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51520080 No.51520080 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy just a news reader now?

>> No.51520141
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I stopped listening to Greg because his shit gets too schizo. It's the exact same shit twice a day. You can literally listen to a video he made 6 months ago and he's saying the same shit.

I agree with a lot of stuff fundamentally, but it gets irritating after a while.

>> No.51520200

>It's the exact same shit twice a day. You can literally listen to a video he made 6 months ago and he's saying the same shit.
Exactly man. Probably be better for his channel if he just dropped the output for a bit. How many times can you say/watch the same thing?

>> No.51520233
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I woke up to the fact that he is a bullshitter when he came up with MMRI. He even made sure to include Fibonnacci number to make it seem more magical, when it's simply a multiplier and his thresholds are completely arbitrary.
Also I remember when he started promoting some crypto guy who used Astrology to push bullish agenda.
Then Greg pushed Goldman Sachs as good investment because of a dividend, which was back then less than 2% yield.
He also shilled this one crypto as the next big thing, never explaining why. This crypto lost 80% of value when I last checked.
And last but not least, Greg was suppoed to be an expert on bonds who is able to preduct trouble in the market based on them. Well, we're 10 months into the bear market already. Greg didn't issue warnings back then, not sure if he did in recent past though.

Overall I agree with him that middle class is getting killed, but in the end I didn't profit from his theories.

>> No.51520238 [DELETED] 
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If you're still following him after he sold everything into commodities in May/June calling for the Big One total economic collapse double plus ultra i don't know what to tell you. Also this >>51520141, dude can't calm the fuck down.

>> No.51520264

He gets really repetitive and basically just summarizes what stock prices are doing which isn't very useful to me because I can do that myself. When the market was bullish last year he was just saying buy buy buy and these days he doesn't do much at all beyond making stupid faces and noises and make fun of the fed. It's not really insightful or helpful or anything. I might give his videos a listen every month or so but like everyone else in this thread is saying its pretty much the same shit he was saying 6 months ago.

>> No.51520312

>He also shilled this one crypto as the next big thing, never explaining why. This crypto lost 80% of value when I last checked.

>> No.51520315

yeah this one

>> No.51520340
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Ask me how I know.

>> No.51520378

My condolences. I bought GS stock when it was above $400. I'm fine holding it longterm, didn't buy too much anyway, but goddamn what was I thinking.

>> No.51520438

Ha, thanks anon. My fault, no-one else's. Just wondered what other's thought. Seems like he had one good call back in Match 2020. Wasn't sure if I am being unfair.

>> No.51520693

time in memorial

>> No.51521332


>> No.51521370

whats the MMRI today?

>> No.51521435
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You mean the real time stonks indicator?

>> No.51521488

I think the astrology guy must be a member of his lodge.

>> No.51521605

lmao checked

>> No.51521970


Yep. I tried pointing out to him the fact that we are in a bear market the other day, and have been for months. He still sort of holds this delusional cope about market going higher, going long in this market...
Its okay, maybe hes right. That could in fact happen. But in general, until that happens he should be shorting this market. He really isnt useful to 98% of the retail traders on youtube who thank him like he is the budda of the stock market. Most of these morons just repeat the same old tired "muhh buy gold, muh silver, cus implosion of debt market".

Yeah okay sure whatever. But when Monkebox was pumping, I kid you not, i let him know every day for about 3 weeks about Bavarian nordic and SIGA before the pumps, telling him this is an obvious trend he should be telling his viewers about so they can profit from a good idea.
Not a single word was spoken on this. Instead it was all crying about muhh manipulation of precious metals, muhh 37% haircut /lost gains. Meanwhile monkebox stocks mentioned proceeded to pump 140-200%.
Gregory is good for the first few months to introduce some new concepts to noobies on a basic level. But once you start becoming educated in the markets, and how they operate, its time to ditch this guy.

He really doesnt provide value to people besides "stock news". -Also it pisses me off how he promotes his faggot banker friends like Chuck Barone. Its obvious they are using retailer morons to profit from their stupidity.

Anyway, thats for them to figure out.

and yeah its fucking weird how hes a freemason. Hes a weird guy overall.

TL;DR, I dont think he is directly a scammer, but at the very least he is not useful besides "stock news".
I like hearing his opinion on what the rate hike will be every week or so, but frankly i can figure out that fairly fast myself.

>> No.51522122

Appreciate the effort post anon. Very interesting. I forgot about the new guy Chuck. Seems nice enough but not sure what edge he offers.

>> No.51522582
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he *almost* called the top of the 2017 bitcoin run, sold everything at $10k. Then bought back in early 2019 after bottom was in. Announced that he was going "all cash" in february 2020 (feb 18th-21st if I remember correctly, on a friday close) before the covid crash. Then after the FED juiced the markets up, went mega-long again. He fucked up in late 2018 trying to short right before the FED signaled a pivot, but quickly adjusted. Going into 2022 he stayed stubborn for far too long, I think because he has never experienced an inflationary market environment like most other traders, and didn't spend the time to research how previous inflationary environments played out. I like how he owned up to his performance this year and didn't let it get under his skin. He's stuck in his ways. Stuck in a schizowarped reality. That's part of why I always liked him, because you know he's going to have this wacky "out-there" perspective on things. It's just that as said before, he's a bit of a broken record. You've heard it once you've heard it a thousand times. Still come back to check on him every now and again, and will certainly want to know what he has to say if we find ourselves on the brink of a market collapse (sort of like the whole covid thing before it blew up). We are approaching such a moment, so I may check in more often than I have the past two years.

All in all greg is a pretty cool guy, he trades and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.51522799

Appreciate your reply anon. Maybe I should do what you do, and just watch every month or so.

>> No.51522869

I mostly follow themarketsniper, he actually does TA and puts out trades w/ stops, entries and targets. Has been pretty damn reliable the past few years I've followed, def not 100% voodoo wizardry tier results but reasonable enough to make money on. He can also get a bit schizo but regularly checks his bias. worth following

>> No.51522896

Thanks, exactly what I was after!

>> No.51522953

Will also give this guy a looksie. Cheers