potential for these things to have longevity.

My point is that there's thousands of chains/projects out there claiming some miraculous solution to financial interoperability. And yet, there's only one that is actively being picked up by pretty much everyone and currently transacting billions of dollars worth of value. And that's IBC.

Do you know what happened in the early days of the internet? There were hundreds of proposed communications protocols, and some of them were really quite clever and technologically advanced.
In the end, everything landed on the TCP/IP stack. Why? Because 1) it worked well enough (minimum viable product) and 2) it saw enough early adoption to snowball
And so, decades later, we still use the TCP/IP stack despite the existence of admittedly technologically superior communications protocols.

>> No.51535270

Btw integration is already on testnet but that’s besides the point. Interoperability is only a small part of what sets icp apart from other chains. It’s much much more than that.

>> No.51535297

DOT started strong, but it seems the team is sleeping right now

>> No.51535377

Interoperability is what most people are bullish on. Ability of blockchain networks to interact.

>> No.51535478

Fuck interoperability

>> No.51535517
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>> No.51535596

It took way too long for even basic interoperability between parachains to come out. Combined with paywall gated entrance into the ecosystem (parachain auctions), it's no wonder that parachains have turned to IBC just to stay relevant.

>> No.51535722

Icp will be a big deal. Other cool interoperability alts to watch out for are Frm, Ore and Juno.

>> No.51535738

Not only that, it's more easier when you can maximise multiple chains with just a single ID

>> No.51535802

ICP is perhaps the worst performing asset in human history. Don't fight the tape, numbnuts.

>> No.51535931

You should look into the bigger picture faggot, the more you can justle btw different chain, the better you get to know how those chains work

>> No.51535966

Zoomers don't care about image. SBF drives a Toyota Corolla and wears the same sneakers + t-shirt + generic shorts outfit as most of the autist I knew in HS, and the media loves him. Material goods and physical features are relics from a dying society. Our reality will be fully-augmented within 50 years, intelligence is the only thing that will matter. Superficiality will be bred-out of our gene pool using algorithms run on a global computer network, powered by brain waves. Welcome to the future.

>> No.51536267

Maybe not, Polkadot is still relevant, alot of projects are integrating the chain, I know of ORE network which is extending their identity management solution to Polkadot