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51520934 No.51520934 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51520971

It is quite dramatic desu. He should have simply bought a hat for his egghead instead of lifting so much.

>> No.51520974

Pretty sure this dude lives in Tampa somewhere, he's fat again.

>> No.51520986
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 55EB4D9C-8D0E-4231-B658-7C4159D59F4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But physical gains without psychological and spiritual gains will just leave a hollow void inside.

You must first be at peace with yourself before you can be at peace with the world.

>> No.51520993

Freaky skull shape

>> No.51520999
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Naw, self improvement is something every man should be embracing. The problem occurs when vulnerable men latch on to grifters and go too far down a certain niche. Keep it simple Work out, get money, and do something you love and get better at it or more involved in it everyday. Also get a therapist. Anything more is snake oil.

>> No.51521002
File: 95 KB, 750x921, 286100525_343908457871279_4521630589481499443_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on becoming a superior version of yourself
>waste of time
Bettering yourself is the best use of your time. Being a gym rat for a few weeks for the sole purpose of fucking Tinder bitches is not

>> No.51521003

yes if you're not doing it for yourself

>> No.51521021

>implying changing your physique is self-improvement
jesus christ man just go to therapy

>> No.51521023

>But physical gains without psychological and spiritual gains will just leave a hollow void inside.

reddit tier advice.

>> No.51521024

He should trim and fade his beard

>> No.51521025

Getting jacked only impressed other men. Women don't care. Do straight guys really not know this? I always thought the whole lift to get chicks thing was tongue in cheek for dudes on the down low.

>> No.51521027

Also is this picture cropped? He looks like a conehead.

>> No.51521030


>> No.51521031
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>> No.51521057

His situation as a bald manlet is unfortunate, but women are whores who desire status - the great equalizer being money.
If he can get rich, dress even remotely decent and hold a conversation for more than a few sentences he could likely get a gf.
Self improvement and getting /fit/ is almost always beneficial however, whether that's a skelly putting on muscle or a fatty getting lean.
He needs to trim or shave that beard though; women probably think he's a faggot in denial when they see that.

>> No.51521058

Who said we are doing this for women simp? Self improvement is about improving yourself and nothing more. If done right women will join along for the ride.

t. currently banging a chick whos a junior in college

>> No.51521059

Self improvement….
It’s literally in the first 2 words…
Self improve
How tf could that be a waste of time chud op

>> No.51521160

>based trips
this bro. top that off with some test and dbol and you got something.

>> No.51521244

No, this guy is just an idiot.
Self improvement is more than just working out.
Educate yourself, follow your passion, lern how to dress well and how to communicate decently.
I'm pretty sure he had mostly body-pictures on his Tinder profile. Every woman would assume he had nothing else to offer, which is likely true.
Men who think they can impress women with topless body pics are nearly as retarded as roasties who think anyone gives a shit about their career.

>> No.51521250

Only if ugly

>> No.51521479

Yea poor guy fell for all the memes.

>> No.51521501

The problem occurs when fate hands you a set of cards where all you end up being able to do is polish the shit that you are. No matter how hard you polish a shit, you’re always a shit

>> No.51521507

It probably is for you

>> No.51521548

That's an awful framing for it. Everybodys insecure as hell about stuff, you can use that to your advantage.

>> No.51521551

i could see him pulling off mutton chops pretty well. if hes actually bulky, it could get wanted attention. or at least get him ready to join a ska band

>> No.51521561
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He needs an extreme solution such as moving to a different country. That's a 10/10 in the Philippines.

>> No.51521569

Once you realize you improving yourself for yourself and not putting yourself worth in the hands of materialistic whores, you will have made it

Remember that your body, mind, and spirit all must be trained.

>> No.51521580

>he thinks women love fat slobs

>> No.51521589

>is spending time and money on myself worthless
Nigger it's probably the only time it's worth to spend those things

>> No.51521599

its amazing how easily you can tell manlets from their large head/doll-like proportions

>> No.51521607

His head looks like a penis.

>> No.51521620
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>Remember that your body, mind, and spirit all must be trained.


>> No.51521641

>Is self-improvement a waste of time?
Not if you do the right kind of self improvement and avoid vain stuff.

>> No.51521667

Also if the only "self improvement" you do equals to
>Me lift heavy object
Then maybe you should just kys

>> No.51521681

If he was rich it wouldnt matter how he looked

>> No.51521684

>Getting jacked only impressed other men

That's cause you're ugly

>> No.51521711

Man I hope this dude has found the redpill. I cringe knowing I was like this when I was 22 years of age. I wasn’t ugly though, just very socially awkward. I am ugly and bald now though….

>> No.51521780
File: 94 KB, 1140x700, Casey Neistat_no teeth.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to overcome being that ugly, is ironically, to get into acting and/or start a YouTube channel about something. That's what Casey Neistat did.

>> No.51521801

"i only wear sunglasses so the camera doesn't see me reading my lines"

okay bro

>> No.51521827

Society has gotten so wacky with dating apps and social media. This man is hideous, but he should absolutely be able to pair off with a hideous woman and have hideous kids. That’s how it’s been for thousands of years. But here we are in 2022, reliant upon dopamine hits + finger swiping to find “the one,” and this poor man can’t even find his ugly soulmate anymore. Thank god I met my wife right before dating apps really took off.

>> No.51521834

You 4chan guys need to understand that there isn’t a divine force in this universe that makes everything fair, and believing that everyone has a chance to succeed if they try hard enough is believing that this divine force exists.

Some people literally are born just to suffer and die. If you aren’t one of them, self improov away. Just don’t act like a smug asshole and think everyone could do it if they just try.

>> No.51521856

god damn

>> No.51521978
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>The problem is hes bald
>Lifts instead
What did he mean by this?

>> No.51521985


>> No.51522027

didnt he knock up a girl before youtube or getting rich

>> No.51522061
File: 48 KB, 907x743, 1591134658395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhhh life is unfair
Yeah, no shit. If you honestly believe that success is just luck, then why haven't you killed yourself yet? Hop to it anon.

>> No.51522073

Idk, why does that matter?

>> No.51522079
File: 338 KB, 1151x1065, 6521051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every achievement men strive towards is about impressing women

>> No.51522115

You get jacked because it makes you comfortable in your own skin, I.e. confident. This is what gets you the women. Having a good body is also a lot of work for most people, which immediately shows you have some form of discipline and work ethic.

>> No.51522130

Actually not at all, you’re retarded if you think that isn’t true.

>> No.51522131

Demoralization shill. Once I made it I’ll bankroll Hamas so I can watch you inbred heeb freaks get blown up in 240p rekt videos.

>> No.51522148

only if it's self improvement in the correct way. Hulk maxxing is a waste of time though.

>> No.51522221

This, everyone who say otherwise is a retard nigger.

>> No.51522248

Reddit and spirituality are polar opposites

>> No.51522250

Guy could get girls. His photos are shit though. Also needs to come to terms that he's not getting 7-9s without some good game. He should be able to get 5-6s though.

>> No.51522259

this should be obvious to anyone when the end point of human evolution (europeans) left a wake of partially evolved humans behind, that have to live life knowing that.

>> No.51522283

don't know cuz never stick with it long enough to see real results. get frustrated when nothing changes after a few months of effort and then just fall back into my old ways saying "it's hopeless" until the next time I get a burst of motivation to give self-improvement another attempt. then I also see this pattern playing out over and over which only convinces me further that it is indeed "hopeless". know rationally that attitude isn't helpful but can't shake it because it feels so real

>> No.51522299

Its not his looks even though he is bald and short. Its because hes a massive fag who posts shirtless pics on reddit. I guarantee you hes maximum autism and girls will smell it a mile away

>> No.51522322

anon you're in a rough place spiritually. i hope you find a way. don't give up.

>> No.51522326

>descending canthal tilt

>> No.51522359

>negative canthal tilt
>thin eyebrows
>eyes slightly close together
>unkempt beard hiding facial features
really he is self improving in the wrong way. He would have done better by working on facial aesthetics while getting lean. Probably a better candidate for geomaxxing.

>> No.51522362

ok but what does this mean? I'm already that woman?

>> No.51522391

Truth and also, tons of women secretly
love chubby men. No I'm not kidding. I've tested being jacked and being fat (but still well kempt), more success w/ the latter.

>> No.51522393
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He is probably non-NT. Should focus on treating any psychological issues and then statusmaxx/jestermaxx.

>> No.51522404

This is where most normies quit. If you want to rise above you need to keep trying again until it finally sticks. I had the same issue for years and only in the last 3 or 4 have I finally truly got my discipline under control. The thing with fitness is as you said, the more you quit the harder it is to make progress and it seems pointless. So just don’t quit next time.

>> No.51522410

YouTube is great because you'll naturally attract women who like what you like and think what you're doing is cool (otherwise they wouldn't watch and reach out).

>> No.51522460

>dude just improoooove
you sound like when those bitches who say they use make-up because they like it not to attract other people