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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51516049 No.51516049 [Reply] [Original]

Did the SEC approve Chainlink as an utility token and not an unregistered security?

>> No.51516160

I dont care

>> No.51516218

Chainlink is covered because they never marketed the token as an investment. In the early smartcontract website there was a disclaimer on the bottom saying that the LINK token shouldn't be considered and investment vehicle. On top of that the team has never said anything regarding price. XRP is fucked over how they spent 2016-2017 marketing the token as an investment

>> No.51516461

I'd like to see this theory get tested in court because desu this post reads like desperate cope. I have a very hard time believing the SEC's actual rule on whether something is a security or not is "well did you SAY it's an investment? If not, all good!" That sounds like some low IQ cope to me.

>> No.51516544
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>well did you SAY it's an investment? If not, all good!
Nope that's exactly how it works. An investment contract was never created because the team never marketed it as an investment. Are bananas a security if I buy them from the grocery store and then create a market around them? No. Link is a banana

>> No.51516727

This is why that cunt Richard Heart is careful to call it a 'sacrifice' when his group of retards invests in his magic beans.

>> No.51516842

Cant wait for the case to settle, going to be magical.

>> No.51517536

how long do you think it will take to settle

>> No.51517777
File: 880 KB, 2000x1125, 1624624395165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remaining market cap for smart contracts is trillions
>remaining, implying that this dollar amount will in the future be captured by smart contracts.
>Chainlink currently secures 95% of Defi

From this you can infer that the smart contract market cap of all of these financial sectors will also be secured by Chainlink, because what else would it be? Band Protocol? Pffff give me a break. Chainlink is obviously the only oracle capable of securing such a high worth.

This is a blatant expectation of profits. That's why you bought it. Which is also why so many others on biz got duped into buying this scam token.

>> No.51517802

>ummm muuuhhh reggulllashunssssss say thaaat ummm the price should go down >____<
late adopter cope

>> No.51517812
File: 71 KB, 429x286, AriFucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're reaching. Nice digits tho

>> No.51517828

Only Communists think cryptos are Securities.

>> No.51517890
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>> No.51517986

How is any of that cope? Are you an xrp holder? lmao

>> No.51518049
File: 72 KB, 1009x1024, E6431BAB-0DB0-4636-B714-27276D878DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks

>> No.51518107

>This is a blatant expectation of profits
No it isnt. Telling people that you expect fruit to become popular says nothing about the price of bananas or that you can profit from selling them. Sergey never specifically mentions profiting from the LINK token. Do you really think Sergey didn't think all of this through beforehand?

>> No.51518245

>From this you can infer that the smart contract market cap of all of these financial sectors will also be secured by Chainlink
>you can infer
You can infer that the moon is made of cheese and that burden is on you. Has nothing to do with Chainlink the company. If it does then why aren't NVIDIA GPUs a security? Or Pokemon cards? People buy those all the time expecting profit from inferences they made on their own.

>> No.51518268

chainlink is a fucking scam sergey printed 1B tokens, did a private investor round, presale and ico sale and he also kept 600M tokens for himself.

>> No.51518288

it might be a scam, but it isn't a security

>> No.51518380

The SEC have stated on multiple occasions that a 'reasonable expection' doesn't require an explicit statement or promise on the behalf of the security issuer, even in Howey's speech from which the term 'Howey test' is derived makes this point. I'm phoneposting so no links, just look it up

>> No.51518394

all ICOS are securities and some are also scams. PROTIP chainlink is both

>> No.51518399
File: 201 KB, 967x672, 1642115407176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider here. SEC will be going in dry, prepare your anus linkies.

>> No.51518487

Then please explain how Pokemon cards aren't securities, or quite literally anything that exists. Anyone can expect profits from anything. Even if you believe LINK is a security, Chainlink has made it extremely difficult to prove in a court of law as they have been so vague about promises and profiteering. Moreso than other top projects.

>> No.51518519

it was never marketed as such, partially what makes a security a security is trust that the company will add value to your investment as it grows. chainlink functions as a utility token so it passes the howey test. otherwise it wouldn't be allowed on certain exchanges that do their diligence in vetting. gemini for instance. try again retard.

>> No.51518659


>> No.51518861

Its really not that hard anon. Does chainlink secure 75 billion dollars on-chain? Is so, it is a security.

>> No.51518888

"It WaS NEvEr MarKetEt LiKe ThAt!!!!"
lmao. soon SirGey token will move to proof of stake so SERGAY can just stake and dump stake on you plebs forever while he controls majority stake and total control of the network. also forever!

>> No.51518979

You wish :^)

>> No.51519001


Scroll down to "risk factors". Things like that make me think that they probably do everything they can to be basically compliant as a security so if that day ever comes it will be as painless as possible

>> No.51519044


>> No.51519215

not a security. sorry fuck face.

>> No.51519346

>Chainlink is obviously the only oracle capable of securing such a high worth
>Which is also why so many others on biz got duped into buying this scam token
Honestly your ironic fudding isn't funny anymore. So fucking stale and boring, you should get a hobby or something.

>> No.51519665

Beanie babies are still useful to give as gifts to your children. Doesn''t mean you can get rich off buying and selling them.

>> No.51519716

Token not required, utility not found

>> No.51520092
File: 541 KB, 1075x598, Chainlinknotsecurity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aug 28
>Grayscale only holds 14 different tokens, including Chainlink
>SEC doesn't even mention Chainlink as being a POSSIBLE security

this kills the security fudders

>> No.51520322

i dont understand this fud. so what if token x is a security? you sign some form shake hands with the man freemasonic style and get grandfathered in who gives a fuck

>> No.51521406


>> No.51521560

That means if they don't deliver the 1k eoy they promised we can sue them.
So we should hope they do classify it as a security so we can have investor protections.
Imagine if our link was actually stock where we got profit and dividends from all the dumping and partnerships? Would be fucking rich as hell.
The funny thing is the whole concept of this would be great as a some form of SaaS(OaaS I guess)company. It could go public and we would get 1k eoy and dump bags on retail as every other tech company does.
But they were smart enough to do it this way where they can privatize the profits via dumping and such and provide no expectation of profit for the token. Just that it can be used for the service. Which is true and it's nice if you launch a dapp that needs it and you bought it cheap. But it's not really what we all hoped for here...lets get real. It's 2022.

>> No.51523110

This coin is gay. It’s the Boy George of crypto.

>> No.51523163

Staking literally makes this a security, rip faggots

>> No.51523357
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>> No.51523399

Absolutely gorgeous digits. Literally every single one of us is going to make it.

>> No.51523403

Check and kek.

Retard fudders have been doing the same circle of fud for 5 years. We're back to the "it's a security" already?

>> No.51523494

Chainlink Labs employees are back on shift

>> No.51523521

Spot on. Our fud team just clocked off and now our shill squad is on duty. All fud and shilling comes from us here at Chainlink Labs TM Cayman Islands Inc

>> No.51523526

Stink Link is a scam don't buy!!

>> No.51523641

we doin this thang linkazzzzzzz

>> No.51523769

>from this you can infer
checked, but this is the key piece
it's one thing for a company to lead you to infer something, it's another for them to tell you straight out