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File: 26 KB, 232x316, kinghomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51517720 No.51517720 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX will be in the top 200 coins or lower next bull run change my mind.

>> No.51517768
File: 713 KB, 869x1024, 1610189921754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 is indeed top 200

>> No.51518274

How does bridging work. Can I take my ETH shitcoins onto avax?

>> No.51518469

duh, it's just another past cycle shitcoin that's had it's pump now. Just like NEO, ICON, OMG, Komodo and the rest of the shit. It will be replaced by new coins

>> No.51520302

It's still the absolute best.
Not married to my bags but it's gonna take a while before Aptos and Sui come out and if their initial cap is in the billions nobody would care even if their tech is fine

>> No.51521251
File: 466 KB, 1536x2048, avax-chan-appreciator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>past cycle
after ETH merge it's now officially the most decentralized PoS smart-contract capable crypto and it's already 3+ years ahead of ETH on multi-chain infrastructure. Also throw in fastest finality times and MEV resistance for free simply because Avalanche consensus is objectively superior to outdated classic and nakamoto.

the only negative about AVAX is that its superiority breeds a lot of hate and jealousy
>jeets hate it because it's basically unfuddable
>niggers hate it because they don't understand the value of decentralization
>chinks hate it because it threatens to removes their MEV money printer
>jews hate it because it's decentralized and not controlled by thier OFAC compliant goyim
>trannies hate it because it's not KDA


>> No.51521303

>AVAX will be in the top 200 coins or lower next bull run change my mind.
so it will merely exist?

>> No.51521775

avax is a shitcoin that's literally suing competition to bring them down, compared to how matic is constantly working on unifying blockchains to make sure that everyone in the space makes it

>> No.51522019

5 of 8 multisig shitchain

literally kys, enjoy your flood season

>> No.51522132

bridges are insecure pieces of trash, especially AVAX bridges. wait for ICP native integrations

>> No.51522258

I agree that the tech is pretty fucking good, but does it have any narratives left right now? They're going with the "Gamefi" stuff right now, but no one really cares. NFTs also blew up, no one gives a fuck about Avalanche NFTs. It also doesn't have (obviously) any 3AC support anymore. What's really left here?

>> No.51522639

>does it have any narratives left right now
AVAX is a platform, it's not limited to NFT scams or GameFi or whatever flavor of the month fad. Crypto's main problem for the last 6 years is that each time one of these fads show up it congests the chain and ultimately kills itself. Multichain aka subnets make any fad that shows up actually sustainable and there will always be more uses for distributed, immutable, fast finality chains. Just because we can't predict what the next big usecase doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Tokenization of real world assets has always been the end goal, or "overriding narrative". And if you only care about short term profits, about short term narratives, then you should ask yourself what the fuck you are doing in bear-market crypto right now. Next bull's narratives have barely even begun to form and we won't know until it's started.
>It also doesn't have (obviously) any 3AC support anymore
it's SBF's 2nd pick after SOL, but I'm not sure if having giant VCs manipulating the price is ultimately a good thing. VCs can only pump and dump a coin so many times if that coin isn't backed by solid tech.

>credulous nigger comparing existing technology to imaginary bullshit fed to you by scam artist Dom
ICP is a joke with a punchline that's never going to be released. No one is going to use your centralized vapoware scam, no matter how exaggerated Dominic's claims are. Can't believe that fucking tard even claimed to have invented the word subnetwork, more shameless then the curriest of jeets.

>> No.51522985
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 18EF38AB-9214-458A-876F-9812F9C923A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? give one reason as to why (other than a low effort racist meme)
>they are shit at scaling (never forget crabada)
>they steal their tech from competitors (never forget that lawyer cuck)
>they scammed everyone with double minting
Do you consider these characteristics of a network worth going #1?

>> No.51523016
File: 162 KB, 1044x1256, 1CCE6CC9-8EB6-475C-B64E-A6CD6EA40DE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true. Avax is unfudable!
Avax is the best!
It would be such a shame if some crab game broke the entire chain and had gas fees reach $14
oh wait

>> No.51523360
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unfuddable is right you dumb nigger, because the only fud is retarded and often stale
>>they are shit at scaling (never forget crabada)
currently 59 TPS across all subnets and fees have dropped to cents. It's a 25x TPS increase and the fees went down roughly 10x. When TPS goes up and fees go down that's called scaling and no other network has come close to these results while staying decentralized(#1 most decentralized). The $14 gas-fee meme happened pre-subnets and with an entirely different gas-fee algorithm. Also more specifically it was a jeet that fucked up the programming on their arb bot which then spammed the network with failed transactions until they quickly drained their bot's wallet, but that's just one of the minor details lost on retards like yourself.
>>>they steal their tech from competitors (never forget that lawyer cuck)
retarded BSV conspiracy straight from Craig Wright's cult. you are a fucking idiot if you believe any of the schizo shit coming from crypto leaks.
>they scammed everyone with double minting
I'd like to know how a minting bug is a scam. Was the BTC mining bug a scam too? how about the ETH minting bugs?
tell me nigger how 470 AVAX invalidly minted out of thin air and then 470 AVAX burned by AVAX foundation is a scam. 1/3 of the network crashed for 24 hours 582 days ago. 582 days and there is no new fud. It's pathetic, I know you jeets are dumb, but you could at least be creative about it. What about Emin being a member of FETO, that one's actually amusing and honestly hard to disprove.
read nigger, read(can you?)

>> No.51523482
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, DB4009DC-E6AA-4A3D-AF70-4D6359736AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what you’re saying is that… it still happened
i fucking love the seethe

>> No.51523492

imagine typing all of this and this nigger jeet slave shuts you up like that

>> No.51523623
File: 201 KB, 1080x1350, 1636257002385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it still happened
no shit retard, nobody is arguing that
but name a major crypto that hasn't had a bug, or any piece of software more than 10k lines. All of them had a shitload of bugs early on, and still do every once in a while. The point is that there is no fud, so shitskins resort to digging up year-old stale fud or copy paste schizo ramblings from ICP/BSV posters

The fact is that AVAX has had 100% uptime for the last 1.5 years which is impressive considering what's happening in congesting crashing shitcoins like SOL and MATIC. It's more decentralized and stable than anything else out there right now and you don't have a response other than seethe, cope and stale memes from your iPhone.

>imagine typing all of this
I do this to frustrate illiterate niggers and jeets while providing research to lurking anons.

>> No.51523749

Avax, ada, sol, matic, ICP, link, Hbar, Algo are all coins from this cycle that are equivalent to last cycles Tron, Neo, Dash. They’ll be forgotten and never return to ATH again

>> No.51524042
File: 229 KB, 475x383, 1627431859968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the future will be like the past

>> No.51524156

One of those coins is not like the others. Replace avax with matic and you'd be right, sanjay.

>> No.51525348
File: 51 KB, 587x475, intain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but does it have any narratives left right now?
and also Pic related and countless more are coming. Avalanche is "Blockchain as a Service".

>> No.51525400
File: 241 KB, 1488x1800, alfalfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Wu the President of Ava Labs will bring Mortage Backed Securities to Avalanche, thats Trillions of Dollars! Hes networking himself into the Federal Reserve right now.

Never bet against John Wu, did I mention his Fund was seeded by Blackstone?

>> No.51525676
File: 72 KB, 608x465, onramp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin was right when he said that permissioned subnets will be TradFi's on-ramp to DeFi. Avalanche bridging the chasm years ahead of the competition.

>> No.51526611

Because it is undeniably not shit at scaling and the only thing that can scale infinitely, at low cost, with sub-second finality and security? Crabada was before sub-nets. Its an entirely different ball game. Its going to no 2/3 not 1.

>> No.51528110
File: 38 KB, 425x283, 1597654400014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are shit at scaling (never forget crabada)
Try running an Ethereum node, then a Polygon node, then an AVAX node and you'd know you're horribly wrong.
You can validate an insane amount of transactions on a $200/month machine, and you only need to pay this much because to get the necessary amount of SSD space you need to overpay for CPU and memory that you don't need.
>they steal their tech from competitors (never forget that lawyer cuck)
Avalanche consensus is brand new and they invented it. They were about to be the second coin to have it, but BCH fucked up and now they also have first mover advantage.
> they scammed everyone with double minting
You mean they had a minor version of a bug that already happened in Bitcoin on a larger scale, and apart from the shitty PR take on "bonus block" they reacted quickly and professionally.
>Do you consider these characteristics of a network worth going #1?
I consider these characteristics of a poster worth calling an NPC